44; Getaway To Alexandria.

Had a bit of writer's block, so you have 4k words today.

WHEN JANNAH calmed down, there were no words exchanged between her and Abdallah anymore. She wanted to ask whether he had chosen to not go back home that day, considering she knew the men should've left by then. However, she realizes how stupid it would've sounded and as such, chose to hold her silence.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think about it. It was obvious he either missed it, or chose to not leave because she called him and as such, felt bad that yet again she had to drag him in her problems. She honestly didn't even intend on calling him. However, she desperately wanted to call someone and she couldn't exactly call Aisha. The girl just got married and even in her messed up state, she knew she couldn't drag her in this. Given, Aisha would've shown up despite her current situation but still.

And somehow, she ended up calling Abdallah because deep down she knew he'd be there for her. He had always been.

Jannah stopped in her tracks, as if realizing something. He and her decided to talk a stroll back to his car quietly.

Realizing she was no longer walking beside him, he too stopped and turned around to look at her. His lips were curled downwards into a slight frown, "Is there something wrong?" He questioned lightly. "Do you need help with anything?"

Jannah swallowed thickly as she blew out a small breath. There he goes again, still caring for her despite seeing her at her worst. Blinking, she released yet another shaky breath. "This is wrong..." She whispered.

He blinked, his frown deepening since he didn't get what she just said. "Pardon?"

She nearly looked away, not wanting to say this whilst looking into his eyes but it would've made her look more pathetic, and she didn't want that. So, she forced herself to keep up eye contact with him, and then answered. "This is wrong" Her voice came out surprisingly strong.

His head tilted to the side slightly. "What is wrong?" He has an inkling what she meant. But he was hoping they wouldn't go through this again. Truth be told, he doesn't have the strength to face it again.

"This" She pointed a finger at him, then her. "We shouldn't be together like this"

Abdallah stared at her for a few seconds, before folding his lips in to not say anything instantly. Once he was certain he wouldn't say anything wrong, he asked calmly. "Why shouldn't we be?"

She stared at him as if he had grown two heads. "Come on Abdallah stop feigning ignorance" She didn't raise her voice, but she has a feeling she would do that soon. Sighing exasperatedly, she ran a hand down her face before she looked at him with a worn out expression. "Abdallah, we both know I'm getting married in like, thirteen days. You are not my mahram"

He gave her the are for real look.

And she surely understood it well, making her take in a deep breath. Raising her hands, she tried to make gestures to explain herself. "Yes, I know I'm at fault. I shouldn't have called you. Yes, it really is my fault. I don't know. It's wrong of me to have called you after I ended things with you and be here saying this to you but please, Abdallah. Try to understand me" She found herself ranting.

"Jannah, relax" Somehow, despite being irritated in a way by her mood swings, he was keeping his calm while she clearly isn't. Women. "We aren't doing anything wrong, you know?" Probably not the best thing to say at the moment, but he is willing to say anything that will subdue whatever it is she is feeling at the moment.

Is it guilt? Fear? Or whatever it is.

She paused, giving him an incredulous look. "We aren't doing anything wrong?" She repeated, as if she couldn't believe he said that. "Abdallah what if you're the one I'm supposed to marry and two weeks before our marriage, I keep calling another man whenever I'm at my worst, huh? How would you feel?" She wasn't trying to make him look like the bad person because he isn't. But he needed to see her point.

He shook his head. "You know it's not the same"

"It is, Abdallah!" Why would he think it's not the same? Is it because the man she's supposed to marry doesn't know of whatever it is happening between them? "Answer me, how would you feel if I'm doing this to you with another man? Do you think it's not wrong simply because you're not the one at the receiving end?"

Abdallah said nothing to her for a moment. Instead, he simply stared at her. But, even though his eyes were meeting hers, his mind was far. He thought of what she said, and to be honest, she was right. He wouldn't like it. Heck, that might possibly be the end of their relationship before it even starts. So, she is right. This is wrong.

However, that aside; she is confusing him. "What do you want, Firdausi?" He asked when he finally gathered his thoughts.

"Huh?" She was confused by the question which is obviously a seriously deal since he mentioned her real name.

"What do you want?" He repeated, his face blank. "What is it you want from me? One minute you push me away, the next you want me back? You know I care about you. Is that why you're making me out to be the bad person?"

She was speechless for that moment. She parted her lips to say something, but then closed it, not knowing what to say exactly.

"Well?" He prodded, because he was honestly confused, hurt, and angry. He has every right to be. "I said I would fight for you because I truly do care about you. You know I'll drop whatever it is I have doing if you need me, especially if you are in a situation like that of earlier. But why do I have to be the bad person for it? Do you enjoy playing with my feelings?"

Her lips parted slightly, as she shook her head. She could see the seethe hurt on his face. He hid it the last two times she rejected him, but not this time and she could understand why. "No, Abdallah. I don't mean it that way"

"Then what do you mean?" Just because he said he cares about her, doesn't mean he would want to be treated around like he's stupid. Because, he is not.

She released a deep sigh, her heart tightening. She hated how she's the one rejecting him, and always ends up being hurt too. "You're not at fault, okay? And neither are you the bad person. It's me" She didn't want him to blame himself when she knows she's the problem. "It's me, okay?" She repeated, even though she didn't want to pull the cliché 'it's not you, it's me' card. But truth be told, it is her this time around. "I'm the one who can't get a hold of my emotion, and keeps dragging you in my problems. It's my fault for playing with your feelings even though it's not my intention, believe me Abdallah" Did she mention how she easily gets emotional? Because even as she's saying that, tears were welling up in her eyes yet again.

She's sure she's overly emotional not just because of what happened earlier but because it's also that time of the month. Her hormones are all over the place and her mood swings, on point.

But she truly is hurt. Hurting Abdallah hurts her and she wanted to stop doing that.

He held up his blank façade, even though every fiber in his being was screaming at him to comfort her the minute he saw tears in her eyes. He hated seeing her cry. That's probably his number one weakness when it comes to her.

"Abdallah, I don't deserve you, okay?" She finally admitted on what's on her mind. "You deserve someone that will not keep playing with your feelings because that's obviously not me" Does it hurt her to admit that? Yes. But she knew she and Abdallah won't ever be a thing. So, it's better to accept it now. "And I promise, I won't ever drag you in my mess again"

"And what if I want to be dragged in it, huh?" There was no ounce of playfulness in his tone, only sincerity. "What if I tell you that I want to be the one you call when you have problems? What if I want to be your listening ear?" He is still hurt, and angry. But that won't make his feelings disappear just like that. His feelings for her are true, and for the sake of Allah.

They're not something that will just disappear like that.

Her features softened as she shook her head. "You can't, Abdallah"

"That is not for you to decided"

"It is, since it's my life we're talking about here"

"I told you I'd fight for you--"

"I don't want you to do that" She cut him off and then forced herself to put on a stern expression as she prepared herself for what she would say. She knew it would hurt him a lot, probably to the point he would hate her and every feeling he has for her would disappear but she has to. If she wants to put an end to her hurting him in the future, then she has to do this once and for all. "Abdallah I don't care what you think but I have no feelings for you whatsoever, and the earlier you accept that the better"

Oddly enough, he was calm as if he's so sure of himself. "We both know you're lying to yourself"

And she held up her blank expression, forcing herself to appear as someone cold. "Oh yeah? If that's the reason, then why am I choosing another man over you?"

His anger was spiking, though he still managed to keep his calm. "Why would you call me when you need someone then? Huh? Why not call him?" Despite looking calm on the outside, he was growing furious inside.

She forced herself to chuckle mockingly. "Because you're easy" She answered as if it's no big deal. "Because I know you'd come running when I ask" Every word she utters breaks her heart because she could see the hurt in his eyes but she kept on going knowing it's the only way she can prevent him from being hurt. "I call you because I know I can use your feelings to my advantage, at least until I get married. Don't you see it, Abdallah? You're too easy. That's what you get for falling for someone that doesn't want you"

Abdallah stared at her in disbelief, no longer masking his features. Is this girl serious?

"—Do us both a favor, actually, no. Do yourself a favor and move on. Forget about me and find someone else who actually likes you because it is not, and will never be. What is that you said about us meant to be? We are not meant to be, so it's better for us to go our separate ways. I hope you never fall for someone that will never love you back. I can wish you that at the very least"

Abdallah waited for a few seconds to see if this was all some sick joke or something. When she did nothing that will show that, he scoffed in disbelief and shook his head. He wanted to say something, but he knew he wouldn't say anything good to her. And as such, he only gave her one look that showed how truly hurt, and angry he felt before he turned around and left her standing there. He was sure she came with someone so she can get back home on her own but he can't bring himself to do that.

He can't even face her at the moment.

As she watched him walk away from her, Jannah knew she finally pushed Abdallah to the wall and has probably just lost him forever. It wasn't until she realized he wouldn't turn around, possibly ever again, did she drop her strong façade and her shoulders slumped—her tears falling freely.

It's official. Even she hated herself.

Abdallah's gone.


"Hello, Beautiful" Came a deep voice that Aisha knew well in a low tone. The fact that she wasn't expecting it though made her tummy flutter; and his breath on her neck made her shiver.

Startled, Aisha whipped her head around to meet his eyes—well, careful not to bump into him. "Aslam" She called out, eyes widened slightly as she blew out a low breath. "You scared me"

"Sorry, that wasn't my intention" He offered her a warm smile, leaning down to peck her cheeks before he rose to his full height and walked around the sofa to so both she and Yasmine could see him.

It was then that Aisha noticed a small being in his arms, with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck like her life depended on it. Judging from the way her face was buried in the crook of his neck, she's obviously sleeping.

"Don't tell me laqad namat; she's fallen asleep?" Yasmine, whom Aisha was sitting with before he made an appearance asked.

"You know your daughter" Aslam nodded, giving her a slight shrug as he patted the girl's back slightly. "Labuda annaha kanat muteabatan; she must've been tired"

Yasmine shook her head, tsking. "Bawani tired, she spent the night with grandma I'm sure she must've slept early" Normally she wouldn't have minded the girl being asleep, but she knew her daughter well. If she sleeps at that time, getting her to sleep at night would be a struggle. "I'm going to wake her up, she can't sleep now" She got up from her sitting position, and then walked towards him—hands stretched out in front of her.

"Let the girl rest, Yasmine" Aslam gave her a stern look. He doesn't get why she would wake up the girl that's sleeping peacefully.

Yasmine held back a scoff. "Yaya you're only saying that because you won't be the one to deal with her later" She would see how he'd react if he has a kid of his own that won't allow him to sleep at night. Then, he'd know not to allow the kid to sleep during the day.

"I don't care. You won't wake her up, period" His tone left no room for arguments. He was obviously using his big brother card on her, and she had no choice but to oblige.

"Okay" She relented, taking the girl from his arms saying she would take her to bed. Even then, he had to remind her not to wake her up knowing how stubborn his younger sister can be.

Aisha sat quietly watching the exchange in amusement. She loves seeing his interaction with his siblings—something she always wished she had but never got. When Yasmine left and he turned to her, she gave him a look. "You didn't have to go all big brother on her, you know" Despite not having a kid around her growing up, she could imagine how the woman must've felt.

"Why would she wake up the poor kid though? That aside," Aslam shook his head. "I'm here to get you"

Aisha tilted her head to the side slightly, "Get me?" She repeated, quirking a brow. "What's going on?"

He glanced at her appearance, taking it in before he shook his head. "Can you change into something casual and come back done? I'll be waiting for you" She was dressed too formally for what he has planned. "And please, don't take so long too long to get ready. I know how you women can be"

She parted her lips to say something, but decided against it. "How long do I have?" She asked, instead of what she originally wanted to ask. The curious part of her was wondering where it is they could be heading, but it's obvious he wouldn't tell her.

"10-20 minutes?" He shrugged, like he wasn't sure.

"Okay" And with that, Aisha headed back to their room and rummaged through the suitcase Jannah packed for her to look for something casual to wear. It didn't take long for her to find something that she thought would fit the occasion—whatever it is and where, perfectly.

It was a white chain print wrap front maxi dress. The sleeves were long, and the fabric, woven going perfectly well with the wrap neckline. She then paired it with cute white sandals because God knows she's had enough of heels. After wearing them and dancing throughout her wedding events, she's sure her feet would appreciate the mercy. To cover her hair, she picked up a straw hat and with that, she rushed back downstairs.

On her way down, she checked the time on her phone to see that she had taken about fifteen minutes. Luckily, Aslam didn't complain when she reached the living room where he was patiently waiting.

"Is this okay?" She asked, her expression showing that she wasn't that sure.

Aslam looked up from his phone, his eyes slightly widening as he got on his feet and approached her. "Yes. You look really beautiful" He leaned down and pecked her cheek making her giggle. "Now let's get going. I want to steal you from everyone here" He slid his hands down and intertwined hid fingers with hers before he softly dragged her with him outside.

"Wait, shouldn't we tell someone we're heading out?" She asked, looking over her shoulders to see if she could spot anyone. She just feels like since they're in a house with people—his grandmother especially, wouldn't it be better to inform someone in case they come looking for them?

Aslam threw her a glance before he shook his head. "If we did that, then it won't exactly be me stealing you away" Weirdly enough he seemed oddly calm, and was in his care free zone.

Aisha decided to keep her mouth shut as he led them to where she spotted a grey SUV parked. What brand? She has no idea. Cars aren't her thing. However, like the gentleman he is, he opened the passenger seat for her to get in before he headed back to his side.

Flashing her a smile, he started the car and drove out of the house sleekly. He reached his hand out to hold hers, and focused on driving with the others. "You can play your playlist if you want. This is going to be a long drive"

Aisha turned around to look at him, one of her hands still in his. "Where are we heading to?" She wanted to try her luck and see if he would tell.

His smile widened into a grin. "Alexandria" He answered throwing her a glance before he focused his attention back on the road. The last thing he would want is to crash the car while looking at his wife.

She blinked, trying to remember where she heard the name before. It took a while, but it then dawned on her that Alexandria is another city in Egypt. Wait, what? "We're driving to another city?"

He nodded, "Yup" He was enjoying every minute of this. "It'll take about two hours so yeah..." Driving from Cairo to Alexandria is part of the experience he would like to share with her. Back then he used to take the trip with his friends when he's on school break. Going with her now only seemed right.

Aisha was excited to be honest, but she had her worries. It was already past 1pm, and if it'll take two hours to reach there. How long will they stay there before returning?

"Stop worrying. I told you. I'm stealing you away for the two days we'll spend here" He brought their intertwined hands up, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "You don't expect me to share you with my family, right?" He already had enough with the whole events and them not seeing each other for a while before it all.

There's no way he'd miss his chance to steal her away from the others. How could he spent the two days they'll spend in Egypt in his family house with everyone—especially Yasmine and Taslim who wouldn't a chance to steal her away from him.

No thank you. She's his wife. Not theirs.

Aisha stared at him for a while, before she shook her head. "I didn't pack anything" She stated the obvious. Heck, she didn't even know of the getaway till like twenty minutes ago.

"Don't worry. Jannah already packed for you. It's been in the trunk since morning" It's been in there since he saw his friends off and had his meetup earlier—which he's choosing to keep at the back of his mind.

Of course Jannah knew. If Aisha hadn't known Jannah longer than she knew Aslam, then she would've been convinced the two are actually related in a way. Speaking of the girl, she hasn't seen or heard from her all day.

Jannah and Abdallah ended up missing the flight back to Nigeria, Aisha realized as she bid her family farewell. Well, Abdallah already missed his and now that both he and Jannah weren't back in time the others left, they might just go back along with Aisha, Aslam and the others. It would be easier for them all.

She hadn't seen Abdallah either.

She dismissed it knowing the two are probably together.

"I guess we're going on a honeymoon" She mumbled, leaning back on her seat as she played with his fingers.

"I wouldn't really call a two-days getaway a honeymoon but yeah" He shrugged. He would find time to plan a real one after they are done with whatever they will face in the next few weeks. "So, you ready?" He inquired, turning his head briefly to look at her.

She nodded, before fishing her phone out to connect it with the Bluetooth. She had to let go of his hand to do so since she'll need both hands. Once it was done, she scrolled through her playlist and played Levitating by Dua Lipa to start off the two-days trip. "Let's get this thing started" She rose her hand up for a high five, which he clasped his hand with like they were two old friends vibing to the sound that now filled the car.

They both chuckled, grins masking their features.

"Glitter in the sky, glitter in my eyes

Shinning just the way I like

If you're feeling like you need a little company

You met me at the perfect time.

You want me, I want you baby

My sugarboo, I'm levitating

The Milky way, we're renegading

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah"



*Remembers I'm actually in Naija not in Cairo, in my faza's house and single as a pringle*

*A minute of silence for za fallen comrade*

E pain me sha, but all is well. *Sniffs*

The writer in me died. Well, for about a day but she died nonetheless because warris this? I'm supposed to give you one wicked chapter like this and I'm here giving Aisha and Aslam a happy moment.

*Sighs* I'm losing my touch

And the dead writer came back to life as a nice one. How did that happen? I don't know. You know shit happens in books, right?

Jannah shey una don't get sense? Abdallah, baby, come to meee *Opens arms wide for a hug*

*Remembers he's not my mahram*

*Then realizes he's not actually real*

*A moment of silence as I realize my pain*

*Clock ticks*


*Pretends he actually exists and is married to me with two kids*

--Yes, come to me, baby. This is what you get for trying to marry another woman. Shey u say you want two Jannahs. Hehe. Good thing she served you hot birekpash. Las las, everybody go chop am.

So, yeah, back to siriyas talk. The writer in me actually left the chat and we all know she's wicked. Which is why, you didn't get the original chapter I planned and instead got this less wicked-ish, and lov-ish, chapter. Does that makes sense? Even if it doesn't, na u sabi. Hi du not kiya.

Toh, let's talk next chapter. Should I give you more of Aisha and Aslam peace before shit gets real? Because you get atomic bombs heading your way?

Or should we skip the two days and get straight to the drama? Your choice.

Bye bye. I don tire.

Lobe (Yes, lobe not lauv), Jannatu ta Abdallah. 

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