The Orphan |Chapter Thirteen|
Truly and Kade head over to the beach first with the three most decorated teachers of botany, zoology, and marine biology, as well as the ship's lead medic. The normally picturesque lagoon is slewn with broken trees and fronds from various palm trees. The beach, luckily, is barely covered with debris from the mainland and beyond, thanks to the fact the sea cave is the only way into the lagoon.
As they hop out, Mr Hanson, one of the Marine sciences greatest minds, throws his arms out to stop his older Jamaican colleague, who happens to be the head of Zoology and Truly's teacher. "That's a mahn of wah, mate. It can still keell yah."
Professor Slanter gives the man an unamused glare. "Me kno what it is. Don' touch di tigas... dem bite."
"Sohry mate," the Australian-born teacher sheepishly grins, "habit. Oy've had too many students troy and touch the pretty bubbles."
"Yea, me kno me had a few tuh try an lick a few frogs." Slanter rolls his eyes.
"Blimey, let me guess the pretty colored ones, eh?"
"Yea." Slanter shakes his head as he skirts the man of war jellyfish. "De blue an black ones. Dem will get yuh killed. Don' lick di frogs."
"Try having some fool use oleander twigs for firewood." Mrs. Duvall, the head botanist of the island, mutters as she heads further up the shore. "Damn idiot gave us all respiratory issues and nearly killed himself by using a twig as a scure. Would've, if I hadn't figured out what he'd done."
"Right-o...." Professor Hanson points to the man of war. "Oy'm gaowin ta burray this before we descovah the lucky drongo who wants ta touch it."
"Oh," Truly sighs out under her breath so the professors can't hear. "T'is is goin' ta be a disasta."
"Why do ye think I said only a few who weren't in the sciences?" Kade softly replies back.
"I t'ink it might be best ta pair a foreigner wit' a local while we're 'ere." Truly runs her hand over her braid nervously, thinking about how this island can feck a person over seven ways to Sunday.
"They're grouping them each with at least one grad student and hey." Kade grins. "At least they can't get eaten like the ones who went with Raven. No Atlantean tigers."
"It's just loike gaoein home." Professor Hanson grins as he digs a large hole with a shovel one of the sailors provided him. "Everything and their mum is troyin t' keell yah."
"Cum wit' it already." Professor Slanter turns his blue eyes to Kade. "Where yuh tink a gud place is tuh set up de rehabilitation center is?"
"Anywhere further up the beach is fine. The tide doesn't roll up high here. You can even use one of those huts if ye like, but they might be best for lodging. There are a few around the island as well, if you recall. These are the most protected though."
Slanter nods, eyeing the hut. "Since we only treating little animals me tink me might just use de hut den. Me bunk wid de animals." A curt nod makes the long dark and grey dreads on his head shift.
As he carefully moves the man of war, Professor Hanson glances over to Kade. "Yah gawt one of these swanky plyces out boi that outta reef?"
Kade raises an are you kidding me brow at his teacher. "A mile inland, so it's protected.
"Right-o mate. Cawn-soy-da it claimed. Oy'll take a class out theah in a bit. Raest cahn gao round the islahnd on those navy dinghies with you."
"Professor Duval will be askin' if ye 'ave a treehouse in the center next." Truly smirks at her joke.
"You laugh, young lady," Professor Duvall throws her a haughty look, her long salt and pepper hair blowing in the wind. "But I will be taking it. The architect department helped him build one when he was a mere child." She tilts her nose up. "I might have had something to do with that little suggestion."
A big grin spreads across Slanter's tawny face. "Yuh betta hope dat treehouse of yuhs neva blow down in de storm."
Duvall's eyes narrow. "Oh, don't start. You're no better, Slanter, you're practically as giddy as a schoolgirl." The small curve of her lips and the sparkle in her eyes hints that she is too.
"Oh course me am. 'Ave yuh seen di animals on dis island?" Slanter gestures a weathered hand toward the thick jungle.
"Have you seen the plants?" Duvall counters, her hiking backpack already on her back. "I'm going to head further inland and check on the conditions of our living arrangements. Be a dear and give my grad students a map and tell them to follow. Oh, and don't forget to give them all that don't be like Johnny, Jonny's dead cheat sheet."
Hanson snickers, "Gawt ta love thaht guide's name. Think Jawhnny was thaht student of hers she was tellin' us about?"
"Probably." Slanter turns to Kade as Truly kneels next to him to secure her backpack. "Mi cud use a few navy hands tuh get di equipment of di boat."
Turning, Kade eyes to the sailor aboard the dinghy. "You heard him, sailor. Tell your captain to get his boats in the water and that equipment out here."
"Aye, aye." The man reverses the boat and returns to the ship.
Several hours later, with the temporary buildings finally built, the teachers lead their parties off into the wilds of Deadman's Cay.
Truly has been itching this entire time to get into the jungle. There is something in there that she's drawn to like fate has set a gem just within the brush for her to find. Finally, paired with her group and an older botanist student named Lem, the group takes off into the trees. To Truly's surprise, Petals leaves Kade on the beach and follows her.
The hike through the dense plant life makes for a rough walk, and all the fallen trees don't help.
"It's hot, isn't it?" Lem wipes plump sweat drops off his brow. The thick man is struggling to keep up with the others. Truly hangs back with him, though, to keep the man company.
"Aye. Ye not use ta t'e heat?" She asks as she crawls over a large trunk, with Petals jumping over it to join her.
"Heat, yes. This, no." Lem takes a breather and eyes the tree to see if there is an easier way over. "I'm from New York."
"Aye?" Truly's interest peaks. She's never been to the Americas, not that she's too impressed with the States citizens. Many of their rich come as tourists to the Islands and are rude pain in the asses that don't care about their culture and expect the Atlanteans to conform to them. "I take it ye find our plants interestin' t'en? We got some unique ones."
Lem lets out a deep chuckle as he maneuvers over the thinner part of the trunk. "That is the understatement of the century. Did you know that you have several species of plants that are only indigenous to your islands?!" Excitement gleams in his dark eyes.
"Aye?" Truly smiles as she continues up the path. She knows there are many rare things on Atlantis, including plants, but the man's excitement is hard to dismiss. "Like what?"
No surprise to her, the tall, stout man opens the floodgate of information on her. Lem geeks out over his plants as they walk along, telling Truly everything she could ever want to know about the rare species that grows in only her country. She dutifully listens as she hums to herself and monitors their surroundings. When Petals starts intently sniffing around and takes off on her own, Truly quickly follows after.
"Feckin' great. I'm goin' ta lose me hubby's dog. Petals!" She calls after her as she leaps over fallen trees and rocks.
"I guess I'll just wait here then?" Lem calls after her.
Well, off the beaten path and out of breath, Truly finds Petals sniffing and barking at a huge fallen tree. "Lassy." Truly glares at the dog as she rests her hands on her knees. "Ye daddy is gonna hear about t'is one."
When Petals doesn't move and starts digging at the trunk, Truly pushes up and walks over to her. "Come on with ye."
Just as she's about to grab Petals' collar and drag her away, a tiny fluff of orange catches her attention.
Petals whines and sniffs at the monkey's hand.
"Aye, I see it, lass." She scratches the dog's head before pushing her to the side. "Good lassie." Truly digs under the tree until she can work the body of an adult squirrel monkey out. Her shoulders drop, realizing that the adult is dead, but clinging to her chest is a tiny baby, probably no older than a couple of weeks. The baby is still alive, but barely. "Ye poor t'ing." She carefully pulls the baby off its deceased mother and tucks her inside her shirt to warm her up.
"Come on, Petals, back ta t'e beach." Truly sprints up and books it back to the path.
When she passes the group, a confused scowl crosses Lem's face. "Where are you going?"
"Stay with the rest of the group." Truly calls over her shoulder. If she has any chance in hell of saving this baby, she's got to get her hydrated, warm, and fed. Hard telling how long the poor thing was under the tree.
When she makes it to the shore, she bursts in through the rehab hut's door, completely out of breath. "Baby monkey," she gasps out, pulling her spoils out and laying the weak thing on the table in front of Professor Slanter.
The man's face softens, but not in a comforting way. "Me nuh tink she's a gonna make it." The baby is obviously on its last leg. The thing can barely lift its head.
When he sees Truly's heart drop as she stares down at the monkey, the man moves to the counter, pulling out a small bottle and some human formula. "It still worth a try though. Let's get sum food inna har belly. Den go from there."
When he gets it prepared, Truly picks up the limp monkey. "Can I do it?"
"Yea." Slanter's gaze shifts from Truly to the monkey, noting the attachment the girl already has for the animal. "Inna fact, yuh can be her mada while wi here."
Truly's eyes sparkle with delight as she takes the bottle and holds it up to the baby's lips. Thankfully, the little tike latches on quickly and starts sucking the milk down.
"Now that's a good sign de little ting be putting us on. She's still got a lot of life inna her." Slanter's gaze drifts up to Truly. "It a gonna be a lot of work. She's a gonna need ta be fed every two hours. Even through de night."
"I don' mind." Truly hold the tiny thing close to her chest. "I brought me phone. I'll set alarms."
Satisfied with her answer, Slanter nods and walks over to get a soft blanket to hand to her for the baby to cling to. "Alright den. Today I'll have yuh hang on da beach so dat we can watch her dis is a gonna be de hardest day. Tomorrow yuh might be able tuh take her wid yuh we'll hafta decide inna de mornin'."
Truly nods, already completely in rapture over the baby. As she eats, Truly starts softly singing to her, petting the little monkey's back.
As Slanter moves about the hut, Truly takes a seat in a nearby chair. Her professor watches her sing and shakes his head. "It no wonda dem call yuh family sirens. Yuh sing as pretty as one. Me can see yuh sitting on a rock somewhere luring men tuh der deaths."
Truly flashes him an unamused glance. "We aren't actually sirens, professor." It's an issue she's had to deal with often and one reason her dad and brothers don't want her dropping her last name at school. She's the firstborn Davelvon female in the last one-hundred years. Many locals think she's a real-life siren, just waiting to lure Atlantean men to the watery grave.
Slanter chuckles and starts packing up a small canister of formula and a couple of bottles for her. "Me neva said yuh were. If yuh were one, I'd be studying yuh." He flashes her a smile. "Me wouldn't sing round yuh locals if dem know who yuh are. Dem nuh take kindly tuh sirens, and yuh sound like one."
Truly shifts in her chair. "So I've been told."
Slanter walks over to her and holds out the pack with the supplies. She'll need to be the best monkey momma. "Yuh taking up me space." He gives her a wink. "Go find yuh own hut tuh relax in."
"So hospitable." Truly takes the bag and shoulders it before taking her new baby and Petals out and down a few huts.
After a full day, going in and out of the water and running the trash out to a barge docked as close as it can get to the islands. Kade returns with a bunch of exhausted marine students only to find the beach bustling with equally exhausted students, but his Treasure's not in sight. Catching sight of one member of the group Truly was with Kade walks over to the robust African American. "Lem, right? You were with me Truly. Any chance you know where she is?"
"Oh, yeah, I was. You're." Lem snaps his fingers. "Kade? The guy that owns this place?"
"Aye. I'm the Brovern who owns this rock."
"Cool, cool. I haven't seen Tru since this afternoon. We were hiking, and her dog just took off like a bat outta hell. Then, Tru went right after." Lem's broad hand juts out in front of him as a frown crosses Kade's face. "She was leaping over trees like a tiny nimble elf. A few minutes later she came whizzing back by with the dog, and just vanished into the brush."
What the hell is he bloody talking about? There's no way Petals would do that. "Have you seen her since?"
"No." Lem shakes his head. "She yelled something about with the group. I'm not sure if she was joining another, but she hasn't come back out with this morning's returning groups. I've been watching for her. At first I didn't think much of it, but now I'm starting to worry."
"Fuck." Kade's mind runs over all the hundreds of places she could have gone. "Thanks." He absentmindedly adds. "Do you know where Slanter is?"
He points to the hut closest to them. "Holding up in there with his animals, like a real life Dr. Doolittle."
"Thanks." Dressed only in his board shorts, Kade jogs over to the hut and opens the door to find half a dozen various critters kept in cages. "Professor, where's Truly. Her crew hasn't seen her since she bolted off this afternoon."
"She's a few huts down." Slanter points down to the line of huts that neighbor his. "De little mada need sum rest."
Kade raises a brow. "The what?"
"Mada... muuum." The Jamaican draws out, trying to sound more like an Atlantean.
"I know di ward mada," Kade counters, sounding very similar to the man himself. "I spent four years wid Mama Adébáyọ̀."
"Well, nuh sure where di confusion is." Slanter smirks as he tents to a brilliant red dehydrated macaw by injecting water slowly into its beak. "She's found haarself wid pickney."
With child... Kade's eyes widen as he slightly pales. Seven hells, everyone will think I did it on purpose.
When Slanter realizes that he and Truly are at least intimate with each other by the look on Kade's face, he chuckles. "Congratulations, neva tink were yuh did de type."
Kade's attention snaps back to the professor. "She told you we were fasted?" I thought she didn't want it getting around.
A surprised look passes Slanter's face as he shakes his head. "No, yuh just did, bowy."
Just sink me to the deep. "Don't bring this up to others. She's yet to tell her parents."
Slanter's eyes go slightly wider. "He don know?" The man shakes his head. "Best of luck, tuh yuh. Me can imagine telling dat dad of hers dat she's handfasted has har stressed. Poa gall."
"So I'm told." And this won't likely do me any favors. "But she's yet ta tell me why it's such an issue. I thought by chance it was because I'm a Brovern, but it's not supposedly the case." Kade shifts on his feet as his eyes flick outside. "I should find her."
"No, that ain't it." Slanter snorts. "Yuh might be havin' problems if yuh were an Adébáyọ̀. But that's between yuh, har, an har family. Dey good friends of mine but I'm nuh sticking me neck in where it don't belong."
I basically am one in Mama's eyes. Kade's lips turn down. Mama Adébáyọ̀ don't hate no one. "Never heard Mama talk ill of anyone before." Readings can make others sour, though. "I need to cast off, professor. Thanks again." Kade turns and heads towards the other huts, looking briefly in a few of the windows till he finds the one he wants.
He finds Truly lying on the bed, with a soft fluffy blanket over her chest, and Petals asleep next to her, using Truly's stomach as a pillow.
Quietly entering the hut, Kade briefly admires her sleeping form before pulling back the netting and sitting beside her. "Have you eaten, Treasure?"
Truly's eyes flash open and looks over at him. "Hey." She wipes the sleep from her eyes. "I had the sandwich I packed for lunch. Or." She glances down at Petals as she rises on her elbows. "Half of it anyway."
"Her food is in me pack. I'll get it when we hit the mess hall." Kade's eyes drop to her stomach. "I talked to yer professor in order to find you. He said you were pickney. It's di winta slang for with child. It's only been a week. What possessed ye to check?"
"He what?!" Truly sits up quick enough to get Petals on her feet, just as Truly's chest chirps. "Feck." She mutters and pulls the collar of her tank top away.
Kade raises a brow. "Do I want to know what ye got under your blouse, Treasure?"
His question is answered when the tiny head of a baby squirrel monkey pops out of her cleavage. Truly sighs and looks down at the baby. "It 'asn't been two hours yet, luv. Ye already hungry again?" Her gaze shifts up to Kade. "I found her this afternoon clingin' ta her mum. Mum was already dead, and she was well on 'er way when I found her. Well, Petals found 'er." She smiles and scratches the dog's head. "Such a good lass."
"Is that why she ran on ye? That yank in yer group, Lem. He said she bolted, and it made no sense. Speaking of which, he's still looking for ye to return. You might want to report in before I have a good intentioned foreigner lost on me island."
"Aye. Or I assume so. She headed straight fer t'e fallen tree where I dug t'e mom and Coconut out." Truly reaches down her shirt and scoops out the baby that barely fills her palm. "If ye want me ta report in, t'en I need ye." She holds out Coconut to him. "Ta feed me babe."
"This is what he meant?" Kade shakes his head. "Wutless man is trying to kill me. He made it sound like you were with child."
"Ye know I have ta implant. I don' know why ye thought I gravid." Truly scoot over the edge of the bed and grabs the bag with Coconut's formula in it.
"He threw me off guard, and if ye haven't noticed, my family has a bad tendency of giving lassies more than they bargained for. "Give me the monkey. I'll feed it so you can let your party know ye ain't bloody lost on the island."
Truly mixes up the monkey's formula and puts her on the soft balled-up blanket. "Her name is Coconut, or Coco, if ye want. Ye don't 'ave to burp her." She hands the little baby over. "Jist pet her and feed her. She's still pretty tuckered out." Truly leans over and gives him a chaste kiss. "Ye still gave me more t'an I bargained for. She." Truly points down to the baby monkey. "Was in ye coffee cup, not mine." A playful grin pulls at the corner of her lips.
"This is why I dislike readings." Kade rolls his eyes. "You're makin' assumptions because of it now. And you don't know it was just in mine for sure," he gives her a pointed look. "You wouldn't let me read yers."
"It wouldn't 'ave been in mine." She gives him another quick kiss. "I'll be right back." With that, Truly leaves the tent and finds her group members getting ready to head to the boat for dinner.
"There you are!" Relief visibly sweeps over Lem when he notices Truly approaching.
"Aye." Truly smiles. "'Ere I am. I had a bit of an emergency. Iffin ye were worried, ye could 'ave checked in with me professor t'ough." She points over to her shoulder to the huts behind her. "If ye lose someone, check with t'em. T'at's where we report into."
Lem grows embarrassed and shoves his hands into his jean pockets. "I didn't think you came back to the beach."
"Ah." Truly nods. "Well, step one when ye lose someone. Report it to a professor. T'ey know what ta do next."
"Got it. You want to join us?" He nods to the dinghy that's taking people back to the main ship.
Truly shakes her head and takes a step back. "I'll be over in a bit. I need ta get me hubby." The word seems so odd but right on her lips.
"Your hubby?" Lem's eyes go wide. "You mean the guy that was looking for you earlier is your husband?"
"So you own this island too?" Lem's gaze travels over the island as a silent wow forms on his lips.
"Noh, it's just his. 'Ave a nice dinner." She waves before turning and jogging back to the hut. When she walks in, she still finds Kade sitting on the bed. "Ye ready?"
"Aye." His eyes drop to the monkey still eating in his arms. "I can feed her on the boat, or you can. I'm assumin' you want to eat with everyone and not get hauled up to the officers' hall."
"Either." Truly shrugs. Whenever she's on her boat, she always eats with the officers. "If we're being right and proper, probably best ta officers' hall."
Kade raises a brow, having never been accused of being proper. "Ye realize I've sailed that ship countless times dressed as I am now. Do I strike you as right and proper?"
"Aye." Truly giggle. "A true proper lad, ye are. Never seen one so official as ye. It's what caught me eye. I said ta meself. Now there's a gent iffin I ever saw one."
He rolls his eyes as he stands. "We both know that's not what caught yer eye, Tru."
Truly raises a brow. "Oh, and what caught me eye, Kade?" She reaches out and takes the baby and bottle from him.
Kade smirks. "You tell me, you were already droolin' when I laid eyes saw ye. By the end of that welcome song, you seemed right ready to let me be the one to give you a proper Psi greeting."
Truly scoffs, "Ye nor anyone else was chippin' me tea cup that night." She lets out a huff just as Coconut finishes her bottle. "Ye touched me, and I felt ta tingles." A light blush settles on Truly's cheeks. "I never had t'at happen before. Took me by surprise." Tru shoves the empty bottle in her back pocket and moves the baby monkey to the strap of her halter top for it to cling to.
Kade's brow lightly furrows as he stands. I touched her? "I don't remember touching ye. Sarah, yes. Kill, that OT Nu, and that boy ye shoved in the pool did that. Or I'm assuming he did."
Truly's shoulders droop slightly. "Aye. When ye got ta t'e drink part of ye song. Ye grabbed me hand. It wasn't hardly nothin'. I ain't surprised ye don't remember."
"You're upset I don't feel your tingles?" Kade slides his fingers across her jaw and entangles his fingers slightly in her braided hair. "It's not always the same for the other, is it? In those true love spells of yers."
"I suppose not."
"Just cause I don't take stock in such things doesn't change the fact you do, Tru. If it makes ye feel better, I haven't really fought the need to take the Black Raven out this week. Anyone who knows me will tell you that's a first. They would've expected to hear I was manning the helm today too."
"Aye?" A smile spreads across her face as her hand runs over his abs. "This week has been one if t'e happiest of me life. I know ye worry for ye mum's sake."
Kade's lips thin. "Aye and I know you worry about yer parents, Tru and what they'll think of us. Slanter said something though I'm wondering about. He said at least I wasn't an Adébáyọ̀. What's your family got against Mama and her kin?"
"Not'in'." Truly's hand slides around his waist. She isn't lying either. The Adébáyọ̀ are the ones that still have a grudge against her family, not the other way around. "Me family doesn't have anythin' against anyone."
Then why would he say that? "If you want to eat with the others, we should leave." Unable to resist any longer, Kade dips his head down and kisses her, closing the distance between them.
Truly's arms tighten around his waist as she kisses him back. A hand slides up his abs and chest until she's cupping his jaw, getting completely lost in his touch.
Kade only breaks away when he feels an odd tug on his thicker chains. As he glances down, a small chirp greets him, and a laugh escapes his lips. "Ye lost your charge, Treasure."
"Oh, sure." Truly playfully glares at Coconut. "I save ye life and t'is is what I get."
Coconut's big black eyes meet hers and only gives another chirp in reply.
"Aye, he's handsome, I'll give ye t'at." Truly reaches up and gently pets the monkey before she reluctantly pulls away so they can join the others heading to the ship.
A few days later, Kade, Gideon, and his frat brother Sanka move quietly through the thick foliage, having gone to the one part of the island that isn't being surveyed. Kade's not willing to share one of the few hidden treasures of the island with the rest of the world. A small lake and a cascading waterfall nestles his secret escape, a true off the grid house, on the protected side of the island. It's his sanctuary away from everything, located a few miles in from the coast and one of the island's best diving spots. When he brought a team of marine biologists to observe and clean the nearby beach, he ensured they came via the sea, leaving them unaware of his hidden gem within. The carefully hidden path to the beach is the one they take now, intending to walk around the outer area past a small hut nestled just out of view on the shore.
As they talk quietly amongst themselves, a sweet, haunting voice filters through the tree's. "If you'll come with me. Down beneath the waves. I will take your pain. Take it all away."
Stilling, Kade turns towards the coast. "Do you hear that?"
Sanka and Gideon stop talking. The noise of the forest and the wind blowing through the leaves fill the air, but there are no other sounds to be heard.
"It's only the island noises." Gideon rests his machete against his shoulder.
"Let's go man, I don't wanna miss dinna." Sanka walks on with Gideon.
The voice picks up again, carried on the breeze. "Come into the deep. Give in to the tide. Don't you long to leave? All the hurt behind."
Unable to resist the sweet melody the others don't seem to hear, Kade turns for the shore and walks away from his friends and towards where he knows a small beach hut is. As he pushes through the thick foliage to his surprise, he finds Truly swimming alone in the water.
Not realizing he's there, she continues her tune. As she relaxes, her voice gets louder. "Forget everything. Make a new life. Far beyond the reach. Of your troubled kin. Where no-one will seek. To harm you again. Don't be afraid."
Moving quietly towards her, Kade rests his machete against the hut's patio and slips his shoes off before he walks straight into the water, uncaring that he's not dressed for it. Silently, he makes his way towards her, moving further into the water.
Truly steps a little farther out into the waves, where it reaches her chest. "I'll be by your side. Come into the deep. Give in to the tide. Come with me. Down into the deep."
Aware that Kades left them, Gideon and Sanka appear at the edge of the tree line. At the sight of him walking in a daze towards a girl in the water, Gideon stiffens. His fingers instantly tighten on his machete as the knowledge of what exactly she is sinks in.
As she sings, Truly spins around and catches sight of Kade approaching her. A smile spreads across her face as she coaxes him closer with her finger. "Don't be afraid. I'll be by your side. Come into the deep. Give in to the tide. Don't be afraid. This is not goodbye. You belong with me. I will not be denied."
When Kade reaches her, his arms slide around her waist and he lowers his lips to hers, unaware of how this looks to those who are hidden within the trees. "Hello, my Treasure."
"Hi," she whispers against his lips. "I found somethin'." She gently grabs the chains around his neck and pulls him beneath the water. Truly takes his hand under the water, and guides it beneath the sand where her foot found a decent sized oyster, like ones her family farms.
Gideon's feet move on their own accord as he rushes down to the beach. "She's a goddamn siren."
"Woah," Sanka catches him by the arm and pulls him a bit back. "Yuh nuh know dat. That's his lady. Yuh see her as well as I. She had her legs, nuh tail, and we know di gal like ta sing. Ya might not have hearrd 'er but the rest of us hav."
"And if she takes him?" Gideon points towards the water where they've yet to emerge with his machete. "He's a Brovern. Davy's wife wants him above all and they're the only family her sea witches haven't taken!"
"Dey nuh moving out fartha, look." Sanka points as they break the surface and Kade hands Truly some sort of shell, before she kisses him.
"He just gettin her sump-in. Dat legend hafta be done by one of dem Davelvon gals, too. Dey don't even have a gal right now. Cum on. Let di luv birds have sum time alone." Pushing on his shoulder, Sanka guides Gideon back into the trees and towards the trail.
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