💢 Chapter 1💢

Follow me on Facebook @Eno Essien
Tiktok @The.minstrel called eno


Note: The setting of this book is mainly in Lagos in a perfect 2020 calendar. No Corona virus abeg🤧😂

Dara woke up on a Saturday morning then she stretched her hands yawning loudly in bed. "Thank you Jesus" she said unconsciously. It was usually a habit for her to say those words after waking up, especially after yawning.  "It's another day and I can't be more grateful." She muttered picking up her devotional for the morning then she flipped through the day's topic;

24th, January 2020.

Believe in God's plan for you-

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer. 29:11

After reading it, Dara knelt down on the floor, she pulled her devotional and bible close then she balanced both hands on the bed.

"Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord for a day like this cause it's a day you have made. I bless you cause you're the author and finisher of my faith, you made all things and God you said it was perfect." She paused letting out a frustrated sigh.

"But then if you made everything perfect? Why didn't I come in a nice shape? Why do I look like a filed ruler?" She began to lament. "I want to be able to rock jumpsuits, walk on the street and people turn heads. It would have been nice oh" she sighed again now having a mental picture of it.

"God the way I would have been walking in slow motion on the street ehn" she sighed again now snapping herself back to reality.

"Your word this morning says believe in God's purpose for your life. What can be your purpose in my life? I mean God i'm thirty three and ten months old and nothing is happening? I'm still very much single and yes I know the reason why, because i don't I don't have right shape. It's like the rest of my shape got stucked in the womb and Stella took it. Are you sure it's not because they buried my placenta very deep? I mean who knows what might be the cause" she murmured again then she exhaled for the last time looking up to her ceiling.

"God I know I'm not supposed to murmur like the people of Israel did but I'm tired. I'm speaking to you as you faithful daughter, I'm tired of being thin. It's not like I want to be fat, I don't want that kind of Chigurl's fatness I want the Mercy Johnson shape, Nadia Buhari, Yvonne Nelson you're the omniscient God, you know those shapes now. I don't mean to be ungrateful but if you can just give me that shape i want, that full hour glass shape.  Can't you just make it possible? Have mercy Lord."

"This is a story about one skinny girl" Dara said out loud looking into the mirror that hung on the wall of her bedroom. She had a blue singlet and a black bum short. "God Dara, why are you so thin?" She asked herself again then she let out her frustration in a  sigh. "It's the weekends, try to smile and make the best of it. So what if you're thin?" She added. She was beginning to dive into her morning inspirational moment- something she does to boost her dying ego.

"Lupita is thin yet she's been celebrated, Kirsten Stewart is not that fat, and she's being celebrated. Let's not even begin to call Taylor Swift" she paused then she scoffed.

"Who am I deceiving? Those girls are hotter than I can ever be." She turned back looking at her buttocks. "God if you can be merciful to give me small yansh not this wall of Jericho I'm carrying. It's like the wall of Jericho fell down flat on my buttocks." She snapped then she chuckled in response to it.

"This is unhealthy Dara" she looked into the mirror once again. "You're better than this, you can be better than this. You're beautifully made by God, you're awesome, he created you this way for a purpose" she assured then she smiled.

This is just a typical example of how her life plays out, especially when she looks into the mirror. Childhood for Dara was frustrating,  she didn't grow like the way her peers did; she had late puberty; when others already had pains in their nipples, at age 12, Dara ernestly anticipated hers. She eventually got tired then she Ieft it in the hands of God; maybe God inserted the wrong genitals in her.

When Dara turned fifteen, the situation became a cause for worry.  Back then in SS1 she had that look of someone who just got into Junior secondary school.

Worst her little sister, Stella had already started growing breast and seeing her period. It was the most pathetic thing anyone could ever go through!

Dara employed a mechanism to escape the harsh environment during her secondary school days especially from one of the students called Andy James. She insulted herself before anyone did- It wasn't healthy but she had to so she doesn't get hurt by mockeries.

It got to the point her parents took her to visit the doctor who concluded that she only experiencing delays which will soon pass.

"People that usually experience delay like hers usually end up having fuller burst. You don't have to worry about it, I've seen things like these things play out before" He assured and these words made Dara happy.

"There's hope"  Her father said with a big smile.

Two weeks later, she felt a pinch in her left nipple. She covered her mouth with her palm in excitement. She didn't tell anyone; she was too ashame to. The only person she told was her best friend, Portia. 

"If you allow ant to bite you, the breast will grow faster" she advised and Dara scoffed in disbelief.  "What if I allow snake to bite it? Won't the effect be greater?" she answered sarcastically then Portia hissed.

Dara lost her confidence in her breast growing more than an A cup after she turned 25; even the socks she tucked into her breast those years were much bigger than the original turn out. Which was quite disappointing!

Maybe I should have put the ant on it! She thought to herself.

This life has no balance! Why are some people are just blessed with these gifts while some aren't?

With all the disappointing saga/ rollercoaster.  Dara found joy in doing two things; serving God as a chorister in church, and an OAP on mood fm.  She also worked as a social media influencer running a show on you tube.

Being almost thirty four years old, with a shitty love life, is the most horrible position any African woman can ever find herself especially in a country like Nigeria. Fine, she looked younger; even younger than her siblings but it doesn't make time stand still. Each time her birthday comes up, she gets reminded of the fact she has no man in her life.

Experience has taught her that character and charisma aren't enough to please men; they are still other factors like the hour glass factor, the slay queens and the big girls.

Dara quickly took her bathe that morning in preparation for work, she had a show by ten. While she rummaged her wardrobe forat to wear to work, her mother made entrance into her room letting that sweet maternal smile flow. She manages to light up the whole room when she walks in.

"Good morning Mom"

"Good morning my dear. I see you're getting ready for work already"

"Yes Ma."

"Do you have any plans in the afternoon, let's say like to meet up someone, talk and have some certain fun" she asked and Dara laughed so hard. Was that a rhetorical question? Her mother should definitely know that if it isn't work, it can't be anything serious!

Not like she had any interesting social life apart from hanging out with Portia and Boma.

"What's funny?"

"Mom you know very well that I don't have plans,"

"I can't wait for the day you'll start to have plans and dates that will keep you busy. The ones where the guy will be the one taking your time. Hmm hm" she teased and Dara chuckled.

"Hopefully" she replied unenthusiastically, then she picked a yellow gown closing the wardrobe. "

"Why do you sound that way"

"I don't see that happening anytime soon"

"Don't speak negative things Madara! You speak positively! I've been praying for you dear"

Dara exhaled, "I've been praying too Mom. I guess sometimes you gey tired of hoping towards marriage plans. I mean my cousin's getting married and I'm still single. How bad can It get? Mom I really don't want to ruin my mood with all this talk about marriage."

"We'll be cooking afang soup later in the day. I won't be around because of work, if you and Ruby can help me out"

"No wahala. I'll do it after work"

"Simi on that one titled loving, and you also listened to Justin Beiber upon that one titled Yummy and Fireboy with Vibration.
Welcome to Dara's corner on mood fm, 95.5 your station with the news and entertainment and It's your girl Dara igwe and you know how we love to turn things up here. It's 10:20 am and you know how we do it, the phone lines are opened for you to call in and make your music request or tell me what you have on your mind or ask me questions no matter how stupid they might sound" She said looking into her phone.

"Let me leave you with this one coming from Joeboy, it's titled ' Nobody!" She exclaimed going off air.

Just after Dara walked out of the studio, she bumped into Boma who had that familiar look like she just had an altercation with someone. "Your face does not look good" "Is it not that guy telling me what to do as if he's the manager"

"Babe he's the manager"

Boma cleared her throat, "Ahem! Point if correction, acting manager. God forbid, that kind of person cannot be  my manager and I emphasize more on the cannot be!" She noted and Dara scoffed.

Since the last manager was relieved of her job, the radio crew has been anticipating the new manager. What if the new manager ends up being a bully or a tyrant? Boma will definitely get a new job!
Dara thought then she laughed afterwards.

"What's funny?"

"What if the boss ends up being someone you don't like?"

"Simple as ABC, I'll start finding another job"

"Jobs are really scarce these days"

"I hate bossy people in my life oh. Abeg!" She waved her hands letting out a loud hiss.

"Any plans for the day? I just thought we should go to one sit out and just have fun. We could hang out at the Duncan's restaurant"

Dara almost rolled her eyes, the last time she followed Boma to a random sit-out. She was embarrassed after two guys sat with them. While the other paid attention to Boma, the other  didn't even say a word to her, he only kept on fiddling with his phone. 

It ended up being awkward!

Besides of all sit outs in Lagos, why will Boma choose the Duncan's restaurant? Dara found it suspicious.

"Why should we go there? I heard their meals are costly"

"That's where the big men goes to these days. Who knows, you might finally meet the right one there"

Dara laughed, "You can't be serious!" "I am serious!" "Wo, you haven't seen anything oh, I am more than serious. We need to find you a date"

"Don't make me feel pathetic than I already do" she snapped and Boma sighed tiredly. "Babe...."

"Let's not talk about my boring life. What's up with you?"

"Nothing much, I'm still trying to spice up my blog. The last news about that girl that had the biggest pimple really trend last month so  I'm looking forward to getting mkre viewers. So I'll be running an exposé on, drums roll baby, I'll be running an exposé on the Duncan's family"

Dara rolled her eyes, no wonder she was keen on going to the restaurant. "So that's the main reason you wanted to go to the sit out shey?"

"Not exactly but, babe I've been hearing things and they're scary. I want to confirm whether what they say about the Duncan family is true." "Like?"

"Like the rumours now. That the father is a ritualist, in fact they are all ritualist actually."

"The man runs one of the biggest hospital in Lagos"

"Yes. He does but let's look at this from this angle now, he does it so it'll be easy for him to steal body part for rituals"

"Tatafo limited" Dara hailed.

"Babe, I'm serious. Why are all the children following the same footsteps? They are all doctors and I found out It's a curse. The father has used all the children's destiny to build wealth, so therefore, all the children are now walking in the step of the father"

"That doesn't even sound logical. You're no longer assuming, now you're talking as if you know what you're saying"

"My mom worked for those people back in days and according to her en, the man is a bastard ritualist of the highest rank. He killed his first wife and that was how he started marrying and marrying wives across Lagos State"

"Are you serious?"

"Are you not aware that the man has four wives in his time in exception of the one he used for ritual"

"The only thing I'm aware of is that he owns a clinic and I was mesmerized the first day I walked in. The man is not exactly a celebrity so I really don't keep tabs on him." "In this Lagos? Those people are the talk of the town, the man is old but money keeps on coming. It's the convenant he made years ago and his children's destiny that's working for him. Shi ke nan! (That's all) " 

Dara balanced her hands against her cheeks, "This is super story, a life of strife and sorrow" she sang and Boma frowned at her. "That's my problem with you, you don't always believe me"

"I don't believe in rumours"

"They're hosting a white party next weekend"


"It's too suspicious, this man hosts parties like..."

"All rich people do. They don't have what to use their money for now"

"I even heard this man drinks water from people's skull"

That was the height of the tale! Dara rolled her eyes again, "I have to meet the acting manager" "So I've talked too much like this so"

"See me see trouble, wont I go back to my job?"

"Will you be free to go out with me? I'm seriously about finding a man for you"

"I have afang plans, sorry. Maybe some other day"

"Some other day again, you'll still push it to another day"  she complained and Dara walked past her.

Dara walked through the estate enjoying her little sister's company. Twenty Five years old Ruby who was dangling a black bagco super sack bag focused on filling her sister in with an incidence that occurred at the market in Dara's absence.

"That was how the Okada (motorcycle) just came from nowhere baam! But the woman was lucky to have dodged" Ruby explained and Dara gasped in wonder.

"God is just so good"

"Assuming you saw it for yourself ehn!"

The sound of consistent, "Hey! Hello!"  persisted from behind but they both ignored the call. Ruby who couldn't ignore any longer,  turned back at the good-looking guy who was running after them.

Her best guess was that the guy was definitely chasing after her elder sister. She glanced at Dara trying hard to hide a smile . "Aunty it's as if someone is calling you oh" she said to her and Dara rolled her eyes not even taking a glance at the guy.

"I doubt that. Let's just keep on moving, we're close to the house already" 

Ruby turned again, "Sister he's running towards us; it'll be rude not to answer. He's definitely coming our way"

Dara rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day. She has been in situations in which she paid attention to whistling men or men who call out, "Fine girl! Fine girl wait!" only to realize she wasn't the one being called.

Some men will go as far as making ugly comments like, 'I dey call fine girl you get mind dey answer, you resemble who them fit call?'

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Ruby answered and Dara finally glanced at the handsome guy. He had a white shirt on with his sleeves folded. He had a blue jean trousers and damn did he look hot!

Even she had to admit it to herself.

He looked younger though!

"Were you calling me?" She pointed to herself, just to be sure. Been through awkward situations in life has really made her sensitive to incidents like this.

The guy shook his head then he laughed almost at the same time, "No!" He exclaimed at though calling on her would have been a  bad thing.  "I wasn't calling you. I was actually calling your elder sister" he pointed at Ruby. "Oh" Dara smiled sweetly then she nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding" he apologized and she waved it off. 

"It's fine" she answered looking at  Ruby who had guilt plastered over her face. If only she could slap the young man!

"Take your time dear" Dara collected the bag then she left Ruby alone with the young man who was innocently smiling at her.

One word for this guy?🤣😂

Have you ever been in this kind of situation?

Me: I have ooo, plenty of times  🤧

How was this episode?  

Short shey? It's just an intro Sha ☺️

The story only just began😉

Hope you loved it😊

More episodes incoming.

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