Offender: hello everyone today XxGachaGracexX, light43333,and Non-BinaryMarionette gave us some dares *chuckles* we bout to steal retr0's weapons first
Slender: you do realize how many weapons retr0 has right?
Offender: *presses a button and a mansion wall opens and shows a metal door* yep now come on before retr0 comes back
*They all enter the door and it shows a room full of guns, knives, katanas and swords and a huge nanotech computer and more nanotechnology*
Splendor: whoa! Why does retr0 have all this stuff?!
Offender: O_O I knew she was powerful but d*mn!
Trender: no wonder she had so much technology
Offender: yeah but we need to hurry and get all this stuff before retr0 comes back *starts carrying stuff out the room*
Splendor: is the safety even on on these guns?
Slender: most likely no but we have to hurry
Trender: *starts picking the weapons up* ugh this is heavy!
*2 hours later*
Slender: finally!
Trender: where are we gonna hide all this?
Splendor: good question
Offender: Well I found a capsule in the room so we can put it in here *Clicks the capsule and throws the capsule in the middle of the weapons and the weapons disappear into the capsule* (Dbz reference)
Slender: she's coming hide the capsule!
Offender: *puts it in his backpack Pocket*
*Comes back with grace and light*
Me: hey guys
Grace: Hi offendy! UWU
Light: hello Splendor
The brothers: Heeeeeeey
Me: Ō_ō why are you guys so nervous?
Splendor: No reason! *He said it super fast*
Me: ooooookaaay then
Grace: *giggles*
Me: alright then I'm gonna go check on something *Leaves to go to the weapons room*
Grace: 5....4....3...2...1
Me: *burst in the room* WHO STOLE MY WEAPONS??!!!
Everyone else: XD
Offender: XD there right here *pulls out the capsule*
Me: Give it back!! *Tries to reach for it*
Offender: *holds it in the air* nope!
Me: you know I can fly!! *Jumps up and starts flying*
Offender: *holds it behind his back* *giggles*
Grace: XDDD
*20 minutes later*
Me: finally!! *Grabs it back*
Grace: XD hey retr0 wanna punch zalgo?
Me: OWO yesh!
Zalgo: wait wha-
Me: *punches zalgo*
Slender: RETR0!!!
Me: oh sh- *starts running*
Slender: *chases me* get back here!!
*10 minutes later*
Me: *breathing heavily* -W-
Grace: hey Offender you still gotta do that other dare
Offender: T^T
Grace: it'll be fine
Offender: o-okay *uses his tendrill to stab grace in the shoulder*
Grace: OUCH!!
Splendor: Ò_ó Offender!!!
*Everyone except me jumps on Offender*
Me: -_- here let me heal you *heals grace
Grace: thanks....guys stop it was a prank!!
Slender: Wait what?
Offender: ow... y-yeah...
Trender: -_-
Light: -3-
Me: guys please calm down we have a guest coming she should be here now
Freya: *comes in* hello everyone! I'm Freya *She is a yellow werewolf with brown hair and a purple dress*
Trender: *gasp* I love your dress! Where did you get it?
Light: hi I do love your dress
Grace: nice to meet you!
Splendor: HI!!!
Slender: hello Freya I'm Slenderman and these are my brothers, that loud one is Splendor
Trender: and Im trender and I love fashion
Offender: I'm Offender
Freya: *gasp* me too!
Trender: *squeals* oh my gosh!
*We all hear something rustle in the bushes*
Light: g-guys what was that?
Me: *looks around* I sense someone....Im using my x-ray but I don't see anything....
Grace: yeah....
*A killer jumps out and lands on me*
Me: Ugh!! Get off me!!! *Tries to kick the killer off*
Grace: O_O retr0!
Light: *starts to get angry and her tail ears and hair turn purple*
Splendor: l-light?
Offender: O_O
Slender: sh*t!
Trender: O_O
Me: guys a little help!!! *Still wrestling with the killer*
Light: *jumps on the killer and rips his throat open*
Everyone else: O_O
Me: *breathing heavily* thanks light
Light: *smiles* no prob *turns back to normal* hey girls *smirks*
Me and grace and Freya: yeah?
Light: come on let's put on some outfits I bought! *She drags all of us into the mansion* everyone meet inside in 5!
*5 minutes later*
My outfit:
Me: whhhhyy -/////////-
Grace: -//////-
Freya: o-oh my
Light: *giggles* come on let's show the brothers *drags us in the living room* hello boys
Offender: *looks at grace and blushes*
Splendor: *looks at light and tries to hide his blush* l-light
Trender: O//////O
Slender: -_-
Grace: *chuckles* Offender do you like?
Offender: *nods* very much yes
Light: what about you Splendor?
Splendor: *nose bleed* O////O
Freya: *blushes*
Trender: nice outfit
Slender: I got a man
Zalgo: how about you put one of those outfits on for me?~
Slender: -///-
Me: *chuckles* I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment anything you like, see you guys next time bye...I'm going to go take this off
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