5; Doctor Stranger.

"A VIP PATIENT, age 57—came in with symptoms such as light-headedness, rapid breathing and chest pressure. There's also a report of pain in the neck. Lab tests and imaging was conducted. The result shows that the patient has, Angina Pectoris"

"Okay..." A man amongst the Professors of the Cardiology Department started, tapping a finger on the table in front of him repeatedly. "He doesn't need to get surgery for that" He turned to the other professors to get their input.

Two others nodded in agreement, while the other two professors thought about it.

The professor that started took that as his cue to continue. "Administer Anticoagulants, Clopidogrel, and angiotensin II receptor blockers for now. We'll monitor his condition to determine what else he needs"

The second year resident whom made the announcement bit his tongue, as his eyes darted to that of the others residents who had the same expression as him. Wincing, he realized they will not step in to help him so he has to do it himself. "Actually...we have no permission to administer any treatment to him"

The professor's brows furrowed. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice holding a certain edge that matches the glare he threw at the poor resident.

The resident shifted on his feet nervously, feeling intimidated under the piercing eyes of the five professors of their department. He wanted to say something about why they are asking him that when they are the professors. If anything, they should know this more than anyone. "The patient is off limits to us—other than the tests we are asked to conduct. He will have a different doctor coming in for him" He answered instead of voicing his original thoughts. And though he kept his voice low, they all heard what he said due to the small microphone attached to the podium where he is currently standing.

"What sort of nonsense is that?" The Professor spat, eyes narrowed at no one in particular. "Why bother coming to out hospital when he wants another doctor?" He did nothing to hide his distaste towards the so-called VIP.

None of them, aside from the few that got of a whiff of the man's true identity knew who he is. Normally, VIP patient's identities weren't hidden. But for some reason, this man's identity is being kept under the wraps.

"The question should be how did the hospital agree to this?" Another one of the professors, one amongst the two that agreed with the earlier Professor's diagnosis spat, eyes narrowed at the poor resident that did nothing to offend them personally. "Do they think we can't handle a case as small as this?" He looked at his colleagues, wanting to hear their input on it.

"Is that why no one informed us of this?" Another one, amongst the two that took their time to think it through asked, "Of course they know we'll be offended. We've handled cases bigger than this"

Aisha who sat opposite the professors, along with the five other residents they have threw a glance at the professors, eyes narrowed slightly. If there's one thing that's certain in the hospital, then it's the ego of the Professors in both Neurosurgery and Cardiology Department.

They both think they are better than the others, hence why they deem themselves ahead of the others.

You would think since they are all older than most of the people there—considering how long it takes to become a professor—they would be mature and all. They aren't. There's a few of them that aren't egoistic, and are actually nice. But, majority of them are rotten apples in that aspect.

They are good at what they do. As surgeons, they are pretty much one of the best.

Their attitudes though...that sucks. It makes one think whether medical etiquettes weren't taught at medical school during their generation.

Aisha in particular, hates their attitudes more than anything. As a resident, she knows how poor some of these doctors treat them. They take the hierarchy into their heads and act as if they are the supreme ones.

What she would give to see someone put them in their place.

"The point is, no one informed us of this" Another of the professors spoke for the first time. And that is the truth. The Deputy Director was supposed to inform them but because of his personal feud with the incoming doctor, he chose to let it play out and informed the residents only.

He sees Dr. Aslam as an arrogant man. And he also knows how arrogant the professors are.

Pin an arrogant man against an arrogant group of professors. What would you get?

"—so, we will do things our way. Administer the drugs, and if they have anything to say, they should come face us"

"I guess I should add 'ignorant' to my list of impressions about you people"

They all snapped their gazes to the source of the new voice none of them is acquainted with. The door closed behind him as he casually made his way over to the end of the table where they all sat, taking an empty chair two seats away from the professors and opposite the residents.

Once he was comfortable, he turned his head to the side to stare at the Professors that were glaring at him.

"Who are you?" The Professor that was speaking when he arrived, asked. "Don't you know this is a Cardiothoracic Surgeons only meeting?"

"And how dare you interrupt us during our meeting?" Another asked, the first one that made the diagnosis.

"What did you just call us?" Came yet another irritated Professor's voice, "Ignorant?" He repeated, as if he couldn't believe what he heard, "Don't you have any respect?"

"You!" Exclaimed another, "Get off that seat while I'm still asking nicely. Don't you have any common knowledge to know that seat solely belongs to Professors? Have you no respect for your seniors? GET UP RIGHT NOW!"

Dr. Aslam released a sigh, eyes narrowed at the men. Instead of giving into their demands, he simply leaned back on his chair and crossed his legs before turning to face the resident that gave his father's diagnosis earlier. "Discard any information you have on the patient. Might I remind you, his case is private? It shouldn't be spoken of to anyone" He stated, but unlike the professors, his tone wasn't rude.

The resident flickered his gaze to the Professors whom either have a look of disbelief masking their features or that of annoyance. Their eyes all trained on the man who ignored them blatantly in front of their juniors. His gaze then moved back to Aslam whose expression remained stern. He swallowed thickly, then nodded hastily.

Aslam's lips tugged into the smallest of smiles, but none of them noticed it since he had his face mask on. After his conversation with his father earlier, which somehow ended up with Baba ringing Mami to complain about how her son showed up dressed to work, he still chose to don his face mask.

As Aslam predicted, she gave him an earful and somehow had one of the guards fetch him a new, 'work worthy' outfit that made him look like a real doctor in her words. He could've easily ditched it, but going against persistent parents is not something anyone could easily get away with.

So, he ended up dressing up again—only this time he really did look like a doctor.

It's basically the same look he had before he changed earlier.

Afterwards, he stopped by his office to see it and made sure it is to his liking. It's on the same floor as that of the Professors, even though he isn't one yet. He didn't have a problem with it though. If anything, he didn't expect the Deputy Director would actually do that considering their small feud.

Nonetheless, he was content with it.

He then set out to attend the meeting the Cardiology Department are currently having—which he wasn't invited to courtesy of them not knowing anything about him. It turned out to be a good idea though, since he arrived just in time to hear them talking about his patient—one that is supposed to be off limits to them but they did not get that memo.

"What's your name?" Aslam asked, his question directed towards the resident that looks like he would do anything to get away from the tense air in the room.

"Chris, Sir"

Aslam nodded, "Chris, after the meeting, you and I will run the tests all over again" He didn't point out the fact that their theory is wrong, mostly because he didn't want to embarrass the resident more than he already is.

Chris nodded again, it seemed as though it's the only thing he could do at the moment.

One of the Professors, irked to the core by Aslam's blatant disregard to them, smacked his hand on the table as he pushed himself out of his chair. "Just who do you think you are?" He asked lowly, a finger pointed at the man that had his back facing them.

Aslam ignored him, as he pushed his chair back to get up. He had done what he wanted to do at the meeting anyway. There's nothing more for him to do. So, with that thought in mind, he made a move to leave.

However, the so called Professor stood in his way, obstructing it. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled.

Aslam blew out a low breath, tsking as he turned his gaze to meet the man's. "I would hold my silence if I were you. You wouldn't want me to explain how your ignorance could've resorted to something bad, right?" He kept his voice low, so lonely the man and the ones near them could hear.

"What?" The man resisted the urge to scoff. He wanted to scream, but it's obvious it wouldn't work. But that's the problem, they are so used to screaming at the residents and intern to get them in shape that they never got to do anything beyond that. They didn't need to. A scold or two is all it takes for a resident to get back to their senses.

However, there is a man out of nowhere remaining unfazed by their advances. If anything, he is daring to speak back.

The audacity!

"Are you, perhaps, the patient's doctor?" It was one of the residents who had the brain to put the pieces together, although he did seem a bit hesitant with the question.

Aslam moved his gaze from the glaring man to the juniors that quietly watched the exchange. The corner of his lips quirked up slightly when he noticed a familiar face from earlier. He didn't see her full face then, but he was sure it's her. Nonetheless, he didn't let his gaze last longer than a few seconds before meeting the others eyes. "I'm Dr. Aslam Muhammad and yes, this is my patient you were speaking of"

"Being a new doctor does not give you the right to speak to us that way"

"Being Professors does not give you the right to speak to me, or any of the residents here that way either" He shot back, albeit he managed to keep his voice calm as his piercing gaze met the man, "I stand by what I said earlier, my patients' matters is none of your concerns. You've done enough damage already"

The Professor scoffed, the same man that stood in Aslam's path. "And what sort of damage did we do exactly? Shouldn't you be glad we figured out what's wrong with your patient for you?" He then cackled humorlessly, "Your so called patient doesn't have something major, and yet you're here parading as if you are the smartest being on earth"

"I am smart enough to know that my patient's condition goes beyond what you term as 'something simple'. I would explain it to you but you're a professor aren't you? Use your brain to comprehend that instead of picking up pointless arguments" Aslam deadpanned, and without so much as waiting for a reply or a reaction, he side stepped the man and walked out.

As the door closed, and the Professor let out an exasperated scoff, Aisha who had leaned back on her chair threw a glance at the door one last time before moving her gaze to the Professor. Her lips curled up into a small smirk before she pushed her chair back as did the other residents who have started filing out.

There was only one thought in her mind as she left the meeting room. 'There's finally someone that's the Professors' match'

And that's none other than the stranger who is apparently the new doctor.

"This should be interesting" She muttered under her breath.


Shorter than the other chapters, but an update nonetheless.

Bruh I'm spoiling y'all with constant updates like this. I mean, I be writing everyday so I can update for una.

Sha sha all is well.

Aslam VS the the Professors. Wahala.

Toh, what will happen in the next chapter kuma sai Allah.

Na barku lahiya.


Love, Jannah Mia. 

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