Me: hey guys and we're back with some more dares from XxGachaGracexX, Is-Light and Non-BinaryMarionette and we're gonna go down the line

Light: *sneezes and coughs* ugh...

Splendor: are you alright light?

Light: I'm a little fine just sick is all *sneezes*

Splendor: aww well if you need anything I'll get it for you but for right now I'll get you some medicine

Light: o-okay

*Splendor goes and gets some meds*q

Me: awww couple goals

Splendor: *comes back with some meds*

Light: *smiles weakly* mind: hmmm what if I juuusst *Scratches her arm really hard*

Everyone: AYE!

Splendor: *hugs light* nooo don't do that

Slender: yes light please don't harm yourself

Me: NU! Don't you ever harm yourself!  You must have self love! I am free to give anyone support and virtual hugs if you all need them

*We all hug light*

Light: t-thanks and oh I have a surprise for the boys girls come with me

*We leave the room with light*

*We come back in weeding dresses* (grace, Freya and light I can make you both some in gacha club if you want)

My dress(I had to Japanese style XD)

Grace's dress(I just love those sleeves and sorry I forgot the tail)

*Offender look at grace*

Grace: *smiles*

*Offender.exe has stopped working due to nose bleed*

Grace: Pffft Offender are you alright?

Offender: y-yeah I need to clean my nose *Goes to the bathroom*

Light: *giggles* sooo Splendor?

Splendor: *blushing like crazy* i-i l-like it

Freya: trender?

Trender: *blushing* i-i think it looks beautiful

Light: *smiles* come-on let's get back in our normal clothes *sneezes*

*We all change back and come back into the living room*

Grace: *whispering to everyone except Offender* punch me and see what happens

Me: O_o ooooookaaay*Punches grace but not too hard*

Grace: OW!! *Faking it*

Splendor: *lightly punches grace*

*We all punch grace except Offender*

Offender: *Picks up Everyone who punched grace and yeets them across the room* TOUCH HER AGAIN AND I- *His voice cracks*

Me: O_O you good bro?

Offender: *Rubs his throat* yeah my throat has been hurting lately (I'm actually fine don't worry XD)

Me: *leans back* want some tea?

Offender: not like that! But my voice keeps fading out I'm not sick or anything but my voice...

Grace: OwO

Me: Tea! *Grabs some tea packs and slaps Offender with them* (I love tea, boba tea mostly)

Grace: you just yeeted Everyone across the room tho.

Offender: ouch! And yes because I care about your well being grace

Grace: *smiles* awww can you guys tell me your pasts

Offender: hm alright then, well I was a pretty alright teenager, quiet, straight A student, but I was bullied....a lot and well our dad was abusive I would get beat on the most because "I wasn't gonna be worried about a girl I needed to focus on book" I actually really liked a girl but turns out she was dating someone else, but then I meet zalgo, he gave me a deal, I could have anyone I wanted with just roses and charm and I agreed and I got any woman I wanted but I still didn't feel right I felt... lonely, and then I met you grace and now here I am

Light: whoa that's pretty sad

Freya: yeah it is

(Do you guys want me to tell Freyas and lights past again let me know)

Me: (This is the story of my OC retr0 from the book about her sort of) well, I grew up in hunamura Japan, a very rich teenager, I was the oldest of 3 my father was abusive and only cared about honor, my mother died at the hands of a villian, when I turned 16 I witnessed my youngest brother get killed at the hands of my other brother, I ran away from Japan to the US and well I was in a hero organization for a while, my youngest brother came back as a cyborg ninja and my brother who killed him came back too, but after all that I met the brothers when we were teens and I've been there for them every since and I'm 24 now well in human years (I'm not actually 24 XD)

The girls: O_O

Me: that's not even the half of it and I'm still filthy rich

Slender: well I suppose I could go next I was quite like Offender but I loved the forest, I used to go to the forest everyday but one day I saw zalgo and well he changed me and I knew I could show myself anywhere so I stayed in the forest

Zalgo: I know I changed you all a lot but I'm sorry

Splendor: hm my turn! I was the happiest kid alive even though our dad was abusive I always stayed Happy but when slendy went missing I went to look for him and when I did zalgo changed me as well and slendy found me and I stayed with him

Trender: and as for me I always loved fashion I would draw sketches everyday but I was picked on about on about it and people called me girly but I didn't care, but after my brothers went missing I looked for them and got changed too so yah!

The girls except me: OwO

Me: *Lenny face* hey brothers guess what

The brothers: what?

Me: *uses telekinesis to tickle the brothers*

Splendor: *laughs* retr0 stop!

Me: never!

The brothers: *laughing* stop!

Me: hehehe

*2 minutes later I stol

Splendor: *accidentally turned into his evil form and didn't even know it*

Everyone else: uhh Splendor o_o

Splendor: what?

*Splendors tendrill grabs all of us and starts to violently shake us*

Offender: *in a loud yet weak voice* Splendor stop I'm getting dizzy!!

Splendor: *growls and throws Offender*

Grace: Offender!! Splendor stop it!!

Splendor: Never!!

Slender: brother stop!!

Everyone else: stop it Splendor!!

*1 hour after trying to stop Splendor finally calms down*

Splendor: *Gaps* I'm so sorry everyone! H-here let me help you all

Offender: *groans and gets up*

Splendor: I'm so sorry brother! You alright?

Offender: *nods*

Light: that was weird?

Freya: yeah it was

Grace and me: yeaaaah

Slender: hmm I'll look into it later

Offender: =_=

*Suddenly me and grace turn to babies*

Grace: *squeals*

Me: *giggles*

Offender: aww *picks up baby grace*

Splendor: *giggles and picks me up* aww hiii

Offender: *chuckles*

Grace: *grabs Offenders fedora and puts it on*

Offender: *smiles and giggles* you look better with it on than me

Grace: *smiles*

Me: *climbs on Splendors head  and lays there*

Splendor: awww

Light: so cute!!

Freya: aww *Smiles*

Trender: they are so cute!

Slender: yeah

*After we change back*

Freya: hey grace wanna come to the forest with me and trender

Grace: sure

*They leave the mansion and after sometime they hear rattling in the bushes and Freyas best friend glitchBunny comes out*.

Freya: *gasp* glitch?!

Glitch: hey Freya long time no see!

Trender and grace: who's he?

Freya: my best friend! glitchBunny

Glitch: nice to meet ya!

Trender: I'm trender

Grace: and I'm grace!

Glitch: nice to meet ya

Freya: wanna come back to the mansion with us? And meet the Slender brothers?

Glitch: sure

*They go back to the mansion and zalgo and Slender aren't there*


Offender: *sipping on tea and not saying a thing because his throat hurts* (Idk why this just popped in my head XD)

Grace: O_O where are they

Me: we don't know!!

Light: yeah we can't find them anywhere!!

Trender: oookay maybe they went for some alone time or something?

Offender: -_- they'll be fiiine this is slendy and zalgo we're talking about

Grace: since when did you become so calm

Offender: because they are 2 powerful beings that are 7 foot and taller



*Slender and zalgo come back*

Splendor: there you 2 are!! Where have you both been?!???!!!

Slender: we were in the forest -3-

Zalgo: yeah

Splendor: for hours though!?

Grace: OwO

Light: Splendor was very worried

Zalgo: *chuckles* well we're sorry

Splendor: it's ok!

Me: *smiles* welp hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment anything you want to and butters will be returning to our story next time see ya soon bye! And sorry if it's trash towards the end but anyways bye!!

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