Chapter 4 A Positively Sinfully Delightful Idea
Alone in my room.
Three days since my last outburst, and no telling since I arrived here!
Hey Doc,
I want to start this entry off by telling you how sorry I am again for how I blew up, and took it all out on you. I know you have your reasons for making us go through each part of our lives like you do, but if you couldnt already tell, that topic is more than a little touchy for me.
Truth is I almost quit the program two days in a row before I finally mustered up the courage to write about her. For so long I thought she would be my wife, and mother to our kids one day. I never could have imagined feeling anything else for her but love.
Oh well, I guess Ill figure that out another day. Because today you want to know about the thing Im most proud of in my life. Other than my friends and family, this is the easiest topic youve asked me about so far.
Its my pride and Joy. The one and only thing I can truly say is mine, because I dreamed the idea into existence, and built it from the bottom up. My club Sinful Delight.
Once you see how much work I put into making that place a reality youll understand a little bit more about me. Because, just like history repeating itself, I had to fight tooth and nail just to make it happen, and I couldnt be prouder of what I did.
Sorry again Doc,
After that first date with Tiffany she became one of my regular clients through the agency. Mainly escorting her to different high society events all over the city, and to seldom private occasions just for us two. I didnt think anything about it at first, because each encounter was strictly platonic, but that changed.
It started out with just seeing her twice, maybe three times a month, but after six months we were spending just about every weekend together. Before graduating to stealing whatever free time, or chance either of us could during the week to see the other. I felt like some sort of love sick puppy, and I knew the number one rule about not falling for your client, but I thought somehow this thing going on between Tiffany and I was different.
Mainly because we hadnt had sex again since that first time. None of Tiffanys fiery kisses stealing whatever oxygen I had in my lungs. No accidental brush of a hand across one of the others most private of areas. Hell you would think I was a freaking gold star Boy Scout with how innocent we were trying to keep things between us.
But, even that only lasted for another four months. By then neither my manly pride or ego would let me continue to function like a normal human being. Instead of like some preteen little shit who just discovered the wonders of jacking off, and the joys of walking around with a massive boner in your pants all day. Until I maned the fuck up and made the first move.
It was a beautiful fall Friday night. Tiffany and I had just finished a late dinner, so I had the bright idea of walking through Central Park before the night came to a close. Tiffany held onto my arm tightly, and pressed the upper half of her body closer into mine the further we walked. The simple act drove my already neglected libido to hit astronomical heights, but Tiffany didnt seem to notice. As she continued to talk about nothing in particular beside me.
We were about fifty feet from the entrance to the park we came through, but first we had to pass through a darker section of the path. I took a quick look around to make sure we were alone, mustered up all the courage within myself, and came to an abrupt stop. Before swinging Tiffany around to face me. Then gently sliding my fingers along the curve of her delicate face.
Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight? I whisper in awe.
TIffany lets out a small giggle, and smiles. Maybe once, or twice, but you wont hear me complaining.
A heavy silence surrounds us. As I continue to stare into her dazzling eyes. After a moment her carefree gaze turns curious, so I give her a gentle smile, and continue telling her whats on my mind.
Tiffany. I barely choke out her name, because of the nerves taking over my body, so I have to clear my throat before I can try again. I need to tell you something, and I want you to hear me all the way out before saying anything. Can you do that for me?
Of course. Came her automatic response. While trying to hide the curiosity from showing on her face.
I smile grateful, and give her hand a gentle squeeze. For the last two weeks Ive had a lot on my mind, and some big decisions to make. There was a period of my life when I would have been a nervous wreck from all the pressure, something so simple would add to my already heavy load.
Except now, that thought doesn't even cause a sweat! Because, for the first time in my life, Im completely happy, and that has a hell of a lot to do with you, Tiffany. The first time we met, you took my breath away, and after that first date I knew you werent like any other women Id ever met before.
Now, after all of these months, getting to know you, and spending all of our free time together, I dont want it to end. I want to take our relationship to the next level, and see where this amazing thing between us can go. I know as an escort you arent supposed to fall for one of your clients, but Id be willing to give it all up anyways.
All you have to do is say yes. I finished laying my heart out at her feet in a whisper. With my lips mere inches away from hers.
Instead of Tiffany closing the small space between us with her lips, she takes a step back, crossing her arms over her chest, and gives me a cocky smirk. First of all, you dont have to give up your job for me. At least not just yet. She winked at me, and laughed. But, Im thrilled to hear you say you want to take this thing between us further. Because, Ive been thinking the same, but slightly different.
My happiness quickly turned to confusion. Different? I repeat not really knowing what else to say at the moment.
Tiffany starts shaking her head enthusiastically. Yep. She says popping the p at the end of the word. She stops moving her head, and looks straight at me. I want you to be my submissive.
I watch as Tiffany bites down on her bottom lip as she watches the daydream playing out behind her eyes. While my brain instantly goes back to our first date together, and the things she did to me in that room. My cock sure remembers the pain and pleasure she lovingly gave to it, and starts to harden.
If Im being honest I fucking loved what we did that night! I never came so hard in my life. Even though Id never been into a dominant woman, or taking orders before, it wasnt so bad the first time.
So, really how hard could being a submissive be?
*~*~*~*END OF FLASHBACK*~*~*~*
I found out real quick it was a lot harder than I ever thought it could be! Tiffany and Is relationship didnt change much after that. Hell we didnt even do anything else that night! No matter how much, Im ashamed to admit, I begged. TIffany said she was going to introduce me into the role slowly.
For the next eight months I graduated from junior college, and got accepted to a business program at a University. Tiffany used that time to shed the person shed shown me so far, and become a non-nonsense Mistress over complete control of my world.
I didnt notice her attitude shift at first. Too caught up discovering all sorts of unknown, and once forbidden, forms of pleasure at her hands. She made sure to start out changing things slowly, all where I wouldnt notice. Like constantly calling and texting her whenever we werent together, sending her a picture before leaving my apartment every morning, and telling her exactly who each person was I might possibly come in contact with while out. Hell, I even let her put a gps tracker app on my phone!
I might have gone on being completely oblivious to what she was doing if it hadnt been for the massive fight we had that month.
Tiffany and I were spending a lazy Sunday night in her loft downtown. We were sitting on the couch watching some movie. Tiffany was laying down with her head in my lap, and I was running my hands through her long ebony hair. When she got up all of a sudden, and turned to face me with a serious look on her face.
Joe, I want to tell you something. I think its time you quit Escorting now. She told me matter of factly.
I dont know if it was her tone, or how she suddenly caught me completely off guard, but I got pissed. Deep down I didnt care if I kept escorting. It wouldnt be hard for me to go out and find another job. Plus, Id already told Tiffany Id stop months ago! But, I would have liked to be asked my opinion on making a major life decision in my own life. Then just be commanded to do whatever someone else says.
I jumped up from the couch, and turned to face Tiffany. Scowling down at her with my hands on my hips. Time the fuck out, Mistress! I spit the last word out not caring about her rules, or any sort of consequences right now. What gives you the right to make serious life decisions, like that, for me? This isnt something in the bedroom were talking about here! Youre asking me to quit my fucking job! When you know I send all the extra money I can to my sister.
Tiffany crosses her arms and pushes herself back further against the couch. Her eyes are alight with a burning fury as she listens to me explode. Until she finally has enough, and jumps up from the couch. Stalking across the room right up to me, grabs my cheeks between her hand, and squeezes. Shutting me up instantly, and raising my anger level even fucking higher!
Listen to me, you little piece of shit! You are mine, and whatever I tell you to do, you will fucking do it. Without question, and thats exactly what youre going to fucking do. Do.. I feel her hand wrap around the base of my semi hard shaft and balls, and squeeze them tightly in her punishing grip. I make myself clear?
I let my anger shimmer for several minutes while glaring daggers at her. My cock became as hard as granite in that time, and by five minute ready to explode. I let out a long staggering breath, closed my eyes, and licked my lips, so I could speak.
Yes. Mistress.
*~*~*~*END OF FLASHBACK*~*~*~*
That was another time I could tell a definite shift in Tiffany and Is relationship. Although I didnt give in to her demand to quit the escort agency right away. I didnt go on any more dates, and eventually quit about a month later.
Tiffany helped get me an internship at a hedge fund company part time after class each day. I don't think I could have done that job more than a year though. For a job that doesnt pay, it sure is a hell of a lot of work, but the business and financial experience was all worth it.
By the time I finished working there Tiffany and I had been together for about three years, and I was in my final semester of University. During my final business class I had to devote a good bit of my time to a project that was sixty-five percent of my final grade. The project was to come up with a unique business idea, and subsequent five year financial plan.
Looking back now, I owe a lot to ole Professor Niles. Maybe I should send him a Christmas card next year. I fell in love with my idea, so much I knew Id make it real one day, but Tiffany thought it was the funniest thing shed ever heard.
Id been cooped up inside my apartment for days now pouring over every page of my proposal with a fine tooth comb making sure it was absolutely perfect. My phone, messages, and email was full with unanswered notifications from Tiffany, and I just couldnt stop what I was doing to worry about it right then.
I was almost done with my third examination when someone started knocking at my front door. I desperately tried to ignore whoever it was. Until I just couldnt. I sat my papers down on the table in front of me, stood up, and stomped my way across the room to my front door.
Roughly pulling the door open, and growling. What!
I called, messaged, and emailed, Joe. Tiffany says smiling, and slides past me inside the door. You should have answered.
I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts as I shut the door, and locked it. Then turned around to face Tiffany just as she took a seat on the edge of the couch. Directly in front of the mess of papers Im working on.
Sorry. I mumble. Ive been busy finishing up my final project for class. Can I get you something to drink? I ask pointing towards the fridge.
Okay. She says skeptically, while running her eyes up and down my body. Until coming to a stop directly on mine. Sure. Waters fine.
Nodding I turn around and head into the kitchen. I grab two bottles of water from the fridge, then shut the door, before turning back around to walk towards Tiffany. But, I dont make it more than two steps!
Tiffany has several different papers in her hand, and looks intent as shes reading. Even studying the different drawings, layouts, graphs, and charts as they are indicated through the proposal. Im screaming for her to stop inside my head, but not a single sound comes past my lips. A deep sense of dread fills my stomach for some reason, and my legs are about to give out from underneath me.
My shaking knees manage to hold out for another twenty minutes before Tiffany sets the last piece of paper down on the table, and sits back against the couch. With her arms crossed against her chest, and a dark sinister glare directed at me.
I love your idea for a sex club! I wish I would have thought of that! Oh wait, I fucking did! Fucking dumbass! Are you so fucking pathetic you cant even come up with something original on your own? Tiffany spit venomously.
I closed my eyes and counted to ten to calm down before saying anything back. Yes the basis of for my club is sex like yours. But, unlike your club, this one will be for more of the darker kinks and fetishes of the community. Youve said yourself your club is very tame, but obviously thats how your clients prefer it. This place will be for everyone else. Plus, each month will revolve around a theme. I have a lot more ideas than just that one though.
Tiffany ponders this for several minutes. Leaving me standing there to sweat, and over think about what shes going to say next. After a few more minutes Tiffany gets up from the couch, and walks over to me. She takes the water from my hands, placing them on the countertop beside me, and turns back around to wrap her arms around the back of my neck.
Youre right, My Love. She says before giving me a soft gentle kiss on the lips. Then pulling away. Im sorry. I really do like it, and I know just how I can make it up to you. How about we make a deal?
I barely comprehend the question. My brain is entirely focused on her hand that is currently undoing my pants, opening the zippers, and pulling my extending cock and balls into her warm, velvety hands. Wh..what? I manage to stutter out.
Ill loan you whatever you need to build your club. Ill even set you up with a list of people I know that would be interested in attending. Best of all, I dont care how long it takes you to pay me back. Tiffany whispers huskily into my ear while continuing to pump away at my cock. Shocking even me at how fast she has me on the verge of shooting my load and cumming.
Any other time I would have known that was a deal that sounded too good to be true, but in my current state I didnt care. Wow! Youd really do that for me? I ask looking at her in amazement.
My Love, you know Id do anything for you. All you have to do in return is move in with me. She ends with a growl, and pinches the head of my throbbing cock between her fingers. While tightening her fisted hand around my balls.
Thank you Mistress. I dont know how I got to be so lucky. I tell her completely under her spell.
Tiffany gives me a victoriously evil smirk. Then removes the head of my cock from between her fingers, raises the palm of her hand high in the air, and swiftly sends it flying downwards onto my abused bulbous head. Causing me to see stars in both of my eyes, and cry out. Right before squirting ribbons of cum across the front of my shirt.
*~*~*~*END OF FLASHBACK*~*~*~*
I find it better shameful to admit, that at the time if someone would have told me I was making a deal with the devil I dont think I would have listened. It sure was a Sinful Delight to do business with the man! Or, should I say woman?
Tiffany held true to her word. On the day of my graduation she handed me a check for one hundred fifty thousand dollars to go towards the club. She even went with me to about twenty different locations before both of us decided on the old brick factory along the docks of the Hudson.
I hired the old construction crew to totally gut and remodel the building. Rodney even came by on most weekends to work, and help out any way he could. For those few months of hanging around the guys I was happy for the first time in a long time, and started to feel like myself again.
It could have been the fact that Tiffany wasnt around that much while everything was under construction. She chose to use her time by shopping for everything to put in the club. While also speaking to many of her friends about the club, and putting together a decent size list of high profile New York City Elites that were interested in attending.
But, all the blood, sweat, and hard work were all worth it after a year the club was finally finished. Sinful Delight opened its doors for the first time on August first. The best twenty-seventh birthday present anyone could give to themselves! The one and only thing in this world I can truly say is my own. My pride and joy, Sinful Delight.
Soooo... How do y'all like it?
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Now on to the next chapter!
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