Meeting Omma |Chapter Twenty|
The next morning Truly glances over at Kade, asleep naked on the private beach. She needs to sneak off and make sure the coastal beach is clear before she swims him out. There's no way that he'll let her swim out on her own without him following her, and she doesn't want to risk drowning him over being stubborn.
Leaving her bathing suit behind, Truly quietly walks into the soft waves of the pool and dips beneath the water when she reaches the deep part. It won't take nearly as long to swim out of the cave without having to slow down for Kade, though he does shockingly well.
After her being gone for only about ten minutes, Kade opens his eyes, unable to ignore the sun any longer, and sits up, his eyes automatically scanning the beach for Truly. When he doesn't find her, a frown crosses his face as he stands. "Treasure?" A sense of unease fills him when she doesn't appear or reply. Where the hell did ye go, Treasure? There isn't any place for her to hide, but he checks the cave anyway, disturbing the bats within. She wouldn't have. A sense of urgency fills him as he runs to the water's edge and scans the clear blue water. At the mouth of the entrance, he can see the disruption of the algae in the water.
No, no, no! Not my Treasure! Ye can't have her. His stomach drops as he dashes into the water and dives in once he hits his waist. When he reaches the far end of the cove, he surfaces, taking in a deep breath before he plunges towards the cave's entrance, where he instinctively knows he'll find his heart. When he reaches the mouth of the cave, he finds Truly thrashing in the water as she struggles to get to the surface.
Fuelled by adrenaline, Kade propels himself to her side and slides an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. Lowering his mouth to hers, he gives her his air, only to switch his grip on her and pivot in the water. With long, powerful strokes, he propels them to the surface and pulls her to shore. "Truly, Truly!" He taps her cheek, aware she thankfully didn't swallow water by her behavior. Her pain concerns him. She could've collided with the cave wall when she started thrashing or unintentionally clipped an animal she shouldn't have. Please don't have kicked a bloody Lionfish, Treasure. Kade shifts his weight and runs his eyes over her body, looking for injuries that could've been caused by the cave itself or the marine life he knows lies in the area.
"I'm fine, Kade." Truly groans as she runs her hands up and down her legs.
"What in the nine hells were you thinking!?" Kade snaps, his fear-filled adrenaline still coursing through him. "You would have died if I hadn't woken up and saw you when I did!"
"I went ta check ta beach." Truly slowly sits up. "It's clear, so we betta make a go of it now."
"Make a go of it?" A look of disbelief crosses his face as he sits back. "I just nearly lost you! There's no way in hell I'm letting you turn around and try to do it again."
"Ye didn't almost lose me. I was fine, and I can make it again." Truly reaches over and grabs her swimming suit. "Ta swim won't kill me." She glances up at him. Her heart swells, realizing he's worried about her. Though she wasn't in danger, she still finds his concern endearing.
Kade's eyes flare in irritation as his family's temper raises and he hops to his feet. Grabbing his swim trunks, he jerks them on, then storms off to the far side of the small beach to pace, his muscles rippling as he does so. Soft curses in Russian float through the air as he reaches up and runs his hands through his hair, making his arms flex.
Truly pulls her bikini bottoms on, enjoying the muscle show in front of her, before tying her top in place. "Can we be angry in more t'is direction, luv?" She gestures to the pool, and more specifically, the underwater entrance.
"Nee-yet!" No, he snaps back in Russian, unable to comprehend how she can be so foolish.
A long sigh escapes her lips as she rests her head in her propped-up hand. "Do ye want me ta prove I'm fine?" She lifts her head, hoping that will help. "I'll swim around ta pool for ye."
Her words only earn her a dark look. "I don't want you anywhere near that water!" Kade snaps out, his voice hinting of an accent and deeper than normal. "Try to. I will throw you over my shoulder and put you in that damn cave." He points towards the nook in the back of the cavern that nests the bats.
Oh, Kade, yer goin' ta make me do it, aren't ye. Rising to her feet, Truly takes a step into the water as she sings, "Current flows through my hair. The world stops when you come this near."
She slowly takes a step back into the water. "Starlight on your skin. The sky sways as you pull me in. And I... I wanna swim in your ocean. I... Wanna know how to love again."
On the far side of the beach, Kade's pacing stills and his arms drop as the song meant for his very ancestor caresses his soul. Slowly he turns to look at her, the anger that had been there moments ago no longer within his cognac eyes.
Truly's voice rises as she holds her arms out to him. "Take me into your arms. My pirate calls, how fast I fall. Beneath your waves."
Her voice bounces off the cave walls as she sinks deeper into the water. "No storm can take my eyes from you. Crash down to my knees."
Kade's eyes dilate, and his lips slightly part as he strides towards her, unable to resist the call of the woman who owns his heart.
"My fears and hopes flood over me. Your hand finds my own and shows me that I'm not alone. Now I'm diving deep in your ocean. I'm awakened by your subduction. Take me into your arms. My pirate calls."
Reaching her, Kade's arms slide around her waist and pull her firmly against him as his mouth descends on hers. The kiss is a fire with passion, just as Drake's would have been to Amphitrite the day he stole not only the Kraken's heart but her own.
When Truly finally pulls back just enough to clear her head, she takes a shuttered breath in. "Just like yesterday, Kade. Take a deep breath in and follow me, aye?"
Still, within her thrall, Kade nods. "I'd follow you anywhere, my Treasure, even back to the locker itself."
Truly's lip curls up in amusement. "We don't need ta go quite t'at far." Leaning in, she captures his lips in a deep passionate kiss before she pulls away and orders him, like the day before, to breathe. She quickly drives and ensures he follows her. This time, she kisses him a little over halfway through to make sure he makes it to the surface.
Thankfully, when they get to the top, the beach is still clear. Most people are just waking up from their late-night partying. When Kade surfaces next to her, Truly nods to the Blue Sapphire. "Shall we get our clothes?"
A brief look of confusion crosses his face as the last of her songs' influence slides off him. "Aye. I need ta shower and hop on the bullet train, or Bonnie will find herself at the helm of Calypso's Cruelty in uncharted waters."
"Do ye want ta swim over or are ye too tired and need ta walk?" She smirks as she swims over to the Sapphire.
They get aboard the Sapphire and back to their hotel to clean up and change. Truly calls her cousin to give them a lift and asks him to take Kade's jeep home for them. By the time they make it to the station, Blaine barely pulls to a stop before they're jumping out to dash to the bullet train. It'll take them over to Whitewater while he returns Kade's jeep to Bristham for them since he's heading back to the area himself.
Dropping into the first available seat on the circular bench meant to hold six people easily, Kade pulls Truly towards him so that she winds up straddling his lap.
Truly fidgets with her leather corset and a white cotton skirt, trying to make sure everything is in its proper place. "I should have put me hair up." She's so nervous about meeting his mom. She wants to look perfect for her. His omma means the world to him and Truly wants her approval.
Kade lightly smirks as he shakes his head. "No, ye shouldn't have. "You look breathtaking as you are." His hands slide up behind to cup her ass beneath her skirt.
Her eyes go wide at his brazenness in public as a gasp escapes her lips. "Kade!" She hisses, so she doesn't gain any attention.
"Relax, I'm not doing anything. I shouldn't be. Yer me wife," he grins playfully as he leans forward to give her a quick kiss. "I'm allowed ta admire ye."
Truly leans in closer and starts whispering. "With ta way yer finga be dancin' on me bum, I can tell ye got more t'an just admirin' on ye mind."
"I'm admirin' your firmness," he roguishly grins, giving her a little squeeze just to prove his point. "But that's definitely a fun way ta kill three hours."
"I t'ink not." Ta last t'ing I need is lookin' heavily groped or thoroughly sexed-up before meetin' his mum.
Kade leans closer. "I won't start anything here, but it doesn't mean I don't want ye, Treasure."
"I can tell, me pirate, but not on ta bloody train." Truly plays with his hair.
"Perhaps not, but I will bed ye and soon." The look in his eyes and his stiffness beneath her tells her he's serious.
Truly leans her head against his. "And t'is is why I shouldn't sing ta ye."
"You mean should." He counters. "Since I can't have my fun, you can at least sing to me."
"Oh noh." Truly leans back and shakes her head, knowing that will only cause her problems. "T'is mornin' was it. I ain't doin' it again."
Kade raises a brow, never one to back down from a challenge. "I'll be getting another song out of that sweet mouth of yours by night's end, Treasure."
"Ye can try." She playfully smiles before planting a soft kiss on his lips. When they finally arrive in Rimmeny, Kade's sporting several lipstick marks he didn't have before while a few new marks grace Truly's neck. Before they hop off the train, Truly retouches her makeup and gets what she left behind off Kade.
When they reach the Calypso's Cruelty, Bonnie Crawford irritatedly glares down at them at the top of the gangway dressed in a classic female pirate captain disguised as a man.
"About bloody time!" She punches Kade hard in the arm as he strides up and steps aboard. "Yer mums already aboard, you arse. Don't do that to me again!" Bonnie's eyes land on Truly behind him. "Who's the wench?"
Truly scowls at the woman for the distasteful reference to her.
"She's me wife, not a damn wench," Kade counters, flashing her an irritated look.
At his admission, Bonnie gapes like a codfish as they pass by. "Now get off me ship, Sea Hag." He calls over his shoulder just ta piss her off.
"It's not yer ship! It's mine!" She snaps back as her bright red hair disappears from view.
"My Omma will be in the captain's quarters. She can't come out dressed as she is until we're underway. Speaking of which," Kade steps away and starts barking orders at the crew. When the sleek red ship and black ship, its stern a beautiful French Baroque style, is finally out of view and sailing towards Leewick island, Kade relinquishes control. Confident Bonnie's helmswoman has it, he takes Truly's hand and leads inside the elegantly decorated captain's quarters, the most feminine of all the ships since it was supposedly what Brigit's looked like. Within, a porcelain-skinned woman with long raven hair who only seems a few years older than Kade rises from one of the wooden chairs and hurriedly strides over to him.
"Oh my son," his mother gasps in Korean as she cups his face and turns it side to side, looking for anything to be wrong with him. "How is your head? Does it still pain you? Do you need to lie down?"
"Omma," Kade whines, hating when she does this around others.
"Don't you start," she chides, lightly slapping his hand away when he tries to pull it away. "I am your mother, I am allowed to worry."
"Omma," he sighs, "Not in front of Truly, please."
Truly's attention shifts to Kade when she catches her name amid Hangul spoken between them.
Turning her head, his mother's eyes travel over her briefly before she gives a small bow. "Lia Park. I am his mother," she greets, switching to English, but her accent isn't of the islands.
"Truly." She bows in return with a nervous smile on her face. Don't feck t'is up. She stands up straighter than she normally does and tries not to fidget with the skirt of her dress.
"You are a friend like Bonnie?" Lia nods to the door, having never met a girl who was anything but platonic to him before.
"No, Omma." Kade slightly winces, knowing this will not go well for him. "She's me wife."
His mother's head instantly snaps towards him as a look of disbelief crosses her face. "You're married!?" she demands, smacking his arm with her tiny hand as she naturally switches to her language of choice. "How are you married?! I have heard nothing! Nothing about her!" Her voice rises as she continues to slap his arm, causing Kade to tense. "I should have met her! Met her family first!" Lia's lips purse as her expression hardens as she points a finger. "You didn't impregnate her up, did you? Answer me, Kade!"
What? Kade's eyes widen as a look of hurt flashes across his face. "No, mom, she's not pregnant. We didn't get married because she is." When he notices Truly tensing and growing uneasy at his mom's reaction, he pleads, "English please, she doesn't speak Korean. Yer scaring her, she's done something ta offend ye."
Remembering her manners, Lia turns and smiles sweetly at her as if nothing's the matter. "You've done nothing wrong, daughter-in-law, but you..." She rounds back on her son as her expression hardens. "You are hiding something from me." She swats his arm again but thankfully stays in English. "Do not think I don't know. I am your mother!"
"I'm hiding nothing! We just decided to get married, is that so wrong!?"
"Yes!" Her tiny hand smacks his arm hard. "You are not just anyone, you are my son! The Drake reborn! You do not just marry!"
Truly's lip lightly curls up as she glances between them, now realizing that his mom isn't mad at her. After enduring her parents' wrath for three weeks after he left, watching him get his turn is a little gratifying.
"Mom..." Kade draws out, hating when she brings that up.
His mother's eyes narrow. "Don't you take that tone! You are not your father!" She points at him, silently reminding him he promised to never be like him. "How long?" She crosses her arms, daring him with her eyes to say something other than the truth because, as his mother, she will know.
Kade takes a slight step back as his eyes flick to Truly, pleading with a look to be the one who answers her since his mom will at least be civil to her.
Truly's eyes narrow on him, feeling no remorse for the poor soul. "I endured me parents te entire time I was with t'em. Answer ye mum."
Lia's eyes widen at her son, and her tiny hand comes up only to come down on his arm again between each word. "You did not tell hers either?"
Kade to wince because it's starting to hurt.
"T'at's common among me people, ma'am. T'ere weren't upset about t'at." Truly rubs Kade's arm where he keeps getting hit. "And can ye not hit him... Please."
"Kade Petrovick Brovern, respect your elders!" She pokes Kade instead with her manicured finger. "And answer my question when it is asked."
"Two months, mother." He tenses, waiting for her to explode on him again. "We've been married for two months."
"What kind of son does not tell his own mother!?" Her damn finger repeatedly comes after him. "Why was I not your witness? A marriage ceremony is sacred!" Her eyes narrow disapprovingly on him. "You better not have done anything that would dishonor our family because I was not there to ensure it!"
"We followed me family's tradition, ma'am." Truly shifts on her feet and wraps her arms around herself, unsure if she's helping at this point.
Lia gives a cut nod. "Good." Unfortunately, the finger goes straight back to pointing at him. "And your own?"
A look of surprise crosses Kade's face. "We don't have any mom! It ain't the Brovern way."
"You are also a Park." She warns him.
At the mention of her own heritage, his eyes widen in surprise. "This isn't South Korea, Omma. I'm not Buddhist!"
Lia pulls her finger back, though Truly can tell she really wants to poke him with it. "Only because your father would not allow it."
"He made traditional vow t'at are fittin' for Atlantis." Truly reaches out and takes his hand.
His mother's eyes fall to her right hand's naked ring finger, knowing that in Russia, it's the hand wedding rings are worn on. "Why does she not wear your ring?!" An accusing look snaps back to him as she snatches his hand to look at his own. "You will be just like your father." She drops his hand as a look of irritation crosses her face. "Where is the sign of your fidelity to her? Do you even intend to honor your vows? You made me a promise!"
Kade visibly tenses as if she'd stuck him. Her words cut him deeply. He'd known his father taking his ring back had hurt her terribly, but he didn't expect it to have such an effect. "We exchanged necklaces," he somberly says, "it's her family's tradition. See." He lifts the simple pearl one from around his neck to show her.
His mother's eyes snap to her neck, clearly not trusting his word anymore. "Is this true?" She inquires, the edge in her voice unfairly dropping when she talks to Truly.
"Aye, ma'am. Me family gives t'ere spouse a special pearl in any form. Be it necklace, bracelet, anklet, what have ye. Not usually a ring, t'ough it's not unheard of." Truly gestures to the ruby and pearl necklace around her neck. "T'ough the spouses of me family doesn't usually give one back, Kade gave me t'is beauty."
"At least you were wise enough to honor that much, but..."
Kade inwardly shrinks, knowing she'll never let this go.
"You know better than to honor just one family's traditions. I know," she pokes him, "because I raised you to do so."
"We can exchange rings," Truly offers to help calm the woman. They both wear loads of jewelry anyway, so one more ring doesn't seem unreasonable, and she wanted to honor his traditions as well.
Kade cuts a swift annoyed look, only to snap his gaze back to his mother because he can't afford to disappoint her more.
"Don't look at me like that. I asked ye!" Truly throws her free hand out. "I asked ye if ye had any traditions and ye said, noh."
His mother's eyes narrow with a look that has Kade swallowing as a hint of panic tied to his youth fills him. She's gonna tell me father... It's an irrational thought, but the look was always one that would have her sending his father after him, and that meant beatings and fear of more if he let on of it.
"You will give her a ring befitting your status as the Drake reborn," she slowly decrees, daring him to counter her.
You're giving me an impossible task. There's no ring for that. He didn't marry.
As if reading his mind, his mother's eyes narrow. "You will go into your vault and you will find one."
"Yes, mother," Kade automatically replies in Korean, earning a nod from her.
When someone calls that it's time for him to take the helm, Kade practically sighs in relief. "I have ta sail the Calypso's Cruelty now. I can't disappoint the Adébáyọ̀s." Not letting go of Truly's hand, he bolts out of the room and away from his mother.
"T'at went well." Truly hugs his arm while she follows him to the quarterdeck.
"Ha!" He barks out only to quickly cut it off just in case his mother can somehow hear him below.
"I endure three weeks, by meself, of me parents chewing me arse out and remindin' me of te island's views on me family," she hisses. "Trust me when I say, t'at went well."
Kade takes the wheel, angling the ship swiftly towards the entrance of the Curses Sea like he's running for his life for the safety it'll provide. "I donno about that. Besides shaming me to the locker and back for not telling her, the first thing she accused me of was knockin' you up and marrying ye because of it."
Truly lets out a small sigh. "Aye, but at least she didn't make yeah retell te details of our weddin' night a hundred times ova."
"The night? Not the ceremony?" A look of disbelief crosses his face as he spins the wheel for a hard maneuver and braces himself as the ship fights against it. It's a move few would willingly do as it puts him dangerously close to the rocks where an odd mist has formed, thanks to the fog equipment.
"Noh, ta ceremony. We got married at night ye know?" Truly rolls her eyes. "T'ough." Her cheeks blush. "T'ey did ask in we consummated ta see if it was too late ta back out or not."
Kade groans, wondering if that's half the reason her mum hates him. "How much did ye tell them about me bedding ye?"
"I jist said ta vows were sealed." Her blush deepens. "I didn't go inta detail."
Thank the stars, or your father likely would've killed me on sight. "Adjust the sails!" Kade barks as they barely miss the reef and Siren's Rock.
The faint sound of a wild storm reaching his ears from the loudspeakers on the shore. The crew already on the rigging scrambles to raise certain sails, knowing he's about to throw the ship as if a wave just sideswiped them.
"Brace!" Kade's deep voice bellows across the deck, making the others cling for dear life as he somehow gets the Calypso's Cruelty to snap broadside so that the deck keels before he rights it, and they disappear into the fog and behind the true Calypso's Cruelty's final resting place. "Hoist the sails and lay anchor." Projections upon the fog will do the rest of the show. Their job now was to merely wait till it's all over, then heads back to port once the crowd disperses.
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