a special guest

Me: hey guys I'm back with some dares froooooommm XxGachaGracexX, light43333 and SamanthaStark27 oh and Midnightthekiller234 soo let's go on shall w-

Alex: *burst in the room* HELLO EVERYONE!!

Everyone except me and light: O_O who's that

Alex: Well I'm alex retr0's girlfriend!

Everyone except me and light: GIRLFRIEND!!!???

Alex: yep! Light made a ship come true so I'm here! Isn't that right baby?~

Me: -////- babe please stop flirting

Alex: why?~

Me: -////- okay let's just get on with the stuff

Butters: owo

Grace: hey girls if you gotta lover come with me

*Me, light and Freya follow grace*

*In the other room*

Grace: okay how about we prank our lovers?

Light: XD yess

Freya: XD yee

Me: owo yosh

Grace: okay so what are the prank ideas?

Light: I'm gonna hide all if Splendors candy and say someone stole it

Freya: I'm going to put crocs in every corner of trenders room

Me: mine is kinda old school but dump water on alex

Grace: *giggles* I'm gonna take all of offenders chocolate so we all agree?

All of us: yeah!

*5 minutes later our plans take affect*

Grace: Offendy you got any chocolate?

Offender: *chuckles* uhhh lemme see *goes to get some chocolate*

Grace: *Lenny face*

Offender: *come back* okay where is all my chocolate?!

Grace: *giggles and shrugs*

Offender: Splendor! You better of not ate all my chocolate again, you got sick last time!

Splendor: *Peaks his head in* I didn't eat it, someone stole all my candy! I can't find any of it!

Offender: ooookaay this is most definitely weird, someone is just going around stealing sweets

Grace: *trying not to laugh* l-light!

*Light comes in*

Light: yeah?

Grace: *Points to Splendor and Offender looking confused*

Light: *realizes and laughs hard*

Splendor: uuuh wut O.o

Grace: *starts laughing too*

Offender: O_o

Light and grace: we pranked you both!

Light: we hid all your sweets

Offender: T3T

Splendor: T^T

Alex: *in the other room* RETR0!!!

Me: *runs in the room where Offender, Splendor, grace and light were, laughing*

Offender: what did you do?

Me: I poured water on alex XD

Alex: *comes in with water all on her* T_T

Me: XD babe chill it was a dare

Alex: okay then but I'mma get ya back soon though

Me: I know

Everyone that's in the room Except me and Alex: shiiiiippp

Me: guys nu T///T  but annnnywaaay where's fre-

Trender: *Burst in*WHO PUT CROCS IN MY ROOM?!

Freya: *Comes in laughing* oh I got you!

Trender: -3-

Freya: I know how much you hate crocs so I bought so many and piled them up in your room

Trender: and I am going to burn all of them

Me: please don't you nearly burnt the mansion down last time, WITH MY CHEMISTRY LAB IN IT

Trender: I know how chemicals work!

Me: -_- okay hold on, everyone come here real quick!!

*The rest who weren't in the room*

Slender: yes retr0?

Zalgo: yeah?

Butters: yee?

*I slap Everyone but slap trender harder*


Me: getting smart with me Bish Ù3Ú

Trender: TwT

The girls: T^T

The brothers: why we get slapped T3T

Me: because it was a dare so now the tops gotta slap the bottoms

Splendor: waaait I can slap light

Everyone except Splendor and light: O_O

Splendor: what?

Butters: Splendor isn't a innocent cinnamon roll T^T

Splendor: O3O

Slender: oookay lets just ignore that and get this over with

*Offender lightly slaps grace because he's a simp*

*Zalgo slaps slendy not too hard but not too soft*

*Splendor  slaps light but then apologizes a million times even though it didn't hurt*

*Trender slaps Freya but hugs her after*

*Alex slap me then kisses meh cheek as a apology*

The brothers: *look at me* O_O

Me: don't you dare say anything

Butters: Oof

Alex: I'm always making her blush

Me: juuusst like now -///-

Alex: because you sometimes like to be stubborn~

Me: -///////- okay next dare!

Everyone else: XD

Me: slendy you gotta be flirty with zalgo for 24 hours

Slender: oh that isn't a problem~

Zalgo: O////O

Grace: let's see if zalgo can go a full 24 hours with this

Offender: doubt it but let's try anyway

Freya: XD

Butters: OwO

Alex: o3o

Light: XD

Me: Owo

Trender and Splendor: zalgo in trouble big time

Zalgo: halp

Slender: why would you want help when you know I'm right here?~

Zalgo: slleeenndy -/////-

Slender: yes?~

All of us except zalgo and slendy: this is gonna be a long day -_- 

*The next day*

Zalgo: finally no more flirting!

Slendy: it was fun though now I see why you do it so much

Zalgo: yeah and it's cute when you blush~

Slendy: babe please no T///T

Zalgo: fine fine 

Me: oh slendy you have to be stuck in a room with ya brothers

Zalgo: nuuu but slendy I'mma miss you T^T

Slender: you mean your gonna miss flirting with me?

Zalgo: yeah and that too

Slender: *rolls his eyes and giggles* well when I get back we can cuddle I promise

Zalgo: T^T okay

Me: awww so cute!! Oh and your brothers are already waiting for you

Slender: alright see you tommorow dear

Zalgo: okay T^T

Slender: *giggles and leave to go to the room*

*me and slendy walking down the hall*

Me: get ready for high crackhead energy

Slender: *sigh* I know I know

*I open the room door and Splendor is hyper off candy, trender is throwing pillows at Splendor to try to calm down and Offender is in the corner on his phone not caring and slendy Facepalms and shakes his head*

Me: welp good luck see ya! *pushes slendy in and closes the door and locks it*

Me and the girls: *Giggle*

Grace: this is gonna be fun!

Freya: yeeep!!

Alex: just glad to be with my baby~

Me: °///°

The rest of the girls: shiiippp ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

Me: ⇀‸↼‶

Butters: owo let's check on the boys

*With the boys*

Slender: Splendor how much candy did you eat?!

Splendor: I don't know maybe about *Mumbling and counting* 15 bags!!!

Trender: yeah that you weren't supposed to eat! Offender help us!!

Offender: *Still on his phone* not my problem dude!

Slender: ugh what are you doing on your phone anyway?!

Offender: trying to watch netflix

Slender: -_-

Splendor: oooh lemme watch!

Offender: uuuh no, this is too violent for you

Splendor: awww come on brother!

Offender: nuh-uh! I'm watching a horror movie

Splendor: -3-

Trender: *Facepalms*

Slender: *Sighs* how did Splendor manage to eat all that candy?!

Splendor: *Slowly crashing down* I don't know how I did it *Yawns* okay I'm going to bed goodnight!

Offender: yeah me too

Trender: same

Slender: alright we should head to bed

*They all fall asleep*

*The next day the brothers are let out*

Slender: finally!

Splendor: yay!!

Trender: thank goodness!

Offender: *chuckles*

Zalgo: missed you!

Slender: *giggles* I know you did dear

Grace: *hugs Offender* hey what's you all's favorite color?

Me: dark colors but mostly purple and gold along with some neons

Splendor: neon and rainbow!!

Offender: red and dark colors

Trender: I like soft colors

Slender: black

Zalgo: red

Me: emo much slendy

Alex: dark colors

Freya: (You can put your favorite color in the comments and I'll edit and add it here)

Light: purple

Butters: pink (I think you told me it was pink if it isn't I'm sorry and I'll change it)

(If I got the colors wrong I'll change it sorry)

Grace: Alright favorite food?

Me: sushi, or anything spicy

Slender: sandwiches to be honest

Splendor:  chicken nuggets! (let's be honest Splendor would eat chicken nuggets because he is a child inside a grown male slender being body)

Offender: chocolate if that counts but if not chicken or spicy food

Trender: I've tried a little bit of everything so I really can't chose

Zalgo: any food with class

(lemme know y'all favorite food and I'll edit and add it if I don't forget)

Grace: hmmmm okay what happened to the 4 of y'all's parents

The brothers: O_O oh uhh well

Slender: *Sigh* our mother was killed by hunters a lot time ago

Grace: oh my and your dad?

Offender: well after slendy was old enough to take care of us he disappeared but not gonna lie kinda glad he left

The girls except me: that a pretty harsh thing to say

Trender: our father was.... abusive

Splendor: yeah...

Grace: O_O o-oh um

Butters: oof

Light: o_o

Freya: oh...

Me: ....

Alex: dang..

Splendor: but it's alright we grew up to be strong!

Offender: yeah but we still have some habits we still do

Grace: like what?

Slender: I wake up early 6:30 am on the dot every day

Splendor: I always expect a loud bang or crash to sound off when it's too quiet.

Trender: I sometimes scribble on paper when I'm nervous

Offender: I get dizzy when I get nervous

The rest of us: O_o

Light: aye alex for the ship you gotta kiss retr0

Me: *blushes* w-what?!

Alex: *Chuckles and wraps her arm around my lower back and pulls me closer*

Me: O////O

Light: for the sake of the dare

Alex: *kisses me*

Trender: OwO I didn't think she would actually do it

Slender: O_o

Offender, grace, and light: shiiiiippp

Splendor: *giggles*

Zalgo: o.o

Freya: owo

Butters: she's all grown up TwT

Alex: *pulls away, smirks and let's me go"

*Retr0.exe has stopped due to nosebleed*

Retr0: 0///////0 let's get on to the next dare shall we?

Slender: Freya and grace we have someone to show you

Both of them: who?

Zalgo: *leaves and comes back with a baby* this is zela our daughter

Freya and grace: OWO SO CUTE!

Zalgo: *Smiles*

Slender: we wanted you both to meet her

Grace: she looks so beautiful

Freya: yeah

Slender: *Giggles*

Zalgo: I should put her back to bed before she wakes up I'll be back *leaves*

*5 minutes later*

Slender: brother you have to do this dare

Offender: O_O heck no!

Slender: it's the rules -_-

Offender: noooo

Slender: do it.

Offender: fiiine

*Offender leaves and comes back with one of slendys suits on*

Everyone else: *laughing hard*

Me: do the *laughs*  do the thing

Offender: *Sigh* *in his best sebastian voice* I'm one hell of a butler

Everyone else:  >0< *laughing hard*

Me: now for the last dare *snaps fingers and they end up being in puffy dresses*

Offender: what the?! *Tries to take it off* Get this thing off meeeeee

Slender: I feel so exposed -//-

Zalgo: just like in that maid outfit~

Splendor: okay I don't mind this but I wanna take this off

Trender: I'm not one my models!!

Grace: OWO

Freya: XD

Light: XD

Butters: B R U H XD

Me: Y O O O XD


*The brothers try to take them off but fail*

Splendor: ugh get this thing off me! *Turns to evil form and tries again*

Light: OwO

Grace: guess he's stronger that way?

Freya: yeah maybe

Butters: o3o

Me: XD

The brothers watching Splendor: O3O

*Hours later*

Me: okay okay *Snaps fingers and the dress go away and they have their normal outfits*

Offender, slender and trender: finally!!

Splendor: TwT

Me: XD welp I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter comment anything you want and I'll get back to you and see you all soon! Also I've been up since 6:45 this morning with only 3 hours of sleep but I'm still awake somehow XD okay bye see ya

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