Me: Hey guys and I'm back with some dares from my lovely friends XxGachaGracexX, light43333, Non-BinaryMarionette, annnd mochuowu

*The lights start flickering*

Everyone: what the?!

*The bad sans show up* (Only a few because there are so many)

Nightmare: Hello everyone

Error: sup

Fell: hey

Killer: hello

(only 4 because I can only keep up with so many at one time)

Grace: *Gasp and runs and hugs nightmare* brother!

Everyone else except the sans: brother?

Grace: yep! This is my brother nightmare

Nightmare: *smiles and hugs grace back*

Offender: O_O

Butters: ooooh craaaap (~‾▿‾)~

Me: *Trying not to laugh*

Light: Offender in trooouuubbblllee

Freya: XD

Grace: oh and that's my boyfriend Offender

Nightmare: *Over protective brother mode on* Offender huh? You better not hurt my sister or your gonna have a bad time! *his eye glows*

Offender: u-ummm

Grace: and we already have a daughter named rose

Nightmare: OFFENDER!!!!

Me: Offender...dude you might wanna run

Killer: boss is pissed

Error: yeah ya think?

Fell: heh yeah

Offender: *runs*

Nightmare: GET BACK HERE *chases Offender*

Me: Offender is dead

Everyone else: yeah pretty much

*1 hour later*

Offender: *breathing heavily* you still mad?

Nightmare: YES!!

Killer: boss is maaad

Error: pretty much

Fell: XD

Grace: OWO the boys gotta dance

The boys: WHAT?

Me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Slender: I'm not dancing

Offender: eeeh I don't know

Splendor: I love dancing!

Trender: -3-

The sans: OwO

Zalgo: I CAN'T dance

Me: I'mma give y'all some music

The song:

*The boys start dancing (Whatever dance you can think of but please not anything cringe -ᄒᴥᄒ-)*

Grace: who knew they were such great dancers OwO

Slender: I hate dancing T^T

Zalgo: do you really babe I remember that dance you gave me~

Slender: Well I hate dancing in front of a lot of people TWT

The girls: shhiiiipp

Slender: T///T

Butter: we all ship it slendy!

Freya and light: yee!

Grace: yah! Come on let's go swimming!

*5 minutes later were all in the pool*

Me: *floating in the water* this is nice

Offender: *Swimming* finally something to cool off in

Trender: *on a floaty* mhm

Splendor: *Giggles and pulls trender off the floaty*

Trender: *Squeals in surprise*

*Everyone laughs*

Slender: *has his legs in the water*

Zalgo: *chuckles and grabs Slenders wrist*

Slender: ZALG-

Zalgo: *he pulls slendy into the water*

Freya: *giggles and swims around*

Butters: this is fun!!

Me and light: yeah!

*We suddenly get turned Into wolves*

Offender: WHOA!! *Quickly gets out the water and shakes off*

*We all get out and shake off*

Slender: *looks at his paws* what the?

Offender: I'm a wolf!?

Grace: OwO

Freya: *giggles*

Butters: *howls*

Me: *giggles and joins the howling*

Splendor: this is kinda fun being a wolf

Offender: yeah not gonna lie *wags his tail*

Trender: stylish too!

Light: *laughs*

*Time skip cuz I'm lazy and late on updates*

*We get turned back*

Light: hm I hope my sister doesn't come back

Lilly: *sneaks behind light and stabs her 3 times in the stomach and disappears

Light: *screams*

Me: *Walk in with Splendor*

The both of us: LIGHT!!

Light: *fainted in a pool of blood*.

Splendor: oh no no no no *Stressing and mumbling like Deku/izuku*

Me: calm down! I'll heal her *Heals light but she's still knocked out*

Splendor: *Stressing still*

Me: *Facepalms and picks up light and takes light to lights own room*

*1 hour later*

*Light wakes up and come downstairs*

Splendor: light! *Gets up and hugs her*

Slender: were glad your alive

Butters: yeah

Freya and grace: *nod*

Me: well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment anything you want and I'll get back to you you sorry if it's trash and that's it late been lazy but here's a bonus


Me and butters: *sitting on the couch watching anime*

*A portal opens up and my future child and butters future child walk out*

Me: O_O

Butters: OwO

The both of our kids: hi mommy! We're from the future

Me: my baby TWT

Butter: *runs and hugs her kid*

*Mine hugs me*

Me: I'm gonna cry TwT

Butters: me too 。ŏ﹏ŏ

*They notice us watching anime*

My future child: you do know there's like 12 total seasons of that right

Butters future child: yeah and there's also that anime came out with 4 movies too

Me: *Starts Deku crying* I FEEL SO PROUD

butters: *crying like me too* I RAISED MY BABY RIGHT

Both of our children looks at each other then us: OwO uuuh wut

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