Crazy = Genius idk
me: hey guys and today we're back with more dares from XxGachaGracexX, light43333 annnd Non-BinaryMarionette so let's just go down the line wit it! And also mochuowu dares the brothers to listen to some Akira dubs
???:Oh yes!
All of us: what was that?!
Mettaton: *comes in* that was me darlings!
Me: *Gasp* METTATON!!
Grace, light and the brothers: mettaton?
Mettaton: that's me dearies the most fabulous robot their is
Trender: I love mettatons style
Mettaton: why thank you darling I came all the way here for my friend Freya, speaking of which where is she?
Freya: *Runs in with bandages on her leg* hey sorry I'm late!
Mettaton: oh there you are and what happened to your legs dear?!
Freya: I was running from someone and I fell and hurt my legs
Me: *eyes glow* from who?!
Mettaton: calm down deary all that matters is that your safe
Freya: my dad was chasing me...
Me: Oh I'm bout to go find him *About to leave*
Freya: wait I lost him he didn't run too far into the forest
Me: *Sigh* alright then mettaton these are all of my friends, butters,grace, light and Freya
The girls: hi!
Mettaton: *Smiles* it's nice to meet you darlings
Me: and these are my somewhat brothers, Offender, Splendor, Slender and trender
The brothers: hello
Me: and can't forget my brother in law zalgo
Zalgo: -_-
Mettaton: *giggles* it's a pleasure to meet you all I'm mettaton, host of MTT TV
Trender: MTT TV? What's that?
Mettaton: *Gasp* only the most fabulous tv show hosted by me
Slender: *Giggles* mettaton sounds like you trender
Trender: =_=
Mettaton: *Giggles* well I must take my leave ta ta everyone *Leaves*
Butters: OwO
Offender: *Giggles* hey me and grace have a surprise I'll be right back *Leaves*
Butters: ooh a surprise
Grace: *giggles*
Slender: I wonder what it is
Light and me: ŌWŌ
*5 minutes later*
Offender: *comes in carrying a baby* I'm back!
The brothers: O_O A BABY?!
Me: *Gasp*
Butters: Offender is all grown up T^T
Freya: awwww
Offender: this is me and graces daughter rose
*Me and lights auntie mode intensifies*
Me: Plleeaasee lemme babysit!
Light: Yeah me and retr0 can take good care of her!
Splendor: awww my little niece!
Trender: I'm going to make so many baby clothes for her!
Slender: *giggles* I can read to her every night before bed
Zalgo: rose and Cynthia can have a play date
Freya: I can make some clothes for her also
Grace: *giggles* you all seem excited
Offender: *chuckles* especially light and retr0
Me: I love babies! I wanna babysit little Simba (idk what's going on with me and Simba lately, maybe cuz I watched lion King again XD)
Rose: *Calmly Sleeping*
Offender: *Giggles* let me go put her back to sleep before she wakes up I'll be right back
Grace: *Smiles* okay
*Offender leaves and 1 minute later he comes back*
Me: Offender shall go in the hall of father's along with zalgo and Slender
Offender: *chuckles* thanks-
Me: when can me and light babysit
Offender: =^= you both just wanna babysit don't you?
Me: yesh!
Offender: whenever grace is okay with it then you both can babysit
Grace: *Starts glowing* u-uh!
*Grace changes to a mermaid*
Everyone: O_O
Grace: hehe yeah I have a mermaid form I must of accidentally changed
Offender: *Giggles* you look beautiful in your mermaid form
Me, zalgo,trender,butters and light: SIMP!!
Grace: -_-
Offender: yes I am a simp
Slender and Splendor: *giggle*.
Grace: *changes back* I'll change back to mermaid form later but girls come with me really quick
Me: I already have a bad feeling
*20 minutes later*
Offender: *Blushes*
Splendor: *blushes*
Me: I don't have a boyfriend but still *Blushing*
Light: *Blushing* =w=
Grace: XD
Slender: *giggles*
Freya and trender: they look fabulous
Zalgo: *laughing*.
Me: okay I'm gonna go and take this off
*We change back to our regular clothes*
Me: finally grace any other dares
Grace: *hugs Offender* us girls gotta hug the boys
Light: *hugs Splendor*
Freya: *hugs trender*
Me and butters: *hugs slender*
Butters: *hugs zalgo* don't hurt slendy boi
Light: *giggles and snaps her fingers and children who look like us show up*
(If y'all want butters, Freya, grace y'all can have another/a child on here and y'all can have one but for now I'll just add it)
Slender and zalgos child: hi dad's!
Grace and offenders child: hey mom hey dad!
Trender and Freyas child: Hello!
Light and Splendors: HI!!
Butters: My babies are gonna have children T^T
Me and butters: we're gonna be the best aunts ever!!!
Everyone else: OWO
*After all that cuz I'm lazzzy*
Light: *Accidentally turns to a baby*
Me: O_o uhh light
Splendor: light your a baby...
Offender: what the fvck?...
Light: *Giggles* Fvck!
*We all glare at Offender*
Me: *Grabs my katana*
Grace and butters: *Grab the chancla*
Offender: Owo
Offender: *Runs*
The 3 of us: *chase Offender*
Splendor: heee's gonna die
*1 hour later*
Offender: T^T I'm sorry
*Light changes back*
Light: *giggles* how about a pool party?
All of us: yeah!
*At the party we all play volleyball ball*
Me: hope you all enjoyed this chapter comment anything you like and sorry if it's trash and I'll see you all soon bye!!
(My favorite one)
Me: brothers listen to this
*after listening*
Offender: what the heck is this?
Slender: I don't know if I should be confused or concerned
Trender: O_o
Splendor: O_o
Me: XD okay bye guys
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