💢Chapter 13💢
Chapter 13
"Kelvin, say hi to Chris Holland" she demanded and Kelvin gasped in surprise adding with everyone in the room. They've heard Brenda tell all sorts of lies, this one crowned it all!
"Hey Kelv" Chris bowed his head waving at him and Brenda who looked away to avoid the frowny faces. She crossed her fingers that her Mother or father does not blow her cover.
Mr Igwe shook his head, while his wife took a seat so she doesn't fall from the weakness Brenda's lie had caused her. Assuming she had a heart problem, she would have suffered an attack.
Chris lifted his head only to see friend faces. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked and everyone kept quiet, "Brenda didn't want me to come, she told me she comes from a strict Christian family and I respect that. I'm a Christian myself and I just want to do things the right way, to get to know her family more. I don't want to hide our relationship, I love your daughter and I've found a person I would like to make a wife, If you don't mind Sir"
Mr Igwe sighed rising up from the chair, "My dear listen up, listen to me and listen good to this advice, if you think you've found a wife, you are wrong my friend, you had better go and find a better person cause this woman here is not fit to be called one!" He snapped leaving the sitting room and Chris stared at Brenda.
Sure, Brenda had mentioned having issues with her father, he never knew it was that bad! What could she have done to warrant such hate?
Dunni's head was spinning after the kiss in the car; Timmy's kisses were sweet and sensual. It was unexpected but she liked it. The surges of chemistry between them was divine and undeniable. She longed for more, so did he.
They made way into Timmy's self con and they kissed, sliding their hands down her waist. Their kisses expressed a longing desire, as their tongues slide against each other.
"What are we doing?" She broke the kiss and he exhaled, his lips still hovering around hers. "I don't know, I have no idea but it does feels right" He answered then she kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth the more.
Timmy's hands found it's way to her back unzipping the navy blue gown she wore while she slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He carressed her neck and her legs suddenly became weak.
"I've seen a lot of parents-children altercations and squabbles, I've never seen anyone like this in my entire life. Makes me wonder what you did to piss him off" he said and Brenda shrugged, "It's a complicated relationship"
"Try to make peace with him, trust me when I say this. It's no fun fighting with your father, it's stressful, not to talk about the emotional stress it gives you"
"Why do I feel like you're speaking out of experience?" She asked and he smiled. "Back in those days, secondary school and all, I usually go head on with my P-man. At some point after my first year in the University, I had to settle whatever dispute we had. Have you tried apologizing?"
"I usually tend to screw up every time even when I do, I guess I'm a freaking screw up" she snapped and he held her hands. "You're not Brenda, you just have to become more mature"
"What's wrong with Brenda?" Boma asked, "Is she cursed or something? First she lied that she owns at S and A, now it's her own son that has turned into her cousin's child" She added and Mrs Igwe exhaled, she hasn't been able to speak yet then she turned her head towards Dara who was embracing Kelvin who cried after Brenda left.
"Don't cry dear, it's okay"
"What kind of spirit made us keep quiet sef? We should have just embarrassed the stupid girl. We should reconsider conducting a deliverance service for her" Boma continued and Brenda walked in.
Everyone shot a glare at her, including Kelvin, who still had tears in her eyes.
"Don't even bring your own Boma, I'm not in a good mood" she snapped then she turned towards her son. "Kelvin, I can explain" she began, "More lies right?" He asked then he ran into Dara's room.
Brenda walked back into her room where she covered her palm over her face busting into tears.
5: 38 am
Mrs Igwe sighed for the fifth time that morning after she woke from sleep. Her husband finally took his eyes off the Bible he was reading then he took his spectacles off. "What is it?"
"Nothing really, I couldn't sleep at night, I've been praying for Brenda"
Mr Igwe hissed, "Wasted prayer points" "Don't say that dear, words are powerful. You should know" "I don't even want to talk about that girl. Don't ruin my Sunday mood dear"
"She's our mess, whether we like or not. Can you believe she told that poor guy she owns Portia's fashion house? I heard it from Boma"
"Nothing surprises me any longer, with that girl, we should expect anything. I just pity the guy"
"Shey?" She asked and they both let out a small chuckle. "He's clueless about her and he seems like a good person too but......."
"Your declaration?" She asked and he shook his head, "Apart from that, I can't watch him suffered the trauma of Brenda's lie, I won't stand for it!"
Dara knelt down and Kelvin joined her. "Lord thank you for a new day, I prophecy into our today, let us find favour in you, let us find blessings, let your mercy avail for each and every one of us in Jesus name"
"Amen" Kelvin answered, "And God, help Aunty Dara find her husband quickly" he added and she chuckled, "Amen" "And help mommy to stop lying too" he added and Dara turned towards him with a worried smile, she had no idea the emotional damages or effect her sister's lies must have had on him.
Funsho opened the door for Hannah who walked in dressed in an Ankara free gown. "Good morning Sir" "Good morning Hannah" "I got your message, are they really going to church?"
"They'll freak out"
"I don't care, I need you to help me out"
Pamilerin couldn't stop grumbling as Hannah knots his bow tie. "Do we really have to go?" He asked and Hannah nodded. "Yes. Stop complaining, your father told me that Aunty Dara will be there"
"Seriously?" He asked smiling, "Now I see why he wants to go. Do you know daddy likes her?" He asked and Funsho climbed down the stairs holding two Bibles. Shade followed him from behind.
"Dad I can't go"
"Shade I don't even want to hear complains from the pit of hell, you're going to church"
"I promise to go other days but I have to be around for Winny, she's not over what she went through"
"You're not a therapist. If Winny needs a therapist, I'll get her one"
"What she needs is her cousin and a friend. Please Dad" she begged and Funsho rolled his eyes. "Fine!"
He slowly walked up to Pamilerin and Ade with a big smile on his face. "Who are these handsome princes?" He commented handing one of the Bible to Pamilerin.
"That's yours and this is your own Ade" he passed it to Ade who laughed. "I don't even know how to read it"
Pamilerin laughed too, "I don't even know where Genesis is" he opened it gazing upon Genesis. "Oh. Found it!"
Timmy and Dunni embraced in bed, they lingered, enjoying the moment and the warmth. "Why me?" She asked and Timmy wondered what she meant by the question. "Can you be more specific"
"I'm older, why did it have to be me?"
"Who cares? Where everyone sees someone older, I see a very sexy woman"
Dunni laughed, "we I haven't felt attractive in a long time until today" she bit her lips, "You are attractive, I'm serious, I've never met a woman more attractive than you are. You have an amazing body and did i mention your killer smile?" He asked and she chuckled biting her lips.
"I think you've mentioned that one or twice"
"Damn, you make me wanna have you another round" he responded and she kissed him on the lips. "Are we.... Are we an item or it's just a one time thing?"
"I don't ever want this to be a one time thing"
"What will people say? My daughter, my parents and siblings. Your friends and family?
"They can say all they want. What's their business with the woman I'm interested in except you're concerned"
"I'm more scared for Winny, she can be a drama queen"
"You can say that again. I'm older Timmy, I'm 40 years old and you're 31"
"Who gives a fuck about the number, they're just numbers. I like you period! Any other party can go hug a transformer or something, I don't care"
"You sound so hot right now" she muttered, "Like you are" he answered kissing her on the lips and she broke it running her fingers on his chest. "I haven't anyone make me feel this way since....." She trailed off.
"That's a good thing right?" He asked rolling above her and she nodded shyly while they kissed again.
"Any soul that sinneth shall die!" Bishop Paul the general overseer of Abundant Grace Ministry (AGM) noted as his eyes wandered left and right of the church. "I don't know who this word of God is for but while I was meditating on the word of God, I heard the Lord clearly say to me to tell the church to desist from its unrighteous ways. I have come with a topic the churches of today seems to flee away from, hell fire." He paused and the keyboardist played a ran a dramatic tone across the keys.
" Yes! And I'm hitting it hard and I don't care who gets bothered by it, if you're bothered, change your ways so you no longer get bothered by it. Let me bring it to your notice in case you've forgotten that Hell fire is a home for the unrighteous. Who are the unrighteous? The fornicators, alduterers, liars, if you fall in this category, you'll go to that Hell fire where there'll be nothing but gnashing of teeths and sorrows! Liars! Take note, there's nothing like small lies"
"Tell them Papa!" Boma shouted looking at Brenda who was beginning to wonder why the Pastor had to make lie the center focus! Is this an ambushment? Or God was trying to tell her something.
"Lie is lie, and the end therefore is Hell fire"
"Hell fire oooooh!" Boma shouted and Brenda glared at her.
Shade knocked on Winny's door and she opened up. "How long will you keep locking yourself up? It's been a week, it's not like you were raped" Shade snapped entering into the house and Winny rolled her eyes.
"It's been a week and you missed school too, you're not even brilliant before and waec is around the corner"
"You know that Dad grounded me for a month for lying to him right? I'm okay with being grounded sef"
"Unless I'm supervising you when you're going out."
"I'm going to stay indoors till I get over this shame. Yes Shade, I'm ashame"
"Why? Are you still feeling pains there?" She asked and Winny sat on a chair in the living room.
"No! It's only that first night, but the pain is no longer there. It's not the pain jhoor!"
"Was the guy that ugly?"
"I..... i.... I don't even know how the guy really looks like. He's just one of those.... I don't even know sef, I'm just feeling ashame of my actions and the way I spoke to Mom the day she came"
"Do the needful Winny, call and apologize"
"I'm definitely going to Hell fire" Stella announced to Lanre after service and he laughed. "Not exactly" "I fornicate" "We're all guilty of one sin or the other if you want to look at it closely"
"Are you going home directly?" He asked and Stella shook her head, "Oh, so you're following your parents home"
"Where will you go to then? Do you have plans with friends?"
"No. Andy is back"
"Shey I asked you if you were going home"
Stella rolled her eyes, "I'm not going home, I just want to find a place where I can clear my head. I'm angry about a lot of things" "Like what?"
"Nothing" she hesitated and Landed noticed. "You know what? What do you think having lunch with me at Kilimanjaro?" He asked and Stella smiled, "Did I sound that pathetic?" She asked and he smiled.
"You sounded like you could use a company"
"Thanks. I'll take anything right now to going back home"
"Let me just go in and just delegate some things to the assistant, I'll be with you shortly"
"Thank you"
"You did not see as Pastor was preaching you" Boma said to Brenda but she frowned, she wasn't in the mood for silly jokes. She was looking at Kelvin who was with Dara.
She wanted to call him close and apologize for what she did but it was quite obvious he didn't want to talk to her. "The Pastor didn't only preach about my fault, no one is innocent,you're not a virgin are you? Don't you fornicate? Don't try to make me look like the only one going to hell fire"
"Brenda about your own son! I'm not a mother but I know that I can never lie about my maternity. Do you have a bone of motherhood in you?"
"You think I'm not bothered by what happened yesterday?" Brenda asked blinking her tears in, "You think I don't regret it, you think I don't want to go back to turn the hands of time. You think I don't wish I had said something different to Chris? You think my heart is not breaking right now? I feel horrible but I can't do anything about it"
"That's what you think, but madam, a simple phone call can go a long way. Stop telling unnecessary lies, I say this because I care about you even though you're not my friend, make your wrongs right before it comes to bite you in the ass"
Pamilerin and Ade ran towards Dara who was dressed in a blue stripe shirt and a black high waist skirt. "Will you guys stop running or you'll injure yourself!" Hannah warned.
They both hugged Dara till she almost lost balance. She staggered a bit then regained balance back. "Daddy brought you guys today, that's nice"
"How are you?" Ade asked, "I'm fine, and you?"
"I'm fine. I'm glad to see your face Ma" Pamilerin answered, "Same here. Where is Sewa?" She asked and Ade pointed to his father who had Sewa in his arms and a Bible in the other arm.
"You know what guys, meet Kelvin" he bent down pointing towards his nephew. "Your son?" Pamilerin asked, "No. He's my nephew but you can call him my son too. Kelvin meet, Ade and Pamilerin, they're awesome children and I'm sure you three will get along. I'll like to meet"
"Dad?" Pamilerin asked and Dara laughed, "Your sister"
"I'll watch them" Hannah volunteered like she had a choice. Then Dara took her leave.
"Who's Ade and who's Pam.... Pami, pami, do you have another name or an English name?" Kelvin asked unable to pronounce the name and Ade laughed.
"I really don't want to be called Pamilerin now"
Dara walked towards Funsho smiling, "Someone seems happy to see me"
"Sorry to bust your bubble Funsho, the smile is for this beautiful princess" she said collecting Sewa from him and he chuckled fixing the Bible underneath his armpit. "Happy Sunday" he wished and she now widened her smile at him.
"Why are you carrying your Bible like this? You look like a Jehovah's witness "You do know you're supposed to say Happy Sunday back"
"Where's your umbrella? Your Jehovah witness package is not complete" She added giggling and kissing Sewa's cheeks.
"Good one" Funsho took out the Bible from underneath his armpit. "Christian sisters really dig it" he answered and she laughed covering her lips, "Who's deceiving you?"
"Isn't that like a Bible College lifestyle. I heard you get A1 for putting it underneath your armpit"
"Who are you trying to impress? Do you even know where Malachi is?" She asked and he chuckled. "Very funny. "You didn't lead in worship today"
"Well, I don't usually lead worship that way, it's usually being rotated. Did you enjoy my worship that much?" She asked and he chuckled knowing he had just managed to boost her ego.
"Maybe I did. It was an intense moment in the presence of God last week"
"Thank you Pastor." She blushed, "Is this how celebrities usually feel like when their fans cheer them on stage cause I feel fly right now. I just grew double shoulder pads right now"
"Careful sister, pride comes before fall"
"You know what? I should sign you my autograph" she struggled to remove a pen from her handbag and Funsho moved back.
"Just kidding!" She waved her hands and Sewa collected the pen from her hands immediately dipping it in her mouth and Dara took it out.
Babies ehn! They can put anything in their mouth!
"Last week wasn't even that good, I wish you were there during last year's Easter celebration. The whole church was crying"
"Why? Because you killed Jesus the second time?" He asked and she gasped pinching him and he laughed and Sewa laughed too. "Sewa your father is a mean man, don't be like him when you grow up"
"What? I had to bring you down from that high horse."
"You know what i meant right? I wasn't exactly bragging. I don't usually brag, I don't usually talk too, you have that effect on me, I don't even know why. Should I stop talking now?"
"You did great last year"
"What?" Dara asked in surprise, "Where you even here?" "I was, last year Easter day celebration" he noted and Dara scoffed, "How's that possible?"
"It was the first time I walked into the church. You led in worship that day, you made one of those police cap weave and the choir wore a red robe"
"Jesus! Wait.... Are you a member for real? How I come I didn't notice?"
"It's a big church" he replied with a shrugged and she chuckled. "Wow" she muttered enough for him to over hear.
"I'm just shocked, I didn't expect it. I thought last week was your first time or something, when you father called it your church, I thought it was a mistake. I've never taken notice of you" "I don't usually give testimonies, I'm not a worker, I prefer being low key"
"Wow. Sorry, I'm only saying wow, it's surprising"
"See the two of them together and tell me they're not good together" Chief Duncan pointed at the both of them and Mrs Bimbo laughed shaking her head. "Why does that sound like you're trying to find a wife for your son? Abi let me rephrase it, you already found a wife for your son"
"He likes her"
"How do you know?"
"Mummy Dunni, my dear, just look at these two for a second, I'm not telling you to look at them for three minutes oh, just a second and tell me those two don't look like they're meant to be"
They both gazed at Funsho and Dara who were now playing with Sewa. "See as Sewa is even laughing" Mrs Bimbo smiled then she sighed, "Won't you let him do it on his own"
"Orh!" He hissed, "Let me do amebo for you, Se o mo igba ti omo e ti n wo obinrin yen? (do you know how long your son has been eyeing that woman?)"
"Ati igba wo? (How long?)
"O ti fe pe odun kan (Almost a it year)"
"Funsho of all people?"
"Have you now seen how serious it is?"
"The therapy must be really working then"
"Wo! Forget about therapy something. Ọmọ e n beru (Your son is scared)"
"Funsho? This is serious oh"
"My suggestion is that a little push won't kill abi will it? You can help me, let's think of a way to bring them together this afternoon" "Bawo la ma se se? (How are we going to do that?)"
"We'll just invite her for lunch or make up something abi what do you think?"
"That's not a bad idea but are you sure of this girl? What if she's not okay or maybe she's pretending because of she's in church"
"Look at that girl very well and ask yourself if she's pretending or not" he noted and Mrs Bimbo smiled. "Should we meet her now?" She asked and Chief smiled, "I needed your counsel" he answered and she laughed holding his hands towards Funsho and Dara.
"My dear" Mrs Bimbo called out, "Abi what's your name again" "It's Dara Ma, good afternoon Ma, good afternoon Sir" she greeted slightly kneeling down. "Afternoon dear" Chief Duncan and his wife answered now sharing a look.
"Funsho would you be coming for the afternoon tea party?" She asked, "What tea party?" He asked and his mother laughed now hitting her husband, "He's asking what tea party, look at this forgetful boy, abi kin pe ni man (or should I call him man)" she gave Funsho a familiar smile.
"Oh... That tea party" he answered through gritted teeth.
"It's now that he remembers" Chief Duncan chipped in and Dara raised her brow at Funsho. "You're forgetting things already? How old are you again?" She asked and Funsho laughed sarcastically.
"Dara, my wife and I were wondering if you would like to join us"
"Sir I... I..." She stammered, "You can't refuse us twice, you refused us the last time, you can't refuse us twice" Mrs Bimbo shook her head. "Rara, O le ko mi(You can't refuse me). Do you understand Yorùbá?"
"Yes Ma"
"Se a se o ni? Bo ba je,emi ati oko mi ti wa lati be o (Did we offend you? If we did, my husband and I are here, we can apologize.) Abi, is it Funsho that has done something? We'll tell him to apologize, it's not more than that" she added with a heart breaking tone.
Funsho almost rolled his eyes, he couldn't remember the last time he fell for that tone! Dara on the other hand seemed to be falling for it!
"I'm sorry Ma, I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm very sorry"
"Wo, I'm angry already, it's okay if you don't want to come. You can go"
"I'll come, what time is the tea party?"
"1 o' clock" "2 o'clock" Chief Duncan and his wife answered respectively and Funsho sniggered unconsciously.
"The prep is 1 o'clock jare, 2' o clock is for African time; the main time that the party will start. Shebi that was what you meant Mummy Dunni?"
Funsho shook his head at how swift his father escaped from what could have been a loophole in their cock and bull tale.
"Oko mi, Olowo Ori mi, you have said it all" she answered leaning against him and Funsho scoffed within.
"I'll stop by later Ma" Dara said, "Don't be silly, let Funsho take you there in his car"
"If he doesn't mind" she shrugged looking at him, "Of course Dara, I don't mind taking you" "I'm not properly dressed for a party, I look like I'm going for an interview"
"Shebi it's just gown now? How many minutes? Just one call and I'll have someone bring clothes for you" Mrs Bimbo answered observing her size.
"I'll go inform my parents and sisters then." She replied handing the baby over to her father. Sewa stiffled a little cry, "I'll be back soon, don't worry okay?" She promised walking away and Chief Duncan smiled.
"Tell me that's not the sweetest thing ever, even Sewa likes her!" Chief Duncan exclaimed and Funsho scoffed, "What will I have done without you Iyawo mi?" Chief asked and he shook his head. "I can't believe you guys just lied in church. It's like you forgot what the Bishop said today"
"Wo, fi oro alagba soto (put the words of the Bishop aside) Shebi the world is not ending today. We will still ask for forgiveness after today. Let's just free our mind over it and you do the needful"
"And what's the needful?"
"Getting close to that woman"
Mrs Bimbo excused herself putting a call through the special assistant on planning in the house. "Regina, you'll do me a favour and send a message across to the merit list, they'll be a tea party this afternoon. To the merit list only oh, and get the appropriate things ready, it's an Impromptu party but I won't want it to look impromptu, nitori Olorun (Because of God) don't put me to shame, Oju o ni ti o na. Mo ma wale lati se ohun ti mo ba le se (you won't be put to shame too. I'll come home and do the best I can)"
"Yes Ma"
Timmy nibbled on Dunni's ears and she laughed closing her eyes to the tingling sensation that came from it. "Aren't you going to work? You missed church because of me already"
"I don't open until 2, we still have time to ourselves. Do you want me gone that badly?"
"Truthfully?" She asked propping the other hand, "I don't even want you to go yet" she replied biting her lips and they both kissed once again.
Dunni's phone rang then Timmy turned towards it, "I don't think it's important" she replied kissing him and he smiled, "It might be an important call"
"I don't think it is, no one ever calls me, lately it's just except Mom, Dad, Funsho, Tise, a few colleague, my God father" "And you call that no one?" He and she laughed.
The phone instantly stopped ringing, "See! It wasn't important!" She exclaimed and the phone rang once again so he picked up the phone looking at the caller ID, "It's Wura mi" he said out loud and so she collected the phone quickly.
"Good morning Mom"
"Morning? Ni after 12, are you sure you're in your right senses?" She asked and she bit her lower lips looking at Timmy, "I really don't think I'm in my right senses" she replied and Timmy chuckled softly.
"You're drunk again shebi?"
"I'm not drunk, I think i'm drunk on something else" she answered chuckling to herself. "Ignore me Mom, is everything okay?"
"There's a tea party this afternoon. You're expected to be in attendance, get out of your shadow, get out of your room and shake that sadness off. Although you don't sound sad but I guess you're drunk then"
"I'm not drunk Mom." She argued, she waved it off her mind knowing her mother probably would not believe her. "What's the party about? At least let me know what to wear"
"Its a tea party. See you there Adunni, we all need a party once in a while in our life. Look good"
"Yes Mom. I'll be there" she answered looking into Timmy's face then she groaned in disappointment. "I have to go"
Dara walked up to Boma, "The Duncans just invited me to an afternoon tea party and I'll be following Funsho to the family house. Will you follow me?"
"Ah Dara! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Who drinks tea in the afternoon?"
"No! You're their new sacrifice, they want to sacrifice you but God will not allow them succeed" she assumed and Dara scoffed, "Why would they want to sacrifice me?"
"Because of your star now! These people can sniff people's glory from afar."
Dara immediately panicked, "Do you think that was why they were being nice to me?" She asked, "Even Funsho's mom was being unusually nice to me. Now I'm kind of scared"
Boma placed her hands over Dara's shoulder."Fret not Dara, your gal is here. " She assured, "We are going to that party, we're not going to take anything or eat anything, except there's barbecue, the last suya was the bomb" she sighed in reminscence.
"It's like I can feel the taste in my mouth"
"Boma what's your point?"
"Yes. My point is, you're going to play along, you'll be the sacrificial lamb to my exposé, if these guys are Ritualist, today is the day we'll expose them are you feeling me? Calm dear, your gal here has a plan"
"Next month is mother's Day celebration in church, Pastor IK said i should lead the women in cheography. I don't know if he's looking for my trouble or he's looking for an excuse to make me stay away from church next month" Mrs Igwe conversed with her husband while he drove back home and he busted out in a small laughter.
She was only looking for ways to make him laugh. She felt glad when he did. "How does Dara relate to this erm.... Duncan that they had to invite you her over?" He asked and Mrs Igwe shrugged.
"Apart from the fact she goes to the first son's gym. That man with the children Kelvin was playing with, she told me Chief Duncan himself appreciated the way she left worship last week and he even offered her money but she didn't collect it"
"A good child is worth more than rubies" Mr Igwe said with a smile. "I'm happy because at least, Kelvin can be distracted with those children." Mrs Igwe answered with a sigh so Ruby glanced at Brenda, she has been awfully quiet over what happened the previous night. She glared at Brenda till she finally noticed of it.
"I'm not comfortable with that look, it's like you're about to push me out of the moving car" she snapped and Ruby kept quiet still.
"Say something now! You've been awfully quiet, start up a conversation or anything"
"What's the point of starting a conversation with you when we know you'll only end up lying about most part?" She asked and Brenda scoffed, "You guys should just erase my name and put Liar Igwe cause I'm the first and last person that will lie in this world"
"Are you sure you haven't done that yourself?" She snapped and Brenda scoffed again, "Mommy warn Ruby, if I get angry, she won't like it. I'll beat her till she reduces"
"If Kelvin was my son, I would have paraded with him, everywhere I go. I won't go about hiding his identity from anyone!" Ruby snapped in tears, "The poor boy is probably traumatized from what you did last night, but do you care? No! Because you're nothing but a self-centered person! Madam I care too much about my relationship than my own son"
"That's enough!" Mrs Igwe exclaimed, "That's your big sister you're talking to"
"Big? She's only big for nothing, I can't even emulate her" she snapped and Brenda mounted on her dragging her wig off, and Mr Igwe shook his head, "Bishop Paul just wasted his breath today preaching to deaf Christians. What did you guys learn in church today? To fight and quarrel?"
"Would you two stop this rubbish this instant! Let's separate them" Mr Igwe barked and her husband scoffed.
"Separate what? If you have strength, do it, as for me, my hands are on the steering"
"Pull over dear"
Ruby entered into Dozie's home, she didn't go home directly. She had a nail scratch on her forehead. She knocked on his door then groaned looking at the scratch from the screen of her phone.
It was a small scratch but as long as she was sweating, the saltiness was bound to make it hurt!
Dozie opened the door in a white shirt, black shirt and red tie. "Good afternoon" she barged into the sitting room: It was a two bedroom flat.
She sat on the chair then she folded her legs on it, "Why are you in a bad mood? And what happened to your forehead?"
"My sister happened, we fought in the car. I'm not proud of my actions but.... I was just angry"
"Is this about what happened yesterday?" "Yes." She answered and he sat down close to her.
"It's been a while I watched two adults fight. I think I just missed a show!" He teased and she chuckled pushing him away. "Dad was very disappointed in me. To think the Bishop preached about hell fire and doing the right thing"
"I'm sorry"
"Do you know the shocked we got when we found out Brenda was pregnant? She was quiet the whole while about it until she came home one day from the University with a six months gone pregnancy. Sister Dara and i were the only supportive party. From thence, we all embraced it. Kelvin is one of the best thing that has ever happened in our lives but she doesn't feel it like we do, it's just like she has no ounce of maternal feelings towards him. How could she deny her own son? What kind of person does that?"
"Okay Chris, I have something to tell you, I'm not the CEO of S and A and Kelvin is not my cousin's child. He's my son" Brenda confessed to her reflection in the mirror then she exhaled busting into tears, "I can't do it, Kelvin I can't do it, I love you but I can't. I can't cause he'll hate me, he'll definitely hate me and I love him"
Stella dipped her fork continuously in the fried rice and chicken on the table as though stabbing someone. Lanre watched her, she had barely eaten three spoons of rice. "Is everything okay?" He asked bringing out of her thoughts.
"I really don't want to be that person you're stabbing right now" he added and she chuckled a bit, "Wanna share?" He requested and tears poured out her eyes.
"Jesus Stella, what happened?"
"See as I'm embarrassing myself here"
"You're embarrassing me too" he noted and she chuckled out. "Hey, wipe those tears off or else I'll come do it myself, we'll see which one will be more embarrassing; you crying or me wiping those tears off in front of these people" he suggested and she chuckled again now wiping the tears off with her fingers.
"I would have given you my hankerchief but I used it in blowing a child's nose" he added and she laughed. "Is it a problem at work?" He asked, "No."
"Then what? I'm going to ask you once and I need a genuine answer, what's wrong with you Stel?"
"I'm just so angry, I have a lot I want to say to Andy but I can't because I love him stupidly. Sometimes I know my love for him can be stupid but I can't help being stupid"
"You're speaking in parables Ma" he noted and she chuckled softly, "Andy borrowed some money from me recently to pay to get a job"
"Urgh!" Lanre groaned, "Like how much?" "Two hundred k" she answered, "He didn't get the job and there was no refunds"
Lanre laughed, "Were you really expecting refunds?" He asked and she frowned at him, "Remember how i always say your face looks like Godzilla when you're angry" he teased,
"Godzilla is coming out" he added and she chuckled.
"More like it. Smile more often"
Stella sighed, "I knew there won't be refunds but this is 200k we're talking about. Does he have any idea how long I've been saving? That moneg was for my wedding"
"Just let it go, it's his first time right?" He asked and she hesitated. Lanre raised his brow in shock. "How long has this been going on?" He asked and she shrugged.
"Since he lost his job at Mobile"
"How much has he borrowed?" "It doesn't matter"
Lanre scoffed, "Are you sure your fiance loves you or he's just using you as his ATM? It's obviously looks that way and if you're not careful, he's going to drain you out"
"I don't appreciate you say such about Andy, he's going through a very shitty time, from earning a huge sum of money to earning nothing. I'm his girlfriend and I have to stand by him, I understand him and besides when he gets a job, he'll pay me back"
Lanre laughed again, "Listen to yourself Stella, that guy is definitely scamming you. If you don't open your eyes early to see the truth, you might end up in regrets" "Open my eyes to what truth ehn? I don't appreciate it when people speak ill about Andy. Just because I decided to tell you something that should have been a secret shouldn't warrant you to start telling me bullshit"
"Don't Stel me, I'm done with this lunch and I'm done with this conversation" she snapped picking up her bag.
"Stella, I'm sorry" he apologized but his apologies fell on deaf ears. Stella hissed leaving.
Happy Independence day my country people 🤗
Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was kind of engaged oh, I couldn't type two days ago. I just had to do this one yesterday.
How was this chapter?😂
I feel sorry for Brenda oh, who else feels the same way?
Who's ready to know what will happen at the afternoon tea party?
See you in Chapter 14😉
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