💢Chapter 10💢
Chapter 10
"You're a what?"
"A.... a virgin" Dara stammered through and Efe scoffed in unbelief. He didn't want to believe Dara could be a virgin, it was simply hard to swallow.
"You're kidding me right? You're 34 years old"
"And I'm not married yet am I?"
"You don't get it. This is a new age, these days people already lost their virginity in the womb." He exaggerated and Dara scoffed, "Eighteen years old girls are not even virgins anymore!" "What's your point?"
"There's none, there's absolutely no point. I'm just shocked, like really really shocked"
Dara opened the devotional for the day.
16th of February, 2020
It's turning around for you-
After reading the devotional, she knelt down on the floor, placing her hands on her Bible and devotional like she usually does. "Lord whatever I have done that might be a sin against you, have my mercy from your throne of Grace and forgive me. Father, your daughter is conflicted, I don't know what to do or what decision to make. I know I've promised to stay a virgin till marriage but, what if I give up my virginity so my relationship with Efe can last longer? I'm in between compromising my faith here and I need a sign from you. Any sign, just help me"
🎶You are the God who was and is and is to come, Jesus, Jesus. In you I trust my life is in your hands, Jesus, you are the miracle working God. You are Yahweh, eh whatever, you are Yahweh, you are Yahweh......🎶
Dara sang and all the congregations raised their hands moved by the glorious and heart felt worship.
"Babe, you moved me" Boma praised Dara after service, "As in i was like speaking in tongues, sakaraba seke boo" she babbled and Dara laughed. "It wasn't that good"
"Everyone's hands were up all through, that's worship with a difference. I'm glad I missed my church service for this"
"Thanks. Awwwn see as you're making me blush"
"Did you noticed the Duncans came to your guys church today?" She asked and Dara creased her brow in surprise. "It's a big church, the only people I took notice of was that movie producer and her husband. You know why? Because they're popular. Why are you always bothering me about the Duncan's?"
"Well they came but not all the family sha, just the father, the first wife, the first son, that grumpy idiot! And the daughter"
"The gym owner came?"
"He has a name, Funsho Duncan, yes he came. I sighted him"
Pastor IK moved towards her, "Sister Dara" "Good afternoon Pastor" Dara greeted and Boma joined in. "Good afternoon sisters, powerful worship you led in there Sister Dara"
"Thank you Sir"
"You brought down heaven and because of it, someone would like to speak to you outside if you don't mind"
"Chief Dr. Duncan"
"Ehn? Like the popular Chief Duncan" Boma intruded and Dara almost rolled her eyes. Why does she have to get involved with the Duncan's every damn time!
"Yes. That's his name"
"One second Sir" Boma dragged Dara away, "Why must it be the Duncan's every time! It so happens that i called to their restaurant every time, I exercise at the guy's gym, the daughter is my fitness therapist, what else can go wrong?"
"You better not go" "Why?" "Maybe he wants to use your star for ritual like that oh" "Why would he want to do that? Has all the star finished?"
"Why would he want to see you then?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe he has used his evil mirror to scan your destiny"
" Don't scare me! I'm just trying to have an open mind here"
"I'm not scaring you. Those people scared the crap of me. Remember I told you that one of them might be responsible for the death of that woman that died that day? It can be anybody, what if Chief sent one of his sons to do it? They're all Ritualists, didn't you see they all wore white today?"
"The gym owner doesn't look like one"
"It doesn't come with a name tag does it? See eh, until I give you further information denoting they're not Ritualist, try to be safe. When you meet him, avoid shaking his hands or collecting anything from him. It might be destiny exchange totem"
"Where do you get all these your ideas from?"
"Just do as I say. It's worst you're still battling with marital issues, we won't want to add another problem to it."
"Okay fine" Dara sighed then she walked up to Pastor IK, "I'm sorry about that Sir, where is he?"
"You guys did amazingly well" Stella commented and Lanre laughed. "You're doing well choir director" she added, "Oin" he responded and she laughed. "Why don't you come back to the choir?"
"Sorry dear, it's a no from me. I don't have the time or patience"
"True about that patience side Sha" he admitted and he punched him playfully on the arm. "But time, time is just an excuse to shy aware from kingdom service"
"Pastor Lanre, is I thought service was over already, why are you still preaching?" she snapped playfully and he chuckled. "Have you heard from boo? How's portharcourt?"
"When he's with his brother, he barely picks up calls. I haven't heard much from him, but thanks for asking anyways"
"You're welcome. Are you free tonight? I'm asking as a friend, not anything implicating."
"I have some pending work business to settle I'm sorry. I would have loved to do whatever you had in mind"
"It's fine"
"Where's my Mom and Dad?"
"They are in one of those ministers meeting, you do know those meetings take hours right?"
Gbade leaned against the car talking to Mrs Bimbo Duncan. "Will you kill you to smile once in a way?" She asked and he sighed. "Wo, mummy" he complained as usually calls her, everyone refers to the other wives as 'Mom'.
"I'm smiling deep down"
"I have a lot in mind"
"Like what Gbade?"
"Mummy just let him be" Tise intervened on his behalf, "He's just in his cocoon stage. He's going to come out of it, even if not or this year, he'll definitely come out of it"
"Cocoon oshi wo? (What kind of rubbish cocoon?)"
"How can we be sitting on the same chair and you won't even talk to us, I might not be your real mother but as often times as I'll advise, talk to me. You don't talk to Yewande, you don't talk to Chioma your father's third wife, who will you talk to? Your silence is a cause for worry oh"
Gbade leaned his head against the top of the car when he raised it, he saw Boma staring at him repulsively so he scoffed. "What's wrong with this girl?" He muttered and everyone turned towards Boma.
Feeling too uncomfortable with the stare, she made a run for it!
"Who is she?" Mrs Bimbo asked, "God I'm having headaches from all these questions. Can't you guys just let me be?" He requested and his step mother slapped his on his arm.
"Ta lo n bawi? (Who are you talking to?" She asked and he exhaled.
Funsho sat in his father's car dressed in a white senator while his father who was beside him wore a white Agbada. Chief Duncan called him in so he could have a private discussion with his son.
"I think we should talk about your birthday" He began and Funsho scoffed, "Dad are you being serious right now? It's next month"
"Ehn, I was planning on throwing a party"
"Dad, I don't want to throw any party until I hit 40, I'm just 38 and why are we discussing this on a Sunday? Tise said you wanted to have an important talk with me that's the only reason I'm here"
"So this topic isn't important like this?"
"Dad, don't get me wrong,"
The door of the car opened and Chief Duncan turned to his left to see Dara standing there, his driver had opened the door for her. "Here she is" he announced and Funsho's gaze fell on her.
He began to wonder what she was doing here, perhaps his father has requested her presence but he had no idea why
A smile crept through his cheeks and Dara bowed her head in respect to Chief Duncan, "Good afternoon Sir" she greeted slightly bending her knees. "Good afternoon Jare, good afternoon" Chief Duncan replied turning his gaze towards his son who was still smiling uncontrollably at Dara.
When Funsho's eyes met with his father's, he cleared his throat looking away.
"My Pastor said... You wanted to see me Sir"
"Yes dear, you are correct" he answered .
"I'll be outside" Funsho excused himself and Dara cleared her throat. "It's as if you know my son"
"I... I don't actually. I only exercise at his gym, we entered into the same Taxi once but that's not even enough to say I know him, I really don't"
"Oh. So you like to keep fit shebi? Awon Agbani Darego"
Dara examined her stature, "This is my natural stature, I just don't have any choice. My body makes me keep fit even when I don't want to"
"So you're not exercising to keep fit"
"Erm......." She stalled wondering how she was going to explain her work outs were mainly for bigger buttocks and wider hips. "Well, the exercise is for something different"
"So you want to be like orobo, have big buttocks and hips shey?" "You have no idea Sir" she replied and Chief Duncan laughed. "Talk to a dietician, they'll recommend the best possible kind of nutritional supplements to take but don't worry, when the fat will come, nobody will tell you to start burning the fat in that same gym" he answered and she chuckled.
"Let it come first"
"No wahala. It's just a matter of time and rest, you're still young, how old are you, 24, 25"
"Hm.... " Dara nodded and he noticed her hesistation.
"Wait.... Abi, is it not 25 or is it 26?"
"Age is age Sir"
"Ah han, okay, is it 27?"
"Abi it's lower than that"
"What does it matter Sir?"
"It matters to me, let me know jare, don't put me in suspense"
"I'm thirty four years old Sir" she answered through her teeth and his eyes widened in shock. "Are you sure?" He asked then he laughed at his own question. "Look at me asking you sure like it's my age" he chipped in and Dara laughed.
He sure had humor!
"Walahi you are lucky. If I can have that kind of blessing to look young forever ehn"
"I take it as a curse"
"Curse ke? See ehn, God is not a author of confusion. He gave you this outlook for a reason, there is no such thing as curses, only superstitions and human errors. Is it marriage that's disturbing you?" He asked and Dara wondered how he knew.
"I know now! I know these things! It's not a new thing! There's nothing that happens in this Earth that Edumare does not have solution too. I'm sure as you are, God has created you for a special purpose" he answered and Dara smiled, she began to wonder if a Ritualist can actually be this sensitive to workings of God. She also wondered why she was warming up quickly to him.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this"
"Dont sweat it, I usually have that effect on people especially women" he answered and she chuckled softly.
"They call me Chief Duncan, others call me Dr Duncan, feel free to choose one"
"My name is Dara Isabelle Igwe, Dara is from the Ibibio name, Madara"
"It's nice to meet you dear"
"The pleasure is all mine Sir"
"I called you out to let you know that I enjoyed your worship so well. You know, I was contemplating on which church to bless and I chose Funsho's church"
Funsho's church? Dara scoffed within. How it possible the man attended her church and she has never taken cognizance of it?
"Well, you blessed my life with your worship. You lifted my spirits to the heavens"
"I'm glad I did."
"Oko mi" Mrs Bimbo Duncan called entering into the car and Dara bent her knees. "Good afternoon Ma" "Good afternoon my dear, you're the worship leader right?"
"Yes Ma"
"Darling, I was telling her how she lifted my spirits and how I want to in turn bless her life"
"That's very good. You did well my dear, o try gan (You did well)"
He tore out a cheque leaf from his cheque book and Dara shook her head. "It's not necessary Sir"
"Darling, what is she saying, come on give her something jare. How can you be refusing my husband's gift?"
"Ma. I don't want the money"
"Are you rejecting my husband's kind gesture?"
"No Ma. I'm glad I lifted your spirit up, I won't feel comfortable collecting money for it. Thank you very much Sir and Ma, you're welcome to our church and we'll really love to see more often. I'll like to take my leave now" she said walking away and Mrs Bimbo smiled.
"Such a sweet girl"
"Abi sweet woman, that one is not a little girl oh; don't be mistaken, that's one mature woman there"
Shade held hands with her father at the parking lot then she pouted her lips. "Daddy let's go back home" "I was planning on talking to someone" "You can't be serious! I've been to this church like five times and I've never spotted you talking to anyone"
Funsho laughed, "Are you indirectly calling your father a loner?" "You're a church loner. Dad I'm bored" "What's it with you all and church? Okay fine, go wait in the car, I'll be with you shortly" he said handing over the car keys to her.
"Okay Dad" she replied leaving then he exhaled walking towards Dara. "I think my Dad Is need of a Fourth wife" he teased and Dara laughed sarcastically.
"Was that supposed to be funny?"
"It was just a joke"
"Well it wasn't funny. My life might be pathetic but not that pathetic to that extent. The man is old enough to be my father"
"It was a joke" he repeated, "I believe I said that before"
"So you brought your chick to church" she assumed now folding hands and he laughed plunging his hands into his pocket. "Let me guess, you're speechless"
"Stole the words right out of my mouth"
"You're on a holy ground. It's child abuse you're committing. You'll go to hell fire"
"God....." He trailed off then he laughed again. He heard his car horn then he turned back. "Um... I have to go. I'll see you at the gym tomorrow"
He stated before leaving.
Tise walked up to her smiling, "Nice ministration in there Dara" she said and Dara smiled. "Thank you." "You never told me you and brother were on speaking terms"
"No we're not. We had one taxi experience, i think your brother is shameless"
"Do you guys agree with his little charade with that little girl. I mean he even had the guts to bring her to church. I hate being on the judgemental side but please, that girl is very young"
"What? Who" Tise asked, "I meant the girl he's fooling around with. I met her once at Timmy's dinner. She's so young"
"Funsho isn't fooling around with anyone. That's his daughter!" She replied laughing hard and Dara's widened in surprise. "What?"
"That's Shade"
"Oh my God.... All my assumptions, I even told him to his face. No wonder he said i leave him speeches" she complained, now overwhelmed with guilt. She slapped her forehead before walking towards the car.
Funsho who was watching her from the front mirror chuckled on seeing her coming his way. He knew Tise must have said something and she was definitely coming back to apologize for her wrong assumption. He read the expression on her face so he grinned and drove off before she had a chance to speak.
"What?" Dara asked in shock then she returned back to Tise, "Did you.... Did you ... just see that? It was intentional right? It was definitely intentional"
Dara sat in a salon while two ladies braided her hair. She couldn't stop talking about all that happened in church to Boma and Stella who had escorted her to have their nails fixed.
"Thank God you didn't receive the money" Boma exclaimed waving her hands.
"What's her business if it's blood money? I mean it will be wired into her account and withdrawn from the ATM. It's not direct blood money now"
"Blood money is blood money"
"Can you count how many you've spent?"
"How old do you think that gym owner would have been when he had that child?" Dara asked unconsciously and Boma laughed. "Look at what this one is thinking of. Stop calling him gym owner, he has a name, Funsho Duncan"
"I still don't understand why he didn't just let me know that the girl was his daughter. After all my assumptions, now I'm feeling guilty, coupled with this Efe wahala too"
"Have you called him?" Stella asked and Dara shook her head. "I'm feeling reluctant, I mean the way he reacted last night and all. Like being a virgin was a bad thing for me. The rest of the night was quiet, he didn't say much"
"Well it's not a bad thing" Stella snapped, "You've been keeping that treasure for too long, don't lose it anyhow unless you feel the person is worth it" .
"Like Andy was" Dara snapped and Stella sighed, "Yes, he was worth it"
Brenda offered to help her mother cook in the kitchen. While they made lunch, she cleared her throat scratching her cheek and her mother noticed her uneasiness. It was something she does whenever she had something to say.
"What?" Her mother asked sounding frustrated as though Brenda had already said something she disapprove of already.
"Nothing... Did I say anything?"
"I know you want to say something"
"What?" Brenda squealed then she scoffed, "Why would i want to say something?"
"Because you're my daughter and I know you. You don't do anything for free, I'm pretty sure you're doing this because of you need something"
"Now you'll make me feel guilty" She stalled, "For what? Something you usually do?"
"Mom I help out once in a while"
"Only when it's convenient for you. What do you want?"
"I'll be... Staying over at Stella's home next week. I just thought maybe you can talk to Dad for me" she replied now clearing her throat.
"Oh. You mean to stay at Stella's place like you did on Valentine's day"
"Oh shut up Brenda! Do I look stupid to you? You think I didn't know where you went to? Fine I didn't know where you went to but I'm sure you went to see a man and you've probably promised him you'll be available for him next week"
"Actually.... I haven't. I just want to get to know him"
"Like the biblical use of know?" She asked and she laughed. "No!" Brenda answered. "Okay.... His name is Chris Holland, I met him at a party. He's really nice, he's the perfect gentleman. Mom I've never seen any man like him before"
Her mother watched her in awe, Brenda has never been the kind to talk about any guy she has ever been with. "You've never ever spoken up about your boyfriends"
"Chris is different. In this short time, I've fallen in love with him"
"Wow.... How much do you know about him?"
"A little and I want to know more"
"Be careful Brenda! We don't want another.... Kelvin's not a mistake but.... You know what I mean"
"I do Mom. We're not having sex, not like I don't want to, i really do" she answered dreamily, "Like really really really do but..... He doesn't want to rush it"
"Those kindo of men still exists?" Mrs Igwe asked and Brenda chuckled, "Shocked me too" she answered and they both laughed.
"Does he know you have a child?"
"Not yet"
"Not yet? Are you even going to tell him?"
"Will you help me tell Dad...."
"I will"
"This is first time we're having a discussion without you yelling at me" Brenda noted and her mother laughed. "Because you've never been the kind to talk to me about anything and I would really like you to tell me more things" she answered with a smile and Brenda smiled back.
"Because I'm always scared of your reaction"
"I'm a mother! I'm expected to react certain ways when my children don't do what is expected of them. You need to start connecting with your son dear, you barely play with him when you're home"
"Maybe not like the way Dara or Ruby does but... I play with him too"
Kelvin walked into the kitchen holding a go tv remote, "Grandma, they've started pj masks" he jumped happily then he went back to the sitting room and Mrs Igwe turned towards her, "It's almost as though you don't exist in his little world. You better start being apart of it before you lose a chance of being in it"
Efe's phone rang while he drank in a bar. The caller ID was no other than Andy so he hissed before picking up the call. "Guy how far now" he began, "No greetings?" "What do you want me to say? Happy Sunday?" He snapped and Andy laughed.
"What's fouling your mood?"
"Abeg, can you call back later if you no get better gist. I dey vex"
"Because of what happened on Valentine's day?"
"Efe scoffed, "Not just that! See ehn, I no get power to talk. I just weak as I dey" "How's your relationship with Dara?"
Efe responded with a long hiss. "You no tell me say that babe na Virgin, I being dey plan to score goals but this babe na core virgin"
"Jesus!" Andy exhaled, "Dara, Dara, Dara, she never seize to surprise me" "Who don ever see 34 years old virgin before? Even eighteen years old babes no be virgin again. Which world this babe come out from sef?"
"Are you accepting defeat"
"No. I'm still playing her but, it's quite disappointing that I won't be scoring goals cause if I know who that babe is ehn, I'll be waiting a long time"
"A whole Efetobo? Come on man, when I get you this task, I assumed you'll be up to the task"
"She's already in love with me"
"Why don't we make this interesting, if you can have your way with her, I'll increase your pay"
"Like.... Like make her lose her virginity to me"
"Correct. Are you or not?"
Funsho and Shade got out from the car and the driver, Okon walked up to them. "Good afternoon Mr Okon" Shade greeted, "Good afternoon small Madam" he answered and Shade laughed at his reply like she usually does. For some reason, that name sounded funny to her.
"Oga good afternoon" he greeted in his ibibio accent. "Afternoon, where are they?" "Inside oh"
"They are things in the car for the boys and you also."
"Oga, na why I like you over be that. God bless you Sir"
Two boys ran towards him hugging him. "Welcome Dad" they said in unison and Funsho groaned. "Do I need to ask if you've eaten? You guys are way stronger than I am right now. I'm light and hungry"
"How was church?" Ten years old Pamilerin asked in a mature tone, not like he cared, it was just his usual routine. Funsho scoffed, "Don't ask me, come on your own"
"I don't like church"
"I sleep every time in church" six years old Ade complained, Funsho rolled his eyes, that has always been his excuse from the inception.
"And the sermons" Pamilerin covered his palm against his face. "They take forever and you just want to put a paper tape over the mouth of the preacher" he answered and Shade laughed.
"I almost did today". She confessed and everyone laughed except their father.
"Some day I'll have to force you all to go to church with me"
They all laughed, "Good one Dad, I'll pee ten times as an excuse to leave" Pamilerin answered, "And I'll wear you a freaking pampers, thank God it comes in different sizes, one for you and the other for Ade" he promised and Pamilerin noticed the seriousness on his father's face.
"Yes I'm serious." He answered ad though answering the question in his mind. Then he walking into the sitting room where he found the baby sitter carrying his five months old baby in her arms.
"See who's back?" Hannah asked and Sewa waved her hands when she saw him. She immediately pushed her body to him smiling and revealing her one tooth.
"The second one hasn't grown yet?" he asked and Hannah laughed, was it supposed to grow by the time he got back from church? She asked within.
"I prayed for you baby, I prayed for your tooth" he added chuckling to himself. "Has she eaten?" "She wants you to feed her as usual"
Funsho laughed, "I'm at your service Madam" he raised his daughter making gurgling noises and she laughed making the one tooth even more visible.
Funsho later put a call through to her sister so he could the necessary information her. He knew the revelation was going to make her feel guilty but it was nonetheless compulsory to let her know!
"Hello Dunni" "Hey Funsho," she sighed, "Have you been drinking?" "God!" She gasped, "I'm not judging you Dunni, I just want you to know that everything will be okay. The drink won't take the pains away"
"I'm not drunk, I was sleeping" "Sorry to wake you up"
"It's fine. What's up?"
"Shade told me something yesterday but with my whole schedule. I forgot to tell you"
"Tell me what?"
"What's wrong with Winny? Ki lo se Winny? (What happened to Winny)"
Dunni drove over to her ex-husband's home. She knocked on the door and Thomas's maid opened up. "Good afternoon Ma" she greeted and Dunni walked past her.
"Thomas!" She exclaimed, "Thomas! Come down here!"
"What's all this noise for?" Thomas climbed down the stairs. "Dunni baby, to what do I owe this August visit in February?" He asked and she scoffed.
"Where was our daughter on Valentine's night?"
"With Shade"
"You're so so stupid!"
"Ah han! What's with this insults?"
"You claim you're better than me but yet you allow our daughter out without proper supervision. What if she had gotten raped?"
"In your own brother's house? I know the guy has issues but Funsho's not that depraved now!"
"Winny didn't sleep at my brother's place newsflash! She slept with a stranger and who knows the diseases she might be harbouring. Where were you?"
"I didn't know"
"Well newsflash! It happened" She answered then she saw Winny walk down the stairs, "Why are you here?" She asked standing behind her father and Dunni sighed walking towards her, "I came here as a doctor and a mother to take care of you"
"I don't need your help, Dad can help"
"Winner! This isn't proper, I'm your mother. I know you have hormones and a lot of questions now that you're experienced"
"Well, I'd rather take advise from Dad than a drunk. Thank you very much" she snapped and Dunni slapped her, "How dare you?" She asked then she felt guilty for slapping her.
"I'm sorry" she apologized as though she just realized what she did.
"I hate you!" Winny exclaimed storming back into her room.
Dunni cried.
Funsho got out of the bathroom into the bed room where he had left his baby on the floor in front of several toys including a yellow toy car that belonged to Ade. It was a routine he has been employing for a while now so she could learn how to crawl.
He couldn't find Sewa in her sitting postion so he assumed Hannah had come in to take her. "Hannah!" He called out then he walked out of the room quickly in his towel. "Pamilerin!" He called out to his son but there was no response.
Immediately he saw his daughter close to the stairs crawling after the car that only kept wheeling towards the edge of the stairs. "Jesus Sewa!" Hannah yelled from down the stairs.
"Sewa!" Funsho called out in fear and Sewa sat down on seeing him then she clapped her hands opening her one tooth.
Funsho quickly carried her, "Be smiling there, you could have fallen off the stairs." He pressed her head against his shoulder then he sighed in relief.
He looked down at Hannah whose bag was hung across her shoulder in preparation to leave.
"You didn't tell me she had started crawling"
"I told you last week but you said i was exaggerating. She's been hiding it, I guess I gave up trying to explain to you" Hannah answered and Funsho took a look at his daughter who was still smiling.
"Don't ever scare me that way again" he warned as though the baby could hear him.
Dara knocked on Efe's door and Odion opened up. "Hey... Dara shey?" He asked and Dara nodded. "Who are you?" "That guy's cousin" he answered. "Come in, he went out to get suya, he'll be back soon. Come in"
"Is that a good idea?"
"I'm not going to harm you. I'm totally harmless" he answered and she entered. "Even if you're harmless, you'll still say you're not harmless. I'm entering with one mind" she revealed and he chuckled softly.
"So I heard you're a OAP at Mood FM"
"Yes. Have you ever listened to me?"
"If it's not the major FM programs, I don't tune in anyhow. I'm sorry"
"The programs are usually nice, just try it one day. Dara's corner by 10 am, 95.5 is the dial"
Odion laughed. "I don't know, I'm used to cool FM, beat FM, inspiration FM, rhythm" "Thank God I'm introducing you to Mood FM, God ordered my steps well. Do you love good music?"
"Who doesn't like good music?"
"Then listen to my show, I play the best naija and international songs, hip hop, alternative, rocks, to whatever genre of music you can think of?"
"Most Nigerians usually frown upon rock"
"I love rock"
"Who's your favorite rock artiste?"
"I'm more of the Linkin Park, cranberries kind of girl. I like it old school. For alternative, Jon Bellion is my muse"
Odion smiled, "Have you listened to his new single?" "Conversation with my wife? I follow him like I follow all major gospel devotionals in the country" she answered and they both laughed.
"What's your name?" She asked, "Odion"
Efe entered, he was shocked to see her in the house. She never informed him she'll be coming over. "Surprise!" She exclaimed and a small sincere smile curved his cheeks.
Damn was he also happy to see her face!
"What are you doing here?"
"Aren't I allowed to visit my boyfriend anymore?" She asked and Odion scratched his head. "Of course you are" he replied now looking at Odion. "You couldn't even offer her a seat"
"You be Mumu!" He snapped leaving the house then he walked back in, "if you chop my suya finish,Ogun go kill you!" He snapped leaving and Dara chuckled.
"Odion seems like a really interesting person" she stated and he held her by the waist planting a kiss on her lips, "Not as interesting as your boyfriend" he answered and she kissed him too.
"I thought you were angry with me over yesterday"
"I wasn't. I just needed time to think"
"About what? Sex? Is that what this is all about?"
"No" he replied kissing her on the lips again, "It's about you and you alone. As long as it's you, I don't care about the sex"
"At the right time, I'm sure you'll be comfortable to open up better" he answered then he raised the nylon containing the barbecue up. "Are you up for Suya?"
"Why not? We'll save Odion own first, I won't want Ogun punishing my boyfriend because of his cousin's spoken word."
"Do you want to watch a movie?"
"I don't have the time, what do you think about my new look" she brushed her hands through her braids and he smiled. "You've never looked more pretty baby"
Dunni drove out of a bar parking lot clashing into a dustbin then she blinked her eyes, seeing everything in double. She was clearly drunk so she got out of the car with her handbag to avoid crashing her car against something that could lead to her death.
She leaned on her car busting into tears. Afterwards she took off her shoes walking barefoot. It's been a while since she walked that far to anywhere.
She walked past Funsho's gym then stood in front of Timmy's dinner.
She could use a cup of coffee that moment and someone to talk to, most especially someone to talk to.
She staggered into the diner. The slow song by Asa "Place to be", were like boost to the tears in her eyes even though she struggled to blink them in. She saw Timmy turning the chairs upside down upon the table.
A disappointing look spreads across her face after their eyes met. "You've closed already" "No" Timmy lied and Dunni gazed at the chairs already turned upside down on the table.
"Maybe. I close by 10 though"
"It's past ten already. I should go"
"You don't look so good"
"Of course, I mean, I'm drunk"
"I wasn't stating the obvious, I meant you don't look so good, you're not happy"
"I haven't been happy in fifteen good years." She confessed busting out in tears then she laughed, "Why am I even telling you?"
"Why are you here?"
"Good question" she answered dropping her shoes on the table then she sat on one of the chairs that hadn't been turned. "I didn't want to go home" she confessed and Timmy moved close "I'm scared I'll commit suicide cause I'm tired of life! Which was what will happen if I take that ride home"
"You came with a car?"
"Where is it?"
"I left it at the park at the bar, I couldn't drive it"
"Where's your address? Let me take you home or do you have a number I can call that can come pick you up"
"I don't want anyone picking me up, i don't want anyone seeing me this pathetic. I'm done with people cleaning up after my shit!" She yelled and Timmy observed her closely then he sat on a chair close to her.
"Are you okay?"
"Can I sleep here for the night? I promise not to take anything belonging to you."
"Why don't you want to go home?"
"Cause it's lonely, I'd rather spend the night at an hotel than spend it in that house. It reminds me so much of my failure"
Timmy's mouth opened in awe, "You know what? I'll make you coffee real quick, would you love that?"
Odion came back into the house after a hour. He found Efe watching football highlight. "There's no better season to be an arsenal fan mehn, see as my guys be making me proud"
"Mehn you have conscience oh"
"Doing that kind of thing to that poor woman"
"I was outside thinking about this your babe. If you want my opinion, Dara is a really sweet person and I don't think it's fair that you're toying with her feelings"
"You don catch feelings for her already?"
"Shut up jare! Wetin I dey talk, wetin you dey talk? I'm just saying, maybe you should drop this sick game. She doesn't deserve it, I feel sorry for her. Just saying sha. You can either take my advice Efe or leave it"
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