
(Just a heads up this might not be as good because I'm lazy and trying to rush on this update)
Me: hey guys and I'm back from being a lazy weeb 030 and we have dare from XxGachaGracexX, Midnightthekiller234 BinaryMarionette so let's get started, first dare is we have to watch the slender man moves and a animatic so let's get started movie time!!

Everyone: Whoo! *Sit down and watch the movie*

*About 2 hours later* (Tbh I never watched the movie after people kept saying it was bad but I've seen some clips tho)

Splendor: O_O

Offender: ooookaay

Trender: oh my

Slender: now you all see why I hate stupid teens and young adults

Me: *Offended.exe* excuse me I'm 24 (not irl XD just mah OC)

The girls: *also offended* say wah?!

The brothers: *offended too* we're in our 20's bro!

Slender: -3- sorry

Me: oookay lets just react to this video

*after the video*

Splendor: *Crying and hugging Slender* oh brother we knew you loved us! Why don't you just say it

*Trender and Offender hug Slender too*

Slender: wait what? I do love you 3 even though y'all act like total idiots *hugs them back*


Me and the girls: 🥺🥺🥺

Alex: hey girls wanna go on a mission

Me: babe what kind of mission?

Light: yeaaah what kind

Freya: yeaah

Butters: OwO

Alex: kill those hunters who killed the brothers mom

Me: Oooh you read my mind

Freya: yep!

Light: yeah!

Alex: then let's gooo

*We dip off into the forest and hide*

Grace: *into a earpiece* everyone in position

All of the girls: Yep

*The hunters are in the forest*

Alex: alright on my sig-

Me: WAKANDA FOREVER!! *Jumps out a tree and dropkicks a hunter drop dead in the middle of his skull*

Alex: YEET!! *Jumps out the tree and throws a hunter and breaks his whole body*

Light: *Giggles and starts attacking the hunters*

Grace: *Attacks*

*We kill the hunters*

Grace: that should do it

Freya and light: yeah

Me: we should get back to the mansion

Alex: yeah

*We teleport back*

Splendor: *Still hugging on slendy*

Slender: brother please let me go

Splendor: NUUUUU T^T

Offender: XD

Grace: hey slendy come here and leave Splendor please

Splendor: awww *Gets off of slendy*

Slender: thank you Brother now what is it ladies

Grace: come with us and Alex and butters both of you stay here

Alex: fiiine

Butters: okie

*The bottoms leave the room*

Grace: okay I got trender to make us these *pulls out cat outfits with hoods*

Me: O_O wait whaaaaaa!?

Light: what?

Freya: O3O

Slender: I am not wearing that

Grace: you never know zalgo might like you in it~

Slender: -////- fine

*We put on the outfits and go back into the room*

Me: -/////////-

Light: =////=

Freya: hehe 0///0

Grace: ^////^

Slender: whhhhyyy -//////-

Alex: OwO

Offender: O///O

Trender: uuuhhhh O////O

Zalgo: *smirks but is Blushing*

Splendor: Owo

*We start singing:*

*After that*

Me: T/////T

Alex: might wanna keep that cat outfit more often~

Me: *Retr0.exe has stopped due to nosebleed*

Zalgo: little kitten~

Slender: zalllgooo -////-

Offender: *smirks* cute as a kitten~

Grace: O/////O

Trender: you look stunning

Freya: t-thanks 0///0

Splendor: OwO

Light: such a cinnamon roll OWO

Grace: hey zalgo you have to hold my soul for 10 hours

Zalgo: okay that seems pretty easy

Offender: you sure that's safe?

Grace: I'll be fiiine

Slender: Uuuh okay?

Grace: don't worry

*Zalgo holds Grace's soul*

Everyone else except grace and zalgo: Owo

Zalgo: this'll be easy!

*5 hours in*

Zalgo: *still holding Grace's soul, he sneezes and Grace's soul starts turning dark* oooh no

Grace: *turns to dark heart*

Dark heart: someone called?~

Zalgo: oh crap O_O

*We all walk in*

Dark heart: oh hello

Offender: what the- *realises* ZALGO WHAT DID YOU DO YOU SAID IT WAS COOL


Everyone else: O_O

Dark heart: calm down guys -.-

Offender: zalgo said he had it!

*Zalgo and Offender start arguing*

Everyone except me: O3o

Me: *Growls* HEY!!! Calm down!! Both of ya or I'mma roundhouse kick both of you!!

Offender: I-but-

Me: *bonks both of them on the head* no!

Dark heart: yeah calm down

Zalgo: T°T oowww

Offender: ouch! how long will it be before grace is back

Me: *shrugs* tommorow? Maybe?

Dark heart: well it depends I might stay as long as I want

Zalgo: just give it until tomorrow

Offender: *sigh* okay

*the next day*

*Grace is back to normal but Offender is still asleep*

Me: good morning everyone!

Grace: hey

Butters: hoi

Light: hey!

Freya: morning!

Alex: hi

Splendor: your back!!

Slender: good morning grace

Trender: hello

Zalgo: hey where's Offender?

Grace: still upstairs sle-

*A pure white pitbull runs downstairs with no eyes and only a snout*

Everyone except me: Whoa who dog?!

Offender/the pitbull: Umm guys I don't know what happened help!

Grace: Offender?

Offender: yeah it me and I'm a dog T^T

Grace: awww who's a good boy *scratches behind Offenders ear*

Offender: *his foot starts Tapping on the floor* me

Me: *sneaks a picture of Offender*

Splendor: OwO doggo

Grace: *Giggles and stops scratching Offender*

Offender: *sits down* and I'm supposed to be like this for a day?

Freya: yep

Grace: don't worry you'll be fine

Offender: *smiles*

*Later that day because I'm lazy*

Offender: *sitting on the couch watching TV

Grace: *comes in and pets Offender and sits next to him*

Offender: *lays half of his body in Grace's lap*

Grace: Offender your heavy T^T

Offender: *fell asleep*

Grace: but somehow comfy, I guess I'll stay

*45 minutes later, Offender wakes up*

Offender: *gets up and shakes*

Grace: nuuuu staayyy you were comfy

Offender: *tilts head*

Grace: please?

Offender: *giggles* fine I'll lay back down *lays back down on Grace's lap*

Grace: thank chu T^T

Offender: *smiles*

*They watched TV for the whole day*

*The next day*

The brothers: *downstairs* AHHHH!!!

*We all run downstairs*

The girls and zalgo: O_O

Slender: I'm a girl?!

Splendor: what's going on!?

Trender: I'm freaking out!!

Offender: calm down there must be a reason for this to happen! Unless...

Offender: oh no...IT WAS A DARE!!

Me: uuuh yah it was

Trender: for how long though T^T

Me: only a day

Slender: I don't like thiiiss

Zalgo: awww come on it's not that bad~

Slender: -/////-

Offender: -.-

Grace: you get to be one of us girls for a day!

Light: yeah it's not the end of the world

Freya: not at all

Me: yeah not bad at all!

Trender: I have some perfect ideas for clothes

Offender: T_T

Alex: dude its only a day

Butters: chill Offender it won't be long

Me: your personality is the same but your slightly...shorter

Trender: let me start making outfits!

*Couple minutes later*

(Imagine some stuff idk I might edit later maybe, I've been working on this all day -_-)

Me: hey Offender *Lenny face*

Offender: hm?

Me: ever had ice dumped on you?

Offender: no and no I'm not doing it

Grace: do it OwO

Freya: XD yeah

Light: XD

Alex: XD

Butters: XD

The brothers except Offender: XD

Offender: fiiinne

*We go outside*

Me: *has the bag of ice* you ready?

Offender: I'm gonna be extremely cold after this but yes

Me: okay 3...2...1! *Dumps the ice on Offender*

Offender: AH THATS COLD!! *shakes off the ice*

Everyone except Offender: XD

Offender: I'm.... gonna go change clothes *Shivers and goes back inside*

*After laughing our butts off for a couple minutes we go back inside too*

Offender: *come back downstairs* hey Splendy! I found a bag of candy on top of the fridge

Splendor: *zooms to the kitchen and comes back eating candy*

Light: OwO that was fast

Splendor: I like candy!

Slender: yes but you also get hyper -_-

Splendor: *sticks out tongue and continues to eat candy*

*Minutes later because like I said....I'm lazy and have been working on this all day*

Splendor: *giggling and being hyper*

Light: welp that went well owo

Freya: yeaahh

Grace: o3o

Me: O3O

Splendor: *Accidentally changes to Evil form*

Grace: uh oh

Alex: that's bad

Light: very bad

Freya: should we get help?

Butters: most definitely get help

*They run and see me and the brothers/sisters talking*

Light: umm Splendor just changed to her evil form

Slender: that's bad...

Offender: let's just stop her from attacking anyone

Trender: yeah

*We all go back and see Splendor holding zalgo in the air with her tendrill*

Me: Splendor put zalgo down your not going to attack anyone!

Splendor: no! I'm gonna crush him

Offender: if you don't attack anyone for the rest of the day I'll give you some of the cherry chocolate I have

Splendor: fiiinne *drops zalgo* but only for the chocolate!

(I love cherries *cough cough* kakyion *cough cough*)

Offender: thank you

Slender: this is gonna be a long day

Trender: *Faceplams* yes it will be....

Splendor: I can still hear you know!

Light: the little cinnamon roll T^T

Splendor: consider me not attacking anyone me being a cinnamon roll

Me: Rude too sheesh...

Splendor: I'm not rude just sarcastic

Everyone else: -w-

Offender: I have a sarcastic personality at times but you Splendor are now just  rude

Splendor: sarcastic! *Lie*

Offender: oh wow that's really believable *sarcastically*

Splendor: what was that?!

Me: you can't attack anyone

Splendor: ugh fine it would be more fun though!

Butters: owo

Slender: Splendor don't you dare attack anyone

Splendor:.... Fine okay...

Zalgo: o3o

Splendor: not even a little fun?

Everyone else: no!

Splendor: alright alright!!

*Hours later*

*They basically were chasing Splendor around*

*The next day the brothers were normal*

Me: halfway done but Freya you have to be a real dog for 24 hours

Freya: easy! *Gets on all fours and barks*

Me: good now who wants a ball?

Freya: *barks and wags tail*

Me: *pulls out a ball and throws it*

*Freya chases it*

Me: okay what's you guys darkest fear

Offender: *sigh* failing at being strong In anyway because I've always been called weak and losing grace

Slender: losing family and it all being my fault

Splendor: accidentally hurting someone or myself badly well someone who didn't deserve it

Trender: not being able to fulfill my own high expectations from myself

Me: losing family....and public humiliation (true)

(Y'all can put your fears in the comments and I'll edit it when I get a chance)

Freya: *runs back with the ball and she drops it in front of me*

Trender: *giggles and pets her*

Freya: *smiles and barks*

Me: annnd zalgo gets to tease me about Alex for a whole day

Zalgo: ooohhh retr0 you already know

Me: T^T

Zalgo: I see how you blush when alex calls you a simple nickname

Alex: hehe yep~

Grace: Owo

Light: oooh *Lenny face*

Offender: I took retr0's phone on accident once but ended up seeing the texts

Me: OH GOSH NOO -///////-

Freya: *barks*

Zalgo: lemme see

Offender: *read them out loud* "Hey babe can't wait till you get back meet me in my ro- "

Me: *pushes the phone down out of offenders face* hey hey hey TMI

Zalgo: OwO tmi eh? What y'all do?

Me: nothing -///-

Everyone else except me, Freya and Alex: XD

Alex: aww come on babe~

Me: -/////-

Freya: *chewing on a bone she found*

Zalgo: *grabs meh phone and looks at more text and reads them out loud* "I want to cuddle you baka I miss you" oohh you call her baka

Freya: *chasing her tail*

Slender: babe retr0 is brighter as a tomato

Splendor: XD

Grace: OwO

Freya: *barks*

Light: XD

Butters: OwO

Alex: awww shes blushing~

Freya: *Jumps on trender and starts licking him*

Trender: *giggles and rubs Freyas head*

Zalgo: I don't know why your so stubborn with Alex

Me: -///////-

*The next day*

Me: finally!

Freya: *giggles* zalgo couldn't help it XD

Me: I know T^T but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment anything you want and sorry for the late updates and sorry if it's trash I got lazy but it has a lot of words hope you enjoyed bye!

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