Love is in season.
As Riqmo was laying in a hospital bed, Dr. Mario came into the room.
"How bad is it Doc?." He looked over at the doctor who was checking his notes.
"Well, your spine isn't broken surprisingly, however your back was slashed open, don't worry, I used flex tape to stop the bleeding-"
"ARE YOU INSANE!?!." Riqmo shouted.
"I'm-a-joking," The Doctor chuckled. "I stitched you up and you should be good as new, however, you are going to need to stay here for a while to let it heal."
Riqmo sighed then nodded. "Understood."
As the doctor left, someone else walked in, making him smile.
"How are you feeling?." Zelda asked.
"Fine...your boyfriend is tougher than he looks."
"Well, now ex boyfriend...for some reason he doesn't seem to like you."
"No, really?." He sarcastically asked.
"Do you want my gift or what?."
"What gift?." He asked.
"For saving me, I feel like I owe you something for your bravery so, this is a token of my gratitude and appreciation." She fluttered her eyes closed and kissed him on the lips.
"Your lips smell like strawberries." He said making her blush.
"Aw, that's sweet of you to say." She giggled. "You know, that felt nice..."
"Well, I won't stop you if you want to kiss me again." He chuckled before gasping as she kissed him again.
"I think I'll take you up on that offer." She giggled and continued kissing him.
The guys were talking about some of the girls
"Alright, if you could date any of the females here, who would you pick?." Voltage asked.
"Daisy, easily." Tony said biting into a doughnut. "Next question."
"Personally, I don't find anyone here attractive, however, that Corrin has my attention..."
"Which one?." Tony asked.
"There's two of them?." Grimm gripped the ghost rider by the jacket, shaking him.
"Yeah, one of them is male and the other is female."
"What about you sharkbait?." Voltage looked over at Chomper who was drawing something on a napkin.
"Samus, but I don't think she'd be interested in me."
"Well, she said you two were good so why dont you just go talk to her?." Voltage used his hand to zap a slice of toast.
" I just don't want to get kicked in the head if I ask her."
Voltage looked over and his eyes widened as he saw some of the females were up already and were listening in on the conversation. "Oh shit..."
Seeing this, Grimm thought of an idea...a very, very, awful idea.
"So, what is attractive about Samus to you?." He asked drinking more wine.
"Ever since she took of her helmet, I was mesmerized by her stunning beauty, her hair which I'm still trying to figure out how she kept under her helmet in the first place, and her's...what's the word."
Samus got up from the table and began walking over, some of the others giggling as she did.
"A hundred bucks she kicks him." A girl with blue hair said.
"You are on!." Daisy shook her hand and watched on.
"Soothing? Smooth?. Sexy?." Voltage looked at the bounty hunter, he pointed at the shark and made a love heart.
"Well, it is kinda sexy...but it's also strong, like one moment she could be telling jokes the next one she could be chewing you out-"
"Kinda sexy?." Samus said, making the shark fall out of his chair.
"Samus!-uh-hey-how long we're you standing there?."
"Long enough..." she answered folding her arms.
Chomper's face was red as a tomato, he was looking right at her and began to sweat.
"I heard him say that he'll do anything to have you." Grimm snickered as he sipped on his red wine.
"Grimm!-" Chomper said before he was pinned against the wall by Samus.
"Is that true?."
"Well, I mean-" Chomper blushed again.
"Is. That. True!?." She said gripping his tie.
"Yes!. It's true!. It's one hundred percent true! Just please don't hurt me!."
Since Chomper was a Smol boi she put him down and thought for a second.
"Alright, I'll make you a deal." She smirked. "If you go with me on my next bounty hunting mission, AND If you protect me, consider us a thing."
"" He slowly shook her hand.
"Great, we'll go in two hours." She walked away and the shark immediately got into a feedle position and started rocking himself back and forth.
"You alright?." Grimm snickered again.
"I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm so dead." The shark continued rocking.
"You'll be fine." Tony said. "You just got to kill everything that's not Samus."
"You think I know how to shoot a gun!?."
"I do." Riqmo walked out of the recovery room with kiss marks on his face.
"Dude, what's on your face?." Andre asked.
"Kiss marks...wait...oh shit!." Voltage put his hands on his head as Zelda smiled also walking out of the recovery room.
"Yup, and since you saved me shark man, I'll teach you how to use a gun." He patted him on the back.
"Thanks man!. I need this!."
While Riqmo took the shark outside to train, Voltage went up to get a cup of coffee, accidentally bumping into someone.
"Oh sorry!-" The woman said.
Voltage looked at her and he froze, his jaw hit the floor as her eye sparkled.
(Since Wattpad isn't letting me upload images at the moment there isn't an image of Rosalina...sorry Voltage, also, the grinch one I got in before it wouldn't let me)
"Are you okay?." She asked the demon who smiled.
"I am now..." he smiled at her, which made her turn a little red. "Sorry, where are my manners, my name is Voltage."
"Rosalina." The two of them shook hands, smiling.
"Rosalina...that's a nice name."
"Thanks, so why are you called Voltage?."
"Think of Pikachu but human and has connections to summon the undead."
"Interesting..." she slowly said. "You aren't like any one else I've seen."
"Man, everyone got rizz but me." Andre pouted as he bit into a doughnut.
"Maybe if you'd stop calling it that, people would actually take you seriously." Grimm snarled. "Where's the butler?."
Bentley came in with a whole tray of red wine bottles. "I hope everything is to your liking sir."
Grimm smiled and went to grab the drinks before they suddenly vanished off the tray.
"What the deuce?-" he looked around frantically.
"You know this is bad for you man." Sonic spun a bottle in his hand.
"Hand that back to me this instant." He gripped the table.
"Or what?. You gonna send me to the nightmare realm?. Ooh, so scary."
"I'd advise you give him back what's his." Bentley looked at his watch. "I saw what he can do."
"Come on old man, so I pranked you like ten times but you really are taking his side over mine?."
Grimm looked back at the hedgehog. "You heard him...give. it. back."
Sonic opened the bottle.
"You better not..."
In an instant he chugged the bottle and Grimm slashed him so hard he went straight to the nightmare realm.
"It's just wine homie." Andre said.
"!?." Grimm looked at him, his eye twitching. "This is the only thing you mortals have that I enjoy, it's taste is unlike anything I've had before, it's smell is so divine and robust it's like heaven as you mortals call it on this planet."
"Okay Shakespeare." Tony said. "We don't need to hear about how that wine gets your rocks off."
"Good one!." Andre laughed.
Voltage looked outside and saw Chomper was trying to shoot a little can off a rock.
"Come on man."
"I'm trying!."
"Do you want her?."
"Do you really want her!?."
"Then shoot it!."
Chomper pulled the trigger and the bullet went dead center through the can, sending it flying off the rock.
"Nice job." Riqmo patted the shark on the back who smiled.
" I need prepare myself mentally."
Voltage was on the roof of the mansion, looking up at the stars.
"Oh..hey." A voice said behind him, Rosaalina was walking up to him. "I didn't know you also watched the stars."
"It's good to come out here, clear my mind." He replied tossing a lit cigarette off the roof. "So, what's up with you?."
"I come out here every night to watch the stars, it's a hobby for me, there's more to do then just fighting constantly."
"I get that." He smiled looking into her eye before his eye focused on something else. "Lookout!-" he turned her around so he was now in front of you, an arrow struck him, right in the arm.
"Get away from him Rosalina!." Pit landed on the roof. "He is a demon and must be vanquished from this place!."
Voltage growled and pulled the arrow out of his arm, crushing it with his hand making the angel back up slowly.
"Go, this won't be pretty." He looked at Rosalina who left as Pit continued backing up.
"S-Stay back you vile being!-"
Voltage cracked his knuckles and walked towards him until he was backed up against the wall.
Mario was walking down the halls until he heard screaming and saw Pit falling from the roof.
"Just another Monday." He sighed.
Voltage was on still on the roof but turned and saw Rosalina.
"Where's Pit?."
"He got the message and will leave us alone." He smiled. "So...what else do you do besides staring at the stars?."
"Well," she thought for a moment. "I mostly hang out with my friends, mainly Peach and Daisy, but I also play with the Lumas."
"Lumas?..." Voltage raised an eyebrow, he felt something tugging on his leg and saw a tiny star with eyes giggling.
"Aww, it likes you." Rosalina giggled as the Luma tugged on his leg, the demon slowly patted the star and it started dancing, the two of them sat back and watched it dance.
Tony was outside, Bentley gave him the orders of watching the children fighters play and he wasn't happy, he was sitting on a bench, his arms folded as Ness and Lucas were fighting with sticks.
"Stupid Butler, who the hell does he think he is making me do this."
"Heads up!-" Someone called out before something hit the ghost rider in the back of his skull.
He saw what hit him was a wrench, and Luigi came running up to him.
"Sorry!." He cowered as he slowly reached for the wrench. "Slipped out my hands."
"Whatever." He replied and chugged a monster energy.
"You okay man?."
"No, I'm being forced to watch these two play with sticks, I could be watching Andre try to flirt and it would be entertaining." A stick was thrown at his by Ness he caught it and crushed it.
"Hmm...why don't I watch them?-" Luigi suggested before the ghost rider gripped his hand.
"THANK YOU!." Tony violently shook his hand and ran off.
"No problem!." The green plumber sat down on the bench. "I needed a break anyway."
Tony ran to the garage and found his motorcycle. "I've missed you."
"Nice ride." He saw Daisy walking into the massive garage, taking off a helmet. "Mine just a bit better."
"Is it now."
"Yup. Although, your bike leaves a trail of flames which is very cool!."
"Why don't we have a race then, first one to ride all around the outside of the mansion three times then back here wins."
"And what does the winner get?."
"That'll be up to you, if you win." Tony got on his bike. "Doubt that's going to happen though."
"We'll see." She smirked and got on her bike. "On three...three!." She sped off quickly.
"OI!-" Tony sped off after her, the two of them going right through the front gate.
Grimm was in the library, reading books that peaked his interest, mostly death.
"Interesting..." Grimm turned a page of a book. "I had no idea mortals could be so stupid."
He heard the door open and Corrin walked into the room, smiling.
"Oh sorry, didn't mean to disturb you."
"It's alright." Grimm smiled and looked back at his book, sipping a glass of tea, pinky out.
"What are you reading?." She asked walking over to him.
"A million dumb ways people have died, it's an interesting read, I had no idea humans were this dumb...I mean who shoves a fork into an outlet?."
"I can think of a few people here who would do that..." She grabbed a book from the shelves and opened it. "Why don't you read something more...upbeat..."
"My name is Grimm, I like reading and talking about Death."
"Don't you have any other hobbies?." She asked, his mind drew a blank.
"If you want, I could help you out, maybe you'll find something that you will enjoy doing, besides reading of course."
"I would like that." He took her hand and kissed it before blushing. "Sorry!-"
"No-it's alright." Her cheeks turned red. "Shall we get started?."
"After you." He tossed the book down and the two of them left the library.
Tony was behind Daisy who was getting in front of him as he was trying to pass.
"Let me pass to make it interesting."
"In your dreams skull face!." Daisy sped up but her bike started skidding around. "Woah!-" She tried to control her bike but it was losing control and she saw a tree, she screamed and covered her eyes but felt something wrapped around her and Tony pulled her onto his bike using his chain.
"You okay?." He asked.
Daisy looked at him and smiled as he looked back at her. "Hey, I asked are you okay?."
"Huh-wha?." She said, shaking her head. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, thanks!."
"No problem." He rammed his bike through the front gate again and parked his bike into the garage, he slowly got off and helped her, the princess quickly wrapped her arms around him.
"What are you doing?-" he said before she kissed his forehead (he's a skeleton in a leather jacket, where else was she going to kiss him?)
"Just giving you your prize for winning, and for saving me..." she smiles and kissed him again.
Rosalina and Voltage were still looking up at the stars when Voltage felt another arrow hit him in the leg, Pit was back and he quickly swooped down and tackled him.
"IVE GOT YOU NOW!." Pit tried to slash Voltage with his blade but he got a block up and slashed his hoodie instead.
"GET OFF ME YOU FUCKING MORON!." Voltage kicked him in the knee and got up, Pit fired several arrows which the demon avoided, however the last one he fired got caught on his hood, pinning him to the doorway.
"Now, time to be vanquished!." Pit rushed at the demon before Rosalina stepped in front of him, making him fly up.
"Move Rosalina!." He shouted.
"No, I'm not letting you hurt him!."
"You are making a mistake, he's an evil being who is trying to get rid of us!-"
"The hell are you talking about?-" Voltage spoke up.
"Rosalina. Move!."
Pit looked down and sighed.
"If you won't move...I'll make you move!." He fired several arrows at the space princess who gasped as she avoided them, however pit fired another arrow which hit her in the chest, making her fall and let out a cry, Pit floated down and looked at Voltage who looked at Rosalina.
"I'm doing the world a favor, by getting rid of you!." He glanced back at Rosalina. "But first...I need to deal with her-"
Voltage tore his hoodie off and wriggled out of it, rushing pit and tackling him off the damn room, punching him repeatedly in the mouth.
However just before they hit the ground, they started floating and were gently placed on the ground.
"What is going on here!?." Master Hand shouted.
"Sir, this vile being hit Rosalina with one of my arrows, I tried to stop him but he went crazy.
"WHAT!?." Voltage shouted. "He's lying, he pinned me to the wall and Rosalina stepped in to protect me, this guy went insane and hit her with an arrow-"
"SILENCE!." Master Hand shouted, his scream making the clouds turn gray and it started thundering. "I don't care who started what, the two of you have been at eachother's throats from day one, and I am tired of it!."
"So boot him out!." Pit shouted.
"ENOUGH!." Master Hand zapped both of them, making them fall onto the ground. "You two will behave this instant, now, Voltage, take Rosalina to the recovery room-"
"What?- but-" Pit started.
"But nothing." Master Hand shocked him again.
Pit glared at the demon who gave him the bird before heading back up to the roof to get Rosalina.
Everyone was eating dinner when a space shit landed on the roof, Chomper and Samus walked down the steps and into the dining room.
"So, how'd it go?." Andre asked, cutting his steak with his sword.
Chomper's outfit was covered in something nobody could tell, he slowly walked over to a chair and sat down. "I killed them..."
"Huh?." Andre asked taking a bite of his steak.
"I killed people, I mean they were chasing us and Samus got knocked I had to kill them..."
The bounty hunter sighed and put her helmet down, walking over to the shark who was looking down.
"Look at me." She demanded, the shark slowly looked at her and she slowly put her lips on his for a few seconds before she broke.
"That's for saving me." She smiled at the shark had red cheeks.
"Hey, I think I hear wedding bells." Riqmo nudged the shark who got redder.
"Wait, I thought you got injured." Tony looked confused. "He was supposed to protect you."
"And he did, he saved my life, so that means I can trust him with my life, and he can trust me with his." She smiled looking at the shark again, his cheeks were turning pink.
"Alright so, what happened?." Riqmo asked, both Samus and Chomper smiled at eachother.
"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!." Chomper yelled while carrying Samus in his arms trying to avoid the space pirates that were chasing them. He fired her arm cannon killing all of them, getting blood on his outfit and his eyes went wide.
(End of flashback)
"Like I said, he saved my life." Samus put her hands on her hips.
"So, does that mean you two are a thing?." Zelda asked, Rimqo had an arm around her neck.
"A deal is a deal." Riqmo smiled at the bounty hunter who nodded, picking the shark up.
"Well, I will say, he's short but it makes him kinda cute."
"Ay!- put me down." Chomper said trying to free himself.
"Aww, he looks like a baby-" Zelda giggled.
"I'm only 5'5!." Chomper folded his arms and frowned.
"Well, I'm 6'3," Samus smiles. "Guess that makes me the big spoon."
"Spoon?." Chomper asked.
He saw her grin and she started carrying him up the stairs. "Wait, what does spoon mean and how big is it!?."
"So Grimm," Tony cut a piece of his steak off. "How was your evening with Corrin?."
"Splendid." Grimm pushed his plate away having finished his meal. "She's very creative, intelligent and she's not bad looking either."
Hearing this from another table Corrin blushed slightly.
"Well, I better check on Rosalina." Voltage got up from the table and turned the hallway, he found the recovery room and opened the door, Rosalina was awake but hurt, the arrow was removed but her chest was wrapped in bandages. "Voltage?." She groaned.
"Hey Rose..." he shut the door. "How are you feeling?."
"I've been worse."
He sat down next to her.
"Listen, I'm sorry you got wrapped up in my beef with Angel fuck, and I'm sorry you got hurt."
"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong, in fact you tried to protect me." She smiled.
"I couldn't let him hurt you...well...anymore than you were."
"And I'm grateful for that, the Lumas are as well."
Voltage saw the Luma from the roof hug his leg tightly.
"Do you need anything?." He asked.
"Yeah, I have something I want to give you." She grinned.
"What is it?." He asked slowly leaning in, she swiftly pecked him on the lips and the demon did something he never thought he ever would, blush.
"I-I-" he stuttered making her giggle.
"Yeah..." He saw her cheeks turn red.
"Do you want another one?."
"Yeah." He smiled again, this time he pecked her lips, then did it again, then once more, then thirty more times, before they started making out.
Andre was walking down the hall when he saw them.
"You guys gonna fuck?-" He asked before Voltage threw a water bottle at him.
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