💢Chapter 11💢

Chapter 11

Dunni woke up the following morning in bed, she felt a bed sheet over her.  It obviously wasn't her bed sheet and it didn't smell like her room, not like it smelled horrible, it was just different.

She jerked up now taking full cognizance of the room, her eyes roamed from the curtains already folded to let in more light to the windo blinds then the home theaters in the room, to the one seater sofa just sitting at the corner of the bed, she noticed her hand bag was on it.

It wasn't difficult to tell it was a self contained apartment from the settings, a very spacious self con.
It definitely had to be Timmy's! She thought to herself, the room was undeniably clean, it smelled good too! Not bad for a guy! She comments within.

Suddenly she began to wonder how she got there, she hope she didn't do anything stupid like sleeping with him, she took a quick glance at what she wore, it was still the navy blue gown from the previous day so she sighed in relief.

Suddenly she heard clanking sounds from a room like the sound of a spoon hitting the floor. Timmy stepped out of the kitchen in a white singlet and a three quarters jean. He was holding a tray containing fried egg sauce and fried potatoes, alongside a cup of black coffee.

"See who's awake. Good morning" he said and Dunni nodded, "Good morning" she responded, inaudibly.
"How are you feeling this morning?" He asked placing the tray on the bed now sitting on the bed.


"That's totally normal for hangovers"

"Should I get you pain relievers?"

"I've got some in my bag" she answered and he pulled the bag close passing it to her. She removed a white container from her bag.
Timmy got her a cup of water so she took the drugs. "How did I get here?" "I brought you here, I couldn't leave you at the diner. You don't remember do you?"

"Remember what?" She asked and he chuckled shaking his head. "Come on tell me, the memories are kind of sketchy. Did anything happen between us?" She asked and he shook his head.

"No! Not that, we both went back to the bar, we got the car and I drove you down here. You were already asleep so I carried you and..... The rest is history"

"I'm sorry for stressing you out"

"It was nothing at all"

"Thank you" She appreciated, "Thank you so so much, I mean, you barely know me. You didn't even take advantage of me like some men would"

"Only insensitive idiots would do that"

"Where did you sleep in?" She asked looking around and he laughed, "Does it matter?"

"On the floor? I feel bad"

"It's fine. I didn't know how you liked your potatoes, I just decided to fry it, everyone loves fried potatoes" he answered and they both looked at the dish before them.

"I prefer it boiled, just like I prefer fried Irish potatoes"


"It looks beautiful, it must taste the same"

"Be the judge of it"

She picked up a fork then began eating the food, "Hmm" she nodded her head in approval. "It tastes great"  "It's just fried eggs oh"

"Have you tasted my friend eggs?" She asked and he chuckled. "You can't be that bad" "I'm a horrible cook! Who knew fried eggs could taste this exquisite?"

"You were really sad yesterday, I was worried" he chipped in and she glanced at him and the eggs fell on the bed. She took it off putting it on the tray but it left a oily stain on it.

"Sorry about that"

"Stop apologizing, it's okay" he rolled his eyes. "I'm not pissed at all,"

"I better leave before your girlfriends show up. I won't want to be caught up in a girlfriend drama"

"I don't have one, I told you on Valentine's day already. I don't have any girlfriend"

"Because they don't have the spice?"

"Yes. I'm not interested in them, I haven't been interested in any woman until recently when one showed up in my diner on Valentine's day" he answered and she thought deeply on it.


"You" he answered and she laughed, "You're joking right?"

"No. I've never been more serious in my entire life. I probably just made the discussion awkward right?" He asked and she chuckled.

"You sparked up interest in me, something I thought was long dead. I just want to know you. What's up with you? I couldn't really figure you out yesterday"

"It's a long boring story, I'm not sure you're up for it"

Timmy groaned, "I wouldn't be asking if i wasn't interested in it. Dunni sighed, "I had an argument with my daughter and I slapped her" she answered and he scoffed.

"That's a theme song for welcome to naija! Every daughter deserves a slap once in a while"

"I don't usually slap her, it was just too much. She called me a drunk! It wasn't the first time but.... I've had it up to here with her insults"  "That reminds me, who's your daughter, you were going to tell me the other day"

"Oh. Her name is Winner Ayomide Duncan" she answered, "Winny?" Wait, your daughter's Winny?" He scoffed, his mind Immediately flashed back to Valentine's night.

"You know her?"

"Yes. I've been tutoring her on mathematics and economics"

"Winny wanted a tutor and she didn't even tell me. She doesn't tell me anything!" She exhaled, "You hold tutorials"

"For her only, I'm not up for those tutorials classes, holding a marker and standing by the board. I'd rather cook. Winny talks about you, a whole lot"

"I'm pretty sure she says horrible things"

"She wants you to get back with her father" he answered and she hissed. "God forbid! Never! Why can't she get it into her thick head that can never happen"


"Cause I can't. There's a reason why I filed for a divorce and I'm not going back from it" "You've not remarried, definitely you're still in love with your ex" she stated and Dunni cried.

"It's kind of complicated, you know that moment when you give your heart to someone you see as a friend and a partner and he breaks it? It's that way, the wounds are still there"

"I'm sorry" he apologized and brought out a cigarette from her bag then she glanced at him. "There's no smoking sign is there? I really need this right now"

"No smoking in my house, I don't like it"

She dipped it back exhaling loudly. "Looks like you have a whole lot of bad habits, it makes what people say about the Duncan's seem correct"

Dunni scoffed, that was why she hated giving her last name out! "What do they say?" "Bad habits and ill luck, lots of them. How true is that?"

Dunni gave it a quick thought, she thought of herself and her brother, to the rest of her siblings. They were definitely right about the ill luck part!

"Our life's definitely a screw up! I'm tired already, my parents are worried about me, my daughter hates me" she busted into tears and Timmy hugged her.

"Winny doesn't hate you, I know she might act like a spoilt brat most times but she doesn't hate you"

"I can't seem to get anything right in my life, I killed someone" she confessed and he pulled away. "That's a lie"

"He was one of my patients, I was supposed to be on duty but I had an argument with Winny and I drank and smoked. I was high or something, I prescribed the wrong drugs and he died."

"That's fucked up."

Dunni gave him the 'See!' look and he sniggered.

"It wasn't your fault!"

"It was. The hospital had to cover up but I was relieved of my job. I'm supposed to take some time to reflect on what I want but I can't think straight. Nothing is going the way I want it to" she sobbed and he hugged her again, "Shhh, it going to be okay, just cry it out" he slowly patted her back, "Let it all out, it's going to be okay, there has to be a way out of this, we'll figure this out together okay? We will"

"Your mother told me sewa has started crawling" Chief Duncan said to Funsho and he nodded. "Iṣẹ miiran ti bẹrẹ (Another work as started) You have to watch her very well"

"I'm thinking of tying her down. She gave me quite a scare yesterday"

"Just be careful with him and remember that I would like to talk to you. I won't mind you coming to the office"

"Not the office" Funsho groaned in disagreement, he hasn't been there for a while, he always hates it when his father fixes meetings there. The wagging mouths of nurses whenever he passes and the consistent stare from familiar faces and the usual question, "Doctor, when you go come back work now?" Which he usually finds annoying.

"Please. Just do it for me"

"I've heard" Funsho answered then his mother entered his room.

"Where's my grandchild?" She asked and Funsho almost rolled his eyes. He knew his mother was definitely going to overreact!

"She's...." Before he could say 'sleeping', his mother carried Sewa from the bed then she held her close. "O o ni ku loruko Jesus (You won't die in the name of Jesus.) Those that want me to weep over my grand children because they don't have one, they'll die prematurely in Jesus name!"

Funsho rolled his eyes, he knew his mother was definitely referring to the his father's other wives. "Mom it was just a close call" "Close call wo? Ma je ki n binu   (Don't let me get angry) should it be called a close call abi it's a wake up call for you to find yourself somebody, an help mate to help you raise your children!"

"Mom you know what I'm going through now"

"Your children needs the touch of a woman not a Nanny, Nanny is not a wife. You need a wife, a wife Funsho, a wife! So ti gbo? (Have you heard me?)"

"I haven't found the right person yet Mom"

"Till how long? Toyo nko?"

"She's not a choice Mom and you know that" "Who then is your choice cause I've been looking at you and you haven't even shown one interest in any lady for the past months! She's willing to try her best, I know Toyosi has her own but your children needs that womanly care. Oya, since you don't want to take a decision, let me take care of them for you, focus on your business"
"What about your business Mom?" He asked and his mother glared at him. "I had that business and I was raising the three of you"

"They are my children mom, my problem, not yours, I'm doing fine, I'm not complaining and they're not complaining"

Pamilerin and Ade rushed in, "Daddy we're hungry. Hannah isn't here yet" Pamilerin complained, all dressed in his school uniform.
"I want fried indomie" Ade complained and Funsho gasped. "Again with your cravings Ade! I already made you guys tea and bread, it's on the dinning table"

"I want Eba" Pamilerin said and Funsho scoffed nodding his head gently.  It now made more sense to him. They were trying to avoid school. "You guys almost had me there for a moment. You don't want to go to school shey? Well newsflash, you're going whether you like it or not."

"But I want to eat Eba, If I go to school, I'll eat any Eba I see"

"And then you'll get called at night; Pammmmmileeerin, eba. Then you'll wake up to find yourself in a black and red environment, dancing to Ikoto-Aye beat, that's when it'll dawn on you that you've been initiated"

"What's initiated?" Curious Ade asked but no one paid attention to him.

"If I get initiated, i'll give the witchcraft to you and every occupant in this house, even Sewa but It'll be your fault because you refused to give me eba" he said coldly and Funsho scoffed giving it a second thought.

Sounded like something he'll do! Pamilerin was beginning to sound more like a lawyer everyday. Damn those kids court show he watches online! Funsho cussed within.

"What's initiated now?"

"I have work, plans and time is ticking already. Son, don't waste my time. Stay with Grandma until Hannah comes"

"No!"they both shouted. Pamilerin now turned towards his grandmother, "No offense Grandma"

"Shade will be going to school too, what do you guys want from me?"

"We want to spend time with our dad. Let's call it take your children to work day"

"Is that what this is about? Using the gym equipment?"

"I want to build my muscles and be strong like Gecko in pj masks" Ade flexed his arm muscles and Funsho laughed, "Wow Ade, thank God we have those equipments here in the gym room"

"They're not the same" he complained moving towards his Grandma. "Grandma, we want to go to work with Dad" he dragged the clothing she wore.

"Well... School is important too my dear"

"Missing school once in a while will not make the teacher go sick will it?" Pamilerin asked and Funsho rolled his eyes.

"Just this once"

"Yay!!!!" Ade rejoiced.

Hannah rushed in, "I'm sorry for being late, I had to drop some goods in Mom's shop. Good morning Sir, Mummy good morning Ma" she said breathing fast.

Pamilerin and Ade groaned in disappointment. "Nanny Hannah being here does not ruin our already made agreements. Ade, get a paper and a pen, we need Dad's signature"

Dara laughed while listening to a pidgin show on radio. She had an earpiece in her ears. Slowly she walked towards the mirror in the middle of the room then she faced her buttocks towards it. "Is it even working?" She asked and Funsho walked in.

"Good morning" he greeted and Dara gasped looking at him then she took off the earpiece. She was beginning to feel embarrassed for no reason. "What did you see?"
"You checking to see the progress on your buttocks" he replied and she scoffed. "Why did I even bother asking?" She asked and he chuckled.

"Nice hair, it looks good on you."

"Oh. You noticed?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Thanks, I made it yesterday. Yesterday at the church......" Dara hesitated, she didn't know how to start giving the apology. She was too embarrassed! "So I.... Um, since on Saturday when I...."

"Apology accepted." he replied and Dara sighed.
"Thank God! How did you know?"

"I saw you talking to Tise, I knew she told you Shade was my daughter and not my lover as you wrongfully assumed."

"And you drove off intentionally"

"I wanted it to be in your conscience for a bit, we can all learn a moral lesson from it" "What moral lesson?"

"Look before leaping, never judge a book by its cover"

Dara laughed sarcastically, "You're unbelievable! I can't believe you have a daughter that grown up...."

"She's just sixteen"

"Just?  How old were you when you had her"

"22 years, I wasn't too young"

"You're 38 then"

"How quickly did you punch that in your age calculators?  Nigerians and age!"

"Wow.... Do you have other kids?" She asked then Ade ran in with Pamilerin while Hannah who had sewa in her hands chased after them.

"Pamilerin stop running after your little brother!" She shouted and Sewa laughed enjoying the chase.

"Daddy, Pamilerin touched the equipments!" Ade reported and Pamilerin gasped, "Where's your proof?" He asked and Dara chuckled now folding her hands at Funsho.

"Your children? You didn't tell me you're Captain from sound of music" she answered and he chuckled.

"Very funny"

"Hello children" Dara waved and Pamilerin smiled at her. "Good morning Aunty" "Good morning Aunty" Ade joined in.

"Good morning to you" Hannah greeted and Dara smiled.

"What are your names?" Dara asked, "My name Is Pamilerin Funsho Duncan" "My name is Adewale Funsho Duncan"

"I'm Hannah Ajibade, the nanny to these big heads" she answered and Dara smiled, "My name is Dara Igwe and it's nice to meet you all"

"Dara Igwe?" Pamilerin asked, "I've heard that..." Before he could complete his sentence, his father covered his palm over his mouth.

"What was that for?" She asked and he took his hands off, "Nothing" Pamilerin answered.

Dara moved close to Sewa, "What about this beauty here?" She stretched her hands and Sewa instantly allowed her carry her. "Adesewa Funsho Duncan" Hannah answered and Dara smiled looking at the cute baby who flashed a smile at her to reveal her one tooth.

"AKA One tooth princess" Funsho moved closer and Dara gasped at the Nick name. "Your father doesn't deserve to be called your father. I should probably take you away from him" she suggested looking at Sewa, as though waiting a reply. "All we have to do is sign an agreement and take this undeserving Daddy away from you" she away and Funsho laughed.

"She doesn't waste time in showing people her tooth" he answered now  playing with Sewa's hands and Dara chuckled. She was seeing another side to him and she had questions, lots of it!

First among them was to know if all the children were given birth to by the same mother or different mothers?

"Daddy I'm hungry" Pamilerin complained and Funsho rolled his eyes. "Daddy I want fried indomie"

"Fried indomie? Quite a request done you think so Ade?" Dara asked,  "His cravings are worst than a pregnant woman's own"

"I want Eba" Pamilerin still insisted and Dara glared at Funsho, "I guess Daddy has been starving you guys right?"

"What?" He asked clearly embarrassed, "I gave them bread and butter and tea" "There's a diner close by, they can eat there" Dara suggested , "Aunty eat with us" Ade requested and Dara smiled while Funsho bent down facing Pamilerin.

"I'll buy you your Eba and whatever soup you want, I swear if you don't eat it all, I'll get a funnel and pass it through your nose"

Pamilerin smiled feasting on Eba and egusi while Funsho sat down now looking at him. Dara looked at her wrist watch and Pamilerin gazed at her.

"You're going out right?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Dad does the same thing too every time, I don't know why" He answered and Dara gazed at him. "Why don't we ask Daddy, Daddy where do you always go to? Most times he's not always at the gym"

"What?" Pamilerin asked then he looked at his father suspiciously. "I thought it's work that's always keeping him"

"Firstly Dara, don't ever call me Daddy, I'm  not that old. Two, Thank you very much for making my curious children even more curious about what I do with my time" Funsho said to Dara who stuck a tongue out at him.
He chuckled then cleared his throat. "Daddy is time conscious and busy"

Pamilerin tapped Dara then he covered his mouth towards her direction. "He says that every time!" he muttered and she laughed.
"What did he say?" Funsho grew interested.

"Nothing that's your business" Dara answered and Funsho laughed. "Where are you going to?" Ade asked Dara and smiled in fascinated at how bright the children were.
"I have to be at the studio before ten"


"She works as a radio presenter on radio" Pamilerin answered and Funsho glared at him. Dara's eyes squinted in shock, "I don't recall telling you that" she answered then she looked at Funsho.


"You said studio, so it's either a recording studio or a radio studio"

"How are you able to narrow it up to that? It's strange"

"They're smart kids" Funsho answered and Dara blinked her eyes. "Can you stay a little bit more?" Ade requested,  "Why?" "I don't know, can you come visiting? We don't usually get much visitors"

"I'm sorry I can't. I would have but I'm not your father's friend, i'm just a client"

"What does that mean?"

"I basically patronize your dad's gym"

"Patronize?" Funsho asked, "Patronize means that I'm permitted to use the tools in your father's gym since I already pay for it. It makes me his client"

"Like when Dad doesn't give me ice cream as a punishment and I have to pay you to get yours. Well, you can call me your client that moment" Pamilerin buttress the point the more. This forced a chuckle out of Funsho.

"Shouldn't you guys be in school?"

"They skipped school intentionally but they're going tomorrow school even if I have to tie the both of them to my back"

"You can't tie the both of us to your back" Ade argued, "I'll tie you to my chest"

"That'll be uncomfortable Daddy, I prefer the back, let brother Pamilerin take the front" he complained and Dara laughed at the insinuations. "Why will i take the front? I'm ten! I won't be able to sit well when Dad's driving"

"You guys do know your father wasn't actually talking about tying you to his back right?"

"You think they don't know?" Funsho laughed dragging Ade's nose, "Cons" he added and they all laughed. Sewa busted into laughter too and Hannah laughed.

"Does she even know what they're saying?" Dara faced the baby towards her direction then she started making gurgling noises at her while she tugged at her braids.
Funsho watched the both of them. 

"It's 9:25 already" Hannah noted and Dara groaned. She didn't feel like leaving yet. "So sad I'll have to leave now, it was nice meeting you all. I wish we could all do this again someday"

"Dad?" Pamilerin and Ade asked and Funsho shrugged. "Why are you all looking at me?"

"You're always the busy one" Dara noted and he smiled.

"I'll get back to you"

"Let's forget about it then" Pamilerin muttered and Ade rolled his eyes.

Funsho chuckled. "What does that mean?" He asked and Dara rose up. She tried giving Sewa to Hannah but she refused following her. "Sewa baby, it's me oh, Hannah" Hannah stretched her hands out but Sewa refused meeting her.

Funsho had to come in to bail Dara out. "Later Sewa" she said kissing her on the forehead before walking towards the counter and Funsho followed her.

"Hey Tim, I'll like to pay for the children's food" she suggested and Funsho laughed. "I already paid," he whispered and Dara chuckled, "I knew you were going to play that move so I paid"

They both looked into each other's eyes then they both chuckled, "A girl never pays for a guy" "Whatever" she muttered moving closer to Sewa, "Your father doesn't like good things" she complained looking at Timmy who chuckled at the chemistry they had going on.

"Bye Timmy, bye Sewa, no good bye to you" she pointed at Funsho and he laughed even more, "I'm crying already, my heart just broke in two"

She stuck her tongue out again before leaving and he exhaled loudly walking towards his children. 

"Hannah, I have an appointment by 11, you're going to have to take the kids back home"

"We're not going anywhere Dad, we're following you anywhere you go" Pamilerin stated, "Back to Back" Ade added.

After escaping his children, Funsho stopped by at the Relief Therapy center after which he made his way into Dr. Sommy's office, the owner of the therapy clinic.  He found her sitting on a short stool opposite her seven months old son who was standing and leaning against a wall.

The terrifying look on the little boy's face made Funsho feel pity for him. He seemed pathetic like he could use help or run into his arms that moment.

"Good morning doctor" he greeted and Dr. Sommy smiled at him. "Good morning." She rose up from the chair now moving towards her leather seat.

Funsho shot his gaze back at the little boy, "Are you going to leave him that way?"

"Yes. I want him to walk before eight months"

"He's just seven and truthfully, I can only do this in the office, my husband won't let me treat his precious son this way. My son is this close to feeding himself"

"You can't be serious"

"I'm dead pan" she answered, "Let me teach you how to train a baby. As you can see, I'm using my son as an experiment for my next book and you're going to buy it by force by fire"

"You made me buy all your books already"

"So you can learn from it"

"I haven't even read any"

"Read extreme measures, you'll be blown away. I know of a certain man that was blown away after reading it, a certain Barrister, Bosco Bishop, my beloved husband"

"How are you training your son to eat by himself?" He took his seat opposite her.

"It's just an exaggeration, I'm hoping to make him eat by himself at nine months just like I want him to walk at seven months. At seven months, I was already walking." she turned towards the disturbing sight of the boy still leaning carefully against the wall so he doesn't fall.

"Walk baby! You can do it! Mummy loves you" she chanted taking her eyes off him. "So where were we?"

"This is child abuse. What if he falls or breaks his leg?"

"He won't" she waved her hands then they heard a loud thud on rhe floor and Sommy shut her eyes, "Was that my son's head?"

"Yes" Funsho rose up quickly so he could pick the crying baby up. "Don't be so quick to carry the baby, he'll expect you to carry him quickly next time, it destroys Independence" she answered then she rose up to carry him.

"Remind me never to get married to a psychologist" Funsho muttered and she carried her in her arms.

"I walked at seven months, take something from me not your father" she carried him up before walking up to Funsho, "Awwwn, who beat my baby. Uncle Funsho beat you shey? Uncle Funsho, close your eyes, we're about to suck breast" she sat on a chair and Funsho rolled his eyes then he chuckled.

Could he have gotten a more crazy therapist?

"Give a minute" Dr. Sommy requested.

After breast feeding her baby to sleep, she laid him in a cot by the office before returning back to her seat.

"Did I take up to a minute?" She asked and he scoffed.

"Don't worry, we'll walk past time"

"I have plans"

"Shhhh, how do you feel today?" She asked, "You seem to be in a good mood."

"My kids didn't go to school so I um.... We took a detour to the gym, Dara was there"

"Pause and rewind, who is Dara?"

"Madara Igwe"

"Is she a celebrity? Should I look her up ?"

"She's an OAP"

"Wait.... People still listen to radio stations? Wow" She asked and Funsho laughed. "Who is this Dara Igwe to you?" She asked and he shrugged.

" A client" 

Dr. Sommy laughed then she rolled her eyes. "Let me rephrase myself Funsho dear, and I want you to answer that question with all sincerity"

"This isn't about Dara, we have to focus on the therapy"

"This is still part of therapy, who is she really to you?"

Fubsho exhaled loudly.

"Hello Baby" Stella said on phone spinning around in her swivel chair while holding a blue pen "Been waiting for your call all day"  she added, "I'm sorry dear. Would have called but remember I had that interview now"

"How was it?" 

"I failed the oral test but I'm planning on paying my way in, you know the system now. I was just looking for how to raise some money as a form of bribe"


"I'm not going to let the job go like that. We're talking about 500 k salary, these guys are operating a man know man system here and besides I know how things are done so I'm just going to pay"

"Portharcourt is far"

"What's far"

"Far from my job dear, maybe the job wasn't meant to be yours. We'll take it in good faith like I learned yesterday in church"

"Save all those sermons for the preacher dear. Steve doesn't have any cash to give me and I don't want to bother you at the moment. I'll be too ashame to even ask so I'm just trying to raise something"

"Do you're going to resort to begging"

"Not begging, just borrowing till I get the job. What's two hundred k compared to 500k, I'll return it back"

Stella shut her eyes, "When do you want it?" "No..." He disagreed, "I won't want to bother you. I'll feel guilty! No way!" "I'd rather you owe me than owe anyone else."

"Where did I get this angel from?"

Stella stiffled a small chuckle, "I'm sent from heaven" "I can't wait to call you wifey. I love you Stella"

"I love you too"

Funsho walked through the hospital halls feeling nostalgic. He wondered why the nostalgia never ends, each time he sets foot in the hospital, he remembered his days of been a doctor and how much he loved saving lives. He began to ask himself why he stopped in the first place.

Now I remember!

"Boss!" Dozie's called out bringing him out of his thoughts. He turned towards him. "Hey... dozie right?" "Yes Sir. Long time oh"


"Are you back or you're visiting?"


"Oh. No wahala, nice to see you again Boss"

"You too" he answered.

After he got to his father's office, he knocked on the door before entering. He found Thomas chatting with him, "Ah, the great doctor is here, you are welcome into our midst. I am loyal to your ministry Sir" He greeted and Funsho chuckled at his usual tease.

"Good day Thomas, good day Dad"

"Good day, Omo mi (my child). Please have your seat" Chief Duncan gestured towards the second swivel chair he gently took his seat.  "Like I was saying, a patient is exhibiting some symptoms like that, we have ran test for Typhoid, Malaria. O ti sun mi gan (I'm even tired) . I was telling your father thay they should just take it to one babalawo house to settle the matter. It's like he has scores to settle with his ancestors" he answered and both Chief Duncan and Funsho laughed.

"No. It's not a laughing matter,  I'm serious!"

There was a knock on the door and a woman walked in entering into the office holding a black sack bag. She constantly sells moimoi at the hospital; Chief Duncan was one of her loyal patrons.

"Hot Moimoi" she called out and Thomas laughed. "Iya Beji, you can be funny oh. You've entered and you're still shouting hot moimoi" He complained then he hissed playfully.

"Good afternoon to everyone oh" she greeted in her thick Yoruba accent. "I've here with the moimoi"

"Give me the usual" Chief requested and she turned three leave wraps of moimoi into a take away which she placed before leaving then office.

"It's nice to see you around the hospital environs again" Thomas faced Funsho and he smiled. "When you will come back for good? We need your expertise around oh"

"I'm satisfied where I am"

"Being a fitness coach? Mehn you're no different from a hair stylist in a beauty salon. Leaving your real job for no reason, you need to come back to your senses and start working where you were meant to be"

"You better tell him" Chief Duncan chipped in then he began eating the moimoi"

"Join me please" he requested and Thomas raised his hands up, "Thank you Sir but I'm okay. I better leave you two alone. I'm sure you must have a lot of things to talk about" he tapped Funsho on the shoulder before leaving. 

"What is it you want to talk to me about"

Chief Duncan raised  the moimoi wrap up again, "Join me now" "Dad I'm okay"

"How are my grandchildren?"

"They're doing fine, Sewa is safe. I'm sure you didn't call me here to talk about my children"

"Your birthday party"

"Daddy" Funsho groaned. "I still insist on throwing a party and I'm planning on inviting that woman from your church, Dara Igwe"

"Why would you want to invite her"

"Because you like her"

"What?" He asked the he scoffed,
Q"Oya I dare you now to lie to me, look me in the eyes and lie to me that you don't like that woman"

Funsho sighed in defeat and his father laughed at him. "You think I'm blind shey? You think I didn't notice the way you looked at her when she held the microphone to sing in church. Anipe I know all my children, the way you were just blushing"

Funsho rolled his eyes, now it made sense why his father had sudden interest in her. "I thought it was because you wanted to make her a fourth wife" 

Chief Duncan laughed, "Fourth wife ke? Not like she won't be perfect but I think she would be perfect for you" he assumed. Funsho scoffed shaking his head.

"Why are you shaking your head, that girl has character. It's not hard to see at all, she is a woman of great charisma and spirit"

"She is"

"I supposed I'm right then, you like her"

"I liked her the very moment I walked into that church. It was just like a normal church service like you experienced. Easter day to be precise, when she got out to lead in worship, I was captivated by her. That man in me wanted to reach out to her, which wouldn't have been difficult judging from my past" he paused clearing his throat.

"For some reason, i became shy, I couldn't. I didn't understand why it was difficult for me to speak to her but then it started making sense that I might actually like her"

"So you didn't even walk up to her to even..... Ah Han, you didn't even act like a Duncan" 

"I'm done with that life Dad, I'm done"

"It's not too late"

"Actually it is, she's dating someone else already"

"Eh hen? Igbana ko? (So what?) Speak like a Duncan, when had that ever stopped a Duncan? Has he put ring in her hands? A Duncan never gives up or wastes opportunity"

"She seems happy with him besides, you should see her when she talks about him, my life is screwed up already, I won't want her being muddled up in it. I'm a father of four children"

"So? Ye ma sọrọ oshi (Stop talking nonsense)"

"Dad, you know what I'm going through, you know ,what I've been through. I can't put her through this madness. I'm still going through therapy. I'm not a kind of man that can make any woman happy, so.... What's the point? I think she's better with the guy she's with right now"

"Can you believe he has four kids? He doesn't look like way but...  Mehn..." Dara stalled, her legs were folded in bed while Boma sat at the corner typing away on her system. "You're not even listening to me"

"Sorry dear. You know that we have no light in our street since that transformer bullshit, I'm working on a deadline to submit an article for someone"

"It's okay, I'm just saying the kids are smart. Do you think he's raising them alone? He seems to have everything under control, so relaxed and cool. I can't even admit this to him, he's cool. The kids are so beautiful, and Sewa, awwwn" she shrugged then she giggled on remembering when she wanted to pay for the meal.

Boma took her eyes off the laptop now staring at her. "What are you thinking of?" She asked, "Nothing, just something that happened sha." She answered still giggling then she laid in bed.

Funsho turned off the light in Ade's room after he had gone to sleep then he went into Pamilerin's room to find him in bed playing games on his iPad. "Game over! It's night time,not morning. Give me the phone" he demanded walking in and Pamilerin stopped the game then he stretched the iPad out at him.
"Sleep" Funsho demanded after collecting it but he shook his head.

"I can't"


"I had a whole lot in mind" he answered leaning against the wall and Funsho took a seat on the bed.
"Are you thinking of your children?"

"My children can take care of themselves, it's my grandchildren I'm worried about" he answered and Funsho laughed at his humour. It sounded like his grandfather that moment!

"Are you okay?"

"No. I'm worried about you Dad" he said and Funsho laughed heartily, "That was unexpected" "I'm serious Dad, I'm worried about what you and how you take care of us. The work must be difficult, being a single father and all"

"What's your point?"

"What do you do? Why are you secretive most of the times?"

"How do you learn these words"

"I check my dictionary after watching movies but that's not the point. Don't try to change the topic Sir"  "Jesus!" Funsho rolled his eyes, feeling defeated by his son's intelligence.
"Where do you go to apart from work and home?"

"I can't tell you"


"Cause I can't, it's grown up stuffs"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"What!" Funsho exclaimed, "No! I don't have a..."  "What about Shade's Mom?"

"No! I don't have any girlfriend"

"Because you like her right?"


"Aunt Dara, the OAP"


"It's a question, you're supposed to say yes or no Dad," he replied then he examined his father who only stalled, deeply in thought.

"Okay..... She doesn't know you have recordings of her program does she? And that you listen to her on Saturdays" he asked changing topic and Funsho gave a nod.

"Why? You like her right?"

"Why are you so inquisitive?"

"Inquisitive is spelt with an 'I' right?"

"Yes. It means curious"

Pamilerin smiled, "Is she like a crush? Dad is secretly crushing on someone" he laughed, "That's it for the night!" Funsho rose up moving towards the light switch. "Good night"

"Good night Daddy, love you"

"Love you too dear" he answered turning off the light.

How was this chapter?😊

What do you think about Funsho's sons?😂

Don't know know about you but I like Pamilerin 😁

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Thanks 😘

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