Thank you for over 3K likes and at 1K comments! Such a massive milestone for me and one that I wanted to achieve before I finished this fic! Thank you all for reading so far and I hope you enjoy what is left of this fic!
"Bubbles?"Louis tests the name on his tongue as he plays with his new kitten on their new bed. Despite picking the bedframe and the new mattress, seeing the entire bedroom done up band new with new furniture and colour scheme, Louis will admit that their bedroom is very very pretty looking now. And their mattress is surprisingly very very soft which Louis is very thankful for.
Louis is yet to christen his new friend a name and it was becoming increasingly hard to figure out what to call the very boisterous and beautiful grey kitten who is currently pawing after the string that Louis is teasing her with. He's gotten to know the kittens personality very well and unsurprisingly, she's very attention seeking, even if she tries to act like she wants nothing to do with you, she really does.
Unsurprisingly, Louis has shown everyone his new kitten friend. Including going as far as going onto FaceTime while Liam was in the middle of a meeting - and further demanding Liam's secretary to take him to Liam right that minute - to show his best friend of his new kitten and for the two of them to fawn over the beautiful grey kitten, the meeting suddenly abandoned.
Harry has even gotten the gratitude to see his new kitten, although petting her was a whole different situation. It wasn't up to Louis, it was up to her, and at the moment, she was not the biggest fan of Harry which Louis has taken pride in.
"No, that doesn't suit you."He shakes his head, jerking the string on the bed covers which makes her pounce after it, something that makes Louis let out a very amused giggle in response to her actions. Getting the kitten is by far the best gift that Louis has ever received from his Daddy and he's told Niall over and over again how much that he loves him and his kitten so many times since getting her.
"Nala?"He tries instead, lips forming into a pout because this is harder than it seems. When he's naming his stuffies, the names just seem to come to him, but somehow it's different when he's actually naming an actual living thing. He wonders if this is what parents feel like when they're naming their children and if it takes them this long to decide.
It doesn't help matters that Louis isn't exactly the best at naming girls, seeing as most of his stuffies are in fact boys or some of his newest friends being gender neutral, but he hopes he can find a suitable name for her.
Even with just getting her, she's already as spoilt as Louis is and probably will be even more so whenever Louis finally names her and her daddy can get her a colour and a name tag. She has a comfy, expensive bed with all the trimmings as well as plenty of cat toys, scratching posts and all of the sorts.
"Hey, little bird. You coming down for lunch?"Niall calls, opening their bedroom door. Louis looks up from where his attention is focused on his kitten, oceanic blue eyes wide as he nods his head.
"Yeah! What are we having?"He asks as he sets down the string on the bed, giving the kitten the opportunity to successfully pounce on the string without it being pulled away. Just as she does so, Louis is gently scooping the soft grey kitten into his hands, cradling her as he hops off the bed and to the door.
"Mac n' Cheese."Niall smiles at the sight of Louis delicately holding his kitten in his hands. It's by far the best gift that Niall has ever given Louis and very very worth it to see how happy that Louis is."Have you thought of any names for her yet?"
"No,"Louis' lips fall into a pout as they head down stairs, patting at the female kittens head as he walks."She's very difficult to name. Every time that I think that I have found a name for her, she seems to suddenly not fit that name anymore. She's so problematic."
"Reminds me of someone."Niall smirks at Louis' squawk.
"I'm not problematic!"
"Who says I was talking about you?"
"Because you're always talking about me. I'm the only person important enough in your life to talk about."Louis smiles proudly because he's very happy at being the most important person in Niall life, it's an honour just like Niall is the most important in Louis' life."Well me and my kitten. Does that make her our child?"
"So I'm her Mummy?"
"If you want to be,"Niall has to bite back a laugh as Louis' wide oceanic blue eyes follow him around the kitchen as he plates up the Mac n' Cheese for the little. Louis takes a seat by the kitchen counter, a seat that he's now christened as his breakfast and lunch seat now that they've moved home. It's in the perfect position so he can watch Niall in the kitchen.
"I'm a Mummy!"Louis gasps in happiness, bringing the female kitten up to his face, nose almost to nose. He lets out a squeak whenever she playfully paws at his nose with a small paw, scrunching up his nose as he carefully sets her down onto the counter.
"Louis, take her off the counter."
"Because she can't stand on he counter when you're having your lunch."
"That's discrimination."He argues in her defence as Niall sets Louis' bowl of his lunch in front of him. If she can't speak for herself then Louis will argue her case instead.
"It's rules."He stresses, gently scooping up the grey kitten who lets out a somewhat confused meow at being lifted by someone that isn't Louis. She doesn't have time to dwell however as she's being set down onto the cold kitchen tiles. At the coldness, she lifts her tail up high and Niall cat help but to laughs."It's almost like she's pissed off at me."
"I would be."Louis grumbles, shovelling a mouthful of Mac n Cheese into his mouth, fondly watching as she patters across the slippery tiles towards where one of her scratching posts have been set up.
It's in the moment that Niall is sitting down that it happens and she slips on the slippery kitchen tiles, sprawled legs. Both Louis and Niall watch with a laugh at the action, unable but to deny just how funny that was to witness as she almost huffs and gets back up like the little madam that she is.
'"Did you see that?"Louis laughs, mouth full of food.
"I did."Niall chuckles, spooning food into his mouth as he looks back over to the kitten and then to Louis.
"She slipped just like Bambi!"Louis giggles hysterically at the reminder of the delicate little fawn from one of his favourite Disney films. It's then, that hits him and Louis lets out a massive gasp, hitting the kitchen counter which startles both Niall and the grey kitten in the kitchen."Bambi! That's it! That's the perfect name for her!"
"Bambi? Are you sure?"Niall treads carefully.
"Yes! It's perfect!"Louis lets out a loud joyful sound and Niall can't help but to grin at how happy that Louis sounds at finally picking a name for the grey kitten who pays no attention to the pair of them at eat their lunch.
"Bambi it is then, little bird. I'll get her collar sorted for tomorrow."
Thank you guys for suggesting the name (; thought it was cute how Louis thought of it thou
Please tell me your opinions!
Anything you'd like to happen before the end of the fic?
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