7; Do You?

"HEY, AISHATU. Do you think Habibi will like this?" Jannah asked, turning her phone in her friend's direction so she could she what's in display.

Aisha who was watching a carotid endarterectomy surgery online looked up, a brow slightly quirked since her mind wasn't on whatever her friend has been saying. "Huh?"

A chuckle came from Jannah's side, where a friend of theirs and a colleague sat perched on the girl's table. "She's asking whether her boyfriend will like the gift she plans on getting him" The woman, Nabila, pointed out, a small grin etched on her face.

Aisha's face scrunched up as she paused the video, "What's the occasion?" She pushed her chair back slightly, so she could face the two properly.

"There's no occasion" Answered Jannah who remained seated on her chair like Aisha-which is a surprise considering the girl barely sits there. "Can't I get my boyfriend something good?" She asked, bringing her phone down after clicking the add to cart button.

"You like wasting money"

Jannah hissed lightly, narrowing her eyes at her best friend. "It's called being romantic. This attitude of yours is the reason why you'll never get a boyfriend" That has always been a joke of theirs because they are a start contrast when it comes to that.

While Jannah is willing to offer whatever she can to her current boyfriend of five years, Aisha would rather drop all the money in fire and watch it burn into ashes. In her opinion, buying stuff for a man you're not married to is a waste of money.

"If she wants to buy a Hermes shoe for her boyfriend, let her" Nabila took Jannah's side, offering the woman opposite them a small shrug.

"Wait, a Hermes shoe?" If possible, Aisha's face scrunched up even more. She stared at Jannah as if she had grown two heads. "Lalle kudi ya miki yawa"

Jannah hummed mindlessly, as she made the payment for the shoe.

Nabila's eyes met Aisha's, and at the same time, the two women shook their heads whilst chuckling lightly. "She's a goner" Said Nabila, placing her hands beside her on the table after fixing her white coat.

"Tell me about it" Aisha agreed, throwing a look at her best friend. "How is he doing?" She asked the girl.

Jannah, now relieved that she had successfully ordered a shoe worth her two-three months' salary looked up with a grin on her face. "He's fine, Alhamdullilah" Aside from the grin, there's something about the woman's whole mood that lifted as she spoke of her boyfriend.

She had a couple of boyfriends before him, but not since she started dating him five years ago. They had this beautiful relationship that Aisha admires, even though she does make fun of the girl about how she goes around pampering him with gifts and whatnot. It's like it's one-sided. He gives her just as much.

"When should we expect a wedding?" Nabila asked, turning her whole attention to the girl.

Jannah shrugged lightly. "Not any time soon"

"What? Why not?"

"I don't know..." Jannah's lips curled into a small frown, "I just don't feel like it's the right time"

The answer had Nabila snapping her gaze to Aisha, as if silently asking her if her friend is serious. They've been dating for five years? When else is the right time to get married?

She had known the girls for about two years now, considering they all became residents at the hospital about the same time. They had gotten pretty close despite the fact that Nabila chose Gynecology instead of Cardiothoracic Surgery like the two.

"I haven't even met his parents yet, even though he has met mine"

"Oh" Nabila's lips parted slightly, looking taken aback. She quickly recovered though and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure he has his reasons. Besides, when the 'time' as you said comes, everything will fall into place"

Jannah's smile returned almost instantly. "I know that" That's why she hasn't been bothered much. Times without number she brought up wanting to meet his parents, but there was never a good time. Considering he had met her parents', she wasn't that worried about it.

When the times comes. She told herself. Marriage has its time. When it comes nothing will stop it from happening. That's what she held onto all this while.

Aisha stared at the girl quietly, simply observing her. She could see past the girl's smile that there's something she's hiding. She didn't push it though, knowing the girl will tell her when she's ready.

Nabila offered the girl a warm smile, just in time her phone pinged. She retracted her hand from Jannah's shoulder and slid it into her white coat's pocket, pulling the phone out. Her phone widened slightly seeing whatever it is that came through. Pushing herself off the table, she offered the two a small smile. "Duty calls. I have to get going" She headed to the door, offering them a small wave. "See you later"



Aisha who had swiveled her chair in the direction of the door, where the woman had just disappeared off turned around, her brows furrowing seeing Jannah still staring at the space. "You okay?" She asked.

Jannah blinked, snapping out of whatever trance she is in. "Yup" She nodded. Her phone that had been dropped off on the table earlier began to ring. Throwing a look at it, she released a sigh and threw her head back, groaning. "LORD OF MERCY!"

"What is going on now?"

Jannah released another groan, making a crying sound before she looks up again. "Duty calls" She answered, pouting slightly as she pushed her chair back. Getting up, she snatched her phone. "Person's child can no longer rest again"

Aisha chuckled lightly, "You signed up for this"

"I did not sign up for wahala please" She then slid the phone into her pocket, "I'll see you later"

"Bye" Aisha watched as Jannah walked out. However, just as she was about to close the door completely, she pushed it open again and popped her head in. "Oh and when I'm back, you are so telling about this new doctor we have. I heard he fine die"

"Ah!" Aisha parted her lips, shaking her head. "Hanty you have a boyfriend" She ignored the fact that Jannah heard he's 'fine'. As far as she knows, how would people know considering from the one time she saw him, he had his face covered with a mask.

From what Chris-who had spent the day with the man yesterday conducting tests on the VIP patient, the man had his mask throughout.

So how do people know how he looked like.

Jannah wouldn't know exactly because while the meeting was taking place, she was in a 12-hour surgery assisting the Chief of Cardiothoracic surgeons. The man takes turns picking the residents that would assist him, and luckily for the girl, he chose her.

"And so I cannot say another man is fine again?" Jannah shook her head. "If he fine, I'll not lie o. I have eyes for a reason"

"Kinfi qarfi na" Aisha relented, "Just go and see your patients please"

With a slight chuckle, Jannah offered Aisha a wave before walking out, making sure to close the door completely this time.

With her gone, Aisha decided to continue watching video she was watching before they interrupted her. It has become this weird habit of hers to spend her free time watching hard cardiothoracic surgeries because she wants to become a great surgeon.

She never misses a chance to improve, especially when it came to her job.

They deal with people's lives. There's no room for mistakes. That was one thing she set her mind on and for the longest time, has been one of her motivations.

After all, she had taken an oath to try her best to save people's lives.


"You've been here for a day. What's this I'm hearing about you calling out my Professors on your first day?" Chief Wali, head of the Cardiothoracic Surgeons asked, eyes slightly narrowed at the man seated in front of him.

Aslam rose his head up to look at the man, "Don't tell me they have reported me already" He resisted the urge to laugh. "Since when have Professors reported their juniors?"

"Well, it's not every day you get a junior that stands up to you on their first day" He paused, shaking his head slightly. "Not to mention one that they can't do anything to considering he isn't a full time doctor here"

Aslam chuckled, unable to hold himself back. Reaching his hand out, he picked up the cup of coffee he had fetched the two of them earlier before settling down. It's times like that he's glad they have coffee machines in their offices-it makes life easy. "I wouldn't have done a thing if they had chosen to stay off my lane"

"What happened to you minding your business?" Chief Wali asked, after dropping his own cup that he had ten a sip of.

Aslam shrugged, his eyes drifting from the old man to nothing in particular. A distant look crossed his features, before he tsked lowly. "I still plan on sticking to that. Although I can tell my dearest cousin feels threatened by my presence here" Though he held a look of disinterest, he couldn't hide the hint of bitterness in his tone.

Chief Wali stared at the man for a while, a small smile overtaking his features. He is amongst the few in the hospital that knows who Aslam truly is. And, there's no doubt he is the closest to the young man too considering he is basically his mentor. "Can you blame him? He thinks you will take the hospital from him" There's also the fact that he is also a good friend of Aslam's father, so he knows the drama going on with the higher ups in that case.

"He should calm his horses, I plan on leaving once I'm sure Baba is healthy again" And that is his truth. He doesn't plan on staying in Nigeria for long. Why would he care about the hospital? It has never bothered him, and it will never.

"You sound so certain" Chief Wali brought the cup to his lips, taking a couple of sips before letting out a soft sigh.

Aslam could feel the man's gaze on him, so he turned around to look at him, a brow quirked. "Huh?"

"I'm just saying, you might end up meeting someone that will make you want to stay" The old man shrugged, feigning innocence.

Aslam stared at him for a moment, before he let out a soft chuckle that was barely heard. "If I do meet a woman-which I doubt will happen-I can always take her back with me" He stated, like it's the most obvious fact out there.

Chief Wali let out a loud sigh. He extended his hand out and dropped the cup, before directing his attention to the man sitting on the chair across him. His larking expression was quick to dissipate into a serious one. "Aslam, I know it's not in my place to say this. But you can't avoid your problems here--"

"I don't consider her a problem" Aslam cut him off, as politely as he could. However, his mood did change drastically, making a quick turn from laid back to stern cold. He looked up, his eyes meeting the old man's. "I consider her a part of my life I would rather put behind and never face again"

"That's impossible"

"Then I'll try my absolute hardest to make it possible" There's no ounce of doubt in his tone, or a second thought that crossed his mind as he made the decision. Simply taking about it made his anger begin to rise. It brought back memories he had buried because it appears everyone wants to talk about it.

Mami, Taslim...and now Chief Wali.

His Baba is yet to bring it up, but he knows it's only a matter of time.

What upsets him more is why they chose to bring it up to him. Was he not the victim in all of this? Why should he be made to be where he isn't wanted?

Chief Wali wanted to say something, but the cold look masking Aslam's features had his swallowing down every argument he wanted to put out there. He wished the man could see the angle they are coming from. They aren't condoning her actions...they can never justify it. But, Aslam needs to look at the other side of everything. He needs to look at the constant side that will never change even if he chooses to be on the other side of earth.

Aslam didn't miss the look on the man's face. And quite frankly, he wants nothing to do with anything that has to do with the conversation more. So, he dropped his cup too and pushed himself off the chair. "I still have to go and see Baba. His tests are out" He brought out the face mask he had brought with him, making a quick move to don it. "I'll see you later"

Chief Wali made no move to stop the man as he rounded the chairs and made his way out, never once turning around. The minute he was out, the Chief's shoulders slumped as he let out a low sigh.


"You have no idea how elated we were when we heard you are the new VIP patient we have here"

Aisha flickered her eyes to one of her Professors, who leaned forward a big offering the man on a wide grin. Her facial expression held nothing but boredom, and bits of annoyance towards how fake the Professors are acting.

"I respect you a lot General. You've done do much for our country" Said another Professor-to be exact the one that showed his distaste towards the VIP guest at their meeting yesterday. Yet there he is, acting as if he is the biggest supporter out there. "We are truly honored to have you here at our hospital of all others out there"

Another Professor beside him shot his eyes to the man, throwing him a small glare as if to reprimand him of the mistake he just made. Not many know, but most of the Professors do know of the General's relation to the hospital even though it was mostly kept under the wraps.

It's not everyone knew who the hospital belongs too-only the ones that cared to do a deep research on it.

The Professor's point is, how could the man say his last statement knowing if anything, the man has every reason to be in the hospital since it belongs to his family.

The man caught up on his mistake, letting out an awkward chuckle that had Aisha who was standing behind them rolling her eyes silently.

She really does hate their attitudes.

The Professors, along with three other residents that includes her-who are also the fortunate ones that attend to some VIP patients, have decided to visit and greet the man as per usual. It's something that happens whenever there's a new VIP patient.

None of the residents have been given the chance to introduce themselves since the Professors are too busy sucking all the attention.

The other two residents seemed to have the same thoughts judging from the bored looks the three exchange every once in a while.

In Aisha's defense though, she was only holding up that look as a façade to hide how nervous she actually is. But it was just nervousness. She had been feeling uneasy since she was told that it was time to meet the VIP patient.

Since she already knows who he is, she expected the soldier guards to be there and she was right, for they indeed were, standing stiffly. The whole thing made her uneasy, especially their presence that had her stomach churning.

Being in the suite, didn't do much to help considering there's still one soldier standing stiffly in the corner-aside from the leader of them all seated on the bed.

Since they arrived, he made no move to offer a smile to them, and instead offered them a stern expression that seemed to have intimidated them all. Her in particular, she felt suffocated being in his presence the most. But, she managed to mask it.

Before any of the Professors could say a word more, the door opened and in walked none other than the man they still held a grudge against. They didn't expect him to be there, even though he pretty much is the man's doctor and has every right to be there.

While they threw not so discrete glares at him, he barely paid any heed to them and went to stand on the other side of his father's bed. He didn't make any move to acknowledge the man in any personal regard, even when he made his greeting and his father seemed to have understood the assignment because he played along.

"Dr. Aslam!" One of the Professors started, "I didn't expect to see you here"

Though Aslam had his face mask, and glasses on, no one could miss the look he gave the man considering the others did the same.

Is he daft or something?

"I see you've gotten your test results" Another chose to step in, before the former could embarrass them any further. His eyes remained on the papers in Aslam's hold for a while before he moved his gaze to meet the man's. "I suppose you've realized our diagnosis was right?" He still believes in the results they have gotten.

"I guess being cocky is one of your best trait as a doctor" Aslam deadpanned, "Must be helpful" His sarcasm didn't go unnoticed.

The professor clenched his jaw. Though they have reported Aslam to the Chief, the simply told them it would be better for them to tread lightly with him so he will soon leave.

Chris, --one of the residents snorted lightly, whilst trying to hold his laughter. A glare shot his way from the Professors has him zipping his mouth shut.

Aisha folded her lips into hold back to chuckle too. She looked down for a brief moment, trying to mask the amusement that managed to ease her worries only slightly before looking up, her gaze fixated on Aslam who without a doubt intrigues her.

He's the first person who has stood up to the Professors, and she surely loved every second of it.

"Coronary Heart Disease" Aslam stated, before any other pointless argument is started. His gaze remained fixated on his father as he said this. The day before, he and Chris ran a series of tests which included an electrocardiogram, blood tests and X-ray-amongst others. His gaze then snapped to the Professors. "It's easy to mistake it as Angina because it's a symptom of it. You could've realized it if you had looked in further rather than concluding it as that"


"Actually not" Aslam cut the man off, "You could've realized it if you used your knowledge more than your ego" He really didn't mean to call them out like that. But if they had done as they wanted, they could've done more damage than is done already.

Or, if they had chosen to stay out of his matters, he could've handled this quietly.

But no, they had to prove they are better than everyone.

His father's surgery is supposed to be a secret, but they all deal with VIP patients so they would know anyway. The good thing is that they know to keep their mouths shut.

"How do you plan to go about it?" His father asked. He trusts his treatment, but for the sake of the whole they don't know each other show, he needs to ask.

"Coronary Artery Bypass Graft" Answered Aslam, his gaze moving from the group of men still glaring at him to his father. "I've scheduled the surgery already"

"You need an assistant though" Pointed out a Professor, amongst the three that hasn't said a word since he arrived. "Chris should do it since--"

"What's your name" Yet again, Aslam cut him off as he walked around them all, standing a few feet away from where the three residents shielded by the Professors stood. His eyes were settled on a particular someone that managed to gain his attention from day one.

Aisha blinked, looking behind her to see if there's anyone there. Realizing it's just her, she checked again to see if he was talking to anyone else other than her. But his eyes were pretty much fixated on her. "Me?" She pointed a finger at herself, after blinking a couple of times to regain her composure.

The corner of his lips curled upwards, even though none of them saw it due to the mask. "Yes" He nodded, "You"

She swallowed thickly, clearing her throat slightly. "Aisha" She answered, her voice coming out low for reasons she is unaware of.

She knows if Jannah was there, she would've laughed her ass off and teased her about it. But thankfully, she isn't.

"Dr. Aisha" He repeated slowly, as if testing the name. Aisha didn't know if it was her ears, or not. But when he spoke again, she noticed he has a soft accent. His voice low, and husky. "Do you want to be my partner?"


Had no intentions of updating today because I gave yall three updates last week.

But I said Friday updates and I have to try at least.

And for some reason, this chapter turned out to be the longest so far.

Toh Aslam knows Aisha's name now. Was it just me, or did you hear his voice in your head too? Omo for me na lie o, all I'm hearing right now is "I love it when you call me Senorita"

That's because I'm listening to the song but whatever!

It's like out AA ship will start sailing o!

Hehe....it gives me joy!

Toh, let's do a little tag fest abi. Tag tag tag people in the comment section and I might just drop another update tomorrow, or the next day. If not, we shall meet next week Friday.

Na barku lahia.

Love, Jannah Mia.

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