A fallen hero

Instead of going to my room after dinner. I went down into the tunnels to check on our Nindroid prisoners. I haven't been down here since they arrived. Since then, Zugu scraped P.I.X.A.L after she repaired Zane. They left P.I.X.A.L's scrapped remains in the cell and they put Zane now rebuilt, in the neighboring cell. As I crept into the cell I saw snapped wires and dented chrome, some strands of silver. On the desk there was an arm, it was purple down to the hand, which was white. Lifeless and cold, her life was taken for my father's mad plan to take what the good people of Ninjago earned. Then the gravity of the  situation fell hard on my shoulders, could I do something discreet so help the greater good?  I would probably get caught and be eleminated, but I knew, I knew how to hot wire so maybe I could rewire P.I.X.A.L. So she could communicate with Zane. So I found some plexiglass and her neural transmitter, a hard drive and a USB cord which I used to connect the neural transmitter to the hard drive. I used the plexiglass as a mini tv screen, I placed it into a computer stand. I took a deep breath and turned the hard drive and computer on, the screen flickered on a I saw a metallic face on the screen and a voice. "I-what? Am-am I dead?"  "No," I replied, "I rebooted your system but I couldn't spare your body. I can't do any more to help you P.I.X.A.L.  But I know how you can help yourself." "How?" P.I.X.A.L. Said questionly. "Where's Zane?  Who are you?" I hesitated, have I said too much? I cleared my throat and said, "in the neighboring cell, I can't save him but you can. You know him and he knows you. I can't stay long, good luck." And then I walked out of the cell, and found the exit of the ground tunnels. Now I was walking through the tapestry of the seven Arcturus Generals and checked the throne room for anyone, mainly for Clouse. But no one was there. So I stepped to the middle of the room to the bracket grail, I studied it and found something that had been changed. In the upper right corner, Clouse no doubt replaced cole and jays' chips and put them in the same bracket. I had a urge to change it so I reached out to touch the bracket, but stopped as an electric source went through my body. Stunned, I got up and felt a searing pain in my left shoulder. Checking it and it was a deep blood-red crimson and it oozed a fair amount of blood, it slowly mourfed back to its original purple color. I put my fingers into my own blood, it was gruesome and a bit terrifying. I'll fix my wound when I get back to my room, I stared at the bracket knowing that the ninja will get quite a shock in the morning. I walked back up to my dorm and rummaged through my bathroom closet for some bandages and a bottle of disinfectant. After finding what I needed I pulled off the top of my gi, I washed my wound so it was clean and rubbed a bit of disinfectant on it. I wrapped my shoulder with the roll of bandages and put on a pair of pjs, threw my bloodstained gi in the hamper. I fell into bed, my shoulder was aching like hell. Father would soon know I rebooted P.I.X.A.L. I was standing on shaky ground. What would happen when he finds out? How could I have been so stupid? I should've known that father would've booby-trapped the bracket grail. I slapped myself in the face, get yourself together! I told myself. Just pull yourself together and act like this never happened. I opened my bedside desk and took out a pain reliever pill and swallowed it and since it made me drowsy I fell asleep instantly.

->time skip to the morning<-

I shook myself awake from the usual nightmare, I'd rather not talk about it, maybe later. I stared around my already messy room and out of my ajar balcony door, I swear! I've shut that door. Is someone coming in when I'm sleeping? I don't know, but I do know that shouldn't be the worst of my thoughts right now. Should I or should I not help the ninja? I mean, they'll need all the help they can get. But I'm Skylor Chen! Daughter of Alibus Chen, who's creator of chaos and deceiver, taker of trust and so forth. How can I, do good with someone like that breathing down my neck? You know what? I just going to listen to my instincts and see what happens. I got out of my bed walked to the balcony doors and shut them, cleaned my room somewhat and pulled on my now clean gi and walked out of my dorm. I locked it and put my hair in a loose ponytail and hid my dorm key in my hair. I was halfway down the stairs that led to the throne room when commotion broke out. "Is there a problem, ninja?" Clouse asked the ninja. "You cheated!" Cole shouted in anger. "You changed the brackets!" The rest of the ninjas' faces registered shock, I don't think they've ever seen Cole get this worked up. "Whoopsie." Chuckled Clouse as he walked away. Cole took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down, Jay was pretty upset aswell, "we have to fight eachother?!" Jay said disbelieving. "It didn't say that yesterday!" "We can't lose Jay or Cole." Lloyd said to Garmadon. "We came to put the team together! Not for it to fall farther apart!" "You can't undo what's already been done, my advice is to be at peace with eachother--" "peace?!" Jay yelled now mad and frantic. "One of us has to lose! Oh man, it's totally going to be me! He's got super strenght and what do I have?! Quick tell me. What do I have?!?!" "Don't listen to my dad." Lloyd intervened. "If we find Zane none of us has to fight," "I think I know someone who could help." Suggested Kai, "and I think he already knows." "I 'think' I know what you're 'thinking'!" Jay said laughing. "Oh brother," Cole said under his breath. And the ninja followed Kai out of the building but Garmadon stayed back, staring at the bracket. I knew he must've felt the anacondrai tattoo burn on his skin whenever I was in close proximity to him. But if he did he did not show it. I wanted to check the bracket, but it would've been risking the mission. But I was hardly thinking on that note. I went my way down the stairs  to the bracket and stared it up and down. My next fight was to be with Jacob master of sound, scheduled tommorrow
morning. Even though Jacob was blind he was very much in tuned with his element. Able to create sound waves powerful enough to target and shatter things. It would be a perfect opportunity to test my stuff and to raise or lower the playing field. "Ahem?" a voice said.  I turned to see Sensei Garmadon staring at me. "Oh," I said pretending to sound apologetic. "I didn't see you there."  Sensei Garmadon looked surprised at me. "It is quite alright," he said. "what's your name child?"   "Skylor Gains" I said holding out my hand to shake his. He shook it briefly. Then something happened I wasn't expecting, wasn't trying to do. I think I absorbed the element of the first spinjiztu master! Calm down skylor. The voice in my head spoke. I slowly let go of Sensei Garmadon's hand and gestured to the board. "I heard that Clouse changed the brackets this morning?" I said casually as possible. "Yes, yes he did." Sensei Garmadon replied. "It was no doubt surprising" "I bet it was..." I said out of thought.Then I  realized I had interrupted Sensei Garmadon, "I'm sorry for interrupting you." I said. "Please continue." "I would've been quite foolish to think that Chen would play fair."
Sensei Garmadon muttered with a grimace. "And with Cole and Jays feud they probably won't find peace with each other in time." He seemed to be talking more to himself. "Well good luck with that, and could you tell Kai I said hi?" I asked. "Sure sure." He said absent minded, "good luck to you aswell." I walked away and into the cafeteria to get some breakfast. After choosing a glass of protein shake I sat down in a booth with Shade, Toxica, and Camille.   They were in a deep conversation about the ninja. "I'm telling you!" Camille said in a loud whisper, "when I fight that green ninja I'm gonna beat him so bad--" "but how do you think you'll pull of something like that?" Toxica interrupted. "He's the green ninja after all! The one who defeated the overkill dragon beast overlord?!" After thinking real hard Shade joined the conversation. "Maybe we could form a secret alliance, get the majority of the elemental masters on our side to throw the ninja out of the competition." Toxica nodded. "Yeah we would have the upper hand with more people. Seven to four!" Camille said. "The odds would be in our favor." Toxica said. They seemed to agree on it. Then Shade turned to me. "You in Miss Gains?" "If I join your alliance." I said. "Don't call me 'Miss Gains'." "I agree with Skylor on this one Shade." Said Camille. "Please don't call me 'Miss Yachovich'. " Shade folded his arms and chuckled. "Whatever you say ladies. So the next fight will be against Miss Yacho-- I I mean Camille and Lloyd will fight each other in whatever cray cray death trap that Chen puts you in." I lost the thread of the conversation when I saw Neuro go up an upstairs passageway. A passageway I knew for fact went up to father's dressing room. Knowing that Clouse would catch him I didn't think of the matter. "Well," I said to Shade Camille and Toxica. "The fight between Cole and Jay will happen in four hours, who do you think with come out on top?" "Isnt it obvious?" Questioned Camille. "Cole is going to win. Jay wouldn't stand a chance. I knew Cole growing up even though he doesn't remember me, Since after the freak accident that sorta rebooted his mind and it damaged his memory and... And--" Camille then stopped speaking and covered her face with her hands. "No offense," said Toxica. "But Jay will win!" "Ladies! Ladies!" Shouted Shade. "Just shut up--" "you shut up!" Camille and Toxica retorted loudly at Shade who cringed back against the booth. With Camille about to burst into madden tears, Toxica was about to bite off Shade's head. I stood up from the booth and walked outside around the koi pond. After sitting down on a fairly large stone I stared into the depths of the pond. And my thoughts drifted to that Garmadon had said. "I would've been quite foolish to think that Chen would play fair." I knew that he used to be one of my father's pupils before the serpentine war. Why was Neuro sneaking up into father's dressing room?  "I think I know some one who could help and I 'think' he already knows." Kai had said. Was he talking about Neuro? No, without a shadow of a doubt he was talking about Neuro. They must have convinced him to try to read father's mind to confirm their wild theory that they summed up. They were all out of ideas and they didn't want Cole or Jay to get eleminated, but I had a sneaky suspicion that one of them was going to be eleminated. Not wanting to sit here for another minute,  I stood up and walked back into the cafeteria where I walked into Neuro. Sweating and shaking, Neuro whispered a quick "sorry, I didn't see you there." And ran off. I had an urge to follow him when I heard my father's voice resounding the speakers throughout the island. "We continue through the tournament of elements!" He said and I started to make my way to the main arena where I knew the fight would be in. "Would the spectators make their way to the main arena to spectate?" I got into the first row of the bleachers and stared into the arena and I saw Cole on one side of the arena with Lloyd and Jay on the other side with Kai. Then Neuro ran in and spoke to Kai about something but I couldn't hear. I turned around to see who else was in the bleachers. Tox Shad and Camille were sitting in the back row. Griffin Turner and Mr. Pale man were in the middle row. I looked to my far left and saw Garmadon. Who was quite nervous as Kai and Lloyd reentered the bleachers. "The rest is up to them." Garmadon said to Lloyd. "There's nothing you can do now." I watched Neuro sit next to Mr. Pale man. "The tournament recommences! The jade blade is giving to those who earn it!" Shouted father. "Jay master of Lightning vs Cole master of--" but he didn't get that far as Cole and Jay ran into the arena. They pulled out all stops on this fight, using there physical strength and powers to their advantage. I wondered who would come out on top. I was surprised when they both shot their element at each other at the same time, it was intense. But then Cole fired just a bit harder and bowled Jay onto his back. Cole could've landed the final blow and grabbed the jade blade but he hesitated. He paused as Jay got back to his feet and Jay slowly advanced on Cole with sparks escaping his balled fists. But Cole did not back away. Although he did hold earth-born dust partials in his out-stretched hands. Then after a few minutes of silence, both of them turned off their powers and started landing and blocking each other's attacks. "What is this? Patty cake?!"  Father yelled. "I'm bored! Release the Condrai Crushers!"  And three condrai crushers bursted through the double doors and circled Cole and Jay both back to back. Cole advanced to the first Condrai crusher and grabbed the tail of the condrai crusher and swung it into the second one and they both crashed into the wall. The third one charged Jay who saw it coming and did a back flip onto the condrai crusher behind the driver and shot electric beams at the guy who was instantly knocked out. As the condrai crusher slowed to a halt in front of Cole. Jay jumped and landed next to Cole and they did some sort of complicated handshake when father's angry voice rang through the arena. "If you will not fight each other then both of you will loose!" I knew he was pressing buttons at random as tiles from the floor disappeared one at a time. It was all the two ninja could do to not fall down into the depths. Then they paused for the briefest moment when Cole climbed the tower in the middle of the arena and wrenched the jade blade out of its place and threw it to Jay who caught it with a shocked look on his face. As Cole landed from the tower and stood at its base he fell into its depths. "Master of Lightning moves on!" Shouted my father as the rest of the elemental masters left the bleachers. Wow, I was not expecting that. I watched as Jay walked up to Clouse and threw his jade blade at him. And he met the other ninja at the exit doors. I left the bleachers and followed the ninja at a far distant "Cole might have lost but he did not loose." Said Garmadon as Kai put his hand on Jay's shoulder. " let what he did be a lesson for us all. He fought like a true ninja."   I came to a halt as my tattoo burned in short repeated bursts. It was sending me a message 'early ceremony in fifteen minutes. For the black ninja may cause trouble. Be there to absorb the elements, Ash, Gravity, Nature and Earth. Hail Arcturus" Even for me that's a short amount of time to get down to the ceremony chamber. So I speed walked out of the stands, climbed through the seven Arcturus generals tapestry, I pulled my dark red cloak out of my pocket and put it over my head. I ran down the passageway and came into the back entrance of the ceremony chamber. I covered my head with the hood of my cloak and stood next to my father as he said "bring out the four losers!" Then Gravis was dragged in by two guards, Bolobov was dragged in by another two guards. Ash was dragged in by two more guards. Cole was escorted in by four guards, two of them were Zugu and Eyezor. Looking closer and I saw that they had chained his wrists. I studied Cole's behavior, if he had fear he did not show it. He was stable and firm. "You have permission to absorb whatever you choose." Father said staring at me. I nodded grimly. I made sure that my hood covered my face as I walked down the steps if Cole recognized me, he's probably got enough of perseverance and determination to send some sort message to the ninja. I looked down at Gravis  and placed my hand on Gravis's shoulder. After absorbing the power of gravity I turned to Bolobov and placed my hand on his shoulder, absorbing the nature I turned to face Ash. I tapped his arm and turned to Cole. But I wasn't ready for what happened next. Cole did a round house kick and tripped Eyezor and Zugu who fell over onto the other two guards. "Now to see who this spy is." Cole said as he was about to kick me in my chest but I ducked and grabbed his leg and flipped him over onto his back. In the process I had absorbed his element. "Man that kinda hurt." Cole muttered, Eyezor stood back up and pulled Cole back up to his feet and forced him down into a kneeling position. The rest of the guards forced the other elemental masters to their knees. I backed out of the room through a hidden passageway and watched as my father absorbed their power. "Take Gravis, Bolobov and Ash to the factory!" Father yelled. Then Gravis Bolobov and Ash were dragged out of the room. "And for you master Cole since you attacked our spy, we have special place for you! Take him away!" And then Eyezor and Zugu escorted Cole from the ceremony chamber. I made my way back to my dorm, I took my key out of my hair and unlocked the door and walked inside and shut the door I threw my dark red cloak in the hamper. And I fell onto the bed and fell asleep.

Thank you for reading my fanfics! I'm hoping you are enjoying this. This is a very long chapter! 3258 Words! Stay tuned for the eighth chapter

"My turn"

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