50; Epilogue: Sincerely, Aishatu.


Asad Aslam Abd Al-Rasheed.

Asma Abdallah Sudais.

A bouncing baby boy for Aslam and Aisha, and a beautiful baby girl for Abdallah and Jannah. There's only a month difference between the two as Aisha gave birth to Asad first and the following month, Jannah and Abdallah welcomed their first child too.

Jannah and Abdallah got married only a week after the reconciled—on the day she was supposed to get married to begin with. They didn't want to wait for anything, because they've honestly waited for long already and they just wanted to tie the knot.

They didn't have any event, aside from the nikah considering the time is short to begin with, and in Jannah's words, she didn't want any event as long as she has Abdallah—she never was a fan of having one especially after having the time of her life at Aisha's wedding.

So, instead, the two used up the events money and whatnot traveling alone—you can call it a honeymoon, a pretty long one at that.

Aisha and Aslam went on their honeymoon too shortly after they've tied up all loose ends and then decided to move from their past, to start a new and beautiful life together.

Life was good to them; they both couldn't ask for more.

Aslam's relationship with his father is still as good as before. They've had a small fallout after the whole Hajiya Babba incidence, but they got through it and are on good terms. As for the parents, they really couldn't tell—not that one can know. But them still being together means they've worked it out, right?

Hajiya Babba is still, well, Hajiya Babba. She's still holding onto her last bit of pride and pretending nothing's happen. She's ignoring Aisha's existence, refusing to apologize or acknowledge her mistakes. She's still hoping to fix things with Aslam though it's all in her head.

It's obvious she has truly lost him...forever.

As for Salim, she still hasn't visited him and the others doubt she would—it's obvious she has no intention of doing so. No one forced her to do so though, it's her choice and it's between her and her son; it's just sad he still has hopes in her.

The twins, Yazid and Yasmine are still being nice to her. She's not the best woman, or mother out there, but she has always been good to them so they'll forever consider her a mother and hold onto the good relationship they have.

Mami on the other hand, has slowly learnt to accept Aisha. They are now in good terms, and she truly is treating her like her own child—there were no more forced smiles or ill intentions. She can see how much Aslam loves her, and that's more than enough for her.

Aisha and Aslam already had a naming ceremony for baby Asad—well, with their small family while Jannah and Abdallah had one too. However, they still wanted to hold one together, just them and their close family all together because they are all now one big family.

And that's what going on—the women were getting ready since they would be having it at Abdallah's restaurant. It was set to start in about thirty minutes and the men were already waiting downstairs, already complaining that the women will take hours to get ready.

They were simply exaggerating because the girls don't take that long. Luckily, the babies are with them so they could get ready without having to worry about them.

"I swear if I see that Hamza da kanshi Kaman bokiti at the restaurant sai na..."

"Easy tigress, I'm sure he won't dare show up" Aisha cut her best friend off, her tone amused as she took her veil and slung it over her shoulder.

"Ba fa yida kunya. It's been a year already and he is still hoping you'd leave Aslam for him, giyan wake ya sha ne?" Jannah commented, as she released a slight huff—hissing under her breath. She doesn't even get why Abdallah became friends with him in the first place.

Luckily, he had detached himself away from the man but the latter apparently didn't get the memo. He still drops by Abdallah's restaurant, hoping to 'catch up with his friend'. Luckily, he hasn't showed up at their home since he came once, and Jannah literally had him wash the used dishes he ruined.

At first he thought she was joking, and when he realized she was actually serious, he looked at Abdallah who only shrugged knowing no one can save him from his wife. If she says he has to do something, then it'll be best for him and everyone if he does.

So, grumpily, he washed the dishes and has never visited the house again.

He hasn't contacted Aisha, but he had the audacity to tell Abdallah that if she and Aslam ever fall apart, he will be there to 'pick her up and treat her the way she deserves to be treated'. That was the last straw for Abdallah, who decided he won't continue keeping that man around.

Jannah is convinced the man is shameless enough to try and show up at the dinner, and she could only hope he doesn't because God knows she would remove her stilettos and chase him out—being a mother or not—she's still the same overdramatic best friend Aisha has.

That will probably never change.

"Well, he has always been kind of..."

"Stupid? Annoying? Shameless?" This time around, it was Aisha who offered the options to Yasmine who shrugged.

"...well, all of the above I guess" Personally Yasmine never liked him because of the way he acts, but now she's convinced it's just in his nature to annoy everyone. "But enough about him, I think Humaira's reign in Instagram is over" She commented, looking up from her phone which she was scrolling through IG with.

Humaira isn't there with them—it seems she is planning to take her bitterness with Aisha to her grave because she pretended to be sick and claim she can't make it. So, she opted to stay home with her babies. Yes, she and Yazid were blessed with twins four months ago—baby Hanif and baby Hanan Yazid Abd Al-Rasheed.

She didn't marry 'babban dan General' but she did give birth to his first grandkids from his male children, so that's something.

"Seriously?" Jannah asked, turning away from the mirror to look at the woman. "What happened? Who is ahead of her?" Obviously, there are others that are above her—however, for Yasmine to say that means there must be someone taking over completely, if that's even possible.

"Nadine Sheriff" Yasmine answered, turning her phone around to show Jannah who left the vanity table to see the face of the woman.

Taking the phone from Yasmine, her lips parted slightly when realization dawned on her, "Daman her name is Nadine? She's the Nadine Sheriff?" She inquired, scrolling to see the other pages on the woman's Instagram page.

Yasmine wasn't kidding when she said she's above Humaira now considering the latter only has about a hundred thousand followers, this Nadine woman has more than two hundred and fifty—plus, she's verified.

Yasmine nodded, "The one and only. All these big Nigerian brands are picking her to model for them"

"And, she is involved in a scandal with Hakeem Sunusi" Aisha added, as she settled down on the stool, facing the two women. "That added to her popularity"

"Woah" Jannah handed Yasmine's phone back to her. "If she's involved with that guy then she's definitely a big shot. Hajja Humaira doesn't stand a chance" She is simply being honest.

"Forget about them seff, let's head down before the men complain even more than usual. Kun san halinsu"


"You're got that right"


"Oh my Allah, they are both so cute! Ma shaa Allah" Taslim gushed, bringing the phone closer to her face as if that will make the two babies magically appear right in front of her. At the moment, she wished she could be there with them but, duty calls. She had traveled abroad for work, and as such, is missing the small get together in honor of the babies. "Can't believe Asad is a month old already and now, look at Asma!"

"I know right" Aisha who held the phone showing the babies to Taslim acknowledged. She brought the phone away from the two kids and switched the camera so she was facing her, "Feels like it was just yesterday I gave birth to him"

"One week, just a week and she's driving me crazy" Jannah groaned from the side, watching her husband pick up the baby girl. "I love her with all my heart, but she cries three times at night! I barely get any sleep"

"Welcome to motherhood" Aisha offered her best friend a grin—one that will be labelled as wicked. Jannah used to make fun of her when she complains, now that the girl has joined the train though, she is enjoying every minute of it.

Taslim chuckled, her lips stretched wide. "They are children of doctors, I'm sure they know what they are doing" She teased, "Oh and if one of those kids becomes a doctor, I will freak! The doctors something will be too much now"

"Or they could both turn out to be doctors" Jannah shrugged, offering another possibility. She doesn't care if her kids chose a different career from her and her husband, she will be proud of them either way. But, they have to look at all the possibilities. "They might even end up falling in love, you never know"

"No way. I can bet all my wealth that those two won't end up together" Taslim stated. She wasn't certain, but she has a gut feeling and her feelings in those aspect are usually right. "Might end up being close friends, but that's the last of it. I mean come on, another generation with both your bloods? That will be a disaster" She can't even imagine Aisha's kid and Jannah's getting married and having a child of theirs.

Definitely a disaster.

Aisha shrugged slightly. "Might have to agree with Taslim on this but..." She released a deep sigh, her eyes darting to where Mommy stood holding baby Asad in her arms, "...we'll have to wait and see I guess"

She wasn't sure what the future will hold, but she knows that boy has her around his tiny fingers. She would do anything for her child—that's the one thing she's certain of.

Shortly after, Taslim ended their call saying she has to do something, allowing the two to zone back into their dinner with their family. It was growing bigger slowly, and they couldn't have it any other way.

The restaurant that night was closed off from everyone else apart from them, so they could have a good time. The parents were there, but only the women. Yazid, and Haroon are there too since they are family obviously. Thankfully, for his sake, Hamza didn't show up so everyone was safe from watching Jannah vent on someone.

She would actually do that, despite the fact that her in-laws are there.

Laughter filled the air, along with chatters as everyone gushed over the two babies. No one could deny they are a cute bundle of joys, that no one wanted to miss a chance of having their turn to cradle—even Huda was around since she was finally done with university. She was just happy she would get to be with her family again, even though he would miss living with her grandmother who has set her mind on staying in Cairo.

"So...we're mothers now, huh?"

Aisha turned her head around to look at Jannah, her lips slanting upwards into a warm smile. "Well, it appears so" She sighed. "It feels surreal" Even she finds it hard to accept this is truly her life now.

Jannah offered her a smile back, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "I know right" She muttered, "It feels like the end of our story"

"Why would you say that?"

Jannah shrugged, she shoulders then slacking. "It just feels that way" She whispered, feeling down. She was feeling bad, when it's actually a day to celebrate. Truth be told, as much as she looks forward to being a mother, she was also scared.

She feels like she is leaving a part of her forever, and she wasn't sure if she truly wants that.

Aisha rose her hand up, giving the woman's hand a small squeeze. She could say she understands how Jannah is feeling even without her having to elaborate. "Don't look at it like that. Look at it as we're beginning a new phase in our lives. After all, we can't stay in the same place forever, right?" She tilted her head to the side, so she can look at Jannah.

Jannah thought about it for a while, and then came to a conclusion. This isn't the end. It's the start of a new phase in their lives. One that comes with new hardships, and at the same time, happiness. "You're right. This is the beginning of something new" She agreed, turning her head to the side to face Aisha. "So many things will change, but we'll still stay friends, right?"

"Of course" Aisha grinned, "I'll want the same overdramatic best friend for the rest of my life"

Jannah rolled her eyes, unable to hold back her grin. "You love me that way"

"That, I do"


"Asad is asleep, finally" Aslam said, walking towards where Aisha is. Settling on the sofa beside her, he leaned back and threw his head back. "That boy can cry" He loves his son beyond words, but that doesn't change the fact that the boy is giving them a hard time.

Aisha chuckled, not looking up from her laptop. "You're just realizing that now?" She questioned, still typing away.

He hummed, "Kibari kawai" He shook his head, before peeking to see what she's doing. "Are you still not done writing our story?" He questioned, a warm smile masking his features.

She shrugged, "We're still alive so I believe our story still has a long way to go" She sighed, looking up to meet his eyes. "But I'm finally ending it here. It's enough to share the first half of our life. We'll keep the rest to ourselves"

There was one thing Aslam realized about her—amongst many others—and that's that sometimes, when she's awake from having her nightmares, she instead chose to spend her time scribbling random stuff down. She likes to write, a talent of hers that she had kept hidden up until he convinced her to write and share it with others. In his words, 'You can't keep that kind of talent to yourself'

And that's what she has done over the year. She started to write a story, one about them.

Grinning, Aslam leaned down to peck her lips, "I love you so much" He muttered on her lips. His hand went to the side of her neck, caressing it as he tilted his head to the side to kiss her again, this one much longer than the simple peck from earlier.

Aisha chuckled lightly, pulling back to rest her hand on the side of his face. Sighing deeply, she looked into his eyes with a smile masking her features. "I love you too, Romeo"

Aslam groaned, throwing his head back. "You'll never let me hear the end of that, will you?" He has heard the name so many times over the year that he's convinced she's trying to make up for lost times.

Aisha laughed, biting her lower lip. "Nope" She shook her head, her hand moving to caresses his stubble. "You'll forever be my Romeo, my partner, my husband, and the father of my son"

He looked up, his eyes meeting hers again. "Change that to children. We're definitely having another one after Asad"

She stared at him in disbelief, "No, thank you"

He hummed, shrugging slightly. "I'll convince you" He sounded so sure of himself, because he truly is sure he can and will. She didn't think they'd have Asad so soon and look at where they are now.

Knowing what's on his mind, her face flushed—making her look away.

He chuckled, loving the reaction he gets out of her. He decided to change the topic, before they end up making baby number two. It's too early for that, and he knows. "Anyways, will you write another one after this?" He questioned.

She nodded, looking back at her laptop, "Yes. I'm thinking of wring one about Jannah. What do you think?" She looked up, her eyes gleaming with excitement. She couldn't wait to move on to that. Sure, she would change certain things and make it well, fictional. But, she's sure people will love it.

She will be sure to write a love story that will definitely make people fall over and over.

Aslam grinned, on board with her decision. "That's a great idea. Just don't forget to add the fact where she's overdramatic" He and the woman get along practically like siblings, but everyone can agree at that point that she is one dramatic woman.

"Note" Aisha smacked her lips together, making a mental note to add that.

"Now, will you please tell me the name of our story? Or at least let me read one part from it" He pleaded, clasping his hands together in front of him. He had lost track of how many times he had asked his woman to allow him to read just one part—she vehemently refused.

"Just wait a little bit longer. I promise, I'll just write this last part, and then you'll be the first to read it" Her words and expression showed she was being honest, and truly was.

Aslam stared at her for a while, before he nodded, caving in. "Alright, babe" He stood up from his position. "I'll just take a shower while you're on it" Leaning down, he pecked her forehead. "I love you so much my superwoman" He has said that so many times that she has lost count of it. It has become a normal thing for them.

Grinning, she said the words back. "I love you too, Romeo"

He playfully glared at her, before he turned around and disappeared.

Now, with Aslam gone, she turned back to her computer to write the last part of her story.

Dear Reader,

Yes, you.

I felt like it would be nice to add a little bit of Aishatu's POV in this. And so, here I am.

I honestly don't know where to start, it feels weird to add my point of view here but well, here goes nothing.

My—our, story has been a roller coaster for me. It is a journey of pain, happiness and love. At this point, I wouldn't call it my story anymore because in it, I've gotten a family and it wouldn't be fair to claim this without them.

My story would be incomplete without my birth parents, my adoptive parents, my in-laws, friends and of course, my husband and son. Salim is included too, because despite everything, he will always be a part of me, and Aslam. But, you already know all that so I'll skip the recap and all.

Instead, I'd talk about the person I'm luckiest to have in my life and the immense love I have for him—Aslam. My Romeo—Aslam, stop glaring me while reading this—my partner at work, and for life, my superman even though he has a white coat instead of a cape, and the father of my children. Yes, I'm certain we'll have more kids in the future. It's definitely part of the plans.

But truly, I'm glad to have him in my life. The love I have for this man is immense. It's so much that I feel my heart will burst because of it. However, I wouldn't go down into details because I don't want to make his head swell even bigger than it already is. Trust me, when it comes to that, the man had an ego that's bigger than Earth.

Jokes intended...not.

And my son, my cute little Asad. God knows I would give him the world if I could. That little boys owns my heart completely—and I have no doubt it's the same with his father. So, this is how it feels to be a mother? It's both a scary, and beautiful thing. But I would do it all over again—I'd go through the pain if it means I'll get to hold my child in my arms, knowing he is a sign of our love, that I brought him or her into this world. I don't know how things will turn out, but I know I'll try the absolute best for my child.

I'll go on and about, ranting about the people in my life but I'd stop here. I'd stop at Aslam and Asad, for they are where this part in my story ends, and where another begins.

So...this is what it feels to say goodbye, huh?

It's a bittersweet feeling but it's unavoidable.

Still, I'd like to thank you all for giving me a chance, for believing my story is worth giving a chance and being part of the journey. Even if this is the last you'll hear of me, I hope I'll live in your hearts for a long time.

Sincerely, Aishatu.


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