43; Brew Storms.

You know the drill. 6600+ words= comments! I'll be waiting. Oh and I took a break from Kdramas hence why I'm spoiling yall with updates.

If you're emotional you fit cry here. Just a headsup.


FIXING HER SPECTACLES, Jannah shifted her phone from hand to the other as she walked around Downtown Katameya mall. Their flight back to Nigeria leaves in about four hours and she wanted to shop a bit before going back. She doesn't really plan on buying a lot of things, just something small for the sake of being in the country.

She's still yet to find something that piqued her interest though.

So, she continued to look around in hopes that she would find something eventually before she heads back to the Abd Al-Rasheed residence where everyone else is. She and the others that conveyed Aisha would head back to Nigeria while the bride and groom will stay for two more days before they head back. The wedding is over and its time they all face reality-they have to go back to work too.

Well, except Jannah whose wedding is in thirteen days. Yes, she keeps track of the days. How could she not? It is her wedding after all.

After a while, she got tired of simply walking around aimlessly. So, she decided to stop by a café for a quick break. There, she ordered something to drink and while waiting for it to arrive, she looked around the place. It wasn't until a while after she had gotten her drink, and was sipping it when something caught her attention. Her brows drew in instantly, noting the familiar person, but she couldn't really be sure.

She could swear though her heart stopped at that moment.

She wanted to convince herself that it wasn't that person, that her eyes were simply playing tricks on her and that she should remained seated in that exact position. However, the more she followed the person with her eyes, the more she becomes certain that she truly is seeing correctly.

Somehow, almost unconsciously, she found herself getting on her feet and leaving the cafe and her now abandoned refreshment. It was the last thing on her mind as she followed the person from a distance, down every corner, escalator, and shop. She had honestly lost track of time as she kept of following the person like a lost puppy.

A small part of her brain, the sensible part, tried to talk her into leaving the person alone and going about her business; to pretend that she hadn't seen anything and that the little trip to the mall hadn't happened at all.

But she wanted closure, and yet, she couldn't even bring herself up to the person and say a thing. Was she scared of what she would get in return? Was she upset and fears how would react? Was she not feeling anything at all?

Is it possible to feel all three at the same time? Because if it is, then she is feeling just that.

And yet, as she stood outside a shop, watching the person go about buying stuff happily, she found herself tethering towards a particular feeling. She was no longer in contact with the real world and everything became blurry to her, except that particular person. Then, she made up her mind to turn around and walk away. And she truly was planning on doing that, but it was like her feet were stuck there and wouldn't allow her to move an inch away.

Then, the person turned around and their eyes met. Jannah's breath hitched, watching as recognition flashed in the person's eyes at the very instant. Her eyes followed as the figure walked out of the shop after purchasing whatever, and walked towards the girl that was rooted in her position, eyes never once leaving the person.

The known stranger only stopped a few feet away from Jannah, and yet, it was closer than they have ever been. Eyes took over the girl standing there, almost as if accessing her. And slowly, the person's lips stretched into a small smile. "I see you've grown into a beautiful woman"

A tear slid down Jannah's face, her breathing suddenly ragged as her vision blurred. "Maa?" She whispered, her voice barely reaching her ears but she was sure the woman heard her, or at least, made out what she said.

Jannah's mother, a woman the girl had never seen up close except for in the few pictures her father left for her, offered her a smile a bit wider than the one she offered her earlier. "You look just like me" The woman noted, her head tilted to the side slightly as she took a step further and reached her hand out to her daughter's face. Her soft hands came in contact with the girl's cheeks, and then she caressed it feathery.

Jannah's lower lip wobbled, as she felt more tears sliding down her face. Times without number, she had thought of the moment she would meet the woman. She wondered how it would be? Would the woman show up out of nowhere in their house? Would she show up at her workplace? Or would they simply cross paths where they least expected?

It turned out to be the latter, because neither of them expected to meet each other again at a mall. Well, the woman didn't expect to ever see her again in her life, she didn't want to.

Jannah blinked repeatedly, sniffing to clear her snot filled nose. The more she stares at this woman through her blurry eyes, the more she sees that they truly look alike. She looks like the younger version of her-not that the woman looks that old. To begin with, she had her when she was young, and she has been living her best life that not much expect someone who looks like her to have a twenty-six-year-old daughter.

"Why are you crying?" The woman asked, pulling her hand back as she stared at her with furrowed brows. There was nothing warm about her look, but it wasn't cold either. She looks like she had just met someone she hasn't seen in a couple of days either.

Jannah wanted to ask if she truly just asked her that? Why is she crying? She just met her daughter whom she left before she was even a year old? Does she not feel anything at all? "Haven't you ever wondered how I've been?" She managed to ask, her voice hoarse.

"Oh please, I'm sure your father took good care of you" The woman, her mother, dismissed it with a wave of her hand as if it's not a big deal to not care even the slightest bit about a child she gave birth to.

Jannah let out a small humorless chuckle that was barely audible as she shook her head. Yet even as she did that, she still had tears streaming down her face. Blinking yet again, her eyes met her mother's again, "You don't care, do you?"

"Stop making a big deal out of nothing" Her mother rolled her eyes. The girl is starting to get on her nerves. What's with the sobbing and questions? Can't she just say a few things and walk away? "You're not the first child who grew up without a mother, and look at you, you're still alive"

Jannah let out a sound that even she didn't know if it was a scoff, another humorless chuckle, or a sob? Perhaps, it was all three. She stared at the woman in disbelief, her tears streaming down her face like waterfalls. "Twenty-six years" Her voice came out low. Sniffing, she reached her hand out to wipe the tears but more fell. "I spent twenty-six years wondering what it would be like to meet you? I hated you on more occasions than one but at the same time, I still hoped, a small part of me hoped you weren't how I expected...you weren't like this"

To make matters worse, this woman, her mother doesn't even seem fazed by the words the girl is saying to her. An emotion did cross her eyes but it was gone as soon as it appeared, and that was how she stood there, unfazed by whatever is being said to her. "You don't need me" She finally said, when she realized Jannah was waiting for her to say something...anything to at least show that she cares.

Jannah's breathing was heavy, and the tears streamed without stopping one bit. "Is there ever a child that doesn't need his mother?" She couldn't even bring herself to raise her voice.

"You grew up well"

"Was I supposed to die then?" Sounds sarcastic, but she was genuinely curious. The woman keeps saying that but how else was she supposed to grow?

Without blinking, or the slightest hesitation, the woman answered her, "I never wanted a child"

"Then you shouldn't have given birth to me" Jannah replied just as fast, "Then you shouldn't have married my father and had me. Or maybe, you should've just aborted when you found out you were pregnant"

Tilting her head to the side, the woman-whatever her name is, answered yet again. "You think I didn't try that?"

Jannah's lips parted in disbelief. She couldn't believe the woman actually said that to her. By then, she's sure her face is red, and swollen but that was the least of her concerns. She doesn't care that she is standing in a mall with thousands of people, bawling her eyes out in front of woman that doesn't give a hoot about her. This time around, she didn't bother to wipe the tears because it's of no use. "Are you even my mother?" She asked, because for a moment she truly was the woman isn't.

When she didn't get an answer, she asked again, this time her questions came in rushed that the woman barely caught on. "--What did I ever do to you, huh? What did I do that was so wrong to have you treat me this way? 'How have you been? How was it growing up? I'm sorry to have missed important occasions in your life? I've been worried about you all this while? I'm sorry, but I still care about you because you're my daughter. Are you happy? Is life treating you well?' WILL IT KILL YOU TO ASK ME ANYTHING OR SHOW THAT YOU AT LEAST CARE WHEN YOU DON'T? WILL IT KILL YOU TO SHOW THE TINIEST BIT OF AFFECTION TO THE CHILD YOU GAVE BIRTH TO?" She ended up yelling; something she never thought she would do when she finally meets her mother.

But she couldn't help it. Not when the woman keeps saying stuff like that to her.

The woman blinked, blowing out a small breath. "Would you have preferred to grow up with a mother that doesn't care about you then? Huh? Would you have preferred to grow up in a world where I'm there to constantly make you act like this?"

Jannah glared at her through her teary, swollen, red eyes. Up till the very end, the woman is showing no affection to her ad still believes she made the right choice. How twisted is that?

"-I left you because you would've, and still lived, a better life without me"

Jannah shook her head slowly, "No" She denied. "You left because you never loved my father, and me. You left because you had no intentions of being tied to him but you had me, and you hated me for it because you know you will forever be tied to him through me. You left because you only wanted him for his money in the first place!" She had denied it countless times in her life, giving the woman the benefit of doubt but she doubts she can do it ever again.

Her mother stared at her for a while before she nodded slowly. "Yes, I was only with him for his money. Happy?" She doesn't regret ever knowing him though, because thanks to him, she has the money she lives her lavish life with. "What will family do for you, huh? Do you think families can give you happiness? Do you think men can give you happiness? No. If you even have such fantasy, then it's better you get rid of it. Men are not to be trusted one bit because they only ever care about themselves, no one else. Do not for one second ever trust a man, because they will disappoint you. A family? Oh please" She scoffed, "That so called family only care about themselves too-none of them can bring you happiness. It would be much better to have loads of money, because that is where your happiness truly lies"

Jannah shook her head slowly, as she tsked. "It's sad you think that way"

"It's stupid for you to believe otherwise" Her mother snapped. "Don't be stupid and foolish Firdausi. Get those fantasies out of your head. The sooner you do that and grow the hell up, the better. You're all alone. If you don't care about yourself and keep waiting for someone to do that, then you're fooling yourself"

Jannah smiled bitterly, more tears streaming down her face. Raising both hands up, she wiped the tears away completely before she sniffed. Her eyes then met the woman's again. "I truly wished I never met you" She said softly. Her expression wasn't bitter though. She didn't hate the woman, she doubts she ever could but she was hurt, beyond words. It's obvious there will be no talking the woman out of her belief. You can't change people. "And I wish I will never cross paths with you again"

The woman held her chin up, her eyes clear as day. She wasn't even hurt in the slightest by the girl's words. If she is, the she didn't show it.

"I hope you keep living your life to the fullest though. And I sincerely hope you stay happy because I still wish you nothing but the best" As she said that, a single tear slid down Jannah's face, which she didn't wipe away. Throwing the woman one last, longing look, she turned around and walked away-hoping with every bit of her to never cross paths with the woman again. She doesn't think she can handle the pain anymore.

She kept walking, not really knowing where she's headed. But she knew that she wanted to be somewhere there aren't many people. And after walking aimlessly for a while, she reached a place where there are less people and found a place to sit.

Reaching her hand out to pull her phone out, she scrolled through her contacts and tapped on a particular one; bringing the phone to her ears. All it took were a few seconds before he answered.

"Hello, Jannah?"

His voice, that was all she needed before the tears came streaming down. Her head hung low as she sobbed, loudly.

The sound reached his ears, making him panic almost instantly, "Jannah...Firdausi, what is going on? What happened to you?"

She shook her head, unable to bring herself to say anything. She doesn't even know what to say. She doesn't why she called him to begin with when all she wants to is to cry her heart out.

"Send me your location, okay?" His voice came, rushed. "I'll come get you. Just send it to me now"

Jannah brought the phone down, not bothering to end the call. Somehow, she managed to look up trying to see the name of any nearby shop, and when she spotted the eatery Buffalo Burger, she typed down the name of the mall and the eatery before sending it through her blurry gaze. Afterwards, she carelessly dropped the phone beside her and buried her face in between her hands, crying her eyes balls out.

She doesn't know how long she sat there bawling her eyes out. But at one point, she was no longer shedding tears and was simply sitting there, staring at nothing in particular. Her mind wasn't on her surroundings; heck it was simply blank.

A pair of shoes came into her sight, making her look up to see who it was. She wasn't surprised to see Abdallah there because after all, she did call him. However, seeing him there, looking at her had her eyes becoming blurry again but she sniffed and blinked them away.

Abdallah's expression softened as he took the spot beside her, leaving a reasonable distance in between them. He turned around to face her, "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

She licked her chapped lips, swiveling her head so her eyes could meet his. She then shook her head. "No" She whispered, her eyes becoming glossy again. Just when she thought she had no more tears to shed, he shows up and she feels like crying a river. Sometimes, she wonders if he would ever get tired of seeing her crying because he was always there at her worst.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, keeping his voice low.

His voice has this calming effect on her; she realized as she reached her finger out to wipe the tear in the corner of her eyes. Sniffing, she looked down and intertwined her fingers. "I saw her..." She said, her voice barely audible.

But he got it. "Saw who?"

"My mother" She doubts the woman deserves to be called that but she did give birth to her after all. She can never deny that.

Abdallah blinked, a crease forming in between his brows. He knew the girl's relation with her mother, and he's sure she wasn't expecting to meet her there. Seeing the girl's expression though it's obvious it didn't end well. To be honest, he didn't know what to say to her. He was never good with feelings that roll that way. Yet with her, he finds himself trying.

"She hates me in case you're wondering" Jannah continued in a light tone, casually trying to play it out like it was nothing. Her smile was bitter though because she felt sad, and she pitied herself.

"She doesn't hate you" He wasn't the one that met her, and doesn't know what transpired between them but a believes, a mother, no matter how wicked or whatever still cares about her child. She may not show it, but she does-at least, that's what he believes.

Jannah shrugged, "She didn't say it but her actions said it loud and clear" She then clicked her tongue, sniffing again though there were no tears falling down her face. "She doesn't want anything to do with me and she doesn't feel bad about missing anything out in my life" She doesn't care if she would seem whiny or whatnot, but unless you grew up without a mother, you wouldn't understand how she feels.

She grew up seeing the people around her, her friends, and cousins with their mothers. They were there for them at important moments in their lives. Be it their secondary school graduation, graduating from university, or achieving any other milestones, they were there.

And then there's her. Don't get her wrong her father is always there and she loves him immensely for it but that void is always there-it will forever be.

"You know, when I was talking to her I truly wished I was never born" Somehow saying that had her eyes glossy again. But she didn't want to cry anymore, so she folded her lips in and took a deep breath before she continued. "I didn't understand how she could not feel anything towards me so I asked why didn't try to abort while she had me. And you know what she said?" She raised her head up to look at him, silent tears now falling down her face. "She said she tried" Jannah chuckled humorlessly. "She should've gotten rid of me then. It would've been better than to live like this"

Abdallah felt his heart tightened as she said that. He truly hated seeing her in tears, and to hear her say that. "Don't say that" He finally spoke. "Don't you ever say that"

"And why not?" She sniffed, "Wouldn't it better for everyone if I wasn't here? Abdallah, it hurts" She whispered, more tears streaming down her face. "It hurts to live like this. I don't want to live like this"

"And what about your father, huh? What about your family? What about Aisha? And what about me? Don't you think we want you? Hmm?" He understood that for her to think that way means she's really depressed. But if he has to be the one to remind her of the people who truly love her, to actually pull her out of this depressive episode then so be it.

She didn't say anything because she honestly doesn't even know what to say exactly.

"Jannah, we care, and love you just the way you are. I don't know about the others but I'm certain they want you in their lives as well because you matter to them. Jay, you matter to me and I can't imagine my life without. Might sound cheesy but I truly mean it. We are whom we are because of the people we have around us, and that's the same for you. Don't you feel happy, having us in your lives? Don't we make you happy?"

She sighed deeply, "You do but--"

"No buts, Jay. Stop focusing on the negative things and focus on the positive ones. I'm not saying you should forget about your mother entirely but do not allow yourself to dwell in misery over whatever transpired between you two. Think of your father who gave you all the love he has in the world and think of us, who care immensely about you. Focus on us instead because you matter, your existence does...a lot"

Jannah stared at him for a while, trying to let the words sink in. But deep down she knew he's right. She wasn't sure if everything her mother said is right, that will be something she learns over the years as she grows. However, she knew she's wrong when she said all men don't care. Because as she stares into Abdallah's eyes, she knew he cares. Maybe he'll change in the future, and he will no longer be the man she knows then but for that moment, he cares.

And that's what mattered the most to her then.


Aisha didn't have nightmares that night. Thinking back, she didn't get nightmares on the day of the Kamu either. She must've been too tired considering how hectic and stressful the whole wedding is that the exhaustion took a toll on her. But to be honest, it took her by surprise that Aslam had to wake her up for Subh that night.

She can't remember the last time something like that happened because she was always awake by then. Always.

Nonetheless, the two prayed together before she went back to sleep yet again without even realizing it. The next time she woke up, it was about ten in the morning and Aslam was nowhere in sight. There was a paper though under her phone, which he left informing her that he had went to see his friends off as the men were heading back to Nigeria early in the morning. And considering they came all the way to Cairo for his wedding, it's only right he sees them off.

Aisha didn't mind. She doesn't think she can handle waking up to seeing a man in bed beside her. God knows she would've screamed and wondered where the hell he came from and what he was doing in her room. And then it would've dawned on her that she is now married and will get used to this for the rest of her life.

Yeah...she doesn't think she will get used to that any time soon.

Nonetheless, she got off bed and fixed it before heading to the en suite to take a shower. After that, she dressed up modestly, and headed downstairs in hopes of meeting someone. The house was quiet though; perhaps, they were all in their rooms considering it was still early. Well, early in some people's dictionary.

When she reached the kitchen, she ran into a familiar figure making a smile instantly make its way on her face. "Morning, Taslim"

Taslim who had her face buried in the refrigerator looked up, offering Aisha a wide smile back. "Oh, Aisha! Good morning" She waved at her slightly, turning around to face her completely after she had closed the fridge.

"Where is everyone?"

Taslim shrugged, "Some are out, some are in their rooms. But I think everyone awake already had breakfast. Oh, and grandma went out with your aunt-I don't know which one, but yeah, they went out together but they said they will be back soon since you know...they're leaving soon"

"Oh...okay" Aisha nodded, making her way further into the kitchen.

"Come let's eat together. I was just planning on eating now too. If you don't mind that is"

"I don't mind"

And that was how the two women ended up getting their food and then settled in the dinning, eating and occasionally having small talks here and there. When they were done, they cleared the used plates together before they decided to crash in the living room since they had nothing better to do.

"Have you seen Jannah, though?" Aisha asked at one point. She enjoys talking to Taslim. At first she thought the girl will be rude and whatnot. However, she is the exact opposite and Aisha realized it's impossible to not like the woman.

"She went to the mall earlier"

Aisha hummed, her lips tugging downwards into a small frown. "She isn't one that likes malls though" She shrugged slightly, choosing to dismiss it. "She probably just wants to look around because she feels stuffed sitting in one place"

"I guess" Taslim's eyes widened slightly as she remembered something. "Hey, I know this is none of my business, but do you know what I find weird?"

"What?" Aisha asked, genuinely confused.

"That brother of yours...Abdallah, right?"

"Yes, what about him"

"He was about to leave with the other men, but she called him and he just left. Like he ditched leaving to go to her" Taslim didn't mean it in a gossip way. She just saw how worried he looked and she couldn't help but wonder if something happened to Aisha's best friend. She was simply informing Aisha out of concern.

If possible, Aisha's frown deepened. "He did?" She wasn't surprised, because she knows, and it's obvious the man cares about her best friend. However, she couldn't help but wonder what is it that came up for him to act that way.

Taslim nodded, "Yeah...he did"

Aisha sighed, her brows drawing in worry. She couldn't help but feel like something bad must've happened to the girl for to leave like that. Nonetheless, she trusts that he can handle whatever it is, and that the girl will be in good hands. That to say doesn't mean she's not worried though, it's just that knowing he's there lessens it a bit. "I'm sure they can handle it" She mumbled, more to herself than to Taslim.

Taslim offered her a warm smile, as if to say it will all be well in shaa Allah.

They were silent for a while again, and Taslim could tell Aisha wanted to ask her something by the way the girl was fiddling with her fingers, and her eyes kept darting to and from her. "If you have something to say, you can simply ask, you know" She said in a light tone, laced with humor to make the air less tense for the girl. "I don't bite" She added playfully.

Aisha chuckled lightly, as she looked down at her hands. "I'm sorry. It's just...it's still feels weird for me to sit like this with the Chairlady of HGH"

"Oh" Taslim honestly forgets that she is on situations like that, and she was hoping Aisha would do too. She thought they were past that stage. "Well, like I said before, you are now married to someone that can take the position from me so you're safe" She wasn't sure if that sounds comforting, but that was her intention.

Aisha looked up, her eyes meeting Taslim's as she laughed softly. "It's going to take a while for that to sink in" She had never met the late Chairman before, heck she hadn't met the Director-whom she heard will be replaced because of his health condition, and had only met the Deputy Director once; and even that wasn't on a good note.

The fact that the three are closely related, though Taslim turns out to be different, still will take a while for her to get used to.

"I guess" Taslim shrugged. She suddenly snapped her fingers, as if remembering something. "I just remembered where I heard his name before" She said, realization dawning on her as her eyes met Aisha's.

Confused, Aisha asked, "Heard whose name?"

"Abdallah Sudais" She had been wondering where she heard it before since she heard the men earlier bid him farewell, and some even called his full name. It clicked in her mind that she had heard the name somewhere before. "He wants to work in HGH full time" That was where.

"You keep track of things like that too?" Aisha knew he wants to work in HGH. She just didn't expect Taslim to know it of all people. "Thought the administrative department or something takes care of that and you focus on other things" Hundreds of people apply to work there, how could she remember him?

Taslim gave her a sheepish smile and then shrugged slightly. "They do but I also check. Unless you're alert on these stuff, you won't ever know what happens behind the scenes and before you know it..." She snapped her fingers again. "...you'll be on the verge of losing everything"

Aisha gave her a wry smile, not really understanding what Taslim meant. But at the same time, she truly doesn't want to know so she chose to ignore it.

"That aside," Taslim waved her hand, as if to dismiss the issue. "Tell me, what is it you wanted to ask?"

"Oh, that" Aisha ran her fingers over her knuckles, hesitating for a moment. "I was hoping you'd tell me something about Hajiya Babba and Mami" She said lowly, hoping it wouldn't come out weird to the woman sitting in front of her.

Taslim stared at her with a look that made Aisha uneasy.

She quickly added, "Don't get me wrong. I just wanted like an overview of what I should expect of some sort" She released a loud sigh, "You see I have a feeling Mami doesn't like me, and Hajiya Babba does. But Aslam gets along with Mami, well, for obvious reasons to begin with but he doesn't get along with Hajiya which is very weird since he gets along with almost everyone. This is all so confusing"

Taslim's expression softened as she watched Aisha rant. She really wished she could help, but she can't. "It's really not in my place to say, Aisha. "You should ask Aslam"

"I did ask, but he didn't really tell me anything that will be of help" If anything, he evaded the question. She released a fed up sigh at the thought. He wouldn't budge easily. "I'm not asking for anything deep, Taslim. Please, just tell me something I should just be aware of. He keeps telling me to not worry but that indeed is making me worry"

Taslim still wasn't sure.

"Please. I'm not asking for anything deep. Just something that everyone knows"

Taslim shook her head, finally caving in. She turned around to face Aisha fully, crossing her legs. "Well, first of all, we have Hajiya Babba..." She started, reaching her hand to pinch the tip of her nose. "...she comes from an influential family but their business flopped. She tried her best to save it when they were in crises. Heck, she did a lot of things to save it but when things are bound to happen, no one can stop it. She was already married to Baba then by the way" She paused, "And then there's Mami, whose family is close to the Abd Al-Rasheeds. I guess you can call us family friends of some sort. However, their marriage wasn't arranged. They took an interest in each other and decided to get married and well, you know the rest"

"That's it?" Aisha appreciated the intel, but it isn't exactly related to Aslam in any way. Well, none that Taslim pointed out. "Come on, Taslim. Please tell me more"

Taslim stared at her in amusement. "You're a curious one, I see" She noted. "But seriously, you should ask your husband everything else. I honestly don't know what his beef with Hajiya Babba is; the elders know though and for whatever reason they feel it's justified because I don't really see them scolding him. And as for Mami, don't worry, I can talk to her for you. She'll come around. She's just a bit wary of people that come into his life"

Aisha sighed, "But I am his wife now"

"Exactly. She's come around so don't worry your pretty head about anything for now. Okay?"

"I guess..."


1189 Nile Corniche, Boulaq

Num.5, Bulaq, Cairo

Governorate 4311102, Egypt.

La Zisa. Taste Italian.


Aslam looked up from his phone, as he stood in front of the La Zisa restaurant. He was right when he said his grandfather must've had the same idea he did for him to have trusted him with control over HGH. Because last night, after Haroon and Taslim retired to their various rooms, he stayed for a little while longer looking though the old man's belongings in search for something-anything.

About half an hour later, he found an old book; one that he recognized at first glance. It was the same book he loved when he was younger and his grandfather always read it to him. It was about doctors, and although he was too young to understand most of the stuff-albeit written in form for elementary kids, he still showed interest in it-something his siblings lacked.

None of the kids in the Abd Al-Rasheed family took a liking towards it. Heck, it used to put all of them to sleep the minute someone tries to read it, and it was a kids book for God's sake! Not Aslam though. He heard, and read it so many times that it stuck to his brain then. It was also his bonding book with his grandfather to the point that the old man once said, on the day he started medical school, that he knew he would be the one to follow his medical path from the interest the boy took in the book.

It was also the one book that no one else in the family would bother to check no matter what. Most of them have forgotten it too which made it the perfect book for him to leave Aslam the clue he needs to save HGH.

It was nothing but a phone number and a rough scribble of the letters 'A.S'-something that Aslam instantly recognized the meaning of. Not caring that it was the middle of the night, he dialed the phone number and on the very last ring, the person on the other end answered.

No word or sound came from the other end, and yet the fact that the call was still ongoing was all Aslam needed to know there is indeed someone, waiting for him to speak.

"Alex? Really?" He questioned, disbelief masking his tone. But both he, and the man on the other end knew what he's talking about. And his thought was confirmed when a deep chuckle came from the other end, one that he recognized despite the years that passed by. The man didn't say anything though, leaving Aslam to speak again. "Let's meet"

The call ended in that exact moment, and not even a minute later, a message came in with the address of where they should meet, nothing more.

And that's where Aslam found himself standing now, after seeing his friends off. He hadn't told anyone of the person he would be meeting, not Irfan, Taslim, or Haroon. No one at all. He wanted to talk to the man freely at first, with no one waiting to hear a thing about it.

Without an ounce of hesitation, Aslam stepped foot inside the restaurant that was packed with people. Their soft chatters could be heard the minute one steps foot in it. It wasn't loud enough to disturb anyone else though, so no one complained.

La Zisa is an inviting dining space that offers Italian cuisine with Arabic influences. People enjoy their dining experience there with the impeccable cuisine whilst overlooking bight and panoramic views of the Nile. So, it is a popular dining spot for its casual sophistication.

"Mr. Abd Al-Rasheed?" Asked a woman that stood by the door, offering him a warm smile.

Aslam had never met this woman before, and he didn't make a reservation either so he wasn't the one that informed her of his presence. For her to know him though, it has to be the work of the man he came to meet. So, he nodded.

"This way please"

And so, he followed her to wherever. They walked past the people that were casually dining with no care till they reached a table away from the prying eyes. The people there can still be seen, but it offers privacy in a way and gave a view of the Nile thanks to the glass windows.

Gesturing to the table where a man sat, his back facing Aslam, she then turned around and left. Aslam understood what she meant, this is his destination. He didn't budge or hesitate in the slightest form as he walked towards the table, rounding it in confident strides to take the chair opposite the man.

It wasn't until he sat down did their eyes met for the first time in such a long time. The man looked just like Aslam remembered, only much older. There was no malice or whatsoever masking his features, but his lips did stretch into a wide smile that surprisingly didn't creep Aslam out.

Aslam held up his blank expression though, which was a stark contrast to the man's expression. No words were exchanged between the two for a few seconds. Until the man decided to break the silence.

"Well, hello baby brother"


Excuse me, WHAT?!! You did not see that coming, don't lie.

No but forget, this book is getting more interesting now. Aslam, you get older brother? Alex be your broza? Warris going on???????

No but if they really are brothers, then one is a doctor and the other a drug lord? Hehe, aradu duk drugs kukeyi kawai.

And Jannah's scene, dude I was crying while writing it. Did I mention that I was even listening to depressing piano music to feel the emotions? I cried my eyeballs for hours fa!

Abdallah is such a sweetheart though. Guy forget that Jannah and come to the real one abeg kaji. And that mother of hers, I wanted to strangle her.

FYI, the real Jannah loves her mom to the moon and back, hehe. Just for the sake of saying sakes. That doesn't make sense but WARREVA!

I'm spoiling you with long chapters and daily updates wallahi. You owe men comments these days da gaske. I'm trying for yall.

If my life doesn't get fucked up on August 1st, then I might consider adding a few chapters after 50, maybe 55 hake. But if it gets fucked up, hehe, rip Jannah. Just pray for me.

Warris going to happen next? Me too I don't know so we'll see.

But are you ready for the next chapter? Because if I end up writing what's on my mind then I don't think you're ready. E will shock you, and you will love it. Somewhere in between that dai but sha, we wee see.


Love, Jannah.

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