45; Atomic Bombs.
Double Updates. Surprise! 5k words. you owe me comments!!!
TUESDAY CAME and with that came the end of their trip of Cairo; or as Jannah likes to call it, it was time they face reality.
If only she knew the gravity of her words and the truth behind them.
Their flight left Cairo around 10 in the morning, and the minute they were onboard, they kicked back and relax for they would be in the air for the next five hours and as such, knew it would be better to rest.
During the past few days, everyone noticed the tension between Jannah and Abdallah. In fact, it was confirmed when he booked a flight back to Nigeria the day before and left, choosing to not leave with them all that day. Over his last day there, he and Jannah ignored each other which was so unlike them. He wouldn't even pay any heed to her if a conversation is taking place and she is involved, which they all noticed was very weird and vice versa.
They exchanged no look, talks, and basically pretended the other didn't exist.
Everyone just deemed it as their personal issue and choose to not get involved.
Aisha and Aslam met the others at the airport, showing their faces for the first time in two days to the others. It was obvious by the way the two held hands and had grins masking their features that they enjoyed the days to themselves.
Five hours later, their flight landed in Nigeria. And almost immediately, they all went their various ways since they already have their rides waiting for them. Taslim, Yasmine, and Haroon left together-planning to drop Taslim home. Aslam and Aisha headed to their home together while Jannah left alone since her father sent a car to pick her up.
As the car drove directly to her house, she sat in the backseat quietly. She hasn't been herself since the day she last spoke to Abdallah. She felt bad and simply was out of it completely. Her smiles were forced, and she didn't bother to tease the rest or make conversations. She was depressed for so many reasons ranging to her predicament, meeting her and what she did to Abdallah.
She released a loud sigh, sinking further in the back seat as she watched everything pass in a blur as her driver played something on the radio. She honestly has no idea what was being said and she doesn't even want to know. She had completely tuned it out.
Much faster than she would've wanted, they reached her home and she found herself walking into the building whilst dragging her suitcase. The house was quiet-as always. The only time she hears movements in the house is when the maids are around or when her extended family comes over.
If not, it's always been just her, her father, and the woman who raised her-her nanny. The woman lives with them, but occasionally leaves to see her family too. That day is one of those days much to Jannah's disappointment. All she wanted to do was crawl into the woman's arms and bawl her eyes out.
She had been a mother to her entire life. And as such, doesn't hesitate to tell her anything that goes in life. And that's the same with her father. The two were so close that he is practically her best friend and not Aisha.
Whenever something happens to her, he's the first to know.
They have always had a close relationship because the man never remarried after her mother left. And for the first few years, he took care of his daughter on his own despite the small talks that came from his family since they tried countless times to get him to remarry again.
It was of no use. He didn't want to.
He didn't want to bring another gold digger into his life or bring a woman that wouldn't treat his daughter right. He simply focused on her and his business. But she, his daughter, came first to him before anyone else.
Despite being pampered, he didn't spoil her. That, he tried to do well thanks to the help of the nanny he eventually took as the girl grew older.
Pushing those thoughts aside, Jannah dumped her suitcase somewhere in her room not bothering to fix it. She told herself she'll do it later-whenever that will be. That's one bad trait of hers. She sure can be messy but she picks it up...eventually.
Like she had been doing for the past few days, she got in her bed and bawled her eyes out to sleep. In the back of her mind, she knows she has to get back to work tomorrow but before that happens, she'd need another day to keep moping around.
Time seemed to fly, and the next time she woke up again, it was a little past four. Despite having just woken up from sleep, she still felt tired but still managed to get herself out of bed and took shower to wash away the remnants of sleep. Once done, she dressed up and headed out in search of her father.
He's normally back from work at that time, and she was hoping to see him. She missed her father. She hadn't told him about meeting her mother, and she doesn't plan on telling him either. At the same time, she hasn't told him about Abdallah, well since her wedding date was set anyway but the old man knew there was something going on.
He simply pretended to be unaware.
Nonetheless, those were a few things she hid from him her entire life, and it was slowly eating her up but she will keep it for as long as she can.
She knocked on the door to his home office, and waited till she heard him response which came only a few seconds later. Pushing the door open, a smile instantly took over her features when she spotted the one man she loves beyond anyone. "Daddy!" Like the little kid she is around him, she rushed over to where he is and pulled him in for an embrace, earning a laughter from him.
Nonetheless, he hugged her back before he pulled away. "Thought you were asleep when I didn't see you earlier" He offered her a grin, which always eased her worries. "How was the wedding, and Cairo? Hope you enjoyed it"
She hummed, taking the chair opposite him and went on to ramble about the wedding-making sure to keep anything her mother and Abdallah related aside, far away. Instead, she rambled about all the good sides that she enjoyed and truth be told, by the end of it, she felt much better than she did earlier.
He simply sat there quietly, watching her with a soft smile masking his features. God knows his little girl gave him the strength he needed to keep going all these years. He had always given her whatever it is she wants as long as it didn't go against the teachings of Islam. Which was why, when she brought up marrying someone old enough to be a friend of his, he didn't oppose much though deep down he wasn't happy.
But she wanted it, and he couldn't say no to her.
How could he? The man is a good, and religious one. The only downsides of his were his age, and the fact that he has a wife and a son about the age of his daughter-actually, older.
Still, he turned a blind eye to it since she was persistent. However, he heard of what the man's wife did to her and he wasn't happy one bit about it. Jannah wasn't the one that told him, but the man himself whom came to apologize for what his wife did. He promised it would not happen and apologized profusely hoping they would proceed with the necessary steps before the marriage-which they did; much to her father's deepest displeasure.
And that's what her father wanted to speak to her about.
"Daddy" She called out, seeing as he had zone out. "Do you have something to say? Something seems to be worrying you" She pushed the chair forward, intertwining her fingers as she rested them on the table. Her brows were drawn in, and her lips tugged into a frown. She knows, and can read her father like the back of her hand. She can tell when there's something on his mind.
And at the moment. There is something on his mind.
Her father stared at her for a while, before he released a deep sigh. He had thought of how he would break this to her countless times but now that he's actually in the spotlight, he was speechless. Not knowing what to do, he opened one of the few drawers that came with the table and picked up a small, white, rectangular envelope. Bringing it into sight, he stared at it for a while before extending it to her.
Jannah eyed the envelope, but took it nonetheless. Her head tilted to the side as she opened it with a bismillah, her heart dreading what she would see. She could tell from the look on his face, and the logo on the envelope where it came from. Nonetheless, she took in a deep breath and read through what was written there.
Her eyes were fixated on it for more than a minute, and by then, her father knew she already read it and was struggling to let it sink in. So, he moved closer to her and took her free hand.
"I'm sorry, Princess. This is something we should've done sooner but it's better than nothing now that we've gotten it, right?" He spoke softly, watching her expression closely.
Jannah, who was frozen in her spot stared at the paper as if the words written on it would magically change and show otherwise. But she knew they wouldn't. And she understood what this means because not just is she an individual, she's a damn doctor! If anything, she should, and does know the importance of this more than anyone.
The paper dropped from her hand as she continued to stare at the spot, trying to let it digest in. She already knew hers, but she should've known him from the beginning. Heck, that's something she should've done from the very beginning not this late!
Was she too caught up in trying to do it hastily that she forgotten the most important thing?
Her father reached out to take her other hand in his, enclosing both in his warm ones securely. He hated to see his little princess this way. But, even though he knew she understood the situation well, he still needed to emphasize it. "We should've done the genotype test earlier. But, now that we know you're both AS, you understand the situation well, right? You can't get married to this man, not when you're both carriers and there's the possibility to have a sickle cell child"
The genotype test is something that's being emphasized for anyone willing to get married. It's better to know your partner's genotype right from the beginning before you fall deeply in love and have to separate at a time that will be considered late. If there's a possibility of having a child with SS, then it's better to end it before it even started because this goes beyond the parents.
The child's life matters here the most. They suffer the most. So, why risk it?
Jannah blinked, turning around to face her father. Of course, she understood what this meant. It meant her marriage won't take place. It means that it's better to forget about it all together. She knows that well enough.
However, what stuns her is that despite knowing she won't get married to the man when there's only a few days left, she wasn't upset. She wasn't hurt, nor was she bumped.
If anything, she felt relieved.
Her wedding wouldn't take place. But she already lost Abdallah.
And that realization had her crying in her father's arms immediately. If anything, that was when she knew she truly messed up big time.
"I'm sorry to leave you like this, but I have to go to Kaduna urgently" Aslam said to Aisha, the morning after they'd return from Egypt. He felt like he was sitting on the needles and all he wanted to do wa fly out to Kaduna the day they returned. But, he couldn't exactly leave his new wife the same day they returned, so he forced himself to appear unbothered for one more day. "You can call Huda or Jannah to stay with you, or you can stay at my parents since you can't stay here all alone" He added, running his hands down her arms as he offered her a warm smile.
"Why? Is there something wrong?" She asked, a crease forming on her brows.
He sighed, because he didn't want to lie to her and at the same time, he couldn't tell her the truth...yet. Flickering his eyes close, he nodded. "Yes" He opened it and met her eyes, "But don't worry about it, okay?" He rose his left hand up to rest on the side of her exposed neck, while the other went to caress the side of her face softly. "This is something I need to face alone. But I promise, I'll explain everything once I return, okay?"
Aisha wanted to ask more, because he truly looks bothered. But, she folded her lips in and nodded. "Okay. Take care, okay?"
He nodded back, offering her a small smile. "I will, in shaa Allah" And then he leaned down, his lips meeting her forehead as he cradled both sides of her face in his. After leaving a doting kiss there, his arms went around her as he gathered her in his arms. Flickering his eyes close, he buried his face in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent he had come to find addictive.
God knows the love he has for this woman goes beyond words. But he has held himself back because of what is about to come.
He was reluctant to release her from his arms, in fear that it might be the last time she would allow him to hold her like that. The thought had him tightening his hold around her. But he knew he would miss his flight to Kaduna if he stayed there. So, hesitantly, he placed a kiss on the crook of her neck and pulled back, holding her hand in his. "Take care of yourself for me, okay?" His lips were tugged downwards, and there was a line of worry forming on his forehead.
She reached her free hand out to smoothen it, before she offered him a small smile. "In shaa Allah. I'll walk you out" And that was what she did.
As she watched him leave the house, she couldn't help the knot she felt tightening in her tummy. Something doesn't feel right, because she kept feeling restless since he left. It's the first time she was seeing him like that, and it was obvious there's something on his mind.
All she could do was pray for him though. And that was what she did as he left.
When Aslam arrived at Kaduna, he made a beeline to Tahir Kashim's Residence-a place he hadn't been to in so long. Since the people there knew him; for obvious reasons, he was allowed in without any hassle.
As Aslam walked was directed towards the backyard, where the man was casually sitting and enjoying the scenery, Aslam realized that despite having lost his business, the man has made enough to live a comfortable life. It was obvious in the way he upheld his household, and from the way he was casually sitting on a Wicker chair in the backyard, munching on green grapes like he has no care in the world.
"Alhaji, Aslam dan gidan General is here" Said the man that escorted Aslam to where the man is.
The old man didn't bother to look up, as he waved the man away. That was all he needed, and immediately, he was on his way back to wherever leaving the two alone. For a while, the man said nothing at all or spared Aslam a glance as he continued to eat his grapes pretending there isn't a man there, waiting for him.
Aslam held back a scoff. Bitterness happiness to run in the family blood-that's something he had long realized. However, since he was there to ask for something-which he hasn't done in nearly a decade, he had to hold up his silence though it was killing him inside. It killed him to be there.
"I never thought you'd show your face here again" Came the man's gruff voice, as he reached his hand out to pick up another handful of grapes. He still hadn't looked up to spare the young man a glance.
Even without facing him completely, Aslam could still see the man's side profile and truth be told, he doesn't look that old despite being about to clock his seventies. Well, he had always taken good care of himself so...
"-I heard you got married to a certain Aisha" A laughter escaped his parted lips, resonating round the quiet backyard. It was humorous, with an edge that made Aslam felt like he was standing on needles. For the first time since Aslam arrived, the man turned his head around to look at his grandson-one that he never got along with to give him a scrutinizing gaze that always had the boy restless.
However, there he stood, unfazed by the look. Or at least, he shows to be.
Aslam held up a blank look, his eyes never cowering away from the old man's.
The audacity had the man chuckling again-the sound deep, and nefarious. "-I see you've grown some balls, young man" He nodded, as if noting it to himself. He pointed a finger at Aslam, repeatedly, "You've grown indeed" He chuckled again. He honestly found the whole situation amusing. Leaning back on his chair yet again comfortably, he looked away from Aslam and focused on the scenery in front of him. "I thought you promised to never step foot here again. To what do I owe this pleasure?"
Aslam swallowed thickly. It was killing him internally to be there, in that exact position because it only brought back bad memories he never wished to relive. "I want answers" He forced himself to say, his words strong and his demeanor, not showing an ounce of fear.
The old man, a fallen business mogul, Tashir Kashim hummed. "Answers? From me? That's new" He crossed his legs, arms on the arm rest as he flickered his eyes close, head thrown back. "Are you demanding it, or asking nicely?" He asked, his voice calm matching his entire expression.
The man's ability to remain calm, or at least, act like it infuriated Aslam. How he manages to look that way despite all he's done in life disgusted him. How is it that the man is still living freely, and happily? "Whatever you take it as" Aslam answered, not willing to act like a submissive dog like before.
Tahir Kahim snorted. To be honest, he really is amused by all this. "Yara sun girma" He muttered. "If I were you I'd fix that tone of yours because I don't care if you think you're old enough, or that you have power. I wouldn't hesitate to put you in your place, on your knees, and you know that" Despite his threat ringing clear, he still kept his voice soft and low.
One wouldn't think he's actually serious. But he is.
Aslam held his head up. He refused to let himself be frightened by this man ever again-never again. And as such, chose ignore the threat. "What do know Salim?" He asked, hoping he would get his answers without the man beating around the bush.
Tahir Kashim chuckled instantly, his shoulders shaking in the process. "You mean, Alex?" He laughed again, "Like time I checked, that's what he goes by now..." He then released a deep breath, his shoulders shaking as another laughter left his lips. "...but let's just say he's my favorite grandchild. Just like you" His sarcasm was as thick as his ego. As if realizing what he said, he sat up and opened his eyes to rest it on Aslam, "...I'm guessing you know. That's why you're here" Even if Aslam didn't know, he was hoping he would be the one to break the news to him.
He would love to see his expression.
Aslam's face remained blank though, even though all he wanted to was scream at someone or break something. "You knew?" Disbelief masked his tone, but he doesn't even know why he should feel that way.
Anything is possible with this man.
"Oh, snap. I was hoping to be the one to break it to you" Tahir Kashim shook his head, as if disappointed by the fact that he didn't get to see the young man's shocked expression. He shook his head again, tsking. "But don't be ridiculous. I know everything"
Aslam took in a deep breath to calm himself, his hands fisted by his side. "What happened?"
"Well you see I don't like being spoken to like that by anyone" Tahir pointed out, placing his intertwined hands on his crossed legs. His expression went from that larking one to a serious one. "Do not, ever, demand anything from me. You get that?" He warned, a familiar fiery look in his eyes-one that Aslam knew well.
Aslam swallowed thickly, holding the man's gaze. God knows he wanted to hit someone in the face. Preferably this old man. But he couldn't do that. "Tell me" He repeated, sternly. Seeing the look on the man's face had him flickering his eyes closed. "Please" He added through gritted teeth.
"That's more like it" The old man's stiff shoulders slacked slightly. "But young man, this is a long story so you might want to sit for it"
Aisha and Yasmine were in the Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed Residence in Abuja, chatting away in the living room with Huda whom Aisha was meeting for the first time one-on-ne. The girl didn't attend her Henna party since her mother doesn't exactly like her, and as such, wasn't allowed to go to Cairo either. Now that Aisha has visited though, she met the girl and they were getting along quite well.
Aisha decided to visit her in-laws since she was alone in her house. Technically, Yasmine came and picked her up saying she can't stay in that house alone. She would spend the day with them and later have Huda go home with her-something agreed to reluctantly.
Both wives of General Muhammad were nice to her, even though one was more than the other. Nonetheless, Aisha wasn't treated badly and even had time to talk to her father in-law, whom she is on good terms with.
It was nearing six in the afternoon, and Aslam left for Kaduna around ten in the morning. She was too caught up in her worries that she didn't ask when he'd return. She tried to call his phone, but she wasn't getting through. He still hasn't called her either making her worries grow. Nonetheless, she kept praying for him-hoping nothing bad happened or will happen to him.
Amidst their conversation, the three were laughing at some joke Huda cracked when the front door flew open with a loud bang, scaring them. With wide eyes, they muttered 'Subhan Allah' repeatedly and turned in the direction to see who it was. He walked past them and was up the stairs in quick strides, but they all recognized whom it was without him even paying any heed to them.
"Ya Aslam?" Yasmine asked no one in particular, her brows drawn in. "I thought he was in Kaduna"
Aisha, who also had her brows drawn in and lips tugged into a frown nodded, "He was but..." He blew out a low breath, "...I didn't know he'd come back today. Allah sa dai lafiya"
She hadn't even closed her lips from saying the prayer when hell broke. The sound of someone yelling filled the otherwise quiet house making them exchange worried looks. There was no doubt Aslam was the one who started it because they heard his voice well enough, but it was weird because he isn't the type to stir up problems.
What could've possibly happened.
The yelling got louder as more voice joined, another that they all recognized as his father's.
Now, completely worried, Aisha didn't know when she got on her feet and rushed up the stairs with the two following after her. Normally, she would've minded her own business knowing it's a family issue, but she couldn't exactly stay seated while her husband is going through whatever is going on.
The closer she got to the rooms upstairs, the clearer the voices were. She found herself following the voices, and it led her to the room she had been to earlier-one she recognized as Hajiya Babba's.
The door to the room was wide ajar, giving her room to step in. Her gaze instantly fell on her husband, but before she could reach him, she stopped in her tracks seeing a slap land right across his face. She gasped, her hand flying to her mouth as her eyes were wide open. She could hear other gasps too but her gaze was solely focused on Aslam who was slapped, and the one who slapped him; Baba.
"Alhaji, dan Allah kayi haquri" Mami's pleading voice came, and that was when Aisha realized the woman was also there.
Hajiya Babba stood by the side, looking shocked to the core. Her eyes were red due to whatever happened before they arrived.
Baba pointed a finger at Aslam, his face red. "Listen to me, and listen well, Aslam. I tolerated how you treated her all these years because I understood where you came from but wallahil azeem you'll not turn my house into mad people's house. Ko kaqi, ko kaso, Hajiya Babba is your mother! She gave birth to you! JININ TA NE AI JIKIN KA!"
Aisha's eyes widened even more if that was possible. She didn't see this coming. Hajiya Babba is Aslam's birth mother? What...how?
Aslam didn't seem fazed by the slap, instead he scoffed lightly and shook his head. Raising his head up, he looked at his father. "My mother?" He repeated, "Do you know what this woman, your wife, and my so called mother did?"
"Don't you dare speak to her like this!" Baba yelled, barely able to hold back his anger. He had just slapped his eldest child for the first time in his life, and although he didn't want to, Aslam was getting on his nerves.
But even with the slap, and the warning, Aslam wasn't willing to back down. The things he learnt earlier today had his anger skyrocketing higher than ever, and he needed to vent it out or he'll go insane. "Do you know that your wife had a child before she met you?" Aslam asked, his voice low.
He saw the confusion that crossed his father's face, and the look that showed he was taken aback. He turned his face to look at Hajiya Babba who looked like a deer caught in headlights.
Chuckling to himself bitterly, he turned around the room to look at everyone present. His eyes were a deep shade of red when they met Aisha's, and she was the only one he stared at for a few seconds longer.
"Aslam, you don't know what you're talking about" Mami understood none of this, but she didn't want him speaking of his mother like that. She never wanted him to treat the woman like that.
Aslam turned to look at his step mother, one that he considers more of a mother than his actual birth mother. "No" He dragged the word, shaking his head. "I know exactly what I'm talking about" He shifted his gaze to his father, "But since everyone's here, let's talk about the great Hajiya Babba and her achievements in life, huh?"
"Aslam" Baba called out warningly. He doesn't understand what Aslam told him earlier, but he didn't want the man to act irrationally because he's upset. "Don't"
Aslam shook his head, his eyes blurry with tears. "No, Baba. It's time we stop concealing the things she had done because I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" It was killing him inside, and he needed to let it out. "So" He took in a deep breath, preparing himself. "Let's all talk about the things my beloved mother did huh? Let's talk about how she had a child none of us knew is related to her, not even you, Baba. LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW SHE RUINED MY WIFE, AISHA'S LIFE! YES, LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW SHE'S THE REASON AISHA'S LIFE WENT DOWNHILL. AND LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW THAT OF HERS-WHOM SHE CHOSE TO ABANDON, IS THE ONE AISHA NEARLY GOT MARRIED TO IN THE PAST. LET'S TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING DAMN THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED IN THE PAST WHICH WE KEPT SHUT ABOUT BECAUSE I CAN'T ANYMORE!"
*A minute of silence for everything to dawn*
Aslam... *blows out a deep breath with slumped shoulders* ...I, I feel your pain.
*Mood dampened as we share our man's pain*
So, Hajiya Babba and Aisha's past? Anyone saw that coming? Ni jikana ya mayi sanyi aradu.
You're finally getting your answers! Yes, we're taking a trip to the past.
I just gave you a double update. Literally forced myself to write about five thousand words in between 9pm to now, 12:36am. You owe me comments da gaske saboda I know I'm your favorite author.
Kai kuma Tahir Kashim da kanka Kaman bokiti, you're acting all smug and whatnot. Zakaji jiki...maybe.
No, but my Aslam is in pain people and I too I'm in pain da gaske.
Jannah kuma ashe baza ayi auren ba. *Laughs* ANyi biyu babu. Carry your akwati and go after Abdallah kinji. Go and beg for his forgiveness ko? If he forgives you toh. If not kuma sai ariqe sorry.
Toh, I don tire so Imma go and sleep. I'll be waiting for your comments!
Oh and someone I knew just passed away. Please say a prayer for him. Allah jikan shi kuma yasa ya huta.
Love, Jannah.
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