Smash Brothers Trials.

As Riqmo was fighting Link and Voltage was fighting the Angel, a bot of Fox came after Grimm and started blasting him, it wasn't very effective as Grimm easily wiped the floor with him, leaving teeth all of the nice clean floor.

"Holy shit!." Falcon's jaw hit the ground as Grimm just smirked.

"Is that all, I'd like to go back to sleep if I may."

The real fox ran towards his bot and stood in horror before looking at Grimm.

"Let me at him!." He charged before being held back by Mario and Luigi.

A bot of Ness was going against Andre who kept wildly swinging his sword around, trying to cut the child into pieces.

"Just die!." He screamed at the bot, swinging his sword again.

Chomper was fighting a bot of DK, trying to avoid the gorilla's massive arms, he avoided a huge monkey clap before biting into his arm, making it shriek, he let go and used his tail to choke the big monkey out, making him pass out.

"Did-Uh-did I win?." Chomper asked poking the monkey with his fin.

Voltage was zapping pit so hard he turned into dust and ashes.

"Easy, so who's next?." He said confidently.

"I'll take you on kid." Falcon raised his hand. "Show me ya moves!."

"So who am I against?." Chomper asked looking at the others.

"Oh what the hell, I'll fight the shark." The guy in the robot armor stepped up.

"Nice, I get to fight the sweet armor guy."

Riqmo and Link were still sword fighting, Link flipped an attack leaped into the, he tried throwing a bomb but Riqmo reflected it and it hit the silent warrior in the face, sending him into a wall.

"Yeah." Riqmo raised an arm in the air.

"I'll take on the Fox." Grimm said. "Can someone get me a drink?."

"Splendid." Bentley said. "You all will have a chance to fight later today."

"What, I'm ready to go right now!." Fox shouted looking at Grimm.

"They just arrived Mr. McCloud, they would probably like a day to explore the manor a bit."

"Hey, where are Ness and Andre?." Tony asked before he saw the bot of Ness getting launched into a wall.

"WOOO!." Andre shouted. "SUCK IT KID!."


It was lunch time and everyone was eating, the new guys were sitting by themselves as they didn't have any friends.

"So," Tony spoke while chewing into a lobster. "What do you guys think of this place?."

"Well, it's fancy." Grimm said cutting into a steak with a fancy knife and fork. "But I must say, some of these...people...are very strange." He looked over to a hedgehog wearing no clothes at all. "I mean, would it kill him to put on a shirt and some pants, nobody wants to see it-"

"Who got a problem with me?." The hedgehog quickly zipped around to the table looking at Grimm.

"Yes I do, put on some clothes, even the shark man managed to look decent-" Grimm looked over to Chomper who was trying to pick up a cooked fish with his hands but keep failing, so he slammed his head on the table and gummed the fish.

"Though he doesn't act like it." Grimm added.

"Whatever man, you can't force me to do something, plus you are also wearing basically nothing, your clock is just your wings."

"I can choose when to expose my self." Grimm said, making Chomper stop drinking his water.

"You what?."

Out of nowhere a blue arrow was shot out of a bow at Voltage who caught it without even looking.

"You!." An Angel pointed at the electric demon who continued eating. "You are a demon and you must be vanquished!."

"Oh really?." Voltage got up and cracked his knuckles. "Who's gonna "vanquish" me, who?. And what army?."

"I only need the guidance of lady Palutena to beat you." He quickly tried to rush voltage who yawned as he sidestepped to the right and the Angel ran right into the table.

"Bravo." Another Angel clapped, he had black wings instead of the white ones. "That was amazing!."

"Thank you." Voltage nodded.

"Excuse me, has anyone seen Pit?." A woman walked into the the room, her long green hair flowing as she entered, Andre saw this woman and his jaw hit the table.

"Damn, I ain't seen no pit you look fine as hell." Andre said, Tony quickly hit the demon slayer in the back of the head. "Ow!."

"I'm over here Lady Palutena, help me vanquish this vile demon."

Voltage looked over at the goddess. "Sup."

"Pit, what did I tell you about shooting arrows at the new guys?."

"But this is a demon lady Palutena, he must be vanquished!." Pit pointed at Voltage who rolled his eyes.

"'He must be vanquished."' Voltage mocked.

A little bell rang and everyone saw Bentley standing there with a blank face.

"It's time..."

The six new guys got up out of their chairs and followed to butler.

"You know," Andre said to Palutena "I can help train your little fairy friend for something in retu-" before he could finish, Tony pulled him along using his chain.

The six newbies walked behind the butler, or in Andre's case, dragged behind, outside past the massive gardens, there was a platform floating in the sky.

"Welcome to your test, each of you will be given a handpicked opponent from the elite and you will have to showcase your skills to beat them in combat, impress them, and your in."

"Good-a-luck!." They all heard Luigi call from a judges table, alongside him were the others.

"So...who's first?." Rigmo asked cracking his knuckles.

All of a sudden a gaint hand came floating down with a number one on it, it moved like a claw machine and picked up Andre.

"AY, PUT MY DOWN!!." He shouted at the hand that placed him on the stage and offered a fist bump.

Andre slowly bumped the hand which went away as Ness appeared on the stage again, holding his baseball bat.

"Aight, round two." Andre pulled out his sword. "Let's get it!!!."

"Is that really what he says?." Samus asked DK who shrugged.

"PK FIRE!." Ness shot out a fireball which Andre dodged. "PK FIRE! PK FIRE! PK FIRE!. PK FIRE! PK FIRE!. PK FIRE!."

A flurry of fire was thrown at Andre who avoid the first two but got hit with the rest before the child used some ball of energy he controlled with his mind to send himself into the slayer, knocking him nearly off the stage, he used his sword to stab it into the ground and keep himself on.

"Okay." Ness taunted.

Andre took his sword out of the ground and all of a sudden a little glowing floating ball appeared.

"The hell is that?." Andre looked at the ball, Ness tried to hit the ball with his yo-yo.

"Whatever it is, it's mine!." He leaped up and slashed the ball three times with his sword, out of nowhere it broke and he started glowing in a rainbow of colors.

He swung his sword at the child and his sword gained the same amount of heat and fire as the sun, turning little Ness into nothing but a pile of ashes, and his yo-yo.

"Sweet." Andre picked up the yo-yo before suddenly he was taken back by the hand and put in front of the judges, the same hand went back to the five remaining new guys and examined all of them before grabbing Chomper but his tail.

"Please don't drop me!." Chomper covered his eyes, only to slowly look and find out he was on the stage. "Oh."

The hand petted the shark on the head and floated away.

"Alright, who am I facing?."

Samus jumped onto the stage and pointed the arm cannon at the shark.

"Nice, I'm fighting the sick arm cannon guy!-"

Hearing this the bounty hunter kick him right in the jaw and flung him around by his tail, slamming him repeatedly against the ground.

"OW OW, OW, OW!." Chomper groaned before digging his teeth into the ground she couldn't do it again, he used his tail to sweep the guy's legs before he started using kicks of his own, before biting in the arm cannon.

"Nom nom nom nom nom!." He kept biting before a ball of energy sent him flying onto a platform above.

He saw the bounty hunter leap and drop kicked her out of the air making her land on the other above platform, Samus quicky fired three missiles.

The shark ducked the first one, sidestepped the second one and just barley leaped over the last one but Samus hit him square in the jaw with her cannon, making the dapper dressed shark crash into the middle of the stage.

"Ow..." he groaned, he saw a tooth was missing and gasped before he growled and saw the same ball Andre saw, he saw Samus was about to fire a charge shot at it however he jumped up just high enough to bite into it, he started glowing as he landed on the platform.

"Oh shit!-" Samus said before the shark bit into the armor, tossing her into a body of water, the bounty hunter looked around as something swam behind, the bounty hunter was bleeding which made the things eyes go red as when Samus turned around the jaws of Chomper bite into the armor, completely destroying it, Samus was then launched so high into the sky, the bounty hunter exploded.

"...I won!." Chomper smiled trying to put his missing tooth back before the giant floating hand put the shark down next to Andre.

Samus spawned in next to Falcon.

"Good match man, you did great!-" Chomper offered a hand before the bounty hunter gripped his tie and pinned him against the table.

"Listen to me you derpy eyed shark, I. Am. Not. A. Guy!." Samus gripped the shark by his tie, before removing her helmet, revealing a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes to the shark who's mouth hung wide open.

Samus let go of the shark and stormed off to the rooms slamming the door shut.

"Someone go get her." Mario sighed as Falcon stood up. "Not you."

Bentley instead went back inside to go get the bounty hunter while Chomper looked down at his shoes.

The floating hand came down with a P3 on the glove, picking up Grimm who sighed.

"Let's get this over with."

Fox leaped onto the stage and took out his blaster, pointing it at him.

"You ready to die?."

Grimm slowly laughed. "Are you?."

Fox rushed him, burning himself up and shooting  himself at Grimm. "FIRE!."

Grimm dodged it and swiftly kicked him in the jaw, sending him into a pillar of the stage.

"That all you got?." Fox weakly groaned before Grimm kicked him again, he spiked the space pilot into the ground and kicked him again, nearly off the edge, the floating ball appeared and Grimm easily touched it, he started glowing and smirk as he stabbed the points of his wings into the ground, spikes began to rise and two of them impaled the fox who shrieked as he was launched into a portal, he got up slowly seeing everything around was dying, all his friends, gone, in front of his eyes at the hands of him, he stood their horrified before after a few seconds, was realized.

"Having fun?." Grimm walked towards the Fox who looked as if Death himself was walking up to him.

"Hello?." He snapped his fingers, Fox was completely unresponsive. "Oh well, it was fun while it lasted." The nightmare bringer swiftly kicked the fox off the stage and an explosion was heard as he fell down below.

"That was easy." Grimm pulled tea out of nowhere and sipped it as the hand carried him to the others, delicately holding the tea cup.

The elite's faces all were in shock, Fox was on the ground in a feedle position.

Riqmo was brought up next and he was facing Link who pulled out his master sword.

"Round two?." He asked the silent hero who nodded and got into a stance, Riqmo did the same, Link went for a charging slash that was blocked by Redgrave who shot him in the stomach and kicked him in the chest, using his sword he cut him in the leg and knees him in the face, Link got up and threw a booming which Riqmo avoided when it was thrown however got hit in the back of head as it was coming back, Link shot  shot two arrows both going into the chest of his opponent who staggered back but kept his balance.

"Alright, come on!." Riqmo rushed at the Hyrule warrior who also charged, he blocked the first attack with his shield and even avoids the gun shots but the devil hunter shot his foot and kicked the shield away, before slashing him in the chest, sending the pointy eared man nearly offstage, as he was slowing getting up he saw the floating ball, he grabbed his sword and rushed for it.

"HIYAHHH!!!." Link shouted as he slashed the ball, whoever a bullet wizzed past him and hit the glowing ball, breaking it.

Riqmo transformed into a devil form of himself and then charged at link with a vortex smash, he started slashing the silent warrior to shreds, his tunic was ripped apart as he slowly advanced, the devil hunter charged his sword like a baseball bat and changed back into his human form for one final slash.

"Jackpot." He smirked as he slashed Link again, sending him into sky as Riqmo's score went up.

Voltage was up against Falcon who immediately taunted.

"COME ON!." He shouted.

"Alright, whatever." Voltage rolled his eye as Falcon went in for a fiery kick, Voltage avoided it and kicked him in the back before he did a spin move with kicks and strikes knocking the racer back, Falcon spiked the electric demon into the ground before grappling him and launching him away with a burst of fire, Voltage landed on his feet and wiped the small cut on his cheek and cracked his neck.

"Alright, you asked for it, thou thy army of demonic beings, awake from your slumber and charge thy enemy!." He chanted as suddenly, demons came crawling from the stage all surrounding Falcon who started fighting them off, one by one, until Voltage went in for a kick which was caught by Falcon who Falcon punched him in the balls, sending him flying backwards, the demon quicky recovered and a look of anger was show in his eye.

"You done fucked up now!." He shouted as he avoided another Falcon kick, instead he slid under his foot and kicked him right in the balls

After Falcon fell over holding his weak spots, Voltage saw the floating ball and punched it with all his might, he started glowing and quickly grabbed Falcon.

Falcon was in a black void, he looked around and see he was strapped to a target, Voltage was throwing knives with telekinesis and landed every knife into the chest, sending that one into his crotch.

Falcon flew off the stage with several knifes inside of him and he exploded, the knifes going everywhere.

"That was quick." Voltage folded his arms as the hand took him in front of the judges.

Voltage nodded and stood by Grimm who nodded.


Tony was the last one up and he swung his chain around.

"Who's my newest victim?." He asked.

Luigi spawned onto the stage and was shaken like a child, he saw the tall flaming skull slowly approaching him and he shrieked, trying to run off the stage, Tony whipped his chain around to pull the plumber back and kick him in the head before punching his cut twice and headbutt him, sending him into the air, Tony leaped up and used his chain to pull him back down, making him bounced back up before giving him a kick like Gannondorf would do, Luigi got launched back into the ground and Tony grabbed him, lifting him up and spewing fire at him before spiking him again.

Luigi slowly started crying as he didn't want to fight the guy who's eyes were nothing but fire as he slowly walked toward him, holding his chain.

The floating ball appeared and Tony whipped his chain around, hitting it, he was glowing completely orange and Luigi looked like his soul was sucked out of his body as the chain was wrapped around his leg and Tony's motorcycle appeared.

"Buckle up buddy!." Tony said in a cold menacing voice making Luigi shriek as he drove the bike into hell through a portal, Luigi's head bounced off rocks and sticks and even sharpened spikes that slowly peeled off some flesh, as serval screams were heard from the souls of the damned, Tony leaped off the bike which blew up, the trail of fire burning the green plumber who was brought into the penance stare, looking into the eyes of the skull, he saw serval souls screaming as the fire burned hotter and hotter, Luigi's eyes were completely black and he was now laying on the arena floor.

The hand grabbed Tony and put him next to Voltage who nodded.

"That was awesome."

Mario ran over to his brother who wasn't moving.

"Luigi?. Luigi!?. Luigi!!?."

"Calm down, he'll be fine." Tony smoked a cigarettes as Mario slowly lead his brother into a chair his eyes still back.

Mario saw Falcon with serval knives in his chest, Fox in the feedle position, Pikachu, Jigglypuff Yoshi, and Kirby were cowering behind DK who was a little shaken himself, Ness was a pile of ashes now kept in a jar, Samus was gone, Link was ripped to shreds and his brother's eyes were still black.

"So what's the scores man?." Riqmo asked. "Are we in?."

Mario just stood up and looked at his brother, soon, two people with blue hair came rushing out and carried Luigi inside, Pit glared at Voltage as he helped Falcon and Link get to the medical rooms, a kid with blonde hair started crying as he carried the jar away, Sonic ran over to Grimm and punched him before taking Fox inside and the six that weren't harmed all looked at the six idiots.

"Are we in or not?." Tony demanded an answer, slowly the six others walked away as well, the door was shut and locked behind them.

Later, the six of them were sitting outside when the doors opened again, it was Bentley.

"Someone wants to see you boys..."

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