💢Chapter 16💢
Chapter 16
Dara along with Boma and Kelvin ordered a ride to Portia's house. She served them a plate of white rice, stew and chicken. "Thank you very much" Boma exclaimed, Something with pepper not that Oyinbo snack and tea those people were serving. I couldn't even eat anything in case they were planning on using Dara as sacrifice. I'm hungry in 3- D"
"I trust you!"
"I don't have the apetite" Dara complained and Portia scoffed taking a seat at her dinning table. "I don serve already, you no get choice"
"I just had confrontation from two women, what are they thinking sef? That I'm having an affair with Funsho? The way the other one was just acting like she caught me in bed with him. Telling me to stay away from her Funsho like how far? It's not like I even like this Funsho sef"
Portia and Boma cleared their throats now staring at Dara then they gazed at each other. "You noticed?" They both asked in unison. Dara found it creepy!
"I thought I was the only one oh, Asepe (so) you sef notice" Portia chipped in.
"Notice what?"Dara blinked her eyed confused. "That you like that Funsho guy" Boma replied sharply, "I don't"
"You have connection with this man" Portia noted, "I don't!"
Boma's hissed at her denial, "So..... What you're trying to say now is that you don't find him attractive. Deny it! Portia, I wish you saw the way she was just blushing and laughing that night!"
"I was just remembering what happened at the restaurant. I don't like him, I have a boyfriend I like. His name is Efe incase you've all forgotten." She answered and Kelvin stared at her.
"Let's not talk about this in front of the boy"
"Why will Boma and I think alike if it's not the truth?" Portia asked and Dara shrugged, "It's a misunderstanding."
"If it is then, I'm pretty sure a whole lot of people will think that way. That was why those ladies came after you. They saw something between the two of you. Something that might not be visible now but will be very soon if you continue being close to him. You need to sort this relationship out and maintain distance to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding" Portia suggested and Dara exhaled thoughtfully.
Ruby returned back home to find her father watching international news on CNN. On a normal day, He would have taken cognizance of her but he didn't; his eyes were still glued to the news.
That was the extent to his anger.
"Good afternoon Daddy" she glanced at the television then back at him. "Good afternoon," he answered, not taking his eyes off the television. She moved close to him kneeling down so she could seek for forgiveness. It was one of the fastest means of breaking through her father's defenses; something she learned from Dara.
"What are you doing?" He asked and she busted into tears, "I've wronged you Dad, I fought in your presence which is the highest form of disrespect. If you want to stay angry with me, I'll understand but I want you to know I regret it. I was just angry" she apologized and he nodded.
"I was disappointed Ruby, I expected so much from you"
"Don't make me feel horrible than I do Dad. I'm very sorry"
"Where were you?"
"At Dozie's house, I needed to talk to someone"
"Your boyfriend's house?" He asked and she chuckled, "He proposed relationship today"
"Wait..... So since that time he didn't make any move, it's now that he is" he asked and they both chuckled. "I guess he was waiting for the right time. Dozie is one of the good guys Dad"
"That's how they usually appear as. Becareful of men Ruby, you're my youngest daughter. Sometimes men can be dubious, that's why you neither love them with your heart and nor your head. Love them with sense"
"Like I did with you right?" Mrs Igwe got out of the kitchen and Ruby laughed.
Boma followed Dara back home so she could get her laptop that must have already been fully charged. She couldn't wait to conclude her article on the murder of Rosemary.
"Welcome back" Brenda said on opening the door, "Thanks" Dara and Boma replied. "Good afternoon Mummy" Kelvin greeted and Brenda smiled.
"Can we speak for a while?" She asked and he shook his head. "I want to sleep" he answered leaving and Brenda's eyes became heavy once again.
Afterwards, Mr. Igwe called for an emergency meeting. "I'll be going Sir" Boma said trying to avoid the drama that was yet to unfold but Mr Igwe ended up calling her back.
"Madam you're You're not going anywhere, you're part of the family"
"I'm not even a cousin" she complained pouting then she scratched her hair, taking a seat close to Dara.
"What's going on?" She whispered, hoping to have a preliminary scoop before the drama unfolds but Dara shrugged. She had no clue.
Mrs Igwe walked in dressed in a red top and a wrapper tied across her chest. "Darling, what's going on?" She asked taking her seat, "Is Kelvin asleep?"
"Yes" Ruby answered and he nodded.
"Brenda" he called out and Brenda rose up, "Sir" "I've tried to condone a lot from you even more than a father should. I have tried to discipline you but nothing has been worked. I've been praying, your mother and I have been praying to no avail. I have made a decision, you're no longer permitted to be under this roof with this sort of habit."
"What?" Mrs Igwe asked, "I have made my decision, I don't know where you're going to stay, maybe your sister will be kind to let you stay at her place or you can stay with the man you denied your son for, afterall, you already spent a week with him"
Brenda turned towards her mother in disappointment. Why would she reveal that to him? She thought they had an agreement. "Oh? You think I'm stupid and I didn't know right? Just because I've been keeping quiet doesn't make me stupid. Sometimes I get tired of taking. Brenda, I've had it up to my neck with you. I'm giving you the freedom you wanted, the freedom I denied you of, you are now free to live your life however way you want"
"Darling" Brenda and Mrs Igwe called out respectively, "I've made my decision" he snapped entering into the room and his wife followed her in.
All heads turned towards Brenda whose eyes were surprisingly shut in tears. "Aren't you happy?" Dara asked and she kept mute.
"Wasn't that what you wanted all along?" She added and Brenda shook her head, "Why am I not happy then? I didn't want it to be this way" she cried out and Ruby sat on the arm of the chair hugging her.
For the first time, Brenda looked pathetic, even Boma pitied her.
"What was that you did in there?" Mrs Igwe snapped at her husband who was now in on his knees with his hands on the bed. "You couldn't even let me know what you had planned"
"Was there any need? I wouldn't have changed my mind"
"I would have talked you into changing it. I married a sweet man not a militant for crying out loud! Brenda is our daughter and we can't afford to push her away. We can only pray for her"
"For how long are we going to keep praying for her? Let her go out there and experience life, there's a repercussion to every wrong doing in life. Maybe we should have left her to raise Kelvin alone. I can't take it any longer. It's just too much for me" he cried placing his hands on his chest like one who's about to have an heart attack.
"It's too much" he added and his wife hugged him from behind. Tears from her eyes poured down his shoulder.
Brenda packed her clothes into a luggage and Dara closed the luggage. "Wait first" "For what? Dad will not change his mind" "I know, just let me try to get to him first. Tomorrow is another day, besides it's late"
"It's not ten yet"
"Where will you be going to, Stella's place?"
"No. Stella loves with her boyfriend now, I'll be staying with Chris. How was your trip to the Duncan's?" She asked and Dara shrugged, "It was fine, Kelvin had fun with the kids," "Who's kids?" "Funsho Duncan's children. Why are you asking?"
"....... Nothing. At least he got his mind off what I did. He doesn't want to speak to me, he's angry"
"I'm still angry" Dara said sitting on the bed she her sister joined her.
"But you're still talking to me, I really do wish I can be like you someday"
"Stay and ignore Dad like you've always done. You can change"
"I can't stay. Sister, I've been crying all day, I'm hurting my parents, I'm hurting my I'm hurting my son" she sobbed, "Maybe if I leave, they'll be okay"
"Or you can't wait to see Chris"
"No" she shook her head then she chuckled a bit. "As much as I want to see him, there's this part of me that's angry at him because he's the cause of this mess I'm in now" "Technically, your stupid lying habits is the cause of what you're going through. Don't blame the poor guy. He loves you blindly, too blindly"
"Do you think I should tell him the truth? I thought of it today" she folded more clothes into the bag, "You should, he deserves to know"
"I'm scared of losing him"
"He'll get angry definitely. He might not come back but your conscience will be free, this lie will soon blow over in your face"
"I guess I'll have to find my own place then"
"How?" She asked then she scoffed, "Your going to ask the same man who got you your iPhone right? Kelvin's father? Brenda, who is this man?" She asked and Brenda rolled her eyes.
"Stop asking! Ah!" She complained then she hissed.
"Why did I even bother?" Dara scoffed leaving the room and Brenda dialed a number on her phone.
"Sweet Brenda, long time no call"
"Oh save it! I need your help,"
"What?" "I need a place to stay"
"Did your old man finally let you go?"
"Don't ask stupid questions, just do as I ask"
Stella opened the door to see Andy by it, he had a flower in his hands and a pitiful look in his eyes. "Hey babe" he called out then she hissed entering into the house and he removed where he was.
Stella walked back to him, "Are you coming in or not?" She asked and he shook his head. "Nope, there's no way I'm entering when you're still angry with me"
"Stella I'm sorry about what happened, I swear that it's never going to happen again. I promise you Babe, I won't borrow a dime from you ever again. I know things have been shitty with me after I lost my job and all, I just...." He sniffled, hoping it will work in melting Stella's hardened heart.
"Babe, I can't stand you being mad at me. I really love you and I'm sorry for hurting you" he stretched out the flowers and she sighed in contentment. A small smile curved her cheek.
"Come in" she muttered entering into the house then he followed her in knowing he had managed to break through the thick skin she was fronting. "You're in a bad mood"
"I am actually, Dad sent Brenda packing. I called some minutes ago and I learned she already left home"
"Your father sent Brenda packing but he left the oldest tenant at home. Mehn, that your father can be cruel!"
"Don't make me angry"
Andy held her by the waist then he pulled her close hoping to break her defenses. "I'm sorry but let's admit it, Brenda has only been staying for 28 years, the oldest tenant is 34. Dara hasn't even received quit notice and he's sent Brenda packing"
"I can't believe I'll ever say this, but i feel sad for her, I called to tell her I told you so, and she couldn't even say a word. She was just crying, does today have to be more shittier?" She asked and he cupped her chin.
"What else happened?" He asked, he knew her so well!
"I fought with Lanny"
"That your friend"
"Yes. You know lately we've been bonding like we used to those times and I was sad about what happened between the both of us. We went out for lunch today and I told him what happened"
"You've been broadcasting to everybody that I borrowed from you"
"Not exactly. Lanny is not everybody, he's my best friend, the only best friend I've got. He said you're only using me and I got angry and left."
"He said so?"
"Yes he did. I didn't appreciate what he said so I left. I know you're not using me. I know you're just experiencing some minor issues that will soon pass. I'm sure it will"
Andy scoffed then he smiled at her, "How did I ever find an angel like you?" He asked and she smiled.
Dara stared at her phone for a while, Efe hasn't called her since she bailed the previous night. She finally dialed the number. Her heart raced faster as the phone rang.
She wondered how his tone was going sound like, angry or calm?
"Hey Efe" Dara whispered after calling him. "Hey" he answered in a low tone then he sighed. "What's up?" She asked, "I think I should be the one asking you that question"
"We had plans last night, all of the sudden, your phone went off, you didn't call, no message, not even a single text"
"I'm sorry...." Dara apologized then she exhaled. "I was scared"
"Of what?"
"You know what Efe, I was worried you wanted sex" "I don't want sex Dara, the only thing I care about is you. I thought we're dating and we're supposed to trust each other, talk to each other"
"I'm sorry"
"You could have spoken to me at least. I was really mad at you, can you come over tomorrow so we can speak on this better"
"No bailing?"
"No bailing" she assured, "How was your day?" "It was tasking and later sad"
"Let's not ruin the mood with sad things, skip to the good part"
"I spent some hours of the day at the Duncan's house, I was invited to a tea party"
"The Duncan's? Are you that close with them?"
"Just the owner of the gym I do my work outs at. Besides I led in worship and his father instantly liked me, he's been nice to me" "The Man has like ten wives already. Are you sure the man is not in need of another wife?" He asked and she laughed.
"He has just three wives. Why do you sound jealous?" Dara asked and Efe chuckled. "I can't compete with him, he's got money and I don't" "Who cares about the money? My feelings for you are real, besides, Chief doesn't want to make me his wife so you don't have anything to worry about him falling in love with me"
"I missed you" Efe chipped in before she could complete her sentence. "I missed looking at your beautiful face, kissing your sweet lips. I'm worried, I mean anyone can fall in love with you, I can't help falling deeper in love with you everyday" he revealed and she sighed.
"That's sweet"
"It felt good to hear your voice, I've been waiting all day for it, you can ask Odion" he confessed and she smiled. "I missed you too, I'll stop by tomorrow" she promised hanging up then she sighed in relief.
At least she managed to clear the air!
Efe dropped his phone letting out a loud sigh and Odion who had been listening in to the call got into his room with a stupid look plastered upon his face. "Wait......." He pointed at Efe, "What?"
"I just listened in to your call and if I didn't know any better I'll say you meant what you just said to Dara. You're not falling in love with her are you?" He asked and Efe shrugged, "I don't even know, I'm not even sure"
"That sounded like you meant what you said. I have never heard you speak that way in my life"
"Abeg, you fit rest for the matter?"
"Come on Efe, that girl na gem. All you just have to do is find a decent job, put your life in order and bone that shitty deal you made with Andy"
"Dude, I'm a freaking gigolo, that's my job and the only reason I'm laying low is because of this deal. What kinds of job can I possibly have?"
"Any job is good as long it's decent! Just bone this guy"
"Andy wants me to make her lose virginity and I already agreed"
Dara received an incoming call from a strange number so she picked up the call. "Hello, good evening, who am I speaking to?" She asked and the caller laughed. "Why do you sound so official?" He asked laughing and she took a wild guess.
"It's Funsho" Funsho replied, "I recognized the voice" she smiled widely.
"How did you get my contact?"
"Have you suddenly forgotten that I'm the owner of the gym you work out in?" He asked and she giggled. "Is that what you do? Call up your clients"
"No I don't. Unless on very rare occasions"
"What's the situation?"
"The phone is on loud speaker, the kids want to say hi to you"
"Aunty Good evening!" Ade and Pamilerin exclaimed and she chuckled overwhelmed with joy. "Seriously? Awwwn. Good evening sweethearts, how are you guys doing?"
"We're fine!" They both answered and she heard Sewa making baby noises. "Is that Sewa?" "She's here too, she's awake. She's saying hi too" Funsho replied and Sewa crawled towards the phone on the bed.
"Awwwn, I miss her already, will you bring her to work tomorrow?" She requested and he shook his head. "I can't say for sure. I can't that will be too much work on me" he replied dragging Sewa backwards and she frowned at her father.
"Okay. If you say"
Funsho chuckled at how her disappointing face looked like then he carried her in his arms.
"Dad we can fix another day with Aunty Dara, or we can invite Aunt Dara to the house. She can come with Kelvin" Pamilerin suggested and Ade smiled. "Yes Daddy, Please say yes"
"It all depends on Aunty Dara, I'm sure she has far more important things to do" Funsho replied and Dara smiled. "Well, we can plan something for the week. I can't say yet cause I don't know how the week will look like"
"Please come over and ... and ...make Daddy happy" Ade said and Funsho glared at him. "Why would you say that?" She asked and Funsho gestured for him to keep shut.
"Daddy said I shouldn't say anything" he answered and Funsho slapped his face. "I didn't even say anything" he whispered and Dara chuckled.
"Why did you say that? Tell me, I'll kike to know. Don't be scared of your Dad, let me know"
"I like the way you make Daddy laugh, he doesn't laugh always except when he's with us. It's nice to see another person make him laugh" he answered slowly and Pamilerin smiled, both gazed upon their father who was completely embarrassed!
Dara smiled, she never knew she had such effect on him.
"When you guys grow up, you'll realize how embarrassing this is" Funsho broke the long silence while Dara busted out laughing. "I'm sorry about that" he apologized taking the call off loud speaker.
"It's okay, I guess we both have that effect on each other" she answered unconciously and they both laughed. "I never knew I had that effect on you" he said and Dara cleared her throat.
"Um... I didn't really mean it that way, I meant.... It's usually fun being around your children, the wittiness, the fun" she answered thinking of another topic.
"We.... Thanks for earlier on with Sewa, I really appreciate it"
"I didn't do anything but you're welcome anyways. Thanks for calling, I needed it" "Are you okay?" She asked and exhaled, "it's sad, I don't want to bore you"
"Is it on loud speaker?" She asked and he shook his head while Sewa struggled to get the phone from him. "I turned it off after my children embarrassed me"
Dara laughed then she exhaled again, "Now I'm worried, are you okay?"
"Something dramatic happened at home"
"Is everyone okay?"
"My sister was sent packing. I know how that sounds, she deserved it but I feel bad for her. I felt really sorry"
"I'm sorry about, you know what? Are you free for lunch tomorrow?"
"Lunch? I thought you're usually packed for the day."
"I'll see you after your show then"
"I have two side shows to anchor, but I'll definitely let you know when I'm free, hopefully you won't be too busy. I'll let you know when I'm free to see the kids"
Funsho smiled, he loved the way she used the word "The kids", it made her look like the mother. "Sounds great, see you tomorrow Dara"
"See you tomorrow Funsho. Good night" "Good night"
"Put it on loud speaker, I want to hear the kids say good night?" She requested and he smiled putting on loud speaker.
"Have you guys said your good night prayers ?" She asked and Pamilerin chuckled, "No"
"Well close your eyes everyone, it's good to always pray and commit your night into the hands of God" she requested and Ade shut his eyes.
"Funsho and Pamilerin I can see you opening your eyes, close it before I descend on the both of you" she requested and they both laughed shutting their eyes quickly.
Dara said a short prayer and they all chorused amen. It was actually their first prayer time together. "Good night dearies"
"Good night Ma"
"Good night Dara" he added then she waited for him to hang up but he didn't. "I already said goodnight" she noted and he nodded.
He didn't want to end the call, "See you tomorrow Dara" he answered. He knew he compulsorily had to see and talk to her the following day. Seeing her was becoming more of addiction each day. He forced himself to end the call after which he exhaled looking at his kids who were smiling at him.
"It's like what happens in movies, why don't you just tell her to marry you?" Pamilerin asked and his father laughed at his crazy suggestion. "You think it's that easy?"
"Why is it not easy? I'll help you propose" Ade answered and he laughed the more. "Good idea Ade, I'll kneel down on behalf of Dad while you holds the ring" Pamilerin suggested and Funsho nodded.
"Weldon gentlemen but life is not that easy. She's with someone she might get married to"
"God forbid!" They both answered and Funsho laughed.
"Why do you two like her?" He asked and Pamilerin gave him a look, Funsho knew something stupid was brewing to come out from his mouth.
"Same reason you like her"
"You don't even know why I like her, I don't even know why I like her, I just like her"
"I feel that way too Dad" Pamilerin answered and Funsho rose from bed. Pamilerin sure has a way of winning arguments!
"Okay that's it for the night, Pamilerin go back into your room"
"We have business to talk about"
"Don't sass me young man. Oya get up before you see my red eyes" he threatened and Pamilerin rose up quickly.
This was followed by a knock on the door.
Dara exhaled on ending the call with Ugo, she obviously wished she could keep on talking to the children, who was she kidding? She enjoyed talking to Funsho as much as she enjoyed talking to the children and also Efe.
Was it normal to feel this way for someone who isn't her boyfriend?
Portia and Boma's assumption quickly breezed through her mind and she instantly felt awkward.
She shook her head, "It can't be, it can't....." She stalled, "No. You can't like him now. One it's too soon, two he has four children, four beautiful children. You can't be..... Haba Dara!" She shut her eyes still shaking her head.
"God! Maybe I need to start distancing myself from this guy"
She suddenly remembered she promised to call in if she had free times. She groaned in frustration then she looked up at the ceiling.
"God what's going on cause I need some enlightenment right now. Make things clear to me cause I don't understand how I'm feeling"
Funsho opened the door to see Okon scratching his head as though he had just done something that could actually make him angry or disappointed. "What happened?" He asked and Okon shrugged. "Oga Sir, no vex oh" he began with his accent overwhelming his speech.
"Wetin happen?"
"Oga you have to promise me say no matter what, you no go vex cause even me sef I dey vex for myself. If you come join your vex join, that one mean say I no go get conscience to sleep be that"
"Okon, what have you done"
"Oga no be what have you done matter, na matter of 'promise me say you no go vex'. You have to promise"
"Okay fine, I promise, now tell me before I get angry"
"Oga you get visitor oh" he scratched his head now looking away.
"Dr. Cecelia" he answered and Funsho scoffed, "I tell her make she no enter but you know say the craze wey dey that one head na the one pass the one we affect King Saul for Bible. As I dey try to block her, she enter"
"Where is she?"
"I no know, maybe your room or her room. I being dey reason how I go tell you but....."
"Goodnight Okon. I'll handle it from here"
Boma sat in her room typing, she examined the 25 battery percent on her laptop then she went through her article again, "Murderer on the loose; who was Rosemary Ignatius and the mystery of why she died"
She took a deep sigh before she published it on her blog.
Funsho flung the door of his room open then he searched for CeCee but couldn't find her there then he went into a room she usually sleeps in.
"CeCee" he called out and she got out naked.
"Did someone just call my name?" She asked walking towards him and his eyes stayed glued on her. "Hey Babe" she said and Funsho looked away. "What are you doing?"
"I was about having my bathe, wanna join me?" She requested running her fingers across his cheek then he moved back swallowing hard.
"It's a simple request, you have full rights to reject it, no one is forcing you to do anything even though I know you want it. " She said dipping her finger into her mouth then she removed it bitting her lower lip.
"Good night Cecee" he answered going out then he exhaled loudly leaning against the door. "God help me!"
CeCee smirked, "I still have you in my palm Funsho, you're mine and mine alone"
Brenda knocked severally on Chris's door. He finally opened seeing her with her luggage, she looked sad too. "Hey baby, you didn't tell me you were coming" "I didn't want to want to have to explain it on phone" she replied.
"Can I at least come in?" She asked busting into tears.
Dara opened her devotional in between the thoughts that streamed her mind that morning after she woke. Brenda's situation was top on her list of thoughts, then she thought about the time she would create to see Efe, she'll have to skip choir rehearsals. Thoughts of Funsho and his kids popped into her mind then she smiled unconsciously. When she became conscious of the smile, she sighed in exasperation.
"I just want to read my devotional in peace! Can't I just think in peace? Can't I just think normal things. I mean I believe I had other thoughts" She said out loud then she remembered her previous Lamentations were usually about her stature.
When did she move from complaining about her stature to this?
A call came in from Ugo. Normally, Dara usually desists from picking calls during her morning devotions but she had to pick his call because it could be a serious case.
What could have made him call so early in the morning?
"Good morning Ugo" she greeted and he chuckled. "That felt nice" he confessed, "What?" "Hearing your voice, it's so sweet"
"The show is Dara's corner on Mood FM, 95.5 and it's starts by 10 where you can hear my voice well" she answered and he laughed.
She laughed too.
"God I missed that" he admitted and she smiled. "What?"
"That laughter, they're like sweet music to my ears." he complimented and she blushed. "Remember the first day I called?"
"Yes I do" Dara answered, who wouldn't remember? The hope she had, only to have it dashed after the end of their date!
"I hope there's no problem, I was pretty worried when I saw your call"
"There's no problem, I dreamt of you" "What?" "I'm serious, I woke up with a picture of you in my mind and I've been awake since 4..... I knew I won't have peace if I don't call you so I did. Damn does it feel good to hear your voice"
"Thanks" Dara replied now feeling uncomfortable, "Let me know when you'll be free. I'll like to see you and have a chat with you today" he suggested and she opened her mouth in shock.
What the hell is going on?
"Um.... Sure, I'll let you know" she answered, "I'll call later, have a nice day Dara"
"You too Ugo" she answered and he ended the call.
"What's going on? Three plans for one day? Three meetings for one day, I mean, God I'm not complaining or anything cause I used to go there whole day without having any plans but now, The guy I once likes but rejected me is calling me out of the blues, my boyfriend wants to see me and the guy my friends think I like also wants to see me. This has to be a set up from the pit of hell" she groaned beating herself up.
When she was calm, she took a look at the topic on the devotional.
24th of February, 2019 - God send me men! My elevation must come!
"Great!" She hissed now rolling her eyes.
What do you think about today's update?😊
Do you think Mr Igwe's decision was rash, hasty and harsh?🤷🏽♀️
Is Ugo getting back in the picture again? 🙆🏼♀️
Hmm... CeCee carry wahala oh 🙆🏼♀️
What next? How will Dara divide herself tomorrow bayii? 😂🤣
Thank you all for your comments and patience. Please don't forget to vote and comment.
Biko oh, don't leave that orange star 🌟 idle
Thank you😘
Till Monday! 😊
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