
A/N: It's really hard for me to pick who would be the submissive in Ziam because I see them both as a switch when they are together, and in normally don't write Ziam as a side ship but I have. 20 comments please?

Louis is way too cute in this I can't


"Move, move, move. I Gotta pee!"Louis is pushing past Zayn, doing the 'I need to pee' run as he runs by Zayn and into the house, face red in concentration as he tries to hold in his pee. Zayn is stunned for a second, eyes trained on the spot where Louis once was, snapping out of his thoughts whenever Niall is shouting.

"Louis!"Niall shouts after the little, face red in embarrassment as he holds the Spider-Man backpack in his hands."I'm sorry about that, he really needed to pee and he's not in a pull-up."Niall sighs, handing the backpack to Zayn who just smiles.

"It's fine, Better him rushing into my home to pee than having an accident."Niall makes a sound of agreement, running a hand through his blonde hair."Has he got everything?"

"Yes, he has everything. Skittles has been put in the bag, he has his blankie, dummy and a couple of pull-ups just in case. There are spare clothes and his sippy cup."Niall lists off,"He had a hard night last night, so he may need a nap after lunch time but other than that, he should be good as gold."

"I'm looking forward to looking after him already,"Zayn smiles. Zayn has known Niall for a good part of the mans life, they were eachothers right hand man. They've been here for one another during the bad times and through the good, it was a type of friendship that was solid and yeah, maybe they didn't always talk but they didn't need to.

"Thank you so much for doing this, I'll be back by 3 at the latest."Niall is quick to leaving, late for his meeting. Zayn closes the door behind the man after reassuring Niall that Louis will be alright in the hands of Zayn and Liam, watching the man leave the driveway safely before turning just in time to see Louis running out of the bathroom.

"I made it!"He beams, the buttons of his dungarees undone and one of the straps on the wrong side of his shoulder. Zayn stiffens a chuckle, shaking his head fondly as he motions for the little to come closer so that he can fix his clothes for him."Where's my Daddy?"

"He was running late for his meeting, buddy."Zayn tells him, clicking the strap into place."But he'll be back soon enough,"

"B-but I didn't get no kisses,"Louis' lips turn into a frown quickly enough, sniffling. Niall never left without giving him a kiss, it was their rule! Zayn mimics Louis' frown, running a hand through feather soft hair.

"I'll give you a kiss,"Zayn bargains, already pecking the little on the forehead."There, there's your kiss."Louis giggles, Zayn genuinely smiling at the smile on Louis' face.

"There's that smile! Now, I need you to go upstairs and wake up Liam for me, please. He's being such a lazy butt."Zayn chuckles whenever Louis gasps in excitement, already rushing up the stairs to go and jump on Liam to wake the other up.

Zayn and Liam have been together for 5 years, 3 years longer than Louis and Niall. Louis admired their relationship, it was so full of casual and simple love that made Louis all happy to be able to witness, and they were both very sweet and sophisticated men. Unlike Louis and Nialls relationship where Louis was constantly the little, Liam was only sometimes a little but still a submissive to Zayn.

Tripping at the last step, Louis huffs a breath, ignoring the throbbing in knee as he continues his journey to Zayn and Liams bedroom. Stiffening giggles, Louis is pushing open the bedroom door and spying Liam wrapped up in a cocoon of bed sheets as he sleeps.

Pouncing on top of the wrapped up cocoon, Louis is jumping on the figure, shaking Liams shoulders and practically screaming in his ear."Wake up! Wake up! You Gotta wake up, Liam!"Liam groans, always the deep sleeper.

"Lou, go away,"

"Nope! C'mon, get up lazy butt. I wanna play, and your Daddy told me to come wake you up."Louis continues to speak loudly, not caring if his voice was hurting Liams head. The older man groans, batting away curious hands that come out to poke at his face and scrunching up his nose.

"Right, okay, okay. I'm up."

"Yay! Let's play, I bought Skittles, I forgot my dolls but we can okay with our bears o-or your cars or maybe-"

"Louis, I don't feel like playing right now."Louis frowns, straddling Liams waist whenever the man turns onto his back and rubs his hands over his face to wake himself up."I need to do work,"

"O-okay, I can help you with that! I help my Daddy all of the time with his work, but mind that, he normally ends up not working if I'm helping."There's a blush rising onto Louis' cheeks, giggling behind his hand as memories of the last time he helped Niall with work goes through his head.

Louis is running back down the stairs while Liam showers, bumping into Zayns chest with a squeak, nearly sending him flying back down the hallway he just came down."Watch it, little one or you're going to have an accident."

"I'm sorry,"Louis allows Zayn to take his hand, directing him into the kitchen so that Zayn can keep an eye on the little while he prepares lunch."I woke up Liam! He's having a shower now, says he doesn't want to play with me b-but that's okay, I'm gonna help him with his work."

"That's very kind of you,"Zayn smiles,"Sit up by the counter while I cook."

"Okay! Can I have some juice, please?"Louis asks, hoping onto one of the stools where his Backpack sits on the counter. Unzipping the bag, Louis is pulling out Skittles, his sippy cup and one of his Dummy's. His sippy cup was decorated in pink and purple stars, his dummy a bright red colour with Louis' name printed on the button.

"Sure thing, Apple juice okay?"Louis nods, holding out his cup for Zayn to take and fill with juice. Zayn secures the top before handing it back to Louis, receiving a soft thank you in return."You're too precious."Zayn smiles in adoration before turning his attention to the stove, ready to make lunch for Louis, Liam and himself.

"Morning,"Liam is mumbling when he stumbles down the stairs half an hour later, dressed in a pair of jeans and a large jumper. Louis watches as Liam and Zayn kiss by the stove, smiling at the pair before going back to his drawing that he was working on for Liam and Zayn as a thank you for looking after him.

"Good morning, babe."Zayn smiles into the kiss, rubbing his nose against Liams own."Been told you're going to be doing work instead of playing with Louis? That's very rude of you."Raising his eyebrow at the sub, Zayn uses a tone of voice that isn't technically telling him off but more guilt tripping.

"I don't want to 'play',"Liam all but pouts.

"Liam, he likes hanging out with you and he means no harm. At least watch a Disney movie with him after lunch, for me. It'll make you as happy as it makes him."


"Liam! Stop, tickles!"Louis squeals behind his Paci, trapped underneath the older man with his face scrunched up in laughter, face red and limbs kicking all over the place as he tries to squirm from under Liam. Laughing, Liam dances his fingers up the Littles side, the Disney movie that was once the soul concentration of the two Littles now long forgotten about.

"Nope!"Liam laughs just as hard that Louis is, his fingers dancing over Louis' ribs, under his neck and under his arm pits and loving the sounds of his friends laughter. Zayn has left the two to their own business after he has fed them both, going off to check emails in his office as the two watched a movie.

"Liam-"Louis hiccups, his Paci falling out of his mouth and onto the couch,"Please! I gotta-"He knows the familiar feeling of heavy pressure in his lower stomach and he knew he shouldn't have drank all that apple juice but he likes juice! You can't blame him for that! Liam tickling him didn't help his bladder either, and before he can beg for mercy, he feels the Familiar dampness in his bottoms.

Liam is stopping quickly, pulling away from where he was tickling Louis with a gasp and a look of sorrow washing over his face at the realisation of what has just happened to Louis. Siting up, the littlest of the twos face starts to crumble, hands coming to try and cover the wet patch in the shorts of his dungarees.

"Daddy! Louis had an accident!"

"No I didn't! Shut up!"Louis' bottom lip is already wobbling, tears filling his blue eyes whenever Zayn has emerged from down stairs to see what all the yelling was about.

"What? What's wrong? Are you both alright?"He asks frantic, looking between the two on the couch and seeing the guilty look on Liams face and how Louis as just about ready to cry.

"Lou wet himself."Liam informs, scooting further away on his knees whenever Louis starts to cry.

"Oh, love."Zayn sighs, taking cautious steps forward."It's okay, accidents happen. Let's get you cleaned up, yeah? There's some clothes in your backpack that you can change into."

"I didn't mean to make him wet himself, w-we were just playing a-and I was tickling him and then this happened. I'm sorry daddy."Liam apologises, watching as Zayn helps Louis to stand up from the couch, examining the spot on the couch where he was sitting. There was a wet patch but Zayn could be able to get washed.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, pumpkin."Zayn kisses Liams hair reassuringly."Can you bring Louis' teddy and Paci into the bathroom?"Liam nods, following behind Zayn and Louis.

"I-I want my Daddy."Louis stutters between sobs, clutching onto Zayns hand tightly.

"I know, I'm sorry sweetie."Zayn frowns, standing in the bathroom with Louis' backpack. He thanks Liam for bringing the teddy and Paci, telling the sub to go and watch a movie while he sorts Louis out. He's stripping off the Littles clothes for him, leaving the spare clean clothes on the closed toilet seat with a wet cloth for Louis to clean himself with, waiting outside the bathroom door.

By the time Louis emerges out of the bathroom with his soiled clothing, he's a tired and sniffly little boy, clutching skittles to his chest and having his Paci resting his mouth. Zayn takes the clothing without hesitation, putting them in the wash for the little so he doesn't have to travel with soiled clothing.

"I think it's time for someone to have a nap,"Zayn smiles softly, stroking back Louis' hair who nods lazily, too tired and embarrassed to fight to stay up and not be put down for a nap.

"I-I'm sorry for having an accident, Zaynie."Louis' voice is muffled behind his Paci, a yawns escaping his lips as he lays down on the couch opposite to the one he was once on. Liam is in the recliner, a new Disney movie playing.

"Oh sweetie, don't apologise. It happens to everyone,"He reassures, draping Louis' blankie over the little."Just rest your pretty little head and by the time you wake up, your Daddy will be here."

This is a more book type of book, I'm not doing massive time skips like I do in all of my other fanfics, I'm kinda moving it along, joining the chapters together and it's different for me to write but I kinda like writing like this?

Your opinions please?

Your opinion on Zayn and Liam? How Zayn treats Louis?

What do you think I'm going to do with Harry?

I have a lot of plans but I like to ask; is there anything you'd like to see happen?



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