Studying (2)

Practice had run a bit later than usual, so Alec was racing to get to his car at 6:15pm. He always point out when Magnus is late, and he knew he wasn't going to let this one down anytime soon. Jace Herondale, Alec's best friend and adoptive brother, gave his a strange look in the change room.

"You're shirt's on backwards," he pointed out. Alec sighed and took it off again. "What's gotten into you?" Alec turned his shirt the right way and pulled it over his head.

"I'm... going to be late."

"For what?" Jace squinted at him, trying to see through Alec's really bad lying.


"Is this that girl?" Jace asked, as he zipped up his hoodie.

"What girl?"

"The one you've been hiding from us for like a month and a half."

"There's no girl..." Alec mumbled as he began to tie his shoes.

"No girl? Come one, Alec, I'm not stupid. So when are we going to meet her?"

"There's no girl, Jace. Can you drop it?" He didn't mean for it to come out sounding so harsh, but Jace didn't seem to care.

"Then where are you going?"

"I'm going to be late to study." Jace really didn't buy that one.

"Sure and I'm Cleopatra."

"Fine don't believe me." Please believe me, please believe me.

"What are you studying for?" Jace said.

"I have a history test coming up."

"Where are you studying?"

"At a library."

"Which one?" Jace grilled. Alec didn't have time for this. He threw the bag over his shoulder.

"I've leaving now. Do you have a ride home?"

"Yeah, Clary's coming to get me. We're going to the movies. Do you see how I told you who I'm going with and where I'm going?"

"Shut up." Alec rolled his eyes.

"Be safe, Alexander!" Jace reached into his backpack and threw a condom at him. Alec caught it, reflexively. "No knocking up girls!"

"Fuck off!" He shouted with a laugh, as he threw it back at him. "You're the one who's going to need this. I'm studying."


Well, Alec wouldn't call what he was doing "studying", necessarily. Unless he had a biology and or chemistry test coming up. Alec had made it to Magnus's about a half hour late and just as he expected, Magnus didn't drop it.

"Look who's a whore for attention," Magnus said as Alec walked through the front door. Magnus had given Alec a key so that he could come and go as he pleased. Magnus didn't have any parents. He was in foster care until he found out about a long lost uncle who died and left him all his money. Magnus left the system and got his own apartment.

"Sorry, practice ran late."

"Don't apologize Alexander, I know I'm a bad influence on you." Magnus laughed as he strolled up to Alec, who was taking his jacket off. In one swift move, he pressed Alec against the nearest wall.

"Hello." Magnus went to kiss Alec, but the shorter boy shifted his weight and turned, pinning Magnus against the wall instead.

"Hello," Alec replied.

"My oh my. Ten extra laps did you well... Maybe I'll pass your locker more often on practice days. I like this Alec." Magnus commented, enthusiastically.

Magnus held Alec face, his thumbs brushed his checks. He looked as if he wanted to say something but he didn't, he just looked into Alec's eyes. Alec looked into his. They were amber with green and brown flakes of colour. They were almost kaleidoscope-ish. They looked at him as if they were peering into his soul and Alec didn't want to move away. Their faces were an inch aways, and after a moment their eyes fell onto each others lips.

"Are you going to kiss me, Lightwood?" Magnus whispered. Alec who seemed to be in a frozen state of admiring, awoke from the trance and smiled. He kissed his boyfriend, gently but it wasn't long until "gentle" was thrown out the window.

The rest of their time together was spent on the couch watching Project Runway with Chairman Meow (Magnus's cat) curled up on the love seat next to them. Magnus loved this show to death and Alec didn't mind watching it. He was usually too focused on secretly looking at Magnus the entire time to care about what was on tv. Alec tonight was reading a book for English class, while Magnus shouted every few minutes at the models. Alec had his legs swung over Magnus's and every few lines he read, he would look up at Magnus whose eyes were glued to the screen. His face was perfectly angular, yet soft and his tanned skin made his eyes striking. He had his hair down, without any product and his face was clear of makeup. Alec didn't mind Magnus wearing makeup, he actually found him beautiful with it on, but Alec found plain Magnus the most radiant. He was so beautiful it was hard to look away.

"You enjoying the view, darling?" Magnus asked, having noticed his boyfriends gaze on him. Alec blushed.

"Always," he said, looking back down at his book. Alec felt at home. He felt comfortable, like he could imagine himself here everyday; the two of them sitting like this every friday.

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