8; Trust Me.
"Aishatu? As your assistant? Nonsense!"
Aslam ignored the grumpy old man that seemed to have no ounce of happiness in his life, his gaze still solely fixated on the woman standing in front of him. He didn't miss the way her expression hardened due to the man's words. It was easy-especially since he was still observing her features-to see how her face morphed from that taken aback expression to that of annoyance.
She flickered her gaze to the Professor that said that, an emotionless look masking her features. She gets along with her colleagues well. Those old men though are a different issue though. They barely get along with anyone since they prefer everything to be done their way.
They have nothing against her personally, considering everyone knows she's good at what she does. If one dare says, she'll be regarded as one of the best residents they have-perhaps, even better than the fourth year residents considering she's only a second year resident.
Under any other circumstance, they would've recommended her. But they have their eyes on Chris, considering he helped Aslam with the tests. Shouldn't he be his assistant for the surgery too. Besides, their egos won't allow them to go along with him having her as an assistant, since he has shown his interest.
For once, they would want things to go their way regarding the man.
"Chris is a fourth year resident. Won't it be better for him to be your assistant" Another one tried to reason, since it seems demanding won't do a thing when it comes to the man.
"Exactly, she's just a second year resident. There's no way she can handle a case this big"
"Tell him, Aisha. Tell him that you can't do it. Don't lie to the man"
She blinked, swallowing thickly as she blew out a discrete breath. She then flickered her gaze from the Professors that obviously are so much against her doing this, to the man that still awaits her answers. Her lips curled into a smile, "Of course" Her smile widened slightly into a small smirk. "It will be an honor to be your partner, Doctor"
At that very instant, she could feel five pair of eyes digging holes into her head due to the intensity of their glares. Did she care though? Not at all.
She had always stayed away from anything that will get her on bad terms with them, mostly considering she has always been the quiet one that keeps to herself. That to say doesn't mean she's not fed up with them. She is. That's why she was happy when she saw there's finally someone their match.
Aslam found himself smiling back, though none of them could see it. "Okay then" He offered her a curt nod, then turned around to face his father. "I'll just brief her up on everything. I'll come back to check on you later"
His father who had choose to be quiet throughout the whole exchange, stared at the man with a questioning look that only Aslam happened to get it. He had never seen his son care about who he works with like that. He has always been the type that works well with whoever he is paired up. However, there he is picking someone out for the first time.
Aslam fought the urge to chuckle due to the look his father is flashing him. He somehow managed to reign it in since they have audience.
The old man relented after a while, offering his son a nod. "Alright then" He then turned to the Professors that were still throwing daggers at the two, "I'd like some quiet time please. Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it"
Just like that, their fake facades returned. "Of course, General!"
"We hope you recover soon"
"Allah kawo lafiya"
"We hope you enjoy your stay here"
"We'll leave you to rest now" With that, they ushered the residents out leaving the three.
Aisha turned to the old man and offered him an uneasy smile, which she tried to mask the queasiness but it didn't do much. Now that she will assist in his surgery-something she would've turned out almost instantly if only the Professors didn't chose to underestimate her, she is starting to regret the decision. It was a rash decision, something she didn't really think through.
He is someone she wanted to avoid by all means. And yet, because of a certain someone-and her rash decision too, she's stuck with the old man for something she isn't sure of.
Could she do it?
She doubts she will.
"Let's talk outside" Aslam's voice came softly, snapping her out of her care-laden thoughts. When she snapped her head to look at him, she didn't miss the way his brows seemed to have drawn in.
She stopped herself from staring, and nodded instead before once again turning to the old man, to offer him a curt nod too. Afterwards, she stepped out without a second thought leaving the two alone.
Only a couple of seconds later, Aslam stepped out too to see her making her away from the room as fast as she could. Her head was turned down as she tried to hastily walk past the other two guards situated at the end of the hallway.
"Dr. Aisha" He called out, making her halt in her steps, albeit it was reluctant.
She rose her head up, her eyes flickering to the two soldiers only a couple of feet away from her before taking in a deep breath and turning to the man approaching her. She tried to mask her uneasiness so he wouldn't notice it, but anyone could see at the moment from how stiff her body is that there's something wrong.
Aslam stopped in his tracks, a couple of feet away from her. "Are you okay?" He asked, not missing her current predicament.
She swallowed thickly, then plastered a small smile on her face. "Yes" She nodded, "I'm okay" Her head tilted to the side slightly, taking note of the men from the corners of her eyes. It made her flicker her eyes close for a moment, before focusing her gaze on the man in front of her.
He didn't look convinced by her words one bit, just as he didn't miss her small not so discrete action. A thought crossed his mind, making him look behind her. It took a couple of seconds for him to piece it together-his hunch that is. "Can you give us a minute, please" He said, his words directed to the two men only a couple of feet away from them.
Hearing the voice of a man they obviously know beyond the walls of the hospital, they turned to look at him. "Of course, Si--"
He was quick to shake his head, not wanting them to say anything that will show they know each other. They seem to have gotten the memo, because they quickly zip their mouths and left to give the two some privacy.
Once they were out of sight, he turned to look at the woman standing in front of him to see that her shoulders have slumped and she looked less tensed than earlier. The corner of his lips curled upwards slightly, "I scheduled the surgery for next week since it's not an emergency case. It'll be better for us to prepare well beforehand"
She nodded, "CABG is risky though" She has obviously come across the topic, and even though she has never assisted that kind of surgery, she knows how it's done from the various videos she had watched online and the books she had read. She had observed the surgery a couple of months ago too when Chief Wali did it on some patient. "I don't mean to question your work, but wouldn't angioplasty be better?"
Aslam tilted his head to the side slightly. "It's less risky, but it's not as effective" He honestly didn't think she would bring it up. From what he knows, most of the residents prefer to go with whatever the main surgeon says without thinking of other alternatives. He, has thought of them all and considered them but he has arrived at a conclusion that CABG will be the best solution.
That to say doesn't mean he's not interested on what else she has in mind.
"-do you think we can try any other method?" He inquired, wanting to see just how extensive her knowledge on the whole thing is. He picked her to be his assistant because she left an impression on him since the first time he saw her. He wanted to get to know her more, and that includes seeing just how she is as a person, and as a doctor.
That of course wasn't part of his plan when he decides to work in the hospital. Things do not always go as planned though.
Her eyes widened slightly. She expected him to be angry that she has questioned his judgement considering that's how her superiors have been. They always act as if it's an insult to them when a junior questions their work. "Huh?"
His smile widened, despite knowing she couldn't see it. "Do you have any other suggestion. Talk to me, I'm open to it"
She blinked, letting the information sink in. She was quick to regain her composure though. "Um...Well, I also thought of trying Enhanced External counterpulsation" Despite knowing EECP is an outpatient procedure, she thought it could be an alternative to bypass surgery.
"You mean, a natural bypass of some sort" He got where she is coming from, but he still wanted to ask.
She nodded.
"That was approved for use in people with congestive heart failure" He explained, "Yes, it could be used as an alternative for bypass surgery as you suggested. However, the best solution for us right now is a bypass surgery" He wasn't harsh when he explained, nor did he sound like a superior but more like a friend you're having a casual conversation with.
And that surprisingly made her feel comfortable when having the conversation. "There are risks involved though" Perhaps, it's because he's a new doctor who isn't a Professor yet, and she has never seen him handle any surgery so she's in doubt of his capabilities.
Aslam playfully narrowed his eyes at her, though it seemed pretty real to her. "Are you doubting me, Dr. Aisha?"
Her eyes widened slightly. From her experience with her superiors, this is usually the part when they go ahead to ramble and scold her because she 'dares' to threaten them. She really wasn't in the mood for that especially after everything she has gone through since she arrived at the VIP ward. She also didn't want to be on his bad side.
If he could talk at her Professors and render them speechless, what about her?
He noticed her sudden change, making him let out a small chuckle that had her shoulders slumping.
Her eyes slowly returned to their original size, taking in the sight in front of her. For a moment, she wonders what he looks like without the mask and glasses. Is he fine like Jannah claims? The thought made her want to laugh at her ridiculousness. Since when has she cared whether a man is good looking or not?
But she knew, even though she tries to deny it at the moment, that she really does want to see his full face. Maybe she would get to do that one day, considering he can't possibly go around with a mask throughout his entire stay in the hospital, right?
"Relax, I was just pulling your leg" He jested. "Tell you what, since you don't trust my work-which I totally understand, why don't you come and watch this surgery I'm having later?" He offered, adding a small hum at the end.
Her brow drew in slightly. "Aren't you solely the new VIP's doctor?" As far as she is concerned, he is solely a doctor to the man alone, no one else.
"Let's just say, something came up and I'll be having a surgery later" He left out the part that Chief Wali asked him if he could do the surgery earlier, which he turned down instantly. Now though, to prove to this woman in front of him that he is good at what he does, he will have to go back to the old man after their conversation and plead with him to take the case.
"What surgery is it?" She rose a brow.
"Transmyocardial Revascularization"
She knew what it was the minute he said it. A TMR is a procedure to relieve severe angina or chest pain in patients who aren't candidates for bypass surgery or angioplasty. It's related to their current case in a way. So, if he does well in that, then maybe her trust in him to do a CABG will increase. "What's the time?"
"I'll confirm it, then I'll let you know"
"Alright then" She offered him a smile, "I'll be there in shaa Allah"
He nodded, relieved. "I'll see you later" His gaze flickered to the elevator, "You can go back on your own, right?" he wouldn't have asked, if not for what he noticed about her earlier.
She nodded, knowing those men are not in sight so she'll be alright. "Yes" She took a step back. "Bye" She offered him a wide smile, and a small wave before she walked away.
Once she was out of sight, Aslam turned around and made his way back to his father's room. When he arrived there, he met the man in his bed with a tablet in his hand doing God knows what.
The old man looked up, and once he was sure Aslam is alone, he spoke. "You have some explaining to do, young man"
Aslam chuckled slightly, making his way to the bed before taking the chair beside him. "Well, Baba. Let's just say you have a potential daughter-in-law"
This gained the old man's interest instantly, making him drop his tablet aside, giving his son his full attention. "Okay, tell me all about her"
"I will in shaa Allah" Aslam couldn't help the smile on his face as he took off the face mask, dropping it aside. "I need you to help me speak to Uncle Wali first though" First things first, he needed to take on a surgery that he had refused earlier.
His whole plan to mind his business and only take care of his father has started to crumble, and he has only been there for a day!
"I knew you would come back on your own" Chief Wali laughed, and almost immediately General Muhammad piqued in-the two old men laughing at the young man's expense.
Aslam who sat on a chaise lounge by the corner released a sigh, shaking his head as the two men continued to laugh. After his short conversation with his father, Chief Wali, who he plans on visiting came over because apparently, he wanted to meet his old friend. However, since Aslam told him of his intent to take the TMR surgery, the man and his father decided to tease him for it.
"I had already booked an OR with your name as I was asked to" Chief Wali added again, from where he was sitting on the chair by Baba's bed where Aslam was occupying earlier. He left the chair for the old man when he arrived.
Aslam's brows furrowed. "Who asked?" He was curious to who would ask the old man to do that when only the two of them knew of what transpired earlier.
Chief Wali chuckled slightly, gesturing to his old friend. "Your old man here had the same confidence in you like I do. He said to book the OR under your name knowing you would cave in despite your stubbornness"
That was the truth. Even if not for Aisha, he would still do the surgery considering Chief Wali already explained the severity of the situation to him. There's no other Professor that could do the surgery at the moment, and the patient needs it at the moment so he's the only hope. Chief Wali could do it, but he and his father knew it would be the perfect chance to show everyone knew that Aslam is not just talk.
They trust his work, there's no doubt on that.
However, to lessen the issues that will sprout with everyone else, it's better to just do this and get it over and done with. Besides, it'll be good for Aslam though should the day he'll want to get involved in the hospital affairs come.
But most importantly, they trust that he will be able to save the patient. Chief Wali and General Muhammad have no doubt when it comes to that.
"I feel played" Aslam muttered, shaking his head as the two men had the time of their lives. "When's the time for the surgery?"
He nodded, making a mental note of how to go about it. He is well aware that the surgery will take about two to four hours at most. However, he's hoping it won't last for that long so he would be done before Magrib in shaa Allah. His gaze then snapped to his wrist watch, taking note of how it's already past two which means he also has a little to two hours to prepare. "I can work with that"
The three men spent a couple of minutes more simply catching up. After a while though, Aslam left since he has something to do leaving the two alone-which Chief Wali of course promising to attend the surgery and see despite his unwavering trust in the young man. It's been a while since he'd seen him in action though and he certainly wouldn't miss it.
On his way to the elevator, Aslam called Chris and asked him to inform Aisha the time of the surgery, and which OR it is since he has been brief by the Chief on it all. He could've told her himself, but he doesn't have her number or know where she is at the moment so he'll trust Chris to do the work.
Ten minutes to four pm, Aslam has already put on his scrubs and was making his way to the OR. However, just as he rounded the corner leading to his destination, he spotted someone by the entrance-a person he wasn't expecting to see there. Nevertheless, he reached there with a brow slightly raised. "Are you here to make sure I wouldn't bail on you?" He asked, feigning seriousness.
Aisha chuckled lightly, shaking her head. "No" She denied. "I wanted to be sure I'm in the right OR"
He hummed, "Sure" He dragged the word slightly, for he doesn't believe her words but he'll let her have it. He then sighed, throwing a glance at the off limit OR doors before moving his gaze back to her. "Do you trust me?"
"The truth?"
"I don't"
Aslam smirked slightly, shaking his head. "Trust me then"
She tilted her head to the side. "It's not that easy" She stated as a matter of fact.
"Alright then. I guess I'll have to earn it" He flashed her a small smile, despite knowing she won't see it before turning around and walking past the doors without a word more.
Aisha stared at the doors where he has disappeared, a small smile lingering on her lips before she decided to the other side from where she would watch the surgery along with the Professors who heard he will be operating just so they could see whether he's actually good enough.
To them, this is the moment where he would prove himself.
However, for some reason, Aisha has no doubt he would do well. Because even if she did deny it, for that aspect--as a doctor, she trusted him.
Aslam take it easy now! Nace easy comrade😂
It's not Friday yet, but I'm giving you an early update because we're about to clock 1k reads!💃 (Oh and to clarify, this is your Friday update that came in early so I'm not promising anything on Friday)
Aisha and Aslam, warris going on haka? Ni I'm not understanding this cool talks and whatnot fa 😏
Toh, I have nothing more to say so have a good night ladies.
Love, Jannah.
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