My Turn
Hey guys! It's ColeBlacksmith14 here and I'm going tell you right now that this chapter is gonna and will be intense, awesome and supes long. Wish me luck!
((P.s. I am sorry about the late update. You see with work chores school and poor wifi at the present time it makes it hard for me to focus on my books. I'm sorry))
/early in the morning/
You do not know how much I wanted to stay in bed this morning. But I did. I got up and looked out the open balcony doors at the beautiful sunrise. Wait? Open!? I had locked them the night before and the night before that, and the night before that! So that sort of rattled me. Wouldn't you think it was weird? I stood up and walked out onto my balcony just to see if there was anything out of the ordinary there. There was a couple threads of cloth on the edge of the banister. I looked closer and the colors were somewhat able to distinguish. Some dark green, darkest brown and then I saw a couple pieces of hair. Dark orange hair. "Alright Ronin I know you're there." I said confidently. "Skylor, Skylor skylor" said Ronin who came out of his hiding place. Which was the bottom of my balcony. "You always jump to horrendous conclusions do you?" Ronin said with a grin. "Aren't you supposed to steal Zane's pink ninja suit or Wu's cracky tea pot? You creepy stalker." I said revolted. "I finished that an hour ago my little sis." Replied Ronin gazing at the sunrise, "ugh would you stop calling me that?!" I said in a loud whisper. he was being too loud and conveniently the ninja's quarters where right next door! "Alright Daddy's princess," said Ronin with a smirk i hated so much. I swear he has a book about the nicknames he makes for me. "I hear your flirting with the fire master huh?" "None of your business, concern or anything." I said with contempted tones in my voice. "Yep, you like him!" He almost shouted "this girl is on FIYAAAAA-" I pushed him off the balcony rail and he fell. I was waiting for the satisfying splat noise of when flesh hits the ground. But it never came. "Thought you could eliminate dad's third in command?" Ronin shouted two stories below me. That son of a swindler, he always wears his jet shoes! "Your so immature you make so sick-" I had started to say. But he interrupted me. "I'm the immature one?! I am? Said the girl who tried to push her own brother of the balcony!" "Get out you're breaking my cover." I said in the calmest voice I could muster. "Oh right your cover!" He said leaning on the banister of the balcony. Not bothering to lower his voice. "I keep it undercover, livin my LIFe on red alert, doing meh thing I'll make it work!" Sometimes Ronin can get on my last nerve. So I said, "get lost and find Jay's concealer or Kai's hair gel or something silly." And I slammed my bedroom door in his grinning face. It felt good to slam the door, and then I remembered that I needed to get ready for my fight with Jacob Pensver. The master of sound. So many other fighters would underestimate Jacob for his lack of hand to hand combat skills. I heard the sound of rain pouring down, "Make me your Aphrodite, make me your one and only!" I heard Ronin sing. Uhhhhgg, next thing I know is that Ronin is going to be a Katty Perry impersonator or something messy. With slim hope the others would think he's trying to serenade me or something. Like I said, the slimmest of hopes. I think it would be reasonable to get something to eat. I pulled my comb out from under my bed. If you could call it a comb, it had the resemblance of a highly serrated knife, Which it was. I combed through my hair quickly and pulled my hair into a ponytail. ((I really didn't want to use the word "ponytail" but what else?)) I opened the door into the hall way and locked the door behind me and I stuck my dorm key into my hair band so it was out of sight and walked to the cafeteria. I was the first person there so I had first pickings. But I had my usual. Scrambled eggs with bacon and a protein shake. Sitting down, I ate quietly watching the other elemental masters come in and get there breakfast and sit down at there tables. I finished my eggs and took a gulp of protein shake and closed my eyes. I felt so tired, I had slept badly for the past year now. The same nightmare every night with more detail every time. The dreadful night when my mother was taken, her life gone, diminished. It seemed like an eternity ago. But it was only a near fifteen years ago. It was my mothers bloody death that made my father the way he is today. I know he misses her but that does not mean that he has free range to destroy others. I have little sympathy for him, yet I want to be accepted. I want to feel needed. Will my father fulfill that? I don't know if I'll ever know but I wanted to prove myself to someone. But who? I guess that was the pivotal choice. I know my father's plan, and I had a makeshift plan of my own; to win my first battle and move on to the next challenge. It sounded more simple than it actually was. I must be over thinking this challenge. It can't be that hard. So I cleaned up my breakfast, put away my plate and made my way to the secondary arena. The arena was set with porcelain vases. One must have a jade blade in it and to my surprise. Jacob was already there. Poking around the walls. "You here early then?" I asked him. Making level conversation. "Yes. It seemed reasonable to look around the fighting arena." Jacob answered. And then he added. "I don't trust Chen I mean with his record of treachery and all." So I decided to play the ditzy innocent blondie character ((no offense to blondies)) "treachery?" I exclaimed. "Whatever did he do to earn such a title?" Jacob continued to poke the walls. "Live under a rock you probably do then." He said. Live under an island i do I thought to myself smirk "In the great serpentine wars Chen was a spy... A double agent if you will. Giving each army somewhat false information... But getting credit for it. Then after LE MAGICAL TIME SKIP OF TIME WAS ELAPSED the leaders of Ninjago had banished the Arcturus generals to the cursed realm. Clouse and Chen were charged of treason and were banished to this very island." Ok I have heard this story multiple times but no one would know that. "It's a shame that you'll be eliminated after this fight." Jacob said. I chuckled. He thought I was a ditzy little girl who didn't know the sharp end of the sword was. What he didn't know is that I've interrogated grown men four times my size and made them spill their most darkest secrets. "Yea, too bad." I said smirking. Soon my father's voice rang from the surround Sound speakers. "Skylor master of Amber vurses Jacob master if sound FIGHT! Fight". I picked the spear from the wall of weapons and Jacob choose a blow dart and took sides in the room. "Eenie meanie miney moe catch a jade blade by its toe!" I threw my spear over jacob's head and hit the vase dead center. Jacob ducked and ran. After breaking a second vase. Jacob changed tactics. He threw a couple shurikuns. I missed them by mere atoms. I then snuck my way behind him and touched his shoulder lightly, absorbing his element. He looked around startled. But he did not see me. Changing his tactic once more. He started plucking the strings of his sitar. That thing was annoying so I set fire to it.
Now it was time to put on the show, I may not be quite as crazy as my father but I do have his flair. I walked out in front of him stopping right when he shot a dart where my foot would've been. I turned around, and went to move and it delivered the same result. Chuckling, I faced Jacob and preformed a series of cartwheels. He shot a couple times with near misses, one shattering another vase. It was empty. Now I was slightly enjoying myself. So I decided to give my newfound element ago. I altered my sound waves to 'look' like something numclust. Like I hoped, he was distracted as I snuck around and I preformed a flying eagle spin kick and shattered the vase and I retrieved the jade blade. I held it in the air as the spectators clapped their approval. "Yes! Go Skylor!" I turned and saw Kai leaning on the banister punching his fists in the air. He was grinning down at me and I swear my face was slightly pink. And it wasn't from the fight.
"Winner! And loser." Father said as Jacob then fell down like the rest. And his picture on the bracket was taken off.
"I hope the tournament of elements has entertained you as much as it had me. To thank you, I wanted to give everyone shiny jewels and untold shiny things." The crowd clapped some more. "But then in yesterday's battle master Jay and cole tried to undermine me by teaming up and refusing to fight eachother. And that made me very upset." He then threw the tray of could-be-real jewels on the floor. "For their insupportination. All of your fancy quarters will be taken away abs tonight everyone must sleep together in the chow house. That is all thank you you can go." Not fazed by my fathers adittude. I left the arena and went to my dorm. Unlocked the door and gathered the essentials. Dark red cloak and other stuff and made my way to the chow house and set up one of the cots and got some rest. It being late in the afternoon I knew Clouse would pull a fast one late in the night.
Many hours later
It was the middle of the night when I woke up to the quiet voices of the three ninja.
"Couldn't sleep either?" Jay whispered
"Not when we still have to get Zane and Cole back" Kai replied quietly. I faked sleep. "Speaking of backs these new beds are the worst. Alright let's do-" but they never knew what they were going to do as the lights flashed on and the sound of a small gong rang through the room "quick back in bed." Kai whispered. And they did so. Everyone was woken up by now. "Good morning, fighters." Clouse said in fathers theatrical manor. "Oh, that's right, it's the middle of the night." I stood up. With rollerskates on. I remembered putting them on before sleeping. Then the hooded anacondrai cultists attach
(((Rollie blades!!!!!!)))
Roller skates to their feet.
"Hey?! What are you doing?" Lloyd said confused as everyone else. "Do you know what time it is?!" Jay protested.
"Roller skates?!" Kai said standing up with difficulty as he tried to stop and slipped and fell right in front of me with a crash. I helped him back on his feet and he chuckled nervously "thanks" he managed to say. "No problem Kai." I said smiling slightly.
"Let me guess." Lloyd said skeptically. "Another one of Chen's impromptu battles?"
"Oh roller skates! I love roller skates!"
Jay yelled. Doing pretty well on them,
"We should be getting used to this by now." Lloyd said face palming.
"Did I ever mention I once placed first in the mother-son skate off?!" He jumped and skidded along the bar and landed perfectly. "I should have never admitted that"
Mr pale sighed. "Weirdo."
"Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal Arena." Clouse said in his slick voice. "I wouldn't be late if I were you."
I left Kai to mingle and I went up to Clouse. "If most of us have already fought. Why are we all in skates?" I said. "Only two of you will be fighting." Clouse replied.
"But the rest of you will have a chance to effect the outcome."
"Who's fighting?" Griffin said stopping. "Tell us now."
Clouse signaled for the guards to exit the room. "The Green ninja verses the master of form." And Clouse left the room. The room then filled with whispers.
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