"Louis just-"
"I said no! I am not taking a shower and you can't make me!"Louis is throwing himself onto the dusty, old sofa that he had previously been sleeping on, scaring the complete life out of Bambi who jumps and mewls at the erupt awakening. Unimpressed with her mother, she's jumping off the sofa and away from Louis, something which doesn't help to Louis' already sour mood.
"Then how about a bath? If we wait a little while longer, I'm sure I can get enough warm wat-"Harry goes to try and find another alternative to bathing Louis because honestly, the litre needs to be washed and so does Harry. He's sure there's soap and shampoo kept somewhere in one of the bathrooms.
"Fine, whatever. Do whatever you want, I'm away to shower."Harry gives up, throwing his hands up in the air is defeat. He gives Louis once last glance, shaking his head whenever all the little does is slump further into the dusty old couch and cross his arms over his chest with a pout before turning to exit the living room.
Harry would be lying to himself if he thought that Louis would've been on better terms with him after their little talk and apology moment in the kitchen that morning, but of course after Louis had been fed, it seemed like nothing had changed. That sleepy, apologetic side of Louis had seemed to be switched off and at full force, Louis' bratty and moody personality had came swinging back.
"Stupid, meanie Harry."Louis grumbles under his breath, kicking his legs out in anger and frustration, accidentally kicking the coffee table in front of him and hurting his foot. The little lets out a painful whimper, clutching at his foot as tears start to spring to his eyes."Ouchie."
He's tired and begging tried makes him cranky and being cranky makes him moody and being moody makes Louis say and do things that he doesn't mean to but he does anyway. It's a complicated cycle and Harry should know this by now. If his Daddy was here, he'd know what to do to make Louis all better again. He'd put on his sleepy movie and pet his hair until he fell asleep; problem solved.
But no. Niall isn't here. He's not here to give him kisses on the lips or pet his hair whenever he's cranky and moody and it makes Louis all the more upset because nobody will keep him in touch with what is going on. The subject is practically being avoided by Harry and the more that it is, the more upset that Louis is getting with his hypothetical outcomes in his head.
"I just want Niall, he'd make everything better."Louis whispers to nobody other than himself, furiously wiping away his fast running tears with the sleeve of his onesie that he still wears. A nice bath does sound nice but Louis doesn't like to be left alone in the bathroom whenever he's taking a bath and he defiantly doesn't want Harry to be there whenever he's all nakey.
Louis jumps whenever he hears a loud banging noise from somewhere in the house, causing the little to whip his head around and frantically look around him for any sign of danger. Whenever the banging happens again, Louis is on his feet and making a run for the creaky old stairs that he heard Harry go up, scrambling up them.
"Harry! Harry! I'm sorry for being grumpy! Please don't leave me alone!"He's yelling fearfully, using his fists to bang onto the wooden door of the bathroom. He hears the same bang again and his fists work harder to bang against the wood, fear bubbling in his stomach because he doesn't want to be left alone on the wrong side of a locked door.
And he's so scared, more scared than he's ever been because he's missing Niall, he's missing his home, his friends and even his goddamn family and Louis just wishes that they hadn't had to move, that Niall wasn't part of a gang because then everything could be normal. He doesn't care for the clothes, the toys, the money that Niall has, he only cares for Niall and if Niall isn't around, what's the point of anything else?
Louis doesn't even realise that there's arms circling his waist until it's too late and he's letting out a pretty loud high pitched scream that makes even the arms around his body tense up at the noise that they hadn't expected to happen. He's trashing in the hold, legs kicking, arms moving all over the place-
"Little bird, Louis, it's me. It's Niall. Shh, baby calm down. It's only me."A familiar voice is soothing, thick with a wonderful Irish accent that Louis had fallen in love with the day that he first heard the voice in the park that day. Gasping, Louis is turning in the hold, eyes landing on those familiar crystal blue eyes that hold so much love in them.
"Hey, baby. You miss me?"He chuckles, the corner of his lip curling up into a smirk that is quickly being covered up by Louis' lips desperately being pressed to his in a kiss that's so full of love and lost and emotion that Louis can't help but to start to cry mid-kiss which is by far the least romantic thing to do.
"I-I was so scared that you wouldn't come back."Louis sobs against Nialls lips, pulling away just a little whenever Niall cutely rubs his nose against Louis' in an Eskimo kiss."But how dare you not tell me you were coming! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"
"Sorry, little bird. I had no way to contact you, but I'm here now and that's all that matters."His lips fall into that wonderful smile that Louis loves so much and without a second thought Louis is leaping himself at Nialls body. The action makes the older man wince and groan, something that makes Louis jump away in shock.
"Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something? Are you hurt?"
"It's nothing, little bird. It's just a scratch."Niall plays it off with a forced smile and it's only now that Louis is fully seeing just how worn out and terrible looking that Niall is in front of him. His face is a mess of dirt, cuts and bruises from all sorts of injuries and his clothes ripped and burnt in some areas, splattered with blood that Louis isn't even sure if his own or others.
"Let me see."
"Louis, I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about."
"Let me see, now."Louis demands. And usually, Niall would be quick with shouting at him for speaking to him like that but instead, Niall is letting out a heavy sigh as he sluggishly pulls up the ripped and blood soaked shirt, revealing the hastily bandaged up wound on Nialls stomach, seeping with blood.
"It's nothing-"
"It's not nothing! You're hurt! You're bleeding! You need medical attention, Niall!"Louis continues to shout frantically, throwing his arms up in the air for effect as he moves to run den the hall in search for a phone to use.
"Don't you dare phone for an ambulances."
If I was hurt, you'd want to phone for an ambulance for me."
"That's different. You're not a wanted criminal, I am."Nialls voice gets dangerously low in a growl, a voice that would normally make Louis cower but instead it makes him stand his ground even more so. By now, Harry has emerged and is watching the scene.
"You're a human being, and you're hurt."Louis says slowly, firmly in a voice that Niall has only heard him use a handful of times where Niall has been drunk and dangerous and out of control. He swallows thickly, looking over at where Harry stands watching and then to Niall, almost giving the body guard a pleading look for help.
"If you phone for an ambulance, so help me god Louis Tomlinson I'll-"
"You'll what? Because from your current position you wouldn't be able to catch up on the speed that I can take off with."The submissive snaps, his stance firm and his goatee hard because all he wants to do is get Niall the help that he deserves and all he wants to do is kiss the man and hold him tight and never let go.
"I know first aid, I'll tend to the wound."Harry voices in an attempt to try and help out the situation but only causes a look from Louis that could possibly kill.
"No you won't. You'll help me drag him into the car and to the nearest hospital."
"You'll do no such thin- fuck!"Niall lets out another hiss of pain, his hand coming out to grab around the wound and lean into the nearest wall, face twisted with pain.
"Niall!"Louis is panicking, running over to the dominant and falling to his knees just as Niall falls into the wall and down onto the ground, still clutching at his stomach. Harry takes that as a signal to phone for help."Niall, for once in your life don't be dumb. If not for you, for me. I need you, I need you so much."
"I'll be okay, I promise you baby."Niall hisses through a clenched jaw, his hand coming up to cup at Louis' face, crystal blue eyes looking into Louis' beautiful oceanic blue."And then we're leaving. Somewhere far and somewhere beautiful, wherever you want to go."
"I don't care, as long as I'm with you."
That's a good wee way to end the chapter!
Sorting out the next few chapters and the ending to this fic as we speak! Getting there! Getting there!
Please tell me your thoughts on the chapter?
Where do you think that Niall and Louis should go?
On Nialls return and his injuries?
On how protective Louis can be?
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