Drinks, Fights and...Cheating?.

Tony and Samus were healed after Master Hand gave them the treatment they needed, Chomper would need more rest as he still had broken bones, unfortunately for Samus and Tony, they missed out on their tournament matches, which meant that Diddy Kong and Pyra got automatic buys into the next round, Tony was chilling is in room as he was watching Daisy's match on the tv when there was a knock on the door.

"Hello?." Tony opened the door, standing in front of him was Pyra, his jaw hit the floor, literally.

"Hey, I just wanted to check on you, I heard about what happened and I'm bummed that we never got to fight, but I'm glad you are okay." She smiled.

"So, who are you facing?." Tony asked, putting out his cigarette.

"One of your friends I think...Andre if I'm not mistaken is his name?."

"Guy who says flirting is called rizz."


"Yup, that's him..." Tony sighed before rubbing his head.

"Are you alright?."

"Yeah...I just have a bad headache...and I still feel a bit of pain but, I'll be fine."

"I have something for that headache." She said moving closer to the door. "If you would please allow me."

He opened the door and allowed her to enter his room, shutting it, someone saw this and quickly ran down the halls.


Andre was practicing his skills for his next opponent, slashing through a bunch of bots and doing various tricks and flips. "YEAH, IMA BEAST!."

Grimm rolled his eyes as he sipped his wine

"You doubting me hoodini?."

Grimm didn't even look as he pinned Andre to a tree with his power.

"You're lucky I just trained, otherwise I wouldn't be so tired and I'd kick your ass!." Andre called out as he ripped his coat trying to get down, he heard a laughing sound from the sky.

"Nice job "beast" Pffft!!!." Pit laughed, wiping a tear from his eye, landing on the ground.

Andre straight up tackled the Angel and the two of them started fighting, Grimm watched on putting down his wine and getting some popcorn. "Finally some quality entertainment!."

Andre was smacking Pit while the angle was pulling his hair, both of them stopped when Master Hand appeared behind them.


"It was just getting good." Grimm tossed his popcorn away before being zapped by Master Hand, he coughed up some smoke.

"My office...NOW!." He said to Andre and pit before floating away, the two of them walked back while Grimm looked in a mirror.

"Hey.." Corrin smiled and sat on his lap. "You okay?."

"Fine why do you ask?."

"You want some more wine?."

"Please..." he gave her a kiss.


Chomper was still resting when Kirby came back still wearing his doctor's outfit.

"Poyo :)." He waved.

"Hey Kirby..."

Kirby pulled out a bottle which read "lohocla" and handed it to the shark who drank the whole bottle.

"Hey, that was good, is there anymore?."

Kirby nodded and brought back a few more bottles of lohocla for the shark to drink.

15 bottles of lohocla later....

Chomper was stumbling around the mansion, he seemed to be better, the medicine seemed to work. "THanKs dOc-" he said, his words slurring some as he walked out the door, Kirby waved before reading the bottle and realized the label was backwards, he giggled at his mistake, put the label the correct way, read the label and his eyes widen with fear for what he just done.

Chomper was dancing on the stairs, completely drunk out of his mind, he had another bottle of lohocla that he kept drinking as he kept dancing.

"The hell are you doing?." Riqmo asked as he walked by the shark down the stairs.

"I-jUst- dAnCe TiL i DrOp-" the shark continued to dance on the stairs.

"Have fun...wait...is that alcohol?." Riqmo asked looking at the bottle.

"NO, dOc KuRb gAvze me meds...aNd TheY aRe WuRkIng!-"

"I can see that..." Riqmo walked downstairs, grabbed a piece of pie from the giant fridge and walked back upstairs.

"IS tHaT pIe?."

"Yup, Peach made some for the new comers, so enjoy it, don't eat all of it."

Chomper drunkenly fell down the stairs and crawled to the fridge and started chowing down on the pie, not even using a fork.

"I've said no a thousand times!." Someone yelled, which made the shark look up, with pie all over his face.

He saw a giant turtle keeping a girl against a wall.

"But princess, please, I've worked so hard on this gem-"

"And I don't want it!." The female shouted back.

"GoDdAm KiDs aNd tHeRe WaYs oF FlIrtIng-" Chomper stumbles outside and got in front of the two strangers. "HeY, if yOu lIke tHe gIrL ThEn jUsT sAy It!-"

"But she doesn't like me-"

"Because you've kidnapped me!!." She shouted at the turtle.

"YoU fUcKiN' WuT mAtE!?." Chomper looked at Bowser.

"Well, yes, but if my defense-"

The shark smashed the bottle over his big head and began choking him with his own choker.

After the shark let go he started drinking again and walked over to Peach.

"DOn't wOrRy pRinCeS."

"Thank you Mr. Shark, May I know your name?."

"...ChOmPeR..." The shark started to doze off before the Princess grabbed his chin, making him look at her eyes.

"Well, Chomper, I think you should be rewarded for your heroism..." she smiled and took his fin in her hand.

"SOrRy bUt...I'm tAkeN-"

"By whom?."


"Oh..." Peach looked down.

"CheEr uP, yOu'Ll fInd somEoNe." He stumbled away, leaning against a tree.

"Are you alright?."


"Do you need some water?." She saw Alcohol on his lips. "I can get you some if you want?."

"NOooooPe, dOc KuRb gaVe Me DiS sTuf, AnD iT's AlL FiNe..." The shark smiled before passing out on the grass.


"Now I'm gonna let go of your lips and when I do, tell me what you need to tell me, understand?."

"Mhm." Both of them nodded, the hand letting go of their lips.

"HE WAS ATTACKING ME!." Pit pointed at Andre.

"Cap, that's cap, that's cap, I didn't do shit!." Andre pointed back at Pit and Master Hand sighed, just as he did, Peach had dragged Chomper in by his tail, he was slowly gripping the floor, not wanting to come in.

"Master Hand, pardon me, Chomper I think had a little too much to drink, I think Kirby gave him alcohol instead of medicine, now he's all loopy and he passed out in the grass."

"Yo chomps." Andre nodded at the shark.

"SUp bUdde."

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted Kirby while Dr. Mario was competing in the tournament-just put him down on the chair or on the floor, I'll take him back to his room-"

"He could sleep with Samus, they dating I think..." Andre look as Peach tried lifting the shark into the chair.

"YEAH, MayBe she couLd luT mE drink..." Chomper tried to get out of the chair before Peach hit him with a frying pan.

"There...now, I'll excuse me, I want to give the new comers some of the pie I baked-"

"Oh das gOne."

"What!?. I cut the pie into twenty slices, how is that possible!?."

"I aTe iT." Chomper said before Peach sighed.

"Fine...I'll make another one..." She walked out of the room and went down the hallway. "Oh, I'm also getting Samus-"

"Yaaay." Chomper tried getting out of the chair, master hand snapped his fingers and stuck Chomper to the chair like magnet.

"Now then...what about you two?." He asked Andre and Pit, who both started arguing.

"He's capping!." Andre shouted.

"What does that even mean!?." Pit shouted back.

"JuSt KisS anD mAke uP." Chomper laughed, still stuck to the chair.

"Chomper this is the Angel, not Palutena."

"Ohhhhhhh..." Chomper hiccuped.

"Alright, where is he?." Samus walked into the room, turning her head to the chair seeing the shark stuck to it.

"SaMMy..." Chomper smiled, master hand snapped his fingers again and the shark fell out of the chair, the bounty hunter walked over to him and bent down.

"Heard you had a few drinks."

"Just...ummm...tWo." He held up both his fins, this made her chuckle a tiny bit before picking him up.

"Come on, let's get you some water-"

"I want BooZe."

"You've had plenty I think."

"You've had plenty!." He booped her nose and laughed, she carried him out of the room while Andre and Pit were rolling around on the floor, fighting like children.

"ENOUGH!!!." He shouted making the two of them stop fighting. "As of this moment, you both are pulled from the tournament!."

"WHAT!?." Both of them said.

"That's BS M.H, He started it!." Andre pointed to Pit.

"As long as he's not in it, I'm fine with that." He smirked, before Andre hit him in the balls.

"ANDRE!." Master Hand shouted.

"Sorry I slipped, the floors are wet." He shrugged.


Daisy was picking some followers in the garden, out of nowhere she saw a sword coming at her and ducked it.

"What the hell!?."

"Forgive me." Sephiroth smiled as he pulled the sword from the tree.

"The hell is your problem, unless you want a fist in your face you better leave right now!."

"I think you might want to direct that fist towards your so called "lover" seems he's interested in someone else now."

"WHAT!?." Daisy yanked on his hair.  "HE WOULD NEVER!."

"I saw Pyra going into his room, he accepted her...services..."

"NO! He wouldn't dare!!!..."

Sephiroth showed him a photo of Pyra walking into Tony's room. "I got a photo, such a shame, I was looking forward to the wedding day..."

"This better be bullshit." She ran inside the mansion.

"TONY!!!." She shouted, running down the halls, passing some of the other fighters.

"Hey Daisy." Luigi waved.

"NOT NOW!." She ran past him.

"Okay, talk later then."

Daisy continued running down the halls, probably faster than Sonic.

"TONY!!!." She shouted again.

"Hey Daisy." Rosalina waved, she was watching Voltage play with the Lumas, he was bouncing one of them up and down on his leg, she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"What's she so angry about?." Voltage asked as Samus walked past them, carrying Chomper.

"WeeeeEeeEeeeEeee." Chomper laughed, Voltage shook his head.

"Seems sharky got drunk."

"How can you tell?." Rosalina asked.

"I've been there before once or twice." He smiles looking at her, making her blush.

"You wanna let the Lumas go out and play while we...you know..." she asked.

"YES!-" he put the Luma down and handed him a baseball and bat. "Don't break any windows."

Daisy was running up the stairs, trying to get to Tony's room, she nearly tripped but she was caught by Riqmo.

"You okay?-"

"Can't talk, I need to see Tony!."

"Okay...you want some pie?." He asked picking his plate back up, still having a bit of pie left, she slowly took the fork and cut off a tiny portion of the pie and ate it.

"It's good...thank you." She did a little bow before running up the steps again. "TONY!!!!."

"Is she okay?." Zelda asked walking up to Riqmo.

"I don't think so, must be pretty serious...want some?." He offered the pie to her making her blush and nod.

Daisy ran down the final hall, passed the office of master hand where pit and Andre were still fighting like children, she saw Tony's door and leaned in.

"Oh yeah...harder...ooh, that's nice...not to hard but not to slow...oh yeah-"

Daisy clenched her fist and Sparta kicked the door open, scaring both Tony and Pyra.


"Babe, what are you talking about?." Tony asked rubbing his head.


"Um....I'm sorry...I'm just giving him a massage, he was going to ask you but since you were in a match and going to be tired, he offered to pay me to do it instead." Pyra got up, showing herself fully clothed as was Tony besides for his jacket, he had a towel over his back.

"And it was really good as well..." Tony lied back down on his bed. "Are you going to continue?."

"Well, since she's here...do you want to take care of him-"

"Please." Daisy smiled and shoved Pyra out of the room, locking the door and looking at Tony.


"So you weren't cheating?."


"And you still love me?."


"Then show me." She dove on top of him and kissed him on the lips.

"With pleasure princess!." He smiled as the two of them got busy.


Samus set Chomper on her bed, he slowly groaned. "You want to puke?."


She sighed and pulled up a trash can and put it by the left side of the bin. "Here Chomp, you'll need it."

"But I don't need to throw up-"

"Then shut up and get some sleep..." she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed his nose and closed her eyes, turning off the lights...a few seconds later, Chomper turned his head and regurgitated into the trash can. "Yeah...I did need to throw up..."

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