Chapter 1: Boy on the Beach.

Official beginning of the story! I have watched the anime where the family was killed, but I will use this image as a reference to ages, heights, and looks for the most part. All credit goes to the creator! (I did not draw that image myself.)

Warnings: Traps, Swearing, Blood, Genya's family being alive (I won't kill them this time.)

Boy on the Beach.

- - (Third Person, but from Genya's perspective.) -

Genya sighed, he dug his feet into the warm sand, the sound of waves not to far from him. He looked up at the sky, a big blue void. There weren't any clouds today, but honestly, he was ok with that. The sky was gorgeous with or without them. He sighed again, he needed this walk. Don't get him wrong, he loves all of his seven siblings- but sigh. Children.

He took a breath, then continued to walk forward. he stepped on the sand, sometimes digging his feet through it and kicking upwards. Was it childish? Sure, does he care? No.

Some birds flew over him, he didn't know what they were off the top of his head. They flew over him and to the forest right by the beach. It was a private beach, stretched halfway across the property. He gave up trying to remember how big the property, but this beach was fucking massive. 

Genya looked back out to sea, waves crashed up onto the beach. He kept walking, hands in his back pockets. He must have forgotten is phone back at home, it wasn't in his pocket, but it's not like a stranger would be on their private property anyway.

I let out another sigh, a plane flew above me. I wonder if that's mom's plane. Mom was going away for a business trip today. Right, that means I'm in charge. Because Dad is off doing who knows what, he doesn't care about us. He basically gave us this big beach house and then went to get the milk. That's fine, Mom is great. She works hard to support all of us and the house. Even Sanemi helps out, he's done more than dad could ever do.

Sanemi was older than me,  he's 21 now. He moved out at 20, he went to live with his fiance. I think their going to have their wedding soon, I hear they also adopted a daughter. I'm glad he's doing well.

I kicked some sand, but something caught on my foot. I knelt down and grabbed the string. It was string? It looked like some fishing line. Oh, someone must have cut it and left it- but it's just us on this beach.... I grabbed onto the line, following the string. It led me down the beach, and around a turn. I pulled it once, something heavy was attached to it. I pulled it again out of curiosity, then something pulled me forward.

I fell forward onto my knees, I dropped the line and it actually slid away from me. I followed the line that was sliding away from me. It stopped and I could actually hear something thrashing. I slowly moved around a tree, and there was something, no someone.

It was a mermaid. Tangled in nets and strings, the fishing line, no I think it has to be a trap. His tail was stuck in a net, one of his arms was bleeding as the other one laid on the ground. He wasn't moving. Was he breathing?

I shuffled over, he was breathing. Oh my gosh- it was a real mermaid. I crouched down next to it, it had long hair gray hair, with teal tips that almost looked like waves. I think it was a he, he was stunning.

"Oh-" I gasped, the poor thing had fishing line wrapped around his neck, stuck in his gills. He was wheezing almost, I could tell he was unconscious.

I had to bring him home, he would die if he was left out here on his own. The net on his tail had sliced small shallow cuts into his tail. His arm was bleeding and bruised- Oh- I gently hovered my hand over his back, resting my hand on his back scales. He was in fact breathing, that's good. There's probably going to be sand in his wounds- that's going to be a pain to clean.

I reached my other hand under him, carefully scooping him up into my arms. I tried to support his head, but it was difficult to carry him with all this net. I ended up carrying him bridal style, but his tail still would drag on the ground. His head leaned against my chest, and I tried to support his back.

I wandered around the beach, trying to decide on how to get him inside. I'd have to go in through the side door. When the house came into view, I carefully avoided the windows and made it in through the side door. I could hear Sumi and Shuya playing in the living room, I'll have to sneak past them.

I crept up next to the wall, tucking the mermaids head against my chest. I had to scoop up his long hair so it didn't give away I was holding him. I peaked back into the living room, Sumi and Shuya were facing away from me, but the stairs are right there. If I went up them, they could turn around and see me any second. Also Teiko was on the couch... oh Teiko!

I leaned back, the wall hiding me and the mermaid. I set him down, having him lean against my legs. I peaked back into the living room, then waved my hand. Teiko looked up from her phone and tilted her head confused. Shooting me a questioning glare. I sighed.

I pointed to the stairs then Sumi and Shuya, then brought my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet. She gasped quietly, then stood up. She set her phone on a coffee table.

"Hey Sumi, Shuya how do you feel about going into the pool? Then perhaps the hot tub? With some ice cream?" She said in a sweet voice, the two younger kids instantly looked at her and gasped.

"Pool! Hot tub! Ice cream!? Yes please!" Sumi beamed, standing up and brushing off her frilly skirt. Shuya nodded frantically, standing up and darting to the laundry room where we kept our bathing suits. Sumi followed close behind him. Teiko looked at me, gave me the thumbs up then followed after the two.

I let out a breathe, then looked back down at the mermaid. He was still unconscious. I lifted him back up, keeping him supported in my arms. I turned the corner and very carefully walked up the stairs, careful not to step on his tail. I turned the corner and kept walking down the hallway.

I reached my bedroom, and had to carefully shift him so I could open my door. I held him again, then nudged open the door with my foot. I kicked away some things on the ground, setting him down on my bed. Poor mermaid- he was still struggling to breathe- I need to get some scissors or something to cut that string around his neck.

I turned around and hurried out of my room, running down the stairs and turning into the kitchen. I rummaged through cabinets trying to find scissors.

"Genyaa! Big Bro, can you help me put on my floaties? Teiko's helping Sumi put on her bathing suit, and I can't do it by myself!" Shuya whined, grabbing onto my pants. He huffed and held the arm floaties in his other hand.

"Oh! Of course Shuya, let me help you out." I chuckled, kneeling down and taking the floaties from him. He put his arm through one, and I helped him with the other. He giggled, then Teiko and Sumi entered the room. Sumi had her watermelon one piece on. Teiko had her normal clothing on.

"Oh you aren't going in the pool Teiko?" I questioned, standing up and patting Shuya's head. Teiko looked panicked for a second, I guess she didn't want to swim.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!?" Both Sumi and Shuya yelled. Oops. Teiko shot me a glare.

"No don't worry, I just wanted to help Sumi get changed first. Why don't you two go outside and start putting on sunscreen? Don't go anywhere until I get out there, ok?" She smiled, patting the kids heads. They both nodded frantically. Sumi slid open the screen door and Shuya ran out past her. Sumi closed the screen door, then hurried away.

"Oops. My bad." I chuckled. She shot me a glare and flipped me off.

"Your lucky I love them." She stuck out her tongue and then left to go get changed into her swimsuit. I laughed, then grabbed the scissors I was looking for. The mermaid! Shit- I hurriedly ran towards the stairs. Only to be met with Hiroshi at the top, he was carrying Koto. He smiled at me.

"Hey Genya, I was wondering if we could go play catch outside!" He chirped, cradling Koto. Oh Hiroshi I love you- but I'm busy right now....

"Yeah sure, but! You gotta give me a little bit ok?" I smiled, he nodded. I went down the hallway and he went down the stairs, Koto waved goodbye to me. I waved back. Ok. I continued down the hall, going back into the bedroom.

I opened the door and saw the mermaid on my bed still. That's strange- was he always looking away from the door. His eyes are closed still.... I walked over and instantly saw the string was digging into his gills- I leaned over him and gently grabbed the string, going to cut it-

He moved, whipping his head around. It happened so quickly-


I fell backwards, yanking my hands away from him. Teeth- He had very sharp pointy teeth. Holy shit I almost just lost my hand-

He barred his teeth at me, and propped himself up on his arms. He swung his tail in the air, flinging it behind him. He glared at me. He went to moved forward, to probably bite me, but accidentally put his hand on the string. He yelped as the string tightened around his neck and he fell off the bed. He instantly went to try and hold his neck, but his arm was tangled and it only tightened around his neck. Shit!-

I leaned forward and tried to yank the string away from his neck, trying to let him breathe. He thrashed his tail around, hitting me in the head a few times. He was wheezing, his face was turning blue. Scissors! I went to cut the string, but he kept thrashing his tail and squirming, I was afraid I would cut him.

"Stop moving damn it! I'm trying to help!" I shouted, trying to hold his tail down.

"Don't- you dare- tou- touch me!-" He coughed, swinging his tail at me. I ended up climbing on top of his tail, straddling it so it wound thrash around. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them next to him, finally cutting the string around his neck. He gasped for air and looked at me stunned for a minute.

I quickly stumbled off of him, scooting back against the door of my room. He held himself up on his arms, once again barring his teeth at me. He stumbled backwards and fell on his side. I went to move closer to him, but he swung his tail at me. Hitting me right in the face.

"Mermaid!- Stop hitting me with your damn tail! I just saved your life!" I hissed, holding my nose. Luckily it wasn't bleeding.

"MERMAID!?" He shrieked, sitting up and sending me a murderous glare. He looked offended, then hit me on the head with his tail again.

"I'm a Siren!" He hissed, then he began coughing. He fell back against my bed and continued coughing. Siren- oh. The more dangerous fish person. I rushed over next to him, he was too disoriented to even swipe at me. I sat him up properly, supporting him so he could take deep breaths.

Once he could breathe properly again, he glared at me. Suddenly his teeth reappeared and he pushed away from me. What- didn't he have teeth- Retractable teeth! Retractable sharp teeth....

"Hey- I won't hurt you ok?" I tried to reassure him. He just turned around and climbed onto my bed with his arms. He moved his tail up, and hit me on the head.

"HEY-" I said, pushing his tail away from my face. He scowled at me, and curled up in my bed hiding in my blankets.

"That's my bed you know." I huffed. He scoffed, then completely buried himself in my blankets.

I have a giant fish person in my bed now.

How amazing.


Words: 2111

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