49; Beautiful Beginnings.
One chapter to go! Someone should pass me a tissue box.
Chapter Playlist;
~For AJ:
-Conversations in the Dark by John Legend.
-I Hate the way by Sofia Carson (From the movie; Purple Hearts)
~For AA:
-Six Feet Deep by Billie Eillish
-I didn't know by Sofia Carson (from the movie; Purple Hearts).
JANNAH RUSHED into HGH not caring how she looked at the moment. She wasn't even sure whether she looks representable or not. She couldn't think well and her only focus was to get to her destination.
Her breath was shaky, and her red eyes were filled with tears. She wasn't even sure of how many she had shed already on her way there-it was a miracle she made it without getting into an accident.
She tapped her feet repeatedly as the elevator took her to the floor she was headed to. The minute the doors slid open, she rushed out, ignoring the looks she got from the people there. She had her aim, and she wouldn't stop till she reached there.
114; It read on the door-the same room Aisha told her.
Her steps came to a halt when she saw the door opened and the closer she gets; she could hear wails coming from the room. She swallowed thickly, her body shaking as she shook her head praying that it isn't what she's thinking.
Slowly, she reached the room-her gaze immediately falling on the bed where a figure laid, covered with a shroud. Her legs gave out on her, and she found herself on the floor still shaking her head. "No, no, no" She muttered repeatedly, the wails in the background dimming as her eyes blurred with tears. All she could hear was a loud ringing in her ear.
Through her blurry eyes, she could see a woman-probably the mother, holding the edge of the bed as she cried loudly.
Jannah didn't want to believe it, but it was obvious what was going on.
It wouldn't change no matter how many times she'll deny it.
He's gone.
"No" She brought her hand to her mouth, trying to hold back the tears. Her body shook, as the sobs wrecked her being. "Abdallah...no" Her heart felt heavy, her breathing coming out ragged.
He couldn't be gone. No.
She couldn't hold back the sobs no matter how hard she tried, so even with her hand clasped over her mouth, her loud wail could still be heard. She had tuned out her entire surrounding, pain shooting through her entire being. This isn't how she expected things to be. He can't be gone. She never got to apologize or tell him how she truly feels.
Truly, life can't be this cruel to her, right?
The thought had her letting out another loud sob, one that could be heard from whoever is around that area. People passing by stopped to see who the woman crying her out could possibly be, and why? The ones that knew someone just passed away in that room, felt bad assuming she must be related to the deceased. Some even shared her pain, because she truly looks pitiful.
She shook her head, trying to tune his voice out. Subhan Allah so she's in so much pain that she's even imagining her voice around? Ya Rahma.
"You can't be gone" She mumbled, her eyes clenching shut as she let out ragged breaths. Bringing her free hand to where her heart is, she tapped it lightly as if that will get rid of the pain. "I can't lose you"
She paused, now certain that voice isn't in her head because the voice in her head is never that loud. Snapping her head up, her blurry eyes fell on the figure crouched low beside her and...
This can't be.
Her eyes are definitely playing tricks on her.
"Abdallah?" She blinked repeatedly, clearing her eyes off the blurriness to see if she is truly seeing him. Still not believing herself, she brought her hand out to pinch her arm, muttering an ouch immediately when the pain registered.
He was still there, looking at her all worried.
Her Abdallah is still alive.
The realization had her sobbing again, this time shedding happy tears. "A-Abdallah. I thought you were dead" She stated, amidst her hiccups.
His head tilted to the side slightly, "Umm...why?" That was all he could think of.
She sniffed, bringing the back of her hand to wipe away the tears and the snot. "B-because, Aisha said you are in the hospital and this is the room number she gave me...I came here and s-saw the person here dead. A-and I thought I-it was you" She was sure she wasn't making much sense then, but if he gets what she means then that's alright for her.
Abdallah stared at her amused. He didn't need to think hard to understand what she means. Sure, he came to the hospital because he was sick but it's nothing serious; his mother just made a big deal out of nothing despite him telling her it's nothing-he is about to go home since he had been discharged. Aisha must've gave her the wrong room number since his room is next to that one.
To think the girl went all the way there, crying her heart out because she thinks he's dead. It amused him greatly.
He was quick to mask it off though, "And why do you care?" He raised a brow slightly. "Didn't you say you don't care about me? Why are you here, crying?" He knew why, but he needed her to say it say it for the fun of it.
Jannah gave him the sad puppy look, and in his eyes, she looked cute then while to others, she was simply a not so lady like sobbing mess that will have most running for their lives. Is it mentioned that she has a slipper on one foot and a croc on the other?
Yes. She was a mess-and don't bring up her outfit-you'll feel the second hand embarrassment.
"Because I like you, okay?" She had been sulking in her room for days, wondering how she would put her big girl pants on and confess to him and at the same time gain his forgiveness. She couldn't think of anything right though. At that moment, she didn't care if it wasn't grand or epic-she just thought she had lost this man and would be damned if she hid her feelings again. And then, she rambled. "I like you so much. No, I love you. And I know what I said to you then but I was so stupid, Abdallah. I know I was stupid and dumb; I think everyone can agree that Jannah has a degree in stupidity when it came to you. But, I'm serious when I say I love you and I'm not saying this because my wedding got called off but because I truly do. I don't know man; I would've probably ran off on my wedding day if it wasn't called off so I could come to you. I know this is late and you're probably still angry but I am so sorry and if I have to apologize a zillion time then I would"
Abdallah bit back his smile, still holding up his blank expression. "And if I don't forgive you?"
"Then I would go to your house and tell your-no, our mom that I like you. You know me, and you know I'm capable of this. I don't care if your entire family will think I'm crazy but I'll tell every single one of them that I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll be stupid-well, more than usual if I lose you the second time"
Abdallah nodded slowly, folding his lips into hold back his laughter. "Jannah?" He called out once he had gotten himself in check.
She hummed, sniffing again.
He tipped his head to the side, "Meet my mother"
Jannah's eyes darted behind him, instantly widening when her gaze fell on Hajiya Maryam standing there watching the two quietly with a small smile on her face. Jannah blinked, her face flushed-she looked like a character straight out of a cartoon and Abdallah couldn't hold it in anymore, he chuckled lightly.
Hajiya Maryam's smile widened slightly. The problem she has is with Aisha, she had nothing against this girl that just confessed her love to her son in front of her. "So, should we set a wedding date then?" She asked, her tone amused.
Jannah's wide eyes drifted back to Abdallah who offered her a grin, and a slight shrug. Her eyes welled up with tears as she looked back at Hajiya Maryam again. "Yes, please" Call her shameless, she will marry Abdallah by fire by force. Nothing would stop her now except death. But otherwise, she'll become Mrs. Abdallah Sudais.
"So, after Baba passed away, my step mother, Sakina, didn't want to be associated with me. Heck, the minute Baba passed away she left the hospital, leaving me alone to mourn my father's death-that was when I met Mommy" A small, warm smile graced her features as she remembered the day she met the woman. God knows what would've happened to her if Mommy didn't come into her life at that moment.
Aslam offered her a hand a small squeeze, a silent encouragement for her to continue whenever she's ready. He didn't want to force anything on her. It'll be her choice whether she wants to continue, or leave it for whenever.
She blinked, grateful for having him there with her too. Taking in breath, she continued. "I don't really remember most of it, but I think she was there to visit someone-I don't really know. She saw me...I wasn't in my right mind then. How could I be? I just lost another parent right in front of my eyes" She looked down, swallowing thickly. It was difficult for her to speak of this, but him rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand made it better. "She comforted me, and if it weren't for her, I don't think they would've been able to keep me away from my father if it wasn't for her"
Now talking about it, Aisha could hear the screams as if it wasn't hers. She could hear the seventeen-year-old mourning her father's death; after all, she hears the exact same cries all these years whenever she gets a nightmare.
She closed her eyes, as if to shut them out. "My..." She shook her head, clearing her throat when she found it hard to voice the words out. "My step mother took everything she can find valuable and left. I guess she didn't want to take care of a child that isn't hers" She chuckled bitterly. "I had no one, my parents were both dead and the one woman that fill in the shoes of my mother, left. She didn't treat me bad during the few years she was married to my father, but she didn't exactly love me either. And then there was Mommy, who was there by my side since I had no one. She took pity on a child she doesn't know-something no one else did for me. My real family, I don't know if I even have some left, I have no contact with them. Lost the little we had when we left Bama"
Aslam's brows drew in, "Bama?" He inquired.
"Yup" Aisha nodded. "My family and I actually hail from there. We lived there up until I was thirteen, when I lost my mother" She couldn't hide the pain in her tone and she didn't want to. "We were attacked, my mom and I were the only ones in the house then. She made me hide under the bed-it was such a small place but I had no other choice. Aslam I watched as they killed my mother and I couldn't do a thing about it. I know they are bandits but they were dressed like soldiers..." Her voice became shaky, as the tears she held in cascaded down her face.
That was it, Aslam thought. That must be why she hates them-or at least seeing them.
Without thinking twice, he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her to him; hiding her face in his torso and he held her securely. "It's okay" He mumbled, his palm rubbing soothing circles on her back. "You don't have to talk about it..."
She shook her head, her breathing ragged. "No" She sniffed, "I need to say it to get it off my mind" Even as she said that, she still wrapped her arm around him, holding him as if her life depended on it. Never had she told anyone what happened to her mother-not even her adoptive parents. But she wanted to tell him, she needs to get it off her chest. "...I couldn't do a thing to save her but lay in that cramped up space, crying while she laid lifeless. I couldn't even leave the place in fear that they would come back and kill me too. I was such a coward; I should've just gone out-they should've killed me with her!"
"Hey" He called out softly, wanting to stop her from saying things like that. "Don't say stuff like that, okay? Your mother wanted you to live, that's why she protected you" Despite not having a mother that picture perfect in his case, he knew there are good mothers out there-lots of them and Aisha's birth mother is one of them. "Because you stayed alive, Abba and Mommy experienced what it's like to be parents, and look at me, I have you as my wife. Don't ever think for one minute that you should've died. You're alive for a reason"
"But I still should've tried to save her--"
"And get yourself killed too? She didn't want that for you. She knew what she was doing when she had you hide"
Aisha knew he's right, but her mind was too clouded by negative thoughts. Nonetheless, she quietly sobbed in his arms, and he held her while she did so not complaining one bit or judging her for her.
When her sobs died down, she was still a sniffing mess. But she forced to herself, wanting to reach the end of the story so they could start a new one. "Mommy and Abba decided to adopt me when they realized I was all alone, and there was no one to take care of me. They went through all necessary steps needed before taking me with them. The first few months were hard, but I slowly came out of the shell I had myself in because they have been nothing but understanding and kind. They didn't force me to tell them what happened to me, or make me do anything I didn't want to. I don't even want to think about my life would've turned out to be without them. I can't ever repay them for what they did to me"
"You don't have to pay them. Look at the woman you turned out to be-I'm glad that was enough for them. They're proud of who you are, everyone can see that" He said comfortingly, leaning down to kiss her temple. "And I am proud of the woman you've grown to be. I wouldn't ask for anyone else. If I'm given a chance to choose again, I'll still choose the girl who laughed at me when I got dumped the first time in my life--"
"How many times did you get dumped afterwards?"
He looked down to meet her eyes, slightly quirking a brow. "-seriously? You want to talk about that, now?" How she transitioned from something bawling her eyes out to a woman who wants to know how many times he has been dumped took him by surprise.
She shrugged, laying her head back on his torso-his strong heartbeat reaching her ears and weirdly enough, she found comfort in that. "Doesn't matter. I should thank them, since I have you here with me because of that"
He chuckled, pulling her even closer to him to eliminate the little space separating them. Resting his head on top of hers, he ran one of his hands on her arm in an up and down motion, comfortingly. "Don't worry you pretty head about it. We're here, aren't we? We're meant to be"
She couldn't argue with that. "Separated for over a decade, and yet, we still met again and got married" She sighed deeply, sniffing away the last bit of tears. "I guess we really are meant to be" She murmured, her lips curled upwards into a warm smile as she flickered her eyes close to relish the moment.
Aslam bright his thumb and index finger to hold her chin, raising her head up so he can look into her eyes. "We'll stay together forever, right?" He asked, his voice low.
Aisha blinked, swallowing thickly as her heart beat wildly against her ribcage. Her face was so close to his, the closest it has ever been that she could feel his warm breath against her and vice versa. She never thought it's actually possible to get lost in someone's eyes, but with him, everything looks possible. She nodded, "Forever" She whispered back.
Smiling, his hand that held her chin moved to the side of her face, caressing it softly. His eyes flickered from her eyes, to her lips-repeatedly. He swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing; an action that didn't go unnoticed by Aisha who could swear her breath hitched at the moment. He leaned forward slightly, his lips brushing hers, "Can I?" He asked, his voice so low she barely caught it.
He didn't need to elaborate; she knew what he meant. She couldn't even bring herself to say anything-suddenly, she was so aware of his hand on the side of her face, and his presence entirely. Blowing out a small breath, she nodded.
He pressed his lips on her lightly, his other hand wrapping tightly around her as he pulled her impossibly close to him. Somehow, her hands found their ways upwards, resting on the back of his neck as she caved in. Eyes closed, breath mingled and love blooming-it was the first for both of them, and she couldn't ask for anything more.
She was in his arms, loved and that was more than enough for her.
Aisha and Aslam KEEP IT PG-
*Remembers I'm actually an 'adult'*
*Clears throat*
Um...toh jama'a this is all you are getting out of me.
*Carries my slippers and leave the house quietly with my konhuta because ehm*
One chapter guys, one chapter left kawai! Oh my God it's actually haffining. *sniffs*
Su Jannah da Abdallah Allah yayi. Toh Masha Allah.
Love, Jannah.
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