46; Romeo Meets Rose.


"THIS IS THE LAST chance I'm giving you. I'll let you retake the test tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?" The fourteen-year-old standing in front of her Mathematics teacher with red eyes slightly widened. Her face was a bit puffy due to the fact that she had been crying—the only reason the teacher is allowing her to retake the test she failed. He pitied her.

"Yes, tomorrow" He was already being nice enough by giving her a chance to retake it. He was that typical, strict, mathematics teacher. "You failed the first two tests too. It's enough that I'm allowing you to retake the third one you failed yet again" Honestly, he wasn't even sure if she would pass this one either, but he would at least give her the chance.

She's a good student—not the brightest in her class, but falls along the range of those that take 10-20th place out of thirty students in class. So, she wasn't that bad. Mathematics though had always been her weak spot. Passing it would be a miracle.

At this rate, unless she works really hard and gets a perfect score in exams, she's going to get an F or E, at most in the subject.

"B-but, tomorrow--"

"It's either tomorrow or nothing, Aisha" He snapped, using his stern voice on her. "You need to tighten you belt because your junior Waec is coming up. You can fail the school exams but not that" Another useless tactic used by secondary school teachers. They used to make it seem like if you don't pass junior Waec you won't make it in life.

When in reality, it's the most useless exam ever.

But she didn't know that then, and his words only made the fear in her grow along with the size of her eyes.

"—Do you want to take the test tomorrow or not?" He asked, eyes narrowed slightly. This would be the last chance he would show her.

She nodded hastily, "I-I'll take the test tomorrow"

His lips pulled backwards into a straight line, "Okay then" He leaned back slightly on his chair. "You should come back tomorrow during break time to take the test"

"Okay. Thank you, sir" She nodded repeatedly again and then bid him farewell, before she walked out of the staff room, fingers clutching her book tightly. Once she was out, she reached her hand out and wiped away the remnants of the tears she had shed.

It was break time, and the students were up and about. Some were heading to the shops, some forming cliques with their friends, some playing around and others doing whatever kids did back in the days.

Aisha evaded the student's ad quietly kept walking around till she reached her particular spot. It was the one place students barely head to, and she enjoyed spending her break times there quietly. Believe it or not, but her classmates were one wild set of students. There's never a quiet moment with them. They were the average JSS3 students that feel like they are about to make it in life because they will soon be in SS classes and they'll start subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Accounting and whatever courses Art students take.

Plus, it was that time they were transitioning into their 'big boys' and 'big girls' phase. Every one of them felt like they were on cloud nine.

That's one of the reasons Aisha kept to herself and didn't have any friends. She had recently moved to Kaduna and started attending the school during first term. It was currently the third term and she managed to successfully remain the lone girl throughout the school year.

There were people she interacts with and gets along with throughout the year. However, none on the 'close friends' level. There were none she wanted to be closely associated with.

Placing her book aside, she settled on the ground and let her feet dangle. This was definitely her safe area. You could still see people from there, and vice versa but it was quiet, and not a lot of students venture there since the building would be renovated soon.

Aisha flickered her eyes close to relish the silence, which didn't last long because soon enough, she overheard a conversation that obviously isn't meant for others to hear.

'What is it? Muhammad?' Asked someone, or more like snapped. From the voice, Aisha could tell it's a girl.

Someone cleared his throat—probably the Muhammad she's referring. 'Uhm...I-I got these for you'

Aisha didn't know what exactly he was referring to, since she can't see them and she's sure they can't see her too. But it's obvious by how she could hear the conversation clearly that they're close.

'And...why would you give me these exactly?' Did she collect whatever is given to her? Aisha doesn't know. 'Can you hurry up and spit it out exactly? As you can see, I'm busy!'

Now, Aisha normally isn't one to judge people. However, she could this girl is a certified bitch. Pardon the language. But seriously, she either is one or is on her way to become one. Congratulations to her in advance, because her future looks bright in that aspect.

'Uhm...' The guy sounded nervous. 'I-I just wanted to tell you that uhm, I-I'

'You what?' Impatient much?

'I like you' He finally got the words out, but the nervousness in his tone was evident. 'I think you're really cool and I, uhm, well, I like the way you carry yourself. You're really beautiful too and yeah, I hope you'll accept my love'

Aisha cringed on his behalf, already feeling the second hand embarrassment. She wasn't an expert in that aspect either, even she knew that was lame. At least, in her eyes it was.

And apparently the girl he likes feels that way too. She scoffed, 'You...' She paused, '...like me?' Disbelief masked her tone. A while later with no words exchanged between them, she scoffed again, 'Sannu, Romeo!'

Aisha couldn't help her snort. She instantly reached her hand out to cover her mouth hoping they didn't catch the sound and know there's someone else there with them. It's obvious this is a private conversation between them but in Aisha's defense, she simply happened to overhear it and she was there before the, so there's no reason she should leave.

If anything, she just got free entertainment to get her mind off her pending test that she should be preparing for and not listening to 'Romeo's' failed love story. Finding her internal joke to be funny, she snorted again—this time lightly—her hand still covering her mouth so as to not expose her.

'I-' Poor Romeo started, but he was cut off.

'Do I look like your mate? Well, we are in the same class but do you think you and I belong in the same social class that you can even dare look into my eyes and claim you like me?' Yup, definitely a certified bitch.

'I-' Yet again he was cut off. Poor guy should've just kept his mouth shut and accept whatever insult will be thrown his way.

'No, but do I really look like you mate?' It's obvious this girl is still in her 'big girl' phase. She probably feels like she's better than anyone.

'Money doesn't matter' Finally, Romeo got to speak without being interrupted.

The girl scoffed loudly, which laid borderline sarcastic laugh. 'Says the one who doesn't have it' She taunted. The sound of someone snapping their fingers, probably her, filled the otherwise quiet place. 'Listen to me and listen well, I don't and will never like someone like you. Do you get it? It's better for you to keep your nose buried in between your books as always, zai fi ma. Nonsense!' She then hissed loudly and walked away—judging from the sound of retreating footsteps.

Aisha didn't want to laugh; she truly didn't want to but it was hard to hold it back. Sure, she feels bad for the guy but the wicked part of her, the one that was always against relationships found the whole ordeal to be funny. Nonetheless, she managed to hold back the laugh although she had to cover her mouth tightly so as for it to not come out. A snort escaped as she clenched her eyes shut.

"You can laugh if you want" Came a voice, his tone dry.

She opened her eyes, only to meet the guy's. He stood in front of her, staring at her blankly.

Despite being caught, and a bit embarrassed by it, she still let the laugh out. She threw her head back, her hand dropping by her side because there was no use of trying to hold it back when she has been caught red-handed. While she was laughing her heart out, he sat beside her on the floor, not caring that his outfit will be ruined. His hands dropped something by his side—probably his gesture of love that was rejected.

The thought had Aisha snorting not so lady-like again. "I-I'm sorry" She tried to speak as her laughter died down. "I didn't mean to laugh wallahi it was just..." She turned around to look at him, but he wasn't staring at her.

He had his gaze fixed ahead, a scowl marring his features. He truly looked like someone who was dumped. He wanted to tell her it's okay to laugh, but he was hurt by how he was rejected and some girl just happened to hear it who also laughed at him by the way.

It pained him. And he couldn't do anything but scowl.

Aisha cleared her throat as her laughter died down. She forced herself to hold up a serious expression. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop"

"Technically, you didn't" There was no use of getting upset when even he would've laughed when someone else was in his situation. But his tone didn't hold any amusement. Instead, he was being honest.

Aisha darted her tongue to wet her lower lip, before she nibbled on it as she looked away. For the next few seconds, no words were exchanged between them and the silence was truly awkward. So, she thought of breaking it. "If it makes you feel any better. I thought she was a bitch" Her eyes widened slightly as if realizing what she said, making her throw a glance at him—he still hasn't spared her a glance. "Pardon my choice of words" She added quickly.

For the first time since he sat beside her, he turned around to look at her, quirking a brow slightly. "Because she rejected me?" He asked seriously, "Is that why you think she's a bitch? You don't even know her"

Aisha snorted as she rolled her eyes, looking away. "No, not because she rejected you" She thought that was funny, "But the way she did it and the way she carried herself. Of course, that's my opinion" She added a slight shrug. She has always stayed and kept to herself, but that doesn't mean she's not good at reading people. If anything, that's what keeping to herself taught her.

He stared at her for a while, "Well, you're right" He stated lowly, offering her a shrug of his as he looked away.

"But you still liked her" Normally, she would've kept quiet but the conversation was already ongoing, she might as well say what's on her mind.

"I thought she was cute" He defended himself. Why he bothers to even do that to a stranger, more less one that clearly looks like his junior, he doesn't know? Perhaps, it's because he had just been embarrassed in front of her and he thought nothing could beat that.

"Well you just got rejected by your cute girl"

"Thank you for stating the obvious" He retorted drily, but there was a hint of humor in his tone.

Aisha chuckled lightly, before she blew out a breath. "Do you still think she's cute though?" Why is she asking? She doesn't know? Maybe it's because it's nice to have a conversation with someone new for a change.

"No" He dragged the word, shaking his head. "She just wiped away that image in my head"

Her eyes narrowed playfully, "Are you sure you're not saying that because you got dumped?"

"Maybe..." Yet again, there was humor in his tone as he swiveled his head to look at her.

She chuckled again, turning her head around to look at him too. For the first time, she took in his facial appearance. He was definitely a few years older than her—that she could tell. And besides, his uniform was a bit different from hers; he had on the one that the ones in SS classes wear so he's obviously a senior. He had on spectacles that looks like it's medicated giving him the nerd look. She thought he looked cute.


No. He looked good like any normal human. That's it. She tried to convince herself.

Not wanting to dwell on that thought, she looked down beside her to see what he dropped earlier—his rejected sign of love. Her expression softened, "These are beautiful" She said earnestly.

He glanced at the white roses that were starting to wither—it was hard for him to get it so they have started to suffer too. To be honest, they looked better when they are fresh, and at that moment, they weren't in their best position. But she thinks they're beautiful. "You can have it if you want?"

Her eyes widened in a way that he thought looked cute. "Really?" She asked, lips parted slightly. She doesn't care that they were meant for someone else—what's her concern with that. The girl has already rejected it and she had always been a fan of roses. She had always wanted to see real ones—white ones in particular and there they were in front of her.

He nodded, "Yeah, really. There's nothing for me to do with it anyway" He shrugged slightly.

"Thank you!" Not caring how she must've looked, she scooped the roses in her hand and stared at with a wide grin on her face. She noted they weren't in their best shape but who cares, she finally saw white roses and is even holding them!

Unknowingly, his lips stretched into a small smile seeing the look on glee on his face. He thought his mood has been ruined for the entire day, but here is this girl who laughed at him for being dumped, also lifting his mood.

While she was busy admiring the flowers, he looked beside her to see the book beside her. Without really thinking twice, he picked it up and opened it, "What is this..." He stopped, his head tilting to the side seeing the marks she got on her tests.

Turning around to see what made him stop talking, her eyes instantly widened seeing her book in his hands. "Hey!" She reached her free hand out and snatched the book from him, her smile disappearing as a scowl took over her features. "You shouldn't pick people's things like that" She scolded, blush coating her cheeks out of embarrassment. The last thing she needed is for this guy, whoever he is, to see she had been failing her tests.

He frowned slightly, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to take it" He did it without thinking, and now he feels bad.

"Whatever" She muttered, looking away. "I can try to make it up tomorrow anyway"

"Are you prepared to take the test again?" He asked, a brow quirked slightly. "I can help you if you want" He offered.

She rose her head up to look at him with lips started parted, "You can?" She wouldn't reject help no matter where it comes from. Not when she is in a desperate need of one.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm actually good at math" He shrugged slightly because he was honest. He is one of the top students in his class, if not, the one topping the set. He just happens to not be popular and was on the receiving end of the other's hatred since the teachers love him.

Aisha guessed he's smart from how he looked and what the other girl said earlier. "But we don't really have. I have to retake it tomorrow"

He glanced at his wrist watch, "It's only been fifteen minutes since the break started. We still have about twenty-five minutes left. I can teach you in the meantime, and during short break if you want" They go out for break around 1pm for about thirty minutes so everyone could pray considering they close by three. So, he believes he could help her during that time. Given, there's a lot to cover, but he's been through it so he knows where the teachers mostly ask.

She didn't even think twice before she blurted, "Yes, thank you" Any help is much appreciated then. And that was how he ended up teaching her the subject she hated the most—thankfully they both have pens with them and she could remember bits of the syllabus. Technically, he focused on teaching her what she failed in the tests and bits of what she could remember of the syllabus.

When the bell rang signifying the break has ended, they went their separate ways, promising to meet again during short break in the same place after they've both prayed.

"Hey, I didn't get your name" He said, as he handed her book while they both got up, dusting themselves off the dusts. He could've checked it on the back of her notebook, and he did, he just wants her to say it.

She offered him a sly smile, holding the book with one hand and cradling the roses with the other. "Well I got yours"

His head tilted to the side slightly, wondering how she could know. As far as he remembers, the girl from earlier didn't mention it. "And what is it?" He was curious to hear what she believes is his 'name'.

Her lisp stretched into a teasing grin. "Romeo, of course"

He shook his head, "Seriously?" He has a feeling she won't let go of that name for a while.

She nodded, her grin widening. "Seriously. To me your name is Romeo. I don't need the real one" Truth be told; the reason she didn't want to know is so they won't really be close. It would be much better for her if they went their separate ways after later—she would be grateful to him of course. But that should be the end of it. She has seen the way her classmates make knowing seniors a big deal and she doesn't want any part of that.

He wanted to argue, but it's obvious she wouldn't budge. He knows it anyway so he'll just feign ignorance. "Fine, then I don't need yours either. I'll just call you..." His eyes darted to her hand, before he smirked and looked up, "...Rose"

She rose a brow, as if to silently ask 'really?'. She shrugged anyway, not minding the name. "Fine, I'll have to get going. Bye" She offered him a quick wave and hastily ran in the direction of her classroom since it's already been a while since the bell was rung.

He stood there, watching her retreating figure with a small smile masking his features. "Aslam" He murmured, "That's my name. And it was nice to meet you, Aisha—my beautiful rose"


Today you're getting 3k words. I didn't want to end the chapter here but I like the little cliffhanger and thought it would be better that way.

So, you've all seen, well, read, how Aisha and Aslam met. Ashe soyewan tun yarinta ne. Toh fa, young love something. Allah sarki mu wey no get am, all is well.


Wait, his beautiful rose? Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Nah dude, I'm sure you didn't see this coming. Hehe.

At this point, I might really end up adding like five chapters after fifty haka.

Oh and I came across Lauv's playlist on Spotify earlier titled 'I met you when I was 18' I was just like, dudeee is this a coincidence? And I was thinking of what to write in this chapter fa!

Toh, nidai this secret something is sweeting me. Yes, even if that doesn't make sense hi dunot kiya.

I'M SICK OF WAITING FOR LOVEEE! LAUVVV. OH, OH-OH, I KNOW THAT YOU'RE NOT THE ONEEEE, ONEEEEE. Who knows this song abeg, it's my favorite and it's just bringing back my early uni days memories. I was so obsessed with it then. WHO ARE YOU, CAUSE YOU'RE NOT THE GIRL, I FELL IN LOVE WITH BABY!

Sorry, I just had to. Lemme stop singing it before my mom thinks her daughter had gone...you know, I don't have to say it.

Toh a huta lafiya. Nayi gaba. Sai anjima.

Lauv, Jannatu. 

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