( Outside of the Royal Palace, Birnin Zana, Wakanda, 3:00 PM.)
Even with Sivarius now defeated, the heavy street fighting was still raging on outside the palace the Splicers were hellbent on defending. Everyone was fighting desperately and most courageously. The others were still aiding and rescuing the survivors and victims. Suddenly, Cayde's tired voice came on the comms link as they heard him.
" Hey so um, got a pretty crazy idea; just need to ask King T'Challa how expensive his throne room is, " he said.
" Why that specifically? " Rex asked in a tinge of concern.
" No reason, " the Hunter Vanguard was clearly hiding something by the snap of reluctance in his response.
" Cayde... " Ikora growled.
" Ok fine! It's because there might be some property damage involved. "
" My palace is destroyed, " the Black Panther responded and kept running. " This intrusion has costed so much fortune and effort. My kingdom's Vibranium reserves are losing. "
" More like stolen, brother, " Shuri corrected her royal sibling overcomms. " It may be difficult for us to take everything back. "
" So I guess that's a no to blowing up the throne room and taking all the Splicers inside of it in one swoop? "
" CAYDE! " Zavala yelled.
" Exactly. "
" There must be another way for you to solve this, " Shuri added.
" What is it, Shuri? "
" You need to go back to the palace and check everything. Perhaps, the false King is already dead, " she answered.
" But how? "
" Alright fine, I did find a vent out here and if his majesty could join me here, we could sneak into the throne room from behind. " Cayde suggested.
The Awoken bearer of the Barrier Stone was standing on the streets near the palace where he was surrounded by people running and fighting against the members of the Fallen race. He was listening at the conversation with Cayde, T'Challa, Shuri, and the others as he thought of something. The Hunter Vanguard and the Wakandan princess had given him an idea to help the king to enter the palace.
" I think you have given me an idea, Cayde, " Zavala replied overcomms and turned to the palace while looking at the crowd and the surroundings.
" Did you just admit that Cayde had a good idea? " Ikora asked concerned.
" Yes, " the Awoken bearer of the Barrier Stone responded. " Perhaps, I will revive the palace's defense systems for the entire Kingdom. "
" Commander Zavala, you helped us so much, but you should..." T'Challa paused in surprise as he couldn't believe in what he heard.
" This is what you wanted your Highness. Now, go with Cayde as I accompany you both. "
" How could I ever thank you. "
" Sweet, just like a spy movie! " Cayde cheered.
" Tyrion, where the hell can we find Aksis around here? " Levi huffed.
" I'm scanning for huge masses of SIVA around the ship but I haven't picked up on one large enough to be Aksis yet, " the Ghost reported.
" Sounds like it's a grand job to do, " Mulan responded as she hovered beside Tengfei.
" This is worse than Sivarius, " Tengfei added and rubbed his chin. " Expect more dangerous scenarios. "
" Man, that's rough..." Maverick nervously sighed and crossed his arms.
" We just reaped more than 50 Eliksni souls in one day along with Captain Marvel, " his female Killtracker ghost informed which she floated around her pink Kree owner. " I would suggest a big boss fight for this one. You guys should be ready. "
Tyrion suddenly stopped in his tracks, scanning around the hall. Levi stopped and looked to his ghost. The others seemed curious at them while they were waiting.
" What's up? Why did you stop? " Levi tilted his head.
" I just realized there's a way we can save a huge amount of time and effort, " Tyrion chirped.
" How? " Mulan curiously asked. " Please carefully explain in details. "
" Yeah. Do tell, dude..." Carol the Killtracker added.
" This Ketch is extremely old by Eliksni standards; "
" I believe if we do some serious damage to the inner foundation then we could bring this whole ship crashing down and everything inside it along with it. "
" So you want us... To blow up the ship? "
" Yeah. Apparently, Madame Light-Bulb has gone with her son, " the purple ghost replied. " They can join us if they make it here. "
" We need someone like her to do that, " the Killtracker added.
" Yeah, can we call her? " Maverick asked.
" I imagined that her Binary form could produce enough power for her to zip around the inner machinations of this ship and destroy everything to cause it to crash and explode."
" There is just one problem; with how the ship is positioned, it could come crashing down on the city, " Levi interjected.
" Wakanda has shields, " the Ghost retorted.
" We don't even know if they got the palace back yet, " Levi crossed his arms.
Listening to the conversation, Tengfei thought of calling back Carol Danvers or anyone from the Infinity Avengers which he had an idea to solve this dilemma. He was waiting for his opportunity to speak up, but he got hindered when Mulan pointed at his phone vibrating inside his black leather jacket. She chirped at him to take his device as he followed.
Suddenly, the Kree SHIELD Agent received a message from Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow as he read it. Everyone turned their attention at him.
" Guys...Good news, " he said. " Zavala and Cayde have entered the palace along with the king. "
" Maverick, " Levi looked to the Kree Hunter. " Call Cayde and tell him of our plan; he needs to know of this so I can plan accordingly."
" Yeah, sure thing! " the pink Kree nodded and took his phone. " Come on, Dude. Answer the freakin' Earth phone..."
Maverick was still waiting for Cayde to respond which he heard the other line ringing. Carol the Killtracker girl went hovering around as she patiently looked at her owner. The pink-Kree was gently patting her red and blue robotic frame as Carol chirped and chuckled. She felt like a pet cat or dog approaching her master. Finally, Cayde had picked up the call when the Killtracker girl hovered away from Maverick.
" Hello? New phone who dis? " he answered as his voice seems to be reverberating around a tight space.
" It's me, Rick! Dude, we've got plans! "
" Awesome, so do we; but we're climbing inside a vent so make it quick before Zavala yells at me. "
" Oh yeah, Good! Ya got the Barrier Stone man and the King. Anyways, we're gonna blow this ship for real! "
" Wait, wut?! "
" Yeah, that's the plan, but does this place have a forcefield or something? "
Cayde seemed to cut from the call for a bit. Maverick was waiting and hearing some background voices conversing. Finally, the Hunter Vanguard returned to the call.
" Rick, I'm back. Sorry for keep ya waiting that long, " Cayde said. " King T'challa says there's a shield we can activate but we need to seize the Throne room first."
" Oh yeah, right. " Maverick turned to his companions. " Guys, Cayde says they gotta seize the Throne Room first, before activating the shield. Got any words for him, y'all? "
Levi looked over to Maverick, " I'd say if we start destroying the ship now they got about twenty minutes before the ship comes crashing down, can they clear it out and get the shield up by then? "
" Yo, Cayde. We're gonna blow off the ship in twenty Earth minutes for good. Can ya have some clean-up crew and get the shield done? " the Hunter Kree asked.
" That'd be alright if you'd only start destroying it as soon as we hopped into the Throne room! " Cayde hollered.
" Cool, thanks dude! "
" On second thought, we're going in now. Have fun kids! "
" Sure, peace out! "
The call ended as Maverick was grinning and turning to his companions. He understood what they had to do.
(Vents to the Royal Throne Room)
The dark Vibranium walls were yelling and echoing as King T'Challa became more impatient and kept mumbling in Wakandan language. Zavala felt the heat as sweat was forming on his pale grayish-blue skin. Just below the vents, they heard some chattering in Eliksni. The Hunter Exo was grinning at his two companions, but they still got stuck at crawling and bumping their feet and legs.
" Cayde! " the Awoken Commander and the King yelled in unison.
" Oops! You've yee'd your last haw fellas! " Cayde hollered as he descended into the throne room.
" Are we going? " T'Challa sternly asked.
" This is why we don't trust Cayde by himself your majesty, " Zavala sighed before drawing his rifle and crawling out of the vent.
The Wakandan King scratched the wall and formed a hole as he jumped out of the vents along with them. As Zavala hit the floor, he opened fire on the Splicers in the Throne room. Cayde was already enjoying gunning down the Splicers rushing at them. T'Challa tackled down the other Splicer and sliced it using his claws.
" Well, it's time for us to get busy, " he continued using his claws to slash the incoming Splicer.
" I am having the most fun ever right now! " Cayde exclaimed with a reload of his gun.
Looking around the place and hunting for more, T-Challa got surprised and strangled by the Splicer behind him. It was ready to take the King of Wakanda as his next victim. He was trying to break free from its clutches as he was still kicking and scratching the Splicer. It was choking him as the Black Panther found himself struggling to breathe.
" LET ME...GO!! "
Zavala rushed the Splicer and with the brute force of a shoulder bash, tackled the Splicer off of T'Challa before unloading a few rounds into it for good measure. He then extended a hand to the Black Panther.
The King was saved and looking at the Splicer. It was still breathing and growling. Zavala sternly glared at it and used his Barrier Stone glowing in radiant grayish-white light. He drew a line as a portal to make it disappear. The Splicer was screaming and fading away.
" Your majesty, on your feet; the battle is far from over, " he said.
" Thank you, my friends, " he smiled at Zavala and Cayde.
Cayde finished dropping the last Splicer up in the room. With a thud of its body, the entire room went silent.
" Alright, let's raise those shields so our friends up high don't bring the ship down on the city, " he grinned.
" Your Highness, can you bring your defenses back? " Zavala asked.
" Yes, " he nodded.
King T'Challa checked on the Throne room's computer as he pressed a holographic screen. He managed to bring back the shields throughout the entire Kingdom.
" Hey Zavala, something just occurred to me, " Cayde snapped his gaze to the Commander.
" What is it, Cayde? " he asked.
" Why were there so little Splicers in here if they knew the Throne room was important to their mission? Unless..."
" What do you mean? "
" Is there something wrong? " T'Challa added.
" There's more of them outside the throne room, " Cayde's eyes widened.
" Commander, shall we do the honors? " the king asked.
" We have no choice then..."
Suddenly, the door burst open and everyone prepared for the worst; but fortunately for them, Ikora hovered into the room followed by Predator and his squad plus a few MIB agents. One of the MIBs was a tall turquoise headed Methane alien whose hands were glowing in golden brown light. He was happy to see the three safe inside the throne room.
" Ikora?! " Zavala raised his voice.
" I know you were expecting a cliche action scene to happen, but I guess I had to ruin the fun, " Ikora chuckled.
" Honestly, bit of a mood killer, " Cayde crossed his arms.
" Yo, Mr. Barrier Stone! I'm back! " the Uranian MIB agent beamed.
" Agent UR, you don't have your stone yet! "
" I'm fully aware! " Agent UR chuckled. " Anyway, I brought some guys to bring down these freaks! Thanks to the Awesome Ego Stone Energy, I was able to blast more of them into ashes. So, what are ya waiting for Earthian Holidays? We need to check out what's going on. "
" King T'Challa is trying to get the shields around Wakanda operational again; Levi and his team are planning to bring the Splicership crashing dow-" Cayde paused.
" Wait WHAT!? " Ikora yelled, her voice possibly hurting many ears. They got surprised and widened their eyes.
Agent UR was smiling and secretly laughing as he went to the king which he asked to check the holographic computer. T'Challa nodded and allowed him to monitor as the Uranian began to observe the area.
" Guys... " Agent UR checked the computer and called their attention. " They're doing it, right now. "
" How? " T'Challa asked.
(Meanwhile, up on the Splicership)
" Toss grenades in the walls, blow up everything you can cause we're burning this house down! " Levi hollered.
" Woo-hoo! " Maverick happily exclaimed and channeled his cosmic radiant energy to the grenades and tossed more. " Happy Earth New Year, Suckers!!! "
" Seriously? " Carol the Killtracker sighed as she watched her owner. " Are you sure this is a good idea?! "
" Yeah! Go ahead and record this video, Miss Killtracker! We're makin' history awesome, y'all! "
" Got it, Boss. " she replied and began recording the entire event.
" Tengfei! Go find the engine room and toss a Nova bomb in there! " Levi yelled.
Tengfei could tell that Levi and Maverick were having way too much fun with the whole operation. He was smiling at them. Mulan was hovering beside him as she looked at him.
" Joining the exploding bandwagon, Confucius? " she curiously asked.
" Yep! "
" Zhù hǎo yùn! (Good Luck!) "
" Shì de, wǒ huì wèi dìqiú! ( Yep, I will for Earth!) "
Tengfei joined with his companions as he rushed smiling at them. Levi and Maverick noticed him.
" Got it! " the blue Kree SHIELD Agent nodded and channeled his Void Stone Energy to the Nova Bomb. He evily laughed and exclaimed, " Time to send this to hell! "
Recording their exploits, Carol the Killtracker went beside Mulan. She was chirping at the purple ghost. Mulan noticed her when they began watching the three men. The two Ghost girls enjoyed their time seeing them.
" These two Kree Boys are megalomaniacs, " Mulan commented. " Especially that Exo over there. What if they get to meet a real girl? "
" Do tell, girl, " Carol happily chirped and laughed. " I can imagine that! "
(The Throne Room, Royal Palace, Birnin Zana 3:44 PM)
" They're probably fine, " the Hunter Vanguard chuckled.
" Yeah, " Agent UR smiled and monitored the situation. " They're close enough for explosion! "
Suddenly, a massive explosion burst from the rear end of the Ketch. The engines had erupted into nothing but smoke and flames. It seemed now that the explosions were beginning to spread across the ship.
" Woah, slowly but surely..."
" Yea, they're fine, " sweated Cayde.
Everyone saw a trio of jet-like shapes fled the explosions: the Guardians had already escaped in their jumpships. The ship was instantly crashing to the ground as planned, but Cayde looked around and realized something.
" Hey, we got those shields up, right? "
" Yes, " Zavala nodded.
" Do you have anything to warn us, again? " T'Challa asked.
" BRACE FOR IMPACT! " the Hunter Vanguard yelled as the Ketch seemed to come eerily closer to the shields.
From the outside, everyone widened their eyes in shock. They were looking at the falling and burning Ketch approaching towards the area. Wakandan Soldiers and the other fighters turned their attention to it. For them, it was a point of no return.
Zavala took his Barrier Stone and quickly went outside to the Throne Room's balcony. He noticed his Infinity Stone was glowing again in grayish white light. He raised his right arm while holding it. The energy from his stone was radiating as he fortified the shields. The burning Ketch turned into fragments and ashes as it fell on the ground. Finally, everyone was saved from this impending danger as they all cheered. Ikora Rey joined him as she noticed his act.
" Well, that was a flashy display, " Ikora smirked.
" We've got another Infinity Avenger aside from me! " the Uranian smiled.
" Mission accomplished, " Zavala looked to King T'Challa.
" This is the next big step for our freedom, " the Wakandan King determinedly replied.
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