Multiple dares

Me: hey guys and today we have some dares and askes from XxGachaGracexX she dares and askes Offender to kiss one of his brothers, she asks do we know slendrina, she wants Splendor to annoy slender and trender for a whole day, she wants to be stuck in a room with Offender also for a whole day, and we all have to sing our favorite songs I have multiple so it's gonna be kinda hard for me XD lemme go get everything ready

*1 hour later*

Me: ok I'm back! And with my friend grace

Grace: hello everyone! ^w^

Me: *giggles* ok let's get started Offender come here!

Offender: *walks in* hey grace *smiles* retr0 wassup?

Grace: hey Offender *giggles*

Me: you have to kiss one of your brothers for grace

Offender: what?

Me: yep so who ever passes by us you have to kiss

Offender: ugh fine

*Trender walks by and Offender grabs him and kisses him*

Trender: O_O

Me and grace: XD

Offender: -_- it was a dare

Trender: ooooookaaay I'm just going to go back to my room

Grace: Okay next Is a ask! Do you guys know slendrina?

Slender: yes she's my daughter

Me and the brothers: and our niece

Grace: OwO wait what?!

Slender: yep *chuckles* my one and only daughter she comes around from time to time

Grace: Owo

Me: *giggles* alright guys we all have to sing our favorite song so meet on stage in a few minutes!!

*10 minutes later*

Me on the mic: okay okay let's get this started! We have a lot of favorites here from my personal favorites to the brothers picks to Grace's special song! So how about we get started who wants to go first?!

Offender: *Gets on stage* I'll go first

Me: alright then here *hands Offender the mic* I can't wait to hear this

Offender: yeah yeah play the song

Me: *chuckles* alright *starts the music*

Offenders pick:

(Talk by Khalid)

*The songs ends and every cheers*

Grace: I figured Offender would like love songs XD but he has a great voice

Me: XD that was pretty good i agree with Grace

Offender: why thank you *smiles*

Splendor: that was amazing brother!

Trender: *claps* been a long time since I've heard you sing

Slender: I have to say you you did good

Offender: *chuckles* thanks guys who wants next?

Splendor:*gets on stage* oh me me me!

Offender: *hands Splendor the mic* alright here

Splendor: *giggles* I love this song I'm about to sing!

Splendors pick:

(Studio killers: party like it's your birthday... (I love this group))

*Everyone cheers*

Grace: that was great splendy!

Splendor: thanks grace *smiles*

Offender: that song does fit you

Trender: yeah it does

Slender: I liked it

Me: I can't wait for everyone else's! Trender you go next!

Trender: fine *gets on stage*

Trenders pick:

(Empire cast: fabulous ft.dmk)

Me: *sigh and chuckles* of course

Slender: only my brother -_-

Splendor: I still liked it! *Smiles*

Offender: *trying not to laugh*

Trender: I am fabulous!!

Grace: *giggles* slendy you haven't gone yet

Slender: I suppose I could *gets on stage*

Slenders pick:

(Fall out boy: immortals)

*Everyone cheers*

Me: that somehow fits slendy in my mind

Trender: I somewhat agree

Offender and Splendor: agreed

Grace: well you guys are immortal

Me: true oh it's my turn!

Offender: retr0 can you even sing?

Me: yes I can just wait and see *gets on stage* I have multiple favorites so this is gonna be kinda hard to choose a song

My pick (I might change it to something else tommorow I have so many favorite songs):

(Panic at the Disco!/ Queen bohemian rapsody)

*Everyone cheers*

Offender: well I stood corrected

Me: *giggles*

Grace: that was great!

Slender: yeah it was!

Splendor: yah!

Trender: *claps*

Me: well grace Still has to do her grand performance!

Grace: right! *Smiles and gets on stage*

Grace's pick:

(Jordan Clarke freaks aka. one of my favorite songs!)

*Everyone cheers*

Offender: that was great grace!

Me: that was excellent! You sing wonderfully!

Slender: it was wonderful to hear grace

Splendor: I loved it!

Trender: it was fabulous!!

Grace: thanks I decided to sing it for you guys anyway ^w^

Me and the brothers: really?!

Grace: *nods* mhm!

Slender: well we certainly feel honored that you sung that for us

Offender: yeah you have the voice of a angel

Grace: 0////0

Offender: *chuckles*

Trender: -_- please save the flirting for later

Splendor: *chuckles*

Slender: *sigh*

Me: *shakes head and Chuckles* Splendor you have to annoy slender and trender for a whole day and grace and Offender you two have to be stuck in a closet for a whole day

Slender and trender: O_O *look at Splendor*

Splendor: *smirks* I won't do anything serious

Slender: -_-

Me: *gets out camera* I'm going to record all of this

Grace: XD

Me: *giggles* now you two love birds have to go into the closet there os *pushes Offender and grace into a closet and closes the door*

Grace: Owo

Offender: *chuckles* this is about to be fun

Grace: I seriously think you are about to flirt with me for 24 hours -w-

Offender: who knows

*Outside of the closet*

Splendor: *running around playing loud music and throwing confetti everywhere*

Trender and Slender: -_- whhhy

Me: *recoding everything* I can't wait to show this to grace tommorow

Splendor: *throwing streamers in the sky* c'mon brothers lighten up

Slender: -_-

Trender: yeah no I'm going to make some clothes

Splendor: *chuckles* okie

*Trender goes upstairs and comes out 10 seconds later*

Splendor: *giggles* I don't know I didn't do it *lie*

Trender: SPLENDOR!!! Why is there paint covering my room?!

Trender: -_-

*With grace and Offender*

Grace: -////- I was right about you flirting

Offender: aww c'mon you know I like when you blush

Grace: -///////-

*The next day*

*Grace And Offender come out the closet*

Grace: finally!

Offender: *chuckles* you know you love when I flirt

Grace: you always make me blush

Offender: *smirks*

Me: so how did it go? did Offender flirt a lot?

Grace: you know it how did things go with slendy and trender?

*Shows grace the video*

Grace: XD

Slender: I've never been so tired in my life

Trender: me neither

Me and grace: XD

Me: well that's all the time we have hope you guys enjoyed

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