47; Amor Joven.
Amor joven=young love.
10k words people. Yes, it's that long.
Chapter playlist: -We'll be fine by Luz;
-Is it Just Me? By Emily Burns ft. JP Cooper;
-Lo Vas A Olvidar by Billie Eilish & Rosalia.
"Alex, really?" Aslam swiveled his head around to look at the man sitting beside him on the couch, a brow quirked slightly in way that goes along well with his question.
The action only made the man chuckle—it was their thing. Aslam would always question his choice of character, and he in return, would chuckle as a response which only annoyed the former.
Scoffing slightly, Aslam turned his head around, "Seriously, Salim. You'd need to start picking a new character soon" He said, as he chose the character he wanted to use for the video game they are about to start.
Yes, Alex is the name of a video game character that Salim is obsessed with—much to everyone's dismay since he wouldn't shut up about. If they would play that game a thousand times, he would pick this 'Alex' character over and over again.
"Alex is undefeatable" Salim stated, like it's the most obvious thing ever and much to Aslam's dismay, he clicked on the character that looks like one straight out of the ancient days.
Aslam hummed, one that shows disbelief.
"Tell me, when have you ever defeated Alex? Huh?" Salim threw him a look, daring him to claim otherwise.
Aslam kept his lips shut. The man is right, they had never defeated him. But in his defense, it's simply because Salim is a good player and not because of the character he uses. He tried to use this Alex guy once, and he flopped.
"See" Salim grinned, glad he got his point across. "You can't defeat me as long as I'm Alex. We're practically shadows since you can't see us coming" Another effect that comes with the character. He had this ability to shield himself so he won't be seen. But it only lasts for a few seconds but Salim thinks highly of it.
"Whatever" Aslam muttered, and then then the two went on to play the game.
While doing that, Haroon came into the room again, only to find Aslam groaning after having lost the game to Salim yet again. And if it isn't enough, the latter is celebrating his victory much to Aslam's despair. Sometimes Salim acts more like a child to be honest, despite being the oldest amongst the three.
"Yo, Aslam. You still haven't told us what happened with Muneera?" Haroon inquired, as he took a seat on one of the sofas in the living room. They are all currently in the Badaru residence—where Haroon and Salim's grandparents live. The three can't exactly hang out in Aslam's place or at Haroon's place because of issues they were too young to understand. Of course, the two—Aslam and Haroon—can hang out together, just not with Salim. If they want to hang out with him, Aslam in precisely, had to sneak to the eldest Badaru's residence where Salim resides.
He didn't mind though, as long as he doesn't get caught because then he gets to spend time with his two closest friends. He came to know Salim since he's Haroon's cousin. Considering Haroon and Aslam have been friends for the longest time—their families know each other and have a good relationship which simply rubbed off on them even more since they attend the same school.
Salim, albeit no longer attends the same school as them considering he has already graduated, still was a good friend of theirs despite the two years' age difference. He wasn't one to keep friends, he couldn't make them even if he wants to so those two are all he has.
It was simply the three of them. Aslam, Haroon and Salim.
Aslam groaned again not really wanting to talk about how he was rejected. "Don't bring that up please" He muttered, shaking his head as he dropped the game pad aside.
"Now I definitely want to hear" That was Salim, as jovial as ever. Amongst the three of them, he's also the jovial one. It was hard not to like him. He didn't have any problems and gets along with people well—he treated everyone the right way, even those that did him wrong.
He wasn't one to hold grudges. And whenever there's a misunderstanding between the three of them, he was always the first to settle it. He would apologize, even if he isn't at fault—which he isn't on almost all cases. Even if Haroon and Aslam fall apart, he brings them back together.
In times they need a good friend, he's the one. When they need a support system, he's their guy. And when they need an elder brother, a serious one, he's also the one.
"Yeah" Haroon chuckled, in agreement to what Salim said. "Tell us, what happened?" He has a feeling it didn't go well, but he still wanted to hear it to make fun of Aslam, and at the same time, console him.
Aslam hissed lightly, burying his face in between his palms. He didn't want to tell them, knowing they'll make fun of him before anything else. What's worse is he didn't even want to propose to the girl—it isn't his thing. Even if he has a crush on a girl, he keeps it to himself till the feelings disappear no matter how strong the feelings are. It was a bad trait of his.
He discards it knowing it'll only last for so long.
Quite unfortunately, this time, he allowed himself to be swayed by Haroon who gave him all sorts of advice on how to woo the girl. And for a moment, Aslam took Haroon's words for it because between them, he's the popular one while Aslam is the nerd that has his nose buried in his books all the time.
Despite being popular though, Haroon was single like a pringle. In his words, 'The coach doesn't play'
In other words, it was simply the blind leading another blind one.
Salim didn't say a word while Haroon brainwashed Aslam into expressing his feelings. He wanted to see how it'll play out to be knowing it'll be one interesting show. He was curious to see if Aslam could actually do it and break out of his shell or not.
Much to his despair, Aslam ended up telling them what happened—leaving out the part where a younger girl overheard the whole rejected and even laughed at him to how he ended up helping her prepare for the test.
By the time he was done, both men were laughing at him just as he expected. And he was simply sulking because there's nothing else for him to do.
"Wait? She rejected you and your roses?" Haroon asked, for the nth time. "She doesn't know how you stole them from your grandfather's garden just so you could give it to her" He laughed out loud.
Aslam glared at him, "I didn't steal it" Technically, he did. His father cares a great deal about that garden of his. He doesn't like anyone going even near it. Yet somehow, Aslam managed to sneak in there and pluck his precious white roses. Had it been he got caught, it would've been over for him.
"I can't believe he rejected you simply because she thinks you're poor" Salim lamented, when he was done with his own share of laughter.
Aslam shrugged, sinking back in his seat. That didn't really bother him. He meant it when he told her money isn't a problem. He doesn't even see what money has to do with this to be honest.
"If she knows that your paternal grandfather is the founder and Chairman of HGH, while your maternal grandfather is the Tahir Kashim, she wouldn't have said that" Haroon commented, stating the obvious. Although HGH then wasn't the best, it was still a fast growing hospital then while Tahir Kashim was then seen as one of the biggest business moguls in the North. "Let's not forget, your father is a high ranking military officer" Poor she said? Haroon doubts Aslam could be termed under that if not now, ever.
Aslam threw him a look, "That's their money. Not mine" He then shook his head, whilst crossing his arms. He meant what he said. He never understood why people would claim their parents' riches when it isn't theirs.
"Still, you aren't poor" This time around, it was Salim that piqued in, trying to offer Aslam comfort in any form he can. "And besides, don't let she said bother you. If anything, it says something about the kind of person she is. If it makes you feel any better, I think she's simply being a bitch"
Aslam looked up to throw Salim a glance, his lips stretching upwards in amusement. That was what Aisha said too. He didn't see it before, but now that he heard Salim voice it out, he and the girl seems to have certain things in common. And weirdly enough, the thought of her made him happy—it lifted his mood.
"Forget her, she's not worth your time" Haroon threw in his input, like the supportive friend he is. "It's her loss anyway"
"Haroon's right. One day, you'll meet a woman that will truly appreciate you no questions asked. So, forget about her kawai" Salim extended his hand out to pat Aslam's shoulder as he offered him a warm smile.
Aslam flashed him a smile of his, "Thanks, man"
"And if you don't find a woman that likes you eventually, zamu kaika masallaci sadaka" Haroon added, his lips stretching into a wide grin as he wiggled his brows.
A pillow was thrown at him, and because he didn't expect it, it smacked him right across his face. "Hey!"
"Keep making jokes like that and we'll see whether he'll be the one zamu bada sadaka or if it'll be you" Salim threatened, protecting Aslam as always. Sometimes, Haroon complains that he always takes Aslam's side, supporting or protecting him more than he does for him. They all know it's simply jokes though because he looks after them both equally like a brother.
He's the elder brother they both don't have.
Aslam chuckled when Haroon began to mumble complaints. His eyes darted to his wrist watch, only to see the time has gone by pretty fast. "Shit!" He cursed, quickly getting off the sofa as he reached out to pick his school bag.
"What's wrong?" Salim inquired, his brows drawn in concern.
"I'm late. Mama will soon start looking for me" Aslam replied, while hastily checking his bag to make sure everything he has is in there. "I'll see yall tomorrow. Bye!" He quickly offered them a wave, and in a flash, he was gone.
"Where have you been?" Hajiya Babba's cold voice came, the minute Aslam stepped his foot in the living room of Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed residence in Kaduna. He was there for work, and because his first wife hails from there, she had been residing there since they got married while his second wife stays in Abuja.
Aslam flinched, clenching his eyes shut knowing he's busted. After a few seconds, he shook his head and instead chose to answer her. Before then, he walked further into the living room, reaching where she sat. "Ina wuni, Mama" He greeted, offering her a small smile though his heart was beating loudly against his ribcage.
Hajiya Babba spared him her famous glares, the one that always scared him to the core. "Where have you been?" She repeated each word slowly, so he would know she isn't playing around.
Aslam blinked repeatedly, avoiding her gaze. He honestly didn't want to lie to her, he couldn't. "I was with Haroon" Technically, that wasn't a lie. He only gave her half the truth hoping he'll let go of it as that.
He should've known she wouldn't. "Just, Haroon?" She inquired further, pinning him down with her cold glare. She has no problem with him being with Haroon, but she knows he was with another man she wants him nowhere near.
Swallowing thickly, he wished he could disappear from there. He couldn't handle the pressure of being put under the spot light by her. Knowing her, she wouldn't allow him be till she gets her answers, and him doing that will earn him a round of scolding he wasn't prepared for.
"Answer me, Aslam!" She rose her voice, making him flinch slightly.
Eighteen years. He's eighteen years old and he still can't get used to her temper—something she seems to permanently have these days. Darting his tongue out to wet his chapped lips, he decided to just answer and get this over and done with. "I was with Salim too"
"What?" She asked, her voice dropping as if she couldn't believe him. Slowly getting up from her seat, she took tentative steps towards him till she was standing in front of him, and then she yelled; "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT BOY?!"
Aslam flinched again from how loud her tone was. He never liked it when someone yells, and as such, tends to avoid doing that too. But his mother loves to yell, especially when it comes to Salim which he doesn't get.
"Aslam" She called out, her breathing ragged. "Do you enjoy seeing me riled up?"
He shook his head, "No, Mama"
"No but of course you do" This time around, she was the one that shook her head slowly. "You enjoy seeing me all riled up else you would adhere when I tell you to stay away from that boy. WHAT PART OF THAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? ANSWER ME!"
Aslam hung his head low. He had never, not once spoken back to her before and he was hoping to never to do. But he has questions, ones that he's sure she wouldn't want to answer either but he was curious.
Swallowing thickly, he decided to just ask and get it over and done with. He looked up slowly, to meet her eyes. "Why?" He asked, his voice low. "Why don't you like Salim? What has he ever done to you?" If other people hate Salim, especially people around his age he can understand why and discard it as teenagers not understanding how life truly is.
But she is an adult. He doesn't understand why she and the other adults all seem to hate the young man for something he has no control over.
Salim's father, who happens to be Haroon's uncle went abroad to study. However, he came back home with a son not long after leaving. Normally, it's the women that return with a child but in his case, he was the one who returned with a child.
When asked, he told his family that he got married while he was there—without anyone's knowledge which was wrong of him—but he and the wife went their separate way and she left him alone with the child. He refused to reveal her name, or say anything about her.
Of course, his family didn't buy that. Instead, they believed he had a child out of wedlock, and as such, shun him away. The Badarus were the type that cared about their image a lot—considering Salim and Haroon's grandfather was a Chief Judge then. What would people say when they found out his son came back home with an illegitimate child?
People talked of course, and more rumors were spread about the child who had no fault in this.
To lessen some of it, they cut of all ties with Salim's father whom eventually dropped out of school—having no one to sponsor him and all. His siblings refused to accept the child leaving his parents who knew the child has no fault in all that has happened to care for him and raise him.
Despite all that, Salim still grew up to be a responsible young man. However, even after years has passed, the story behind his birth was still widely known in the area, hence why kids his age tended to avoid him and treat him as an outcast.
The only ones that had no problems with him were Haroon and Aslam—which is why he held them dear to him. They were true friends to him with no questions asked.
What Aslam didn't understand was why for as long as he'd known Salim, his mother didn't like the young man. Shouldn't she be an adult and know the child has no fault in whatever his parents did.
Hajiya Babba blinked, scared that for a second Aslam would see past her. She knows her son is smart, and one of her biggest fears was for him and his father to find out what she had sworn to take to her grave—assuming her father would keep his lips shut. Knowing him, it wouldn't do him any good it gets out too so she's safe. She's sure Salim's father wouldn't speak a word too.
Realizing Aslam was still standing there, waiting for her to answer had her swallowing thickly. She quickly masked her fear and put on her famous 'don't-mess-with-me' face. "Are you questioning me, Aslam?!"
Aslam recoiled, shaking his head. "No, Mama. I was simply asking--"
"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" She yelled, cutting him off. "GET OUT!"
He stared at her for a while, before he turned around and left quietly.
It was always like that—all the time. Whenever the topic of Salim comes up, this was her exact reaction. She evades it at all cost. But even she knew not all secrets remain hidden forever.
The truth always prevails one way or another—and she feared the day that will happen.
Gathering her books in her hand, she stretched her hand out to fix her bag that she had slung over her shoulder. Once it was in place, she tilted her hands to avoid having the books slip. "Almost there...almost" She muttered to herself, eyes fixated on the books as she slowly walked to reach her destination. "Almo—urgh!"
Her books slipped out of her hand, falling on the ground as she ran into someone. Her eyes widened instantly, as she crouched low to pick them just in time to see someone doing the same. Extending her hand out to pick them up, a hand reached out to help her do so. "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking--"
"Mea culpa"
"Huh?" She looked up, her words getting caught in her throat as she stared into the eyes of the stranger she had run into. She blinked repeatedly, her breath hitching as her eyes slowly took his features—from the obsidian orbs, to the long lashes that frame them down to the slender nose—probably the slenderest she had ever seen in her life down to the lips that were stretched into a small smile.
Mea culpa? She thought.
What is that?
Her English is pretty good, but she had never heard that before. Is it a compliment of some sort? A compliment from this handsome man?
As if realizing her current situation, she blushed and quickly looked down hastily picking up the remaining books on the ground along with the one he helped her pick up. As she unfolded to her standing self, he did the same. Yet again, she fixed her back pack, "I'm really sorry. I wasn't looking at where I was heading" She mumbled an apology, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage as she looked up to steal a glance at him, only to find him offering her a small smile.
Both now caught staring at each other, they both looked away, blushing slightly.
Just like her, he was mesmerized by her to be honest that for a moment, he forgot to lower his gaze. Now that he had though, he has remembered though, he would do well to keep it lowered. What he would give to look at her again though.
"I-It's my fault" He cleared his throat, realizing how he must've sounded. "I'm sorry about that"
She swallowed, drifting her eyes around to see she'd arrived home. They were both currently standing outside the gate. She knew she was almost there but apparently, she's there already.
"I'm Salim" He didn't know why he told her that. Normally, he would keep to himself but he couldn't help it. "Can I know your name, if you don't mind?" Salim why would you say that? He cursed himself internally. What if she thinks you're one of those men that chase after women? He questioned again, his eyes still looking anywhere but her.
"I'm Aisha" She surprised him by answering. But truth be told, normally she wouldn't even mind answering men that ask her that because they are all alike. However, despite not looking at him, she could tell his eyes weren't on her which made her feel comfortable enough to tell him. "It's nice to meet you, Salim"
Someone clearing their throat gained their attention, making them look in the direction to see who it was. Aisha's eyes widened slightly seeing her father there. Licking her lower lip, she hastily bid Salim farewell and went inside avoiding her father's gaze. Normally, he isn't the stern parent but it just felt awkward to have him see her in that position.
However, even as she went inside and made a beeline to her room, she couldn't help but wonder about the guy she just met. She had never seen him around before and she would be lying if she said she wasn't curious to know more about him.
Turns out, Salim was at her house for an errand his grandfather sent him to her father. She had seen him a few times after that at her house, for more 'errands'. She didn't mind, because they always exchange a few words whenever he's around till the day her father came and told her that Salim had expressed his intentions towards her.
She liked Salim. He was nice, religious and from what she could tell from a good family too. She wasn't one that talked to men. Sure, she was no longer the same Aisha she was three years ago. She had slowly learnt to interact with other and study more thanks to a certain someone.
Her Romeo.
She liked him, but as she grew up, she discarded it as a silly thought. Besides, she had only known him for a few weeks considering that was his final term in the school. He wrote his Waec and moved away for university to where she doesn't know.
After helping her with her test which she got a pretty score that, that spot she always went to became 'their' spot. She was upset at first, because she enjoyed being there alone. However, it was like one outcast met another, and slowly, she learnt to love his presence there.
It was nice to have someone to look forward to during break times—someone that passes as her lesson teacher too because she made sure he taught her almost all the stuff she didn't understand there.
She admired him. She admired how he was as a person and she especially admired how smart her was. It was like he knew everything. At a point, she once asked him what he wanted to become in the future and he answered that he wanted to be a doctor. In response, she said;
"I want to become a doctor too then" He was more like a role model to her. Sure, he isn't the most interactive person because if he was, he wouldn't be there with her. However, she liked how he's smart. She wanted to be like that. She wanted to be like Romeo.
"Really?" He gave her a look that shows he didn't believe her. It wasn't because he thought she isn't smart. No. On the contrary, he came to learn she's pretty smart, she just needs a little push and she tends to give up easily.
With that attitude, he doubts she can take on a course like Medicine.
"You don't believe me?" She asked, feigning being offended.
His eyes widened, scared he actually offended her, "No" He was quick to shake his head.
"No, that's not what I mean. Seriously, you can be a doctor if you want" He still didn't seem sure.
Narrowing her eyes at him, she scoffed. "I'll become a doctor one day. You'll see!"
The last time she saw him was before he started his Waec exams. They promised to meet before he leaves but they never got the chance to do so. Her only regrets were not knowing his real name and saying good bye to him. She simply held unto knowing him as 'Muhammad' not knowing that's actually his surname.
Aslam on the other hand regretted not getting the chance to say farewell to her before he moved to Egypt for university. He knew he liked her, how could he not? She has this aura around her that was impossible to not like. But, as always, he dismissed it as something that will come to pass. As such, he never told Haroon or Salim about her though Haroon suspects he was seeing some girl before he left. He didn't find it suspicious that he doesn't see the guy during break times because Aslam was the type to disappear to somewhere quiet to study.
Fast forward to three years later, Aisha was undoubtedly one of the top five students in her set. She was serious when she said she wants to be a doctor. She worked harder than she did back then, because despite having it in the back of her mind that she will never see him again, she still wanted to hold up her word with the hope that she will make him proud.
She was writing her Waec when Salim expressed his intentions towards her to her father and his grandparents. Since they knew her father, and believed she comes from a good family, they didn't have a problem with it. Besides, they believed if he wants to get married, then they will allow him to do to avoid his father's story repeating itself even though it's very different.
By then, Salim was already done with Police Academy and was serving. His intention was to become a police officer—it was a dream of his that rubbed off on Haroon because he admired Salim too as an elder brother.
Aisha never thought of getting married that early, but the more she gets to know Salim, the more she was sure of her decision. So, she gave her consent and her wedding was set after she was done with secondary school with the condition that he would allow her to continue studying even after marriage. He agreed and the marriage talk was finalized.
Aisha was happy. She genuinely was because she loved him—a bit more than she realized.
But she was getting married to the love of her life. What more could she want? Everything was going so well for her.
"That lousy reporter, Mukhtar Bature is getting on my nerves!" Tahir Kashim complained, throwing away the newspaper he was reading. His hands were clenched by his side and he turned around to settle his narrowed glare on the woman standing behind him, her head downcast. "What the hell were you doing while he was gathering that report about us? Huh?"
Hajiya Babba swallowed thickly, shaking slightly. Her father has a bad temper, something she definitely inherited. But it wasn't the only thing she inherited from him, she inherited his bitterness too much to her despair. "I didn't know--"
"YOU DIDN'T KNOW?" He cut her off, screaming at the top of his lungs. "Then why the hell did I leave you in charge of certain things regarding the business huh? What the hell were you doing all this while?!" He was already stressed enough knowing he might lose his business, and this lousy reporter just had to add to it by publishing criticizing articles about him and his business along with the 'illegal' stuff he was doing.
Truth be told, everything the man wrote is nothing but the absolute truth. He was simply exposing the bad deeds that Tahir Kashim is doing using his business especially regarding the things he's doing to save his business. He's there ruining people's lives simply to save his life—most his employees are suffering because he's trying to save himself and his business.
It would be much better for everyone if the business falls to be honest.
But is he willing to accept? No. Instead, he's taking it out on his only daughter who has always been his figurative punching bag when all she's done her whole life was to try and please him—except for that one mistake she did.
"—You know what? It's my fault for giving such an important task to a woman" He hissed. And that's another problem of his, he believes female children could never measure up to male children, and as such, never fails to show her that.
Hajiya Babba's heart clench. She knew she should've been used to hearing such words from him after having to grow up hearing them but she hasn't, and will probably never too. Nonetheless, she swallowed what she felt and was quick to respond. "I'm sorry, Baba. I'll try to get to the root of this, I promise" And yet again, as always, she's there trying to gain his approval—something she has craved her entire life.
She was always at his beck and call. If he asks her to bark, she would do just that. If he asks her to fall, she'll ask how high. Whatever he says, goes for her. When he asked her to marry Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed because he's a high ranking soldier and comes from an influential family, she did just that—leaving the man she originally married behind his back.
Technically, it wasn't behind his back since he was well aware—even though he pretended to not know.
He wanted to see how far she'll go, until he got sick of it and had her leave the man and her son.
"You won't 'try' to fix this, you will fix it. Kina jina?"
Like the obedient daughter she is, she nodded. "Yes, Baba. I will fix it"
"Good" His shoulders slumped only slightly—it was barely visible. Calming himself down, he then said what's on his mind. "I heard that bastard son of yours is getting married to Mukhtar Bature's daughter" He told her that he will never accept that boy as his grandchild, and he wouldn't do that.
Her eyes widened. Of course she knew. She still keeps tabs on the boy. She has in inkling what her father would insinuate, but she was hoping he wouldn't.
And he did. "Find a way to use him and get rid of that man, Mukhtar Bature. I don't care how, make sure he stops messing with us!"
Hajiya Babba took in a deep breath, her eyes widening even more.
"Yes" She answered hastily, her body shaking slightly. "Yes, I will handle this. I promise" And that was what she did, even though she didn't want to. But her father asked, and as usual, she would oblige no questions asked.
"What are you doing here?" Hajiya Babba asked, raising her chin up slightly as she stared down at the boy that showed up in her house of the blue. Her cold eyes were narrowed at him and it was taking everything in her to not chase him out. "Who let you in?!"
Salim swallowed thickly, blowing out a shaky breath. He had never been in this woman's presence before, and he had never seen her eye-to-eye other than in pictures on Aslam's phone. He doesn't think he would've ever gotten to see her too if not for his current predicament. But he has to admit, she sure is intimidating. "I'm sorry for coming unannounced. I know it's not okay--"
"If you knew that then why are you here?" It was taking so much in her to not storm out and scold the guards that allowed him in. Under what circumstance did they dare let him in?
Salim blinked. Yup, this woman truly is intimidating. The way she's pinning him with his gaze is making him want to run for his life. But held himself back, reminding himself of the reason why he's there. "I'm really sorry, ma'am. I just..." He paused, taking in a deep breath. "...I need help, please"
"Help?" She quirked a brow, her expression hardening. "Since when did I become a charity case? Who told you--"
"My father" He cut her off, his eyes slowly welling up. "My father is sick. He has cancer and I need money for his surgery" He wouldn't have been there if it wasn't for his father. If there was any other choice, he wouldn't be there. He had pleaded his grandparents, and his father's siblings but none of them were willing to help.
They all thought the old man was lying about his sickness to extort money out of his poor son who would always do his bidding. But he truly was sick, and there was no one to help him.
Hajiya Babba took in a sharp breath at the mention of his father. Admittedly, she felt something but she masked it away. She shouldn't care. And she won't. On that note, why is the boy there asking her to help his father? Does he know. "If you want to extort money from someone, find another person stupid enough"
"No, please. Please, ma'am, I'm begging you" Salim never thought he would find himself in this woman's presence for something like this. He was a man that would work hard no matter what but he doesn't have the time to work and earn that kind of money alone. She's his only hope.
She didn't budge. "Get out of my house"
Salim took in a sharp breath, his eyes red with unshed tears. He would kneel if he has to. If he has to beg her on his knees, holding her feet then he would. His father despite being ousted by his family was still a good father to him. He still cared for him as a father and a mother despite his parents doing that job well. His father still means a lot to him, he would do anything for the man.
With that thought in mind, he found himself on his knees—barely able to hold back his tears. "Ma'am, please, I'm begging you. Dan Allah, help me just this once. I promise, I'll never cross your path ever again. I—I, I would pretend I don't know anything and be as far away from you as possible--"
"What do you mean you'll pretend you don't know anything?" She cut him off, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage. She was hoping he wasn't talking about what's on her mind. She was desperately hoping for that.
Salim swallowed thickly, his red eyes meeting his birth mother's. Yes, he knows. His father told him in case he dies. He didn't tell him so he could come to her and ask for help. He just wanted him to know his real mother at the very least. Taking in a sharp breath, he answered her—his voice nothing but a mere whisper. "I know" He said, watching her eyes widen. "My father told me"
For a moment, she was taken aback as she felt everything crashing on her. He knows. She knew he wasn't lying from the way he was looking at her. But, she didn't want that. She doesn't want him to know, ever. It will only complicate her life. After a while of simply thinking about what could go wrong, she masked her expression and put on a blind one. "Did he send you here to get money from me?" She asked in an accusing tone.
"No" He was quick to respond. "I swear, no. I came here on my own accord because I want to save him. Please, I'm only asking for help this one time. He's all I have"
She didn't let herself be swayed, or at least, she didn't show it. Instead, she put on her famous RBF face. "Listen to me and listen well..." She started, her voice stern. "...I will help you just this once" She stated through gritted teeth.
Relief instantly filled up Salim's being, his eyes welling up with unshed tears yet again. "Thank you. Thank you so much--"
"On one condition" She has a problem that includes him. There's no way she'll let the opportunity pass her. She'll instead kill two birds with one stone. "I heard you're getting married in a week, am I right?"
Confused, Salim found himself nodding, whilst wondering why she would possibly ask that. "Yes..."
The corner of her lips quirked up into a small smirk. "It won't take place" She stated.
"You heard me right. This is what I want you to do...." And then she stated her only condition for her to help him save his father. Of course, he rejected it instantly and in return, she refused to offer help to him.
He only had one choice here. Give up his marriage and help her get rid of her problem and save his dad, or do as he wants and lose the one person he loves the most in the world.
Because she was feeling 'nice', she gave him twenty-four hours to make a decision before she send him away already certain of the choice he'll make. If he came all the way there to ask for help, there's no way he wouldn't take up her offer.
In the process, she'll be getting rid of him and her problem with her father. The thought had her smirking then.
Unbeknownst to her, Aslam who came back home for holidays heard everything she said and plotted—planting the seeds of his decade long feud with her.
"What the hell are you planning with Mama?" Aslam asked, the minute he stormed into Salim's home. He had been looking for the man for days, and quite unfortunately, any time he comes around, Salim wasn't around—until this time when there's only a day left to the 'wedding'.
He knows who Salim would marry, truth be told that's one of the reason he returned home—for the wedding. He still feels something for her, but he dismissed it as something he'll forget once he sees she's married to Salim—a man he admired his entire life.
Besides, if she would marry him then it's obviously because she likes him, and he likes her. Or at least, liked, because if he does what Hajiya Babba asked of him, then it's obvious he doesn't love.
Aslam didn't hold back the fact that he knew, and has feelings for her just so he can sit back and watch his own mother and a man he considers a brother ruin her life because of some stupid business that will fall sooner or later.
Haroon who was there with Salim was quick to get on his feet, rushing over to place a hand on Aslam's shoulder to stop him. "Hold up! What are you talking about?" He doesn't know what's going on, but it's obvious Aslam is upset and the man is normally one that keeps his anger in check—there have only been a few times when Haroon has seen his lose it, and it seems at the moment he will lose it too.
But what could be the reason?
Salim never did anything that will make him act that way. If anything, he was always the one that calmed him down.
Salim who was sitting on a couch before Aslam came, with his face buried in between his palms looked up—his eyes widening slightly. He wants to believe Aslam isn't talking about what has been bothering him, but for him to have mentioned his mother—their mother, means he truly does know. But how?
Nonetheless, he wanted to feign ignorance. So, he swallowed thickly and shook his head as he stood up. "Aslam...what are you talking about?" He was more scared of Aslam finding out the true relation between him and his mother. But as far as he remembers, he didn't say it though he did insinuate there was something.
Aslam couldn't possibly know from that too, right?
Luckily, he didn't. Aslam couldn't and never imagined that in his wildest thought. "How could you, Salim?" He inquired, his brows drawn in and lips parted as he shook his head in disbelief. "If you wanted help, tell me, I can always ask Baba for help and I'm sure he would help you. If Mama has something against you, tell me, I would still try and help you. But for you to allow yourself to do her bidding?! SERIOUSLY?!" Aslam was hurt his mother could do something this malicious, he was upset she dragged Salim into this and was using his current situation against him. He was upset she plans to ruin the life of the woman he cares about simply because her father feels threatened. He was upset Salim could even think of accepting something like that.
He wanted to understand where Salim is coming from, but still...
"Hey, wait. What's going on?" Haroon asked with confusion marring his features. He knew Salim needed help to save his father, even he tried to talk his parents into offering him but they dismissed him claiming the man is only lying. They assumed he's feigning it since he has no one to support him, and was basically living a lone life.
Salim flickered his eyes shut, shaking his head in the process. "Aslam, you don't know what you're talking about..." He couldn't ask him or his father for help. How could he?
Aslam took in a deep breath, to calm himself down so as to not act irrationally. He was conflicted and hurt. There were too many emotions swirling through his head that nothing felt right to him.
He couldn't exactly go to Aisha's family and warn them. One, they wouldn't believe him and it'll be pointless even if they know—it still will happen. If his mother and grandfather intend to do something to them, only God can save them because those two combined are like the devil as a whole.
The only thing he can is to try and convince one of them to not do it. And the first person he had hope in was Salim because he's a much better person than Hajiya Babba and her father.
"Salim, please, don't do this. Think of Aisha, think of her family—they are innocent!"
"My father is innocent too, Aslam!" Salim snapped at Aslam for the first time in his life, "I don't have a choice here"
"Yes, you do"
"No, I don't!"
Aslam stared at Salim for a while, before he shook his head. Shrugging a very confused Haroon's arm off his shoulder, he turned around and left knowing trying to convince him more will be pointless. Salim wouldn't budge because he cares for his father too much—Aslam could understand that and at the same time, he couldn't help but detest him for it.
Nonetheless, he still had hope in saving both Aisha, her family and Salim. Which was why he decided to go to his grandfather's house after that and plead with him to stop his daughter. But it was pointless. There wasn't a kind of pleading that Aslam didn't do.
He even cried his eyeballs out at one point, promising Tahir Kashim that he will do whatever he wants as he has always done as long as he'll stop his mother from doing something that horrendous. He went on his knees, pleading like someone who's about to lose his life because he truly doesn't know how he'll carry the guilt of knowing and not doing anything for Aisha and Salim.
It truly was pointless, because in response, Tahir Kashim called him a disappointment and threw him out of his house as if he wasn't his grandson. Hurt and upset, Aslam promised to never come to him again because he wouldn't ever want to be associated with a man like him.
And then he went to his mother, someone he knows will hard to convince. But he still had the tinniest bit of hope in her. Growing up, she was a good mother to him and his siblings—but she has changed.
Aslam wondered what went wrong—what happened to the mother he loved?
Deep down, he knew it has something to do with the influence of her father. But he was hoping she wasn't completely a lost cause.
She was.
There were no words Aslam didn't use, trying to change her mind but it was set to stone. If anything, she prohibited him from leaving the house and took away his phone in fear that he will ruin the wedding and the plan she has. The worst fact is his father was deployed to Maiduguri to fight off the Boko Haram people there, terrorizing the people there so her words were stone.
If she told the guards there to not let Aslam out of the house, there's absolutely no way he can leave. He can't even fight off one soldier, what more the lots that were there to guard the house.
All she wanted from doing that was to stop Aslam from ruining her chance of gaining her father's admiration—something she never, and will probably never get either. But because of that incident of hers, not only did she never get what she wanted from her father, it earned her a few bad years between her and her husband and the worst of all—a decade long feud with her son who never wanted to be associated with a person like her.
To him, she isn't the mother he grew up to know and loved. She has changed, and he wanted no part of the 'new' her. But aside from that, he carried the weight of not being able to stop her from ruining so many lives all these years.
He carried the guilt, when he has tried his possible best to prevent it from happening.
He still believed he didn't try his best though, and for that, he hated himself for a while too. ~*~
The sound of women yodeling filled up Malam Mukhtar's household.
Accompanying the sound was that of women's laughter and cheers—the air thick with the best bakhoor they could afford. Plates filled with rice was being passed around; courtesy of the money given to them by the Badarus. Given, Malam Mukhtar turned the money down but as always, Sakina, his wife; was quick to accept the money with open hands.
A group of ladies in their late teens walked pass the group of old women celebrating and dancing to the masu kidan kwarya. In their hands they held incense burners that had searing red coal in it. They planned on adding the incense when they reach the others.
The one in front pushed the door of their destination open, their gaze falling on that of their friends that surrounded the svelte figure on the bed. Her big, sequin covered veil remained on her shoulder, head tilted up to stare at her friends that she grew up with.
Her doe eyes widened; thick lips curling into a wide grin that revealed her teeth that had gaps in between them. Anyone could tell the amount of happiness she held in her from the look on her face.
Admittedly, she has flaws physically in the eyes of some people, others—herself included—believe that she's perfect for Allah created her that way. And Allah doesn't make mistakes. He wanted to see her that way and for that, she's beautiful just like everyone else.
Her friends reached her in no time, wasting no time to embrace the 17-year-old bride. After the hugs exchanged between the friends, they retrieved the bakhoor and placed it on the hot coal; all the while singing and teasing the new bride who couldn't wipe the grin on her face.
Amidst their conversations, the door knob twisted open and in stepped Sakina, the bride's mother all wrapped up in some Laffaya she bought with the money given to her by the Badarus.
One glance at her face had the smile on the bride's face faltering. Her mother's face didn't hold the same grin it had on thirty minutes ago when she stepped in to see her. At the moment, her face was blank as a canvas.
Sakina reached her hand out and held one of the friends by her arm. She then leaned down and whispered something to the girl. Whatever she said to the girl had her nodding, and the turning to the others. She urged them to follow her out and leave the two alone. Despite not knowing what it's about, the girls all left silently.
Once they were out, Malam Mukhtar stepped in.
The bride's eyes followed his movements. When he stepped beside her mother, she noticed the look on his face that was a huge contrast to that on her mother's face.
That look...it hunted her for years.
She could never forget that look.
"Aishatu..." He started, making her heart drop because it was tone she hadn't heard in nearly four years—not since the incident that happened them, the one that still gave her nightmares.
She shifted her gaze from him to Sakina—her step mother. The woman didn't have the same grim expression he did. Hers was blank, while his looks like something is definitely wrong.
Pushing herself to the edge of the bed, her lips slanted downwards into a deep frown. "Baba?" She called out, her brows drawn in. "Is something wrong? Did something happen?"
Malam Mukhtar Bature swallowed thickly, looking down for a brief moment as he thought of how to break the news to her. But he knew he has to do it one way or the other—she'll hear it eventually it's better for the news to come from him.
"Baba" She called out again, softly. "What's wrong"
"I'm sorry, Aishatu" Was all he could say.
That only made her frown deepen, and a crease to appear on her forehead. "W—why are you sorry? What's going on? Mama?" She turned to Sakina, "What is it? You two are scaring me"
"Aishatu your wedding has been called off" It was Sakina that broke the news to her. "That useless boy called off the wedding amidst the crowd that has gathered at the masjid and accused your father--"
"Sakina" Malam Mukhtar tried to stop her, but she didn't budge.
"—accused your father of murder! Can you imagine, Aisha? Kisa fa. He even had the police there and if that isn't enough, he threw out all sorts of stories about why he can't marry you furthermore. The guts of that bastard child!"
Aisha blinked, feeling her world crashing down on her. She could only focus on what her aunt said about her wedding called off and her father being framed for...murder?
That's impossible!
"W-what do you mean murder?" She stuttered out, her wide eyes moving from her father to her step mother—hoping they will tell her it's all some cruel joke.
Malam Mukhtar swallowed thickly, looking down for a brief moment before he met her eyes again. "Aisha, the police are outside. They will take me with them--"
"No!" They couldn't possibly believe her father did something that hideous, right? He's a good reporter, an honest one! There's no reason for him to do something like that. "They can't do that to you, right? T-they don't have any evidence to pin the blame on you. No, this has to be some sort of mistake" She shook her head in disbelief, refusing to accept that fact. Salim wouldn't do this to her, he loves her. "Let me speak to S-Salim, okay? I'm sure this is all a misunderstanding. We will talk it out and he will retract whatever statement he made--"
"Aishatu" Her father cut her off her rambling, looking oddly calm. "Aisha don't worry, okay? I have nothing to fear because I'm innocent, okay? Innocent people have nothing to fear" He wasn't worried because he knows he did nothing wrong.
The truth always prevails. Why should he be worried?
His only regret is having his daughter face this. Having her wedding called off and with this all, he knows it'll be too much for her to handle.
Aisha's lower lip wobbled, as she shook her head. She refuses to believe that too. She has a bad feeling about this all. "No, Baba..." She shook her head—she doesn't want to lose her father too. "I can't lose you, Baba. Not you too" She found it hard to move on after losing her mother, heck she still isn't over it. She can't lose her father too.
She wouldn't forgive herself if she does.
Malam Mukhtar Bature took a few steps closer to her and crouched in front of her, taking her hands in his. He offered her a warm smile, one that always brought her comfort but at the moment, it did anything but. "Listen to me, Aisha. Don't you trust your father, huh?"
She shook her head, "Of course, I do, Baba..."
"Then trust me when I say this will all be alright. Everything will be fine. My name will get cleared soon enough and we'll move on from this phase of ours"
He was wrong. His name didn't get cleared up. If anything, evidences that he knows are fabricated came up, indicting him. There was no way out for him. Why? He was on Tahir Kashim's raider and there was no way he would be escaping that no matter how many times he pleads not guilty.
"Here" Hajiya Babba extended her hand to hand over a card and a flight ticket to Salim the way he called off the wedding and accused the poor man for something he's completely innocent of. As per what she asked of him, he went to her house straight, avoiding his family who undoubtedly wanted to question his bizarre act—his phone had been blowing up so he had turn it off. "It's a card with the money I promised you and a one-way ticket to Medellin. I know that's where your father went off to hide"
Salim took it from her with shaky hands, blowing out a harsh breath. He was beating himself up for what he did, but he kept convincing himself that he did it to save his father. He was curious as to how she knew where his father is, considering no one knows but him but he discarded the thought. What matters is she kept her end of the deal, and that was it. "Thank you--"
"Don't thank me" She cut him off, her tone cold. "Take it, the flight leaves tonight. I'll have someone drop you off at the airport and that will be it. You aren't to ever step foot in Nigeria again, stay there or travel to other countries if you can, I don't care. But not here, never come back here" That was another condition she set. She wanted him as far away from her as possible—far away so her secret will never be revealed, and far away from her kids.
It's bad enough he is close to Aslam to the point the boy was willing to strain his relationship with her for him. She's glad the twins are in boarding school, so they don't really know him.
Nonetheless, she wanted to cut him off from her life completely—he and that girl Aisha. She doesn't know the girl, never seen her and has zero intentions of doing so. From the looks of it, her son—the one she actually recognizes, Aslam, seems to have feelings for her and she didn't want that.
Salim nodded solemnly. Leaving forever would be hard, but he promised to do and he will do just that. "Okay..." He breathed out, his heart clenching.
Hajiya Babba threw in a glance, crossing her arms over her torso as she looked away. "You can leave now"
"Can I ask you something, first?" He questioned hesitantly. "I would leave after this, I promise. I just...I need to ask"
She rolled her eyes, still refusing to look at him again. "What is it?"
"What have I ever done to you?" He asked, his voice low. He won't ask why she abandoned and chose to treat him this way. He will take whatever she throws at him. However, he'll need her to tell him what he has ever done to her to make her hate him this much.
Her heart clench, but she masked it off from showing on her face. She couldn't give him that answer even if she wants to because there was nothing to say. She could only bring herself to utter one word. "Leave" Her tone left no room for further questions.
He swallowed thickly and nodded slowly. It hurts, but what could he do. Turning around, he left the house with slumped shoulders.
That day he left Nigeria with the intention of never returning or keeping contact with anyone there. He wanted to focus on his father's recovery first, and then whatever will happen afterwards, they'd figure it out together.
But even after all the treatments, his father still died leaving him all alone in a foreign country with no way to fend for himself. He couldn't dare to call home and ask for help, not from his family or Hajiya Babba. He didn't have the face to do so. The money he has was completely spent too on his father's hospital expenses.
He had nothing, but regrets, and pain.
He hated everyone, and hated his life as well. He hated his existence—and for a moment, even resented his parents for bringing him into that world.
Throw in someone in his position in a place where one has to do whatever to survive, and he did just that.
He doesn't regret it either because otherwise, only God knows what would've happened to him.
Aisha's father on the other hand died of heart attack. He had too many problems looming over him, one of which was being unjustly framed for something he has no hand in, and how the society chose to mistreat his wife and daughter.
Before he died, he told Aisha this; "Aisha, grow up to be a good woman—one that your mother and I will be proud of. Don't let this world ruin you. There are bad days, but there are good ones as well. Don't let pain and anger stop you from being a good person. Hold onto your deen and always remember, Allah does not burden a soul with more than it could bear. And remember as well, that Prophet Muhammad SAW, said; whoever suffers from an injury and forgives the person responsible, Allah will raise his status to a higher degree and remove one of his sins. So, my dear, do not hold a grudge against anyone" And those were his final words to her.
Whilst holding her hands, he said the kalimatu shahada and took his last breath.
For the second time in her life, Aisha witnessed the death of another parent. First, it was mother and second, her father. That was something she never moved on from—it was the root of her nightmares—the death of both her parents.
Woah. That was both intense and hard for me to write tbh.
Couldn't write this chapter for a while because whenever I start, my brain automatically becomes blank. Had to tell myself, 'Firdausi, sit your butt down and write this because sooner or later, you'll have to. It's better to write and get it over and done with' And well, here I am at long last.
Now, personally, I would defend every character in this chapter Tahir Kashim—yes, I would even defend Hajiya Babba. However, I would let yall decide for them.
What do you think Hajiya Babba deserves? I mean, she did some pretty much up shittt. Who does that to their own child?
Aslam alwar zuciya, I'm sorry baby. I feel your pain fr.
Aishatu my love, I feel you. You have gone through a lot indeed.
Salim masoyi, take heart okay. You have suffered indeed too.
Tahir Kashim, kana nan da Kankan nan Kaman bokitin kauye, if I smash your head ehn! Mtsww. Nonsense and beans.
I know I know, there's still a few unanswered questions, you'll get your answers in the next chapter in shaa Allah.
Three chapters to go people! Yes, I'm ending it at fifty—would've been longer if I'd divided this chapter but I wanted to get it over and done with so...
Yeah, I'll be saying goodbye to my AA couple, and yall soon.
Have a good day.
Love, Jannah.
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