Dates and Hates (Part 2)

Andre was in the recovery room, his chest was bandaged up.

"Tell me doc, am I gonna make it?."

"Well," Dr. Mario looked at his clipboard. "You will, but it'll take some time to recover, for now just rest and take some of these pills."

Andre took the pills with some water and rested his head on a pillow, sighing.

"When I get my hands on that Angel boy, I'll rip his wings off-"

"Hello?." Palutena walked in. "How are you feeling?."

"I've been better-I mean, pfft, this?. This is nothing."

He tried to move but it felt like hell "so, why are you here?. I mean not that I'm complaining."

Palutena kissed him on the cheek.

"Think of that as a thank you, and a token of my gratitude, I feel something is wrong with Pit every since you boys arrived."


"You want another arrow in your chest?-"

"I'm sorry."

"Good." She kissed his cheek again. "You want to have some fun with the other couples?."

"Sure!." He ripped off his bandages and sprint out of the doorway, running back and pulling her along.


Grimm was walking down the hallway with his red wine, rubbing his eyes as he just woke up.

"Hey sleepy head." He heard a feminine voice.

"Hey..." he smiled and turned around seeing Sonic who was laughing his ass off.

Grimm said nothing and continued walking.

"So Grimm Reaper, how's the girlfriend?."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!?." Grimm gripped the head hog by the neck with his free hand.

"Corrin told us-"


"Yeah...everyone knows about you two." Sonic laughed before making kissing sounds. "It's actually funny, I don't get what she sees in you."

"Say that again!."

"I don't get what she sees in you-ack!."

Grimm's grip tightened around his neck as he pinned him against the wall, his red eyes glaring into his.


"Hey Grimm." Corrin smiled walking out of her room.

"Oh hello dear." Grimm chucked the head hog aside and smiled. "How are you this morning?."

"Fine." She yawned. "You?."

"Apart from a little interaction a few minutes ago, I'm alright."

"Good." She wrapped her arms around him. "Come on, let's go get see what Palutena was talking about with the rest of your friends."

"Lead the way." He sipped his whine and followed her down the hallway, looking back at the hedgehog, glaring.


Samus was sitting down a table, her hands on her head.

"What's wrong Sammy?." Daisy asked. "Had another hangover?."

The bounty hunter slowly nodded.

"I don't you not to drink at midnight." Peach sighed.

Someone tapped her shoulder and she titled her head, Chomper gave a small wave.

"Hey..." She said and rubbed her forehead. "How is your morning so far chompy?."

"Good...are you alright?."

"Yeah, just another hangover."

"What's a hangover?."

"'ve never had a hangover?."

"No, I don't drink-"

"You've never had a drink before!?."

"Well, I've had mostly water, milk, and sometimes coffee with a bit of cream-"

"You and I are going to a bar tonight."

"But you just said you had a hangover-"

"I don't care." She rubbed her head again. "While you are up, can you get me a water?."

"Uh, sure." He smiled before being pulled in for a quick kiss.


"Listen Sam...instead of a bar, why not go join Tony and Daisy on some roller coaster rides."

"I've never been on a roller coaster...but I'll go if it makes you happy." She smiled and got up, stumbling. "Can you please get me a water." She asked again.


All the couples decided to get together and do fun activities around the world of Smash...yes I know it's a lazy Timeskip but I don't want Grimm breathing down my neck, asking about an update.

"Let's try to go kart riding first." Rosalina smiled.

"Aww but that's boring, how about we go on some of the roller coasters." Andre put his arm around Palutena who smiled.

"I've never been on some of the rides here so I'm all for doing them." Samus looked around at all the roller coasters.

Tony tapped Chomper's shoulder and pointed to the ride from hell that he and Daisy went on. "It's the best ride here, you don't have to ride anything else!."

"I'm not going on that..." he looked up seeing a devil laughing. "They freak me out-"

"The devil is an robot, and come on, it'll be fun."

"Looks interesting." Samus looked up at the ride. "I'm down."

"See, Sam will be right there with you..." Daisy patted the shark on the back. "There's nothing to fear, except meeting Satan-"

"WHAT!." Chomper yelped and ran into the aquarium, jumping into the pool with all the animals.

"Get out of there!." Daisy said, she looked at Tony. "Get him out of there."

"Me?. Why me?."

"Because he's your friend-"

"I got this." Samus sighed and walked up to the area where all the sea creatures were, Chomper was hung on a tag that read "384 dollars."

"I'll buy that one." She pointed at Chomper and the shark was let out of the aquarium and put in the arms of the bounty hunter.

"Does this mean you technically own me now?."

"Maybe, and you also made me lose nearly four hundred dollars, so, I think you should come on the ride."


"Either that or you can pay me now."

"But I don't have any money."

"Well..." Tony smocked a cigarette. "Guess you are gonna ride her-I mean with her after all."

Samus placed the shark in the back cart and joined him while Tony and Daisy got in the front.

"Don't worry, just hold onto Samus and enjoy the ride." Daisy wrapped her arm around Tony.

Chomper wrapped his arms around the bounty hunter, shaking like a leaf.

The ride started and a bunch of smoke filled the air before a fire was lit and a bunch of demons started laughing before the coaster sped off like it got shot out of a cannon and it wizzed around the track, going up and down, looping around, doing barrel rolls and summer salts.

"WOOO!!!." Tony and Daisy put their hands up.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!." Chomper screamed as he held onto Samus for his life as the ride came to the big drop, it rocketed down into the ground and the coaster landed with a loud thud.

"Hey Satan, I have some new friends for you to meet." Tony smiled.

Meanwhile Grimm was watching Corrin try to get a stuffed bear by shooting all the targets, however, the targets were so small and so far away she couldn't shoot one.

"Not even one?." Wario chuckled. "Sorry toots but it'll cost ten coins to try again."

"Ten coins!?."

"Take it or leave it!."

She put ten coins down and fired all the bullets at the targets, her score this time was...still a zero.

"WOW, I didn't know you sucked this bad." Wario listed counting the coins.

Grimm's eyes glowed and he made all the targets explode one by one.

"HEY!-" Wario looked at Grimm who floated towards him, his eyes still glowing.

"Bear...NOW!." He shouted and Wario froze up as he slowly handed him the stuffed bear.

He handed it to Corrin who kissed him on the lips once...before immediately starting to make out with him.

Meanwhile, Voltage was watching the Lumas try to do the ring toss game, the blue Luma threw the ring and it missed one of the bottles, the yellow Luma threw the ring and it somehow ringed around Voltage's neck.

"Can I try?." He asked.

The Lumas continued throwing rings and kept missing one after another until they were out.

"To bad!." Waluigi chuckled counting the coins. "Now scram, I've got more important things to do!."

This made the Lumas looked sad and Voltage cracked his neck and put five coins down. "Ring me."

He was handed ten rings and steadily focused on each bottle before toss all the rings, each one around a different bottle.

"WHA!?-" Waluigi's mouth hit the ground as he looked at Voltage. "Fine, take your prize cheater!."

Voltage handed the lumas the tiny little fish and they both looked at it in awe.

He looked at Rosalina who giggled and kissed his cheek.

"Was that my prize?."

"You'll get more than that." She said before seeing him smirk and blush, looking away from him.


Tony and Daisy came out of the hole with smiles on their voice, Samus was unimpressed and Chomper was in a feddle position being taken out two demons.

"Get this one checked by a doctor." One of them cackled as they disappeared back down the hole.

"Well, that was fun." Daisy smiled, kissing Tony's cheek. "So, do you two want to do anything?."

"I wanna go home." Chomper slowly said, he was still shaking.

"Why don't we go check out the tunnel of love..." Samus smirked. "I think it'll be very romantic...just think, the two of us, on a boat, moving slowly."

Chomper slowly got up and took her hand as the two of them walked to the tunnel of love.

"Wanna make out?." Daisy looked at Tony who quickly wrapped his arms around her as the two of them made out by the ride from hell.

"Get a room." Wario rolled his eyes.

"AHEM!." Grimm snapped.

Wario panicked as he quickly got two ice cream cones for Grimm and Corrin.

Voltage and Rosalina were sitting on a bench while the Lumas played with the fish in the bag, watching it swim around.

"They are so cute together." She smiles as they were looking at the fish.

"Just like yo-" Before he could finish she tackled him on the bench and kiss him on the lips several him times, her cheeks were red as hell. "Sorry!."

"Oh no please continue!." He said kissing her this time, this time he tackled her on the bench and kissed her over and over.

Andre was shooting a ball at the hoop, trying to score enough points to get a prize for Palutena, he was making several shots, all of them were perfect, until an arrow shot one of them.

"Not him again..." Andre looked up and saw Pit flying down.

"LADY PALUTENA!!!." Pit shouted, he looked at everyone but kept flying, meaning he didn't stop and landed right into the cotton candy machine, making Andre start laughing his ass off.

"You want some cotton candy?." He asked as he walked over.

"You get away from her you vile being-" pit slowly said before Andre kicked the machine over and everyone heard a crunching sound.

"Oops sorry, guess paybacks a bi-"

"AHEM!." Rosalina shouted and pointed at the Lumas who were looking at the demon slayer.

"Bicycle...yeah....that's the word..."

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