29. The Marauder's Map
I kept my father's note to me as a talisman in my pocket. Never had I been so convinced of his innocence. I might have had conflicting opinions these last few months about him—but this surely had to be something good.
He had been there in the stands, to watch his daughters and god-son play Quidditch, even though he would be killed if he was caught. He'd risked everything to get a note into the hospital wing to me—he obviously trusted me not to say anything.
While he'd done some reckless things, Mum was right—he wasn't stupid. Everything had to mean something.
But while the note burned a small hole in the back of my mind, I had Harry to concentrate on. His broomstick had been destroyed after the match, and he was very subdued. I had a feeling there was something more to his quietness, but I didn't want to pry too deeply.
Even though I was only re-gaining my energy in the hospital wing, I still hated being there, and it was a great relief to be released with Harry on Monday morning. We hurried to Defence class together, slightly late, hoping that Snape wasn't substituting again.
But to my relief, Remus was stood at the blackboard as we sneaked in. "Ah!" he smiled at seeing us. "Harry, Lyra! Good to see you both up and about!"
"You too, Professor." I smiled, sliding into the seat Kat had saved for me. "My mother said your migraines were quite severe."
"Why yes, they were." Remus gave me a crafty wink, before he carried on with his lesson on Hinkypunks.
Glancing to my right, I saw that Kat had a bright smile on her face (and you could see her teeth!) and was doodling on her notebook, something very unlike her. Subtly peering, I saw that she'd written Cassie's name with a heart around it.
I nudged her and wrote on my own notebook. What has happened with you two? I've never seen such cute doodles in my whole life.
Kat read my note and looked towards Cassie. She was sat at the front of the class next to Daphne, pushing her glossy blonde hair over her shoulder. Cassie caught Kat staring, and flushed pink.
I felt like I had walked into a romance novel.
She was really upset after you fell—proper sobbing. It was a bit terrifying actually. Kat wrote to me, before scribbling a much longer note, which read: She was terrified you'd died, and she said she was afraid of not having anybody. I told her she'd have me, and she connected the dots.
OH MY GOD!!! I wrote back, resisting the urge to squeal. AND—WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU GIRLFRIENDS? DID YOU KISS!! 😊
Kat rolled her eyes but flushed a light shade of pink. No, we didn't kiss. But we talked for hours. She told me that she'd known she was a lesbian for years, before she even knew there was a word to describe what she felt. She says she likes me—me! 😊
I felt like my heart was going to burst. While I was always an annoying optimist, I had worried that I'd mis-interpreted Cassie's actions, and that she didn't feel the same way. This was such a relief.
That's brilliant Kat! So—what next?
Kat gave me a coy smile. We take things slow. I understand completely, I mean with what happened to her... That's okay with me. All this... love is new to me. So long as we're in it together.
I reached across the desk and squeezed her hand tightly. Making sure Remus was still enthralled with his lecture, I whispered. "I'm so happy for you Kat. You deserve this."
Kat had a peaceful expression on her face for the rest of the lesson, and I didn't even mind that she sprang from her seat the second the lesson finished to practically bounce over to Cassie. Grinning, I swung my bag over my shoulder.
"Harry—Lyra—a word, please?" Remus called as the class began to file out.
Our friends stared at us and frowned. "Don't worry—we'll meet you in a bit." I told Hermione reassuringly, though she frowned which confused me.
Harry and I approached Remus's desk, and already I had a feeling I knew what this was about from the kind smile on his face. "Cara told me about the match." He turned to Harry. "There's no hope in fixing your broomstick, is there?"
Harry shook his head sadly. The broom had been a gift from McGonagall for making the team and had been a very fast broom. "No—the Whomping Willow smashed it to pieces. I've only got twigs left."
Remus looked thoughtful. "They planted that tree the year I arrived at Hogwarts. Students used to make bets on who could get closest—that ended when somebody lost an eye."
"It was a student called Davey, wasn't it?" I asked Remus. "Mum's told me this story—it managed to keep Sasha and me away."
"He was never a bright boy," Remus sighed. He gave me a tight smile. "I wish I hadn't been... ill this weekend. I would have liked to visit you both in the hospital wing."
I shrugged. "I just had to regain my strength, but um..." a lump grew in my throat. "Did Mum tell you about the..."
"Yes," Remus said gently, knowing I couldn't say it. "The dementors have been growing restless—I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner. Dumbledore was furious—Black was nowhere in sight, and yet they still appeared."
I squirmed under Remus's calm gaze, hoping he couldn't read my mind and know that my Father had not only been on the Quidditch pitch, but visited me in the hospital wing.
"Why do they affect us like this?" Harry's voice sounded thick, and feeling guilty I was glad Remus's attention was off me. Harry hung his head like he was embarrassed to be this open. "We're the only ones who... faint. Are we—weak?"
On instinct, I reached out and touched Harry's arm. He gave a small smile in return, and Remus looked between the two of us, with almost a sad smile.
"No, Harry, it's nothing like that at all. You both have true horrors in your past—you've both faced Voldemort and life-and-death decisions. Dementors see this horror as a sweet dessert—and when you pair that with your pure souls... well you're both feasts for them to try and consume."
A shiver went up my spine, while it made sense, hearing it said out loud was worse. Harry reached for my hand, and took a deep breath before he said:
"Professor... when the dementors are near, I... I can hear my mother. In the last moments of her life, trying to protect me."
I could almost feel my heart breaking inside my chest. While I might have seen my father leaving—a memory I couldn't remember—at least I knew he was out there, and I had a mother. Harry had just a snippet of a mother he had never known.
"Why did they have to come to the match?" said Harry bitterly. He was staring at a candle on Remus' desk so hard that his eyes were blurring, trying not to cry. He would have looked quite neutral, if it wasn't for him squeezing my hand tightly.
Remus looked a few shades paler as he shut his briefcase, probably thinking about Lily Potter. "They're hungry. They want Black, they want the both of you—but there was so much excitement, happiness on the Quidditch field. I'm sure they couldn't resist a sniff."
"Is that why my Father went mad in Azkaban?" I found myself asking Remus, even though I knew my father was a soft subject with him. "Because he couldn't hold onto memories of us?"
Remus's briefcase toppled onto the floor, papers spilling out like tears. He bent down and began scrambling for them, obviously buying time not to answer me. Harry gave me a significant look, understanding.
"Your Father, Lyra," he said, his voice strained as he untidily piled papers into his briefcase, "Was mad long before he was taken to Azkaban island. You mustn't forget that—he made some terrible decisions to get where he is today."
A heavy silence passed between the two of us. Remus was the closest person I had in my life to a true father figure, and yet we'd never had such a strained, uncomfortable interaction. Speaking of my Father truly seemed to grind on his nerves.
"So, how do you get rid of a dementor?" Harry asked, sensing the tension.
Remus got up, and in an instant the tension left his face. "There are several defences—the most popular being the patronus charm. It's a very difficult spell to master."
"Could you teach us?" Harry asked eagerly. "We could protect ourselves then!"
"Oh Remus, please!" I begged. "I'll never talk about my Father again to you, if only you just teach us!"
Remus put a scarred hand on my shoulder. "Oh Lyra, don't mind me. I'm a bitter man with a lot of bad memories about your Father. One day I shall tell you the good memories." He paused. "I will teach you both though—after Christmas. I promise."
November ran its course, in which we were annihilated by Ravenclaw in Quidditch. While I didn't let a single goal in—redeeming myself for my shocking playing—the Ravenclaw seeker Cho Chang was just as quick and nimble as Harry and caught the snitch when we were only twenty points up.
December arrived with a snow storm that made the castle and grounds look like it was coated in icing sugar. I'd forgotten how beautiful and cosy Hogwarts was in the snow.
While there had been no sightings of Dad—public or by me—I couldn't help have my mind drifting towards him. I wondered what our Christmases had been like when I was small, if he put carrots out for the reindeer's like Mum did and if he hung our stockings above the fireplace...
Trying to push painful what-ifs to the side, in secret I was working with Elijah on an investigation about my Father. We scoured books and books for the name 'Wormtail' but found nothing. We'd searched about Peter Pettigrew since that was who Dad accused first of all—but all we found were accounts of his murder. It was frustrating, but Elijah was very good at this investigating stuff, and I had faith he'd find something soon.
Two weeks before Christmas—and a week before the end of term—we had a family meeting in Mum's office. This included Harry, which I was thrilled about.
"Right, so I've decided what we're all doing for Christmas." Mum chaired the meeting. "I've spoken to Dumbledore, Harry, and he and I agree it's in your best interests to stay here this Christmas."
"Okay," Harry didn't sound disappointed at all—he loved Hogwarts. "Are you all staying as well?"
Mum and Sasha exchanged a look, which told me that they'd discussed this without us. "Well..." Sasha trailed off, fiddling with her Prefect badge. "Hogwarts has been very intense this term for the three of us, what with the shit storm Dad has caused... So, we're heading to Remus's house. He's staying here though."
"Oh." I said. While I'd been planning on staying at Hogwarts, the temptation of being away from the drama, and having a normal family Christmas, was very tempting. Too tempting. "Okay!"
"I'll ask Ron and Hermione if they'll stay." Harry said, not looking too put out. "I like spending Christmas with them."
"Good," Mum smiled at Harry, before she looked thoughtful. "I know you'd like to stay here with Harry, Lyra, but I was thinking... what if you invited some friends over? And maybe Fred? Keep you company?"
My heart beat painfully in my chest. "Sure."
Our Christmas plans were shaping up nicely. Ron and Hermione were spending Christmas with Harry, while Cassie was going to stay with us for the full holidays. Kat and her Auntie were going to visit for Christmas lunch and Fred... well I hadn't asked him to stay yet.
The thought of him in my house, in my room was a nerve racking one. While I knew we were young, and nothing would happen, what if I blurted out that I loved him? I could scare him off, and everything was going so well with us...
But I knew how badly I would miss him over Christmas, so I decided to don some Gryffindor bravery and ask him on the last Hogsmeade visit, on the last full day of term.
That morning, I made an extra effort: scraping mud off my boots, and picking cat fluff off my favourite duffel coat that Sooty liked to make his bed. Winding Fred's Gryffindor scarf around my neck (I'd borrowed it once and not returned it), Kat and I slowly made our way up to the Hall to meet our dates.
Kat and Cassie were going on their first date, something which they were both keeping very low-key (though Harry, Ron and Hermione had been told—Hermione had shrieked with joy) but I could tell Kat was overjoyed.
Kat with a girlfriend (if they were labeling it, that is) was a strange creature. She wore pristine flowered Doc Marten boots and soft peach nail varnish and put make-up on her already smooth face ('Why my mix-raced skin is the darkest foundation shade, I have no idea' she told me) making her look like a piece of art with her soft lips and big eyes.
"Are you excited?" I asked her as we followed the throng of Hufflepuffs up the stairs.
"Does a bear shit in the woods—damn it Lyra, of course I am!" Kat beamed at me. She lowered her voice, "Maybe—just maybe my powers haven't cursed me after all."
We emerged into the entrance hall, to find Cassie and Fred chatting. As always, Fred looked handsome in his bobbly winter coat, and—wait was he wearing my Hufflepuff scarf? He caught my eye and grinned, waving.
As we approached, I saw Draco approach his sister. He was asking her something, and she was shaking her head, looking firm. I imagined he was trying to convince her to go home for Christmas again—Cassie said it was all he'd talked about.
"No, Draco." Cassie said firmly as Kat and I were in hearing distance. I could see Cassie had tried too—wobbly eyeliner wings sat on each eye, and she wore her favourite (and most expensive) coat with a faux fur collar. "You can't change my mind—oh hey!"
Draco looked irritated at the sight of us. "Save me," Fred whispered, leaning down and clumsily kissing the side of my head. "I don't need more sibling drama!"
"We'd all best be off then, shouldn't we?" I said, brighter than necessary. "Surely you're meeting Crabbe or Goyle, Draco—wouldn't want to keep them waiting, would you?"
Draco narrowed his eyes at me. "No, I suppose not."
He turned to walk away but paused. He looked between Cassie and Kat, his eyes lingering on Kat's flowery boots and his sister's coat. "Is this what I think it is, sister?"
Kat reached for Cassie's hand, but Cassie moved away at the last moment. Her cheeks were red, and her normally bright expression hard and steely. She didn't catch the flash of rejection on Kat's face.
"Can't a girl dress up, Draco? Do you hear yourself speak sometimes?"
Draco raised an eyebrow. "So long as you know what you're doing, Cass."
He walked off, and the three of us stared at Cassie. She took one shuddering breath before she turned to us. "Sorry about that, Kat, are you ready to—wait, Katherine--!"
She walked straight past Cassie, arms tightly folded over her chest as if she could protect her heart. To somebody who didn't know Kat like I did, they would think she was angry—but I knew her, and she was heartbroken.
Cassie looked hopelessly between Fred and I. "What—What do I do?" she whispered.
"Go get the girl," Fred said gently.
Cassie nodded fervently and hurried outside into the snow flurry after Kat. I turned to Fred. "Oh no, poor Katherine, poor Cassie!" I stared into the snow. "I wish I could help."
"You can't heal everyone," Fred squeezed my fingers. "They have to sort things out for themselves."
I frowned. "First this, and poor Harry can't go to Hogsmeade either! This isn't the Christmas spirit, it's making me sad."
Fred stared into the distance with a dreamy expression on his face. Then his head perked up like a meerkat's and he grinned—true Fred style.
"What is it?" I asked wearily. "Last time you grinned like that we ended up shutting Percy in a Pyramid."
"I've got a solution!" he yelled. "Let's find George!"
George was easy to locate, as he was only just strolling down the main staircase with Lee Jordan and Elijah. As it turned out, after Sasha revealed Elijah's status a death eater child—Fred, George and Lee took him under their wing. It was good to see Elijah with more friends.
"Hey, ho!" George said at the sight of us. "Why have these love birds flocked to us? We were planning a lads trip."
"Lads!" Lee Jordan cried.
"Lads, I guess." Elijah said less enthusiastically. "I mean you can't have a proper lads time without Firewhiskey, and it's more likely Nargles reach the moon than we get served—"
"Elijah" Fred waved his hand impatiently, which happened to be the one holding mine, giving us an awkward elongated arm. "This is urgent—George, we need to talk about the Marauder's."
Elijah looked as confused as I felt, but a wicked grin crept across Lee's face. "You're telling Lyra? Nice."
"What?" I blinked several times.
"We'll save you a seat in the Broomsticks," Elijah said, clapping a hand on George's back, ignoring my question. "See ya, losers."
George bounded up to us with all the energy of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. "I'm so excited—Lyra this is sacred, proper sacred. Your sister doesn't even know!"
"Am I entering a cult?" I asked Fred uncertainly.
"No, love." Fred grinned as the three of us began walking. "You're learning of an ancient school legend. Now—where is Harry?"
Why were boys so cryptic?
We found Harry reading a Quidditch book outside the Great Hall. He'd barely opened his mouth before Fred and George hauled him to his feet and hurried us down a deserted corridor. I was so confused—the twins had been whispering non-stop the whole journey.
"What is this?" Harry asked me wearily.
"I'm as clueless as you." I sighed. "Stop the theatrics, boys—what's this school legend?"
"School legend?" now Harry sounded interested.
Fred's eyes twinkled. "Lyra inspired me to spread some festive cheer." he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a worn piece of parchment. He held it like it was a small animal.
"Err..." Harry and I were sharing equal looks of confusion.
"That, my children is the secret of our success." George smiled dreamily. "Only us and Lee know about this. Consider yourselves special."
"Why doesn't my sister know about this?" I asked.
Fred shrugged. "Your sister is cool and all that—but she's got a big mouth, and this—this is sacred." He turned to Harry. "This is a great honour, Harry—but we figured your need is greater than ours."
"For some old parchment?" Harry asked skeptically.
"A bit of old parchment!" said George, closing his eyes and wincing. "Explain, Fred."
"When we were in first year—young, sweet and innocent—"
"Sasha told me you were both in detention by the end of first week for cheeking Snape—with expletives." I interrupted.
"Rightly so, he was being rude to your sister." George said. "Anywho—when we were more innocent, we had some bother with Filch."
"We let off a Dungbomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason—" Fred winked.
"So, he hauled us off to his office and started threatening us with the usual --"
"-- detention --"
"-- suspended from chains--"
"-- and we couldn't help noticing a drawer in one of his filing cabinets marked Confiscated and Highly Dangerous." Fred swung his arms behind his back, looking pleased with himself.
"You didn't—" Harry was grinning.
"Fred caused a distraction, and I grabbed—this!" George whipped the parchment from Fred and waved it at us. "We don't think Filch understood it, but he definitely had his suspicions to put it in the drawer."
"Ditch the dramatics, what does it do?" I bounced on the spot. "I want to visit Hogsmeade!"
Fred snatched the parchment back and winked at me. He pulled out his wand and tapped the parchment, whispering: "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
The parchment opened, and where the wand had touched it, a black spot of ink appeared. It leaped and twirled across the page, causing webs of ink to settle. It scuttled across the parchment, forming twists and turns until words appeared on the top:
Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present: THE MARAUDER'S MAP.
With the force of a bullet to the heart I staggered backwards, Fred and George oblivious as they explained how the map worked to Harry. Wormtail. That name again... and Moony... that was Remus...
If I made a logical leap... had my Dad and James Potter help create a map of Hogwarts? Was that how Dad could come into the castle?
Harry was overjoyed and planned to sneak into Hogsmeade through a secret tunnel behind a statue. All I could think about on the way to Hogsmeade was who Wormtail could possibly be, and which passageway my Father was using to get around.
"Oi," Fred nudged me. "What's the matter?"
"Hmm?" coming back to reality, I realised I'd been spaced out for longer than I'd thought. "What?"
"You're away with the stars." Fred stopped in the snow, his boots crunching. He pulled us to the side of the path. "What is it?"
"I—" I wasn't sure what to say. I didn't want to keep things from Fred, and yet... I couldn't explain to him about my investigation, the map's link to my father... let alone me seeing him at the Quidditch match. Telling Fred felt like scooping my heart out of my chest.
"Is this about you not asking me to stay for Christmas?" Fred asked coyly. "Sasha asked me last week if I was coming. I was very confused."
Embarrassed I buried my face into Fred's scarf and hoped I would somehow turn invisible in the snow storm. Unfortunately, this didn't work, and my personal space was invaded, Fred's arms wrapped around me.
"My scarf won't save you," Fred said dryly. "Oi, look at me." Glancing up, I could see Fred looked almost sad. "Why don't you want me to come?"
"I do!" I said instantly. "I just... didn't want to scare you off by getting too serious too quickly."
Fred cupped my face in his hands. "Lyra, you're one of the smartest and stupidest people I've ever met."
Fred made an annoyed noise. "I waited for you when you were in that coma, remember. I waited a whole year for you."
"Apart from when you dated Alicia Spinnet for two months."
Fred shook his head and gave me a warm smile. "You won't let anything go, will you? But honestly Lyra, I'm serious about this—about us. I love jokes, I love pranking and having fun. I've never been more serious about anything before... and it feels good. I want all of it with you—lame Christmas dinners, family holidays.... The whole package."
Kissing him lightly on the nose, I smiled. "Why do you always make the best romantic speeches?"
Fred shrugged. "I dabble."
Kissing him quickly on both cheeks, I prised his hands from my face. "C'mon, let's get a Butterbeer in town before we freeze to death."
"Does this mean I can come?" Fred said brightly, slotting his hand into mine, a perfect fit.
I almost said those three words then, looking into his beautiful freckled face. But considering my clothes were coated in a thin layer of snow and I couldn't feel my feet... I couldn't consider this romantic.
"Yes!" I laughed, relief washing over me. Why had I worried so much? "You're going to love my Mum's Christmas dinner—I just... I need to stop being afraid of us getting serious."
"Isn't your Dad serious?"
I shoved Fred into a snow-drift, which started a miniature snow-ball fight on the road to Hogsmeade, our laughs echoing in the snow. I knew I needed to tell him about the investigation, about seeing my Dad in the grounds. But for now,... I was just going to enjoy myself.
Hogsmeade was everything I'd imagined and more. It was a beautiful tiny village, bustling with hundreds of Hogwarts students and local wizards, laughs and Christmas carols mixing together to make it one of the most festive places I'd been.
Fred gave me a tour, showing me the highlights: the amazing sweet shop Honeydukes (where we both bought way too many sweets) the joke shop Zonko's (where Fred stocked up on pranking gear) and we even glanced through the fence at the Shrieking Shack, the most haunted building in Britain (blame Remus for that).
Our final stop was at The Three Broomsticks, which served Butterbeer and the best sandwiches in the world according to Fred.
"I'll buy you lunch."
"No, I'm buying this time." I said, as I put my loose change in the collection tin, putting extra in since Fred had little money left from our exploring. "It's the fairest thing."
"My little Hufflepuff," Fred said fondly as he opened the door for me. "Always right and just."
The bar was crowded with people, the crackling fire warming me right down to my bones. It was the most popular bar in Hogsmeade, Fred told me, since they were the only place to sell Butterbeer.
Fred dragged me through the crowd—I was too shy to ask people to move—to the bar, where I ordered us two Butterbeers and toasted paninis. As Fred grabbed our plates, and I grabbed the drinks, he let out a funny noise.
"Look!" he shouted over the noise.
I followed his pointed finger to see Ron and Hermione sat in a deserted part of the bar. There was an empty seat next to them, which they were addressing. Which meant... Harry had made it!
We hurried over to them, and Ron grinned at us. "Why didn't you tell me about that map?" he asked Fred. "I'm your brother!"
"Harry was more deserving," Fred smirked as we sat opposite them. "All right, Harry?"
"Better than ever!" the chair spoke.
"Well I think you're all idiots." Hermione huffed. "And you—Lyra! Have you considered your father might be getting into the castle through those passageways?"
"We don't know that." I said defensivley, taking a sip of my Butterbeer. It was the sweetest, nicest drink I'd ever tasted. "Fred was just being nice, okay?"
Hermione folded her arms across her chest. "Well I still think Harry should hand it in!"
"Bully for you." Ron rolled his eyes. "Anyway—if Lyra's Dad was using the passageways, he'd have the map wouldn't he?"
"Ron, for the first time in your life, you said something sensible." Fred said around a massive bite of his panini.
My food churned in my stomach. If I was right, and my Father was either Padfoot or Prongs—he wouldn't need the map, he would know it already...
We were interrupted as a breeze rippled through the bar. Glancing over our shoulders, to our horror we saw a bunch of teachers walk in and approach the bar—McGonagall, Hagrid and, oh God—my Mother and The Minister of Magic!
Panicked, Hermione shoved the chair Harry was in, and he toppled under the table in his invisibility cloak, exposing one foot. Quickly, I pulled the cloak completely over him, Fred moving his chair to block the view under the table.
Hermione whispered, "Mobiliarbus!"
The Christmas tree next to us rose a few inches and landed in front of our table, blocking view of us entirely. We were silent as the teachers, Mum and the Minister sat, of course, on the table next to us.
Praying Mum wouldn't spot us, I pulled my legs up on my chair, and burrowed under Fred's arm, breathing quickly through my nose.
"What brings you up here, then, Minister Fudge?" Mum said, sounding relaxed. "Are you here to interrogate me again?"
"Of course not, Cara, no." Fudge sounded friendly. "I know you would never endanger your children by letting that mad-man into the castle."
"Of course not." Mum said sharply, and I was reminded of our conversation where she believed he was innocent. "Do you believe he's still in the area?"
"I'm sure of it." Fudge said confidently.
"Madam Rosmerta was saying they've searched all of the shops twice." Mum said gravely. "She says it's impacting on all the local businesses... its only Hogwarts visits keeping them afloat."
"I still can't believe it, though." McGonagall sighed. "I still remember teaching you, Cara and I would never would have dreamt that Sirius would have turned to the Dark Side."
"But you don't know the worse, Minerva." Fudge said gravely. "Cara—may, I?"
"I suppose." Mum said stiffly, and I could feel my heartbeat in my throat.
"I can always remember lessons I had with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor back then..." McGonagall was thoughtful. "You never saw one without the other... Sirius Black and James Potter were a dream team."
I felt Harry kick me under the table. Had he not realised this?
"I dunno..." Hagrid spoke. "Fred and George Weasley could give them a run for their money."
Fred's lips quirked into a smile, but I strained my ears, eager to hear more.
"James trusted Sirius above everyone." Mum said quietly, her voice thick. "Sirius was the best man at James and Lily's wedding, and James was at ours... even if it was a tiny muggle ceremony." The teachers were enthralled with her story. "Then of course, James and Lily named us as Godparents for Harry."
Glancing down, I could see Harry quiver under the invisibility cloak.
"Indeed..." Fudge said. "As you know, James and Lily hid themselves with the fidelous charm... concealing a secret in somebody's soul. If a secret-keeper kept their mouth shut, the Potter's could have been safe for years, and well... Cara?"
Mum was silent, and through the pine needles I could see that McGonagall had placed a hand on her arm. "Sirius was the secret keeper for James and Lily," Mum said, barely above a whisper.
"Naturally," McGonagall said gently. "James Potter told Dumbledore that Sirius would die rather than tell where they were. But there were rumours around of somebody becoming a double agent, and Dumbledore suspected him..."
"So he betrayed them?" Hagrid sounded shocked.
"It was never proven." Mum said, and I could see she was on the verge of crying, her shoulders shook. "For all we know, they tortured the secret out of him... he won't tell me the truth, not even when I went to visit him..."
"I think that's enough talk of that today, Cara is distraught." McGonagall said firmly. "Hagrid, why don't escort the Minster to the Headmaster?"
"Very well." Fudge grumbled, clearly disliking McGonagall's abrasive tone.
There was silence and scraping of chairs, until only Mum and McGonagall was left. Mum was sobbing into her hands, McGonagall trying to comfort her.
Allowing myself finally to move, I felt numb with shock. Leaning down, I went to remove the cloak from Harry, to speak to him. But my hand touched air.
Harry had already gone.
A/N Only a quick note today: Do you all mind having longer chapters like this, or would you rather I break up longer parts into two chapters? I don't want to make you all bored haha!
Also I've finished planning this book: there will be about 42 chapters! :)
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