Chapter 3
Underneath the bridge, Cu fills Romani in about what's happening on his side. Romani then gets it straight and gives him a rundown of what's going on in Fuyuki 2004. The place where things get awry and the timeline is disrupted right off the bat.
Romani: In short, you're Servants from the Holy Grail War that took place in this city and you're the only survivor, correct?
Cu: Well, I didn't lose if that's what you mean. Somewhere along the line, our Holy Grail War was switched with something else.
Olga: Switched?
The flashback starts to play inside the Player's head, showing the once dark, beautiful night of Fuyuki with the moon contrasting with the night city.
Cu: I don't know the details myself. Overnight, the whole place was blanketed with fire. Humans had disappeared and only the Servants remained. Saber was the first to start up the Holy Grail War again.
Player remembered a certain movie where a dark Saber has risen and battled against Shirou and met her opposite. He'll admit she was crazy strong in what he saw in the show. But now that he's placed in a life-or-death situation, he'll begin to feel the shivers pretty soon when they face her.
Player: 'Damn this Blackening...'
Cu: Saber was the first to start up the Holy Grail War again. That one has gone on a rampage, relishing like a fish finally getting water. Saber has defeated Archer, Lancer, Rider, Berserker, and Assassin. Then, as you saw with Lancer, those defeated Servants became corrupted by a dark shadow.
Flashback end
Player emphasizes what he meant by dark shadow towards the girls.
Player: The red markings on Medusa's face and everywhere. There's also another term for that and it's called Blackening.
Cu: I already disposed of the black Rider and Assasin before they encountered you. As for Berserker, well as long as we leave him alone it'll be okay. Despite having corrupted he was still sane and wanted to beat Saber so badly that he almost devastates the entire mountain.
Romani: So if we defeat the remaining Servants...
Cu: The Holy Grail War will finally be over.
Olga: There is a high likelihood of settling the Singularity F abnormality, too. Do you know where it is?
Cu: Yeah, at the heart of this land.
Cu then looked towards behind the burning city where Mount Fuyuki can be seen from their location.
Cu: Mount Fuyuki. They're protecting it. The corrupted Holy Grail.
Player: 'Greater Grail...'
He then feels his head seeing the vision of what's inside the mountain, the corrupted Archer and Saber Alter waiting and guarding the place. He then looks at Cu who has that look of settling a score.
Cu: I'll take care of the Archer bastard. I need to settle things between us once and for all.
Olga: You don't mind helping us? Even though you hardly know anything about our situation?
Cu: No, I don't mind so don't worry about it. I don't get deeply involved with things outside of my period. But at the end of the day, I cooperate as a weapon, the Servant's Golden Rule. Your purpose is to investigate this abnormality. My purpose is to draw closure to the war for good.
Player: Well... cruel truth there...
They then traveled through the city as they headed towards the mountain where the grail would be. Cu is kept on the lookout like Y/n ordered him to do while they're walking on foot. Olga then was about to climb up the road when Cu offered his hand to help her up.
Cu: Our interests line up. Why not join forces in a jovial manner?
Olga: *smiles* That's a logical decision.
Cu easily pulls her up as Player climbs up too and helps Mash climb up as he easily carries the shield with no problems at all despite not being in his Rider form.
Player: Mash, are you thinking of something?
Mash: Oh, no. I'm fine, I'm operating perfectly. It's just...
Olga: Oh, I know what it is.
Mash: Senpai, I can't use my Noble Phantasm yet.
The player's head suddenly lights up when he remembers playing the game a little bit. NP, or Noble Phantasms, are the Servants' trump cards; they also help identify them. Mash might have some decent damage-dealing skills, but her NP is inaccessible, meaning he doesn't even know who the person merged with her is.
Player: 'Oh, wait. I forgot I didn't even know what her NP is yet at this point... Man, this sucks...' Wait, you mean you don't know about what Servant you merge with? Is the Shield-
Mash: No, this shield hasn't shown me its true form yet. I'm sorry.
Player: Well, considering the circumstances we got no choice and control over it.
Olga: *frustrated sigh*
Player: Hey, Caster. Noble Phantasm isn't easily just awakened by identifying the Servant right?
Cu: You are slightly correct but also wrong. They are all about instinct. If something happens that calls upon that instinct it will awaken naturally.
Cu points it at Player which he knows when he looks at the eyes, he's not even flinching one bit from his joke of hostile. The two girls didn't see this as they blocked his path to protect him. Cu smirks knowing that his Master is much better than his last Master who succumbed to his death during the war before he decides to disappear again to scout ahead.
Olga: *sigh* I'm tired. We need to rest up ahead before we move on.
Mash: Right.
Player: For once, we agree.
Olga: What does that mean?!
He just keeps going to find the school near the entrance to the Greater Grail. Olga was annoyed by his attitude and wanted to punch him hard for pushing her buttons too far. She didn't know, though, that there was no button she could press on him it's as if he hasn't been cared by anyone just as he didn't care of what others think of him.
They rest up at a nearby school, and Mash sits on the ground with her shield placed beside her against the window. He explores around the school's rooms as he can remember the memories of seeing the show. This is where the battle between Artoria Saber vs Medusa Rider happens.
He gets out of the room to see Mash looking at the night sky. She's been thinking of the clear skies in the real world. Since Chaldea was built at the bottom of the planet in Antarctica, she only saw the blizzards and snowstorms out the window. She was clinging to the hope of seeing the true skies beyond the dark clouds one day. Fou barks seeing her Master watching her for a long time now.
Mash: Senpai.
Player: Are you okay?
Mash: I'm fine. It seems this form isn't affected by temperature.
Player: I see. I'm sorry.
Mash: Huh? For what?
Player: I keep putting ourselves through danger. I don't even have any idea what it means to be a Master at all. All I know is just how to fight as a Kamen Rider, and how to protect my newfound family. If only someone who is much more knowledgeable on everything about being a Master is your master...
Mash sees his eyes sad but also tough on this confession. She just smiled knowing that he wasn't any fighting machine. He's still a human beneath his dragon Kamen Rider. She answered him which made him ask about it.
Mash: You are a human, Senpai. So for that, I'm happy.
Player: Why? For what?
Mash: I'm happy that I could form a contract with you as a Servant. It might seem to go against your code of being a Master but it's just as it is for me at least. Say was there a blue sky here, too?
Player: ...Yes. There was...
His response was sad because of how hell this timeline has become. He knows someone is watching but he could care of her bossy opinions right now. He hears her leaving them alone as he asks Mash and Fou to stay here and guard the stairs as he goes up to check on Olga.
She's now on the rooftop making chants on the rocks to use them as a source of mage weapons. Not even knowing that Cu is just watching from the roof of the entranceway to the rooftop of the school. He knows this but right now has concerns for her.
Olga: Stars, cosmos, gods, animus, hollow, void, anima, Animusphere.
Cu: You've been working hard.
Olga: Better than nothing, right?
Cu then picks some of them up despite Olga protesting not to get them without even permission. But Olga nonetheless asks her who are they dealing with.
Olga: Do you know the True Name of the Saber Servant? You spoke of that person as if you've fought her several times now.
Cu: Yes. I know. Anyone who's been struck by her Noble Phantasm would realize her identity. More specifically, her sword. You know it too, right kid?
She was surprised by who is he saying that towards too and she suddenly heard Player walking towards them. He answers his question with full honesty.
Player: *sigh* Guess I'll say it. She pulled the sword out from a stone and selected as a king. The famous holy sword in history originated from Camelot and is told in European legends. The name Excalibur-.
Olga: Excalibur?! That means-
Player: The sword belonged to the King of Knights in Britain, King Arthur Pendragon.
Olga: You're going to let your Servant fight King Arthur?!
Player: I said was, meaning she wasn't the same anymore. Her sword now goes under a different name after the Blackening: Excalibur Morgan. Tainting the original name by adding her sister's name on it.
Olga: Even so, her Noble Phantasm hasn't even been released yet.
Cu: The young lady has that shield. Since the bowman has been made aware of the shield we know Saber and Archer are related to this mess. Also, now the legends of the Kamen Riders have risen from our ashes means that there is much bigger going on here than just the war.
Olga just looked baffled at this, first Mash's unattained NP now the legends of Kamen Riders being known by the very ancient legends or Servants from the past. Things just got a lot more complicated and she still can't figure out who he is. But Cu can sense something inside him, a mystery enveloped by more powerful layers and layers of mysteries.
As they move forward after taking a break, they find the entrance to the Greater Grail. A cave entrance leads one path to their main threat of the Singularity. He can feel it already, the cold wind bites his shoulders and sends shivers down to his spine but he tenses tightly and grips the driver hard.
Cu: The Holy Grail is inside.
Mash: It looks like a natural cave, but has it always been in the city of Fuyuki?
Olga: It's half-natural, half-artificial. A Mage spent many years expanding his underground workshop.
Player: 'More like in a matter of seconds... Because these wouldn't be made by just using it's simple or even advanced magic at this level. Unless it uses a forbidden type.' *gasp* Archer!
He turns around as Fou and the others see him too. Just menacingly standing there with his bow in hand. Cu smirks knowing he's been waiting for him to appear.
Cu: Speak of the devil, the disciple is here.
Olga: Archer Servant...
Cu: Are you protecting the wielder of the holy sword as always?
Emiya: I have no memory of becoming a disciple. But I can at least do the work of chasing off mundane visitors.
Cu: Oh, a gatekeeper then. I don't know what you're protecting Saber from, but let's end this here.
Emiya couldn't agree more as he simply summons his bow and preps his forged arrow as Cu preps his spell too. Emiya instead aims it somewhere else.
Emiya: Sorry, but I don't have that kind of free time!
He aims it at Mash and fires it giving barely enough reaction time to defend herself, but Cu realizes he's cheating the game they're playing he fires back with his own to melt the arrow.
Cu: Eiwaz!
The arrow burned off and Cu just pitied his state.
Cu: Don't say such sad things, Archer. Unless you don't have the confidence to take me on?!
Cu fires his barrage against Emiya as Emiya bolts out from his spot Cu gives a look to his Master that they need to finish things inside the cave.
Player: Come on, guys! Let him deal with the Archer, we'll end our part by taking on Saber!
They all nodded and ran in but not before he flicked his hand towards Cu which unknowingly gave him a boost by consuming one command seal. Emiya saw them entering the domain and clicked his tongue in annoyance as he pursued them. But Cu seals the entrance so that there can be no further distractions in their final confrontation.
As they entered and ran through the tunnel they stopped for a moment as it was a long tunnel that led them to the core of the world. Mash asked him about something.
Mash: Senpai, are you scared?
Player: Heh... Hehe... I will admit, I was already scared the moment I met you all and then even worse when I got rayshifted into this hellish scenario. But then I reminded myself of something, despite riding the hell of battles some stakes make me want to keep going.
Olga: Oh yeah, commoner? What were those? I bet-
Player: You, Mash, and the rest of Chaldea who still cared for the planet. But most importantly... my home.
Olga was surprised by this answer again, she judged and assumed it would be just the same as the fools in the Association and other people who look down on her and her family bloodline but he didn't.
Player: I don't care what others think of me or if they think that was this all for attention grabber. I'll make myself stronger so that I can help them and protect them from the corruption the world has become.
He then pats them on the shoulder as he smiles at them.
Player: And you two will help me with it as I will help you resolve this mess. Now let's go, we got a saber to stab back.
The girls can't believe, his strange will they don't understand why but he just doesn't care and just goes to what he can say and promises. As they enter the realm, they are met by a black hole up the sky and a dark light shining down from a plateau.
Olga: This is an exclusive Magecraft reactor core, so is this the Holy Grail?
Artoria Alter: Oh-ho. That is an interesting Servant there.
They saw her, Saber Alter, Artoria Alter emitting a powerful darkness as the entire gravity went to weigh them down but they remained strong as they saw her eye mask shatter and reveal her face.
Olga: What a magical output!
Mash: ...
Player: You ready for this? *slaps on the driver*
Mash: I am, Master.
Salter can see it from the distance, her shield, and his driver. But when she sees these items it always irks her, even now. She hates it and despises it so much that her true self meeting them is a mistake for her existence.
The skies of the Greater Grail broke as a white light shone down on them. Saber didn't take any chances of him transforming when she appeared immediately in front of her but she was knocked back by the dragon that came out from his body. The dragon starts to roar and breathes fire at her which she immediately blocks as he takes a stance and unlocks his progrisekey.
Player: Henshin.
The Rider who breaks fate with a Rider Kick
She looks at it, reminding herself of a certain battle her true self has fought. The dark dragon motif of his Kamen Rider has an almost similar aura to a Knight that was once part of Round Table. She saw him summon his sword with the driver and made one for him, a customized Attache Calibur with a gun attachment on its progrise key connector.
Attache Calibur Mk. II
Salter: A shield and a sword, right? Prepare yourselves, strangers. With this sword, I will test if your powers are true and worthy!
Player: I wouldn't have it any other way, Pendragon!
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