42; Alias Alex.
Friday update is here❤️
"ASLAM, WE REALLY need to talk," Haroon said lowly, only intended for the one addressed to hear. He has a smile masking his features, but the tone he used was one that depicts seriousness.
Aslam who held up a smile of his shifted his eyes from one of his friends to another. It's the day the women are having their Henna day, and his friends has successfully pulled his out of his home to some new restaurant, making him pay for all the food they'd ordered—and they ordered a lot because grown men happen to eat a lot.
He didn't look at Haroon though he knew whatever the man would say must be serious. He has been trying to get him to talk in private for a while now, and Aslam had been dodging it considering they are with their friends and as such, would not be right for him to just leave with Haroon—not when they are all having a good time.
"Later, Haruna" He waved it off, still not sparing the man a glance.
Haroon released a fed up sigh. "No. We need to talk now" He was honestly tired of Aslam pushing the talk aside. He needs to talk to him as soon as possible because of the situation they have in hand. The situation the man doesn't seem to understand the gravity of.
Aslam sighed finally turning around to look at Haroon. The look on the man's face tells him he wouldn't take no for an answer. So, he relented.
The two excused themselves from the others and stepped out to talk about whatever is bothering Haroon. The minute they were out of earshot, Haroon pulled out his phone, typed something and then shoved the phone to Aslam's face.
Aslam spared the phone a glance, quirking a brow slightly at the picture Haroon showed him. It was a picture of Aisha during the event that's currently going on. By the looks of it, it was Yasmine, his wife that posted it on her Whatsapp status or something.
"This, is the woman you want to marry?" Haroon asked, lips tugged into a deep frown and a crease forming on his forehead.
Aslam looked away from the phone, his expression blank. "Yes"
Haroon blinked, bringing the phone down. "Aslam, you want to marry this woman. You want to marry Aisha...whatever her last name is now. Do you even know who she is?" He had never seen the woman Aslam wanted to marry before. However, now that he had seen her, it was almost impossible for him to not recognize her despite how much time passed. For a moment, he hoped it wasn't what he expected. However, as a police officer, he just had to check a few facts and everything pointed to one conclusion.
He wasn't sure if Aslam knew though, and he wanted to be the one to tell him before things go far.
But, there was this blank look on Aslam's face. It wasn't the look he expected from the man. He was expecting him to look confused, or demand answers on why he's speaking about the woman he's about to wife like that. But there was none of that, instead, his blank expression remained unwavering, making it a bit hard for Haroon to tell what's going on in the man's head.
"Aslam, don't you get it?" He asked again, "Don't you know who this woman is?"
Aslam said nothing to him at all. Instead, he held his gaze, his expression still blank as a canvas.
Haroon stared at him for a while, and after a few seconds, his shoulders slumped. His expression fell, and his eyes, widened slightly. "You knew..." He whispered, disbelief masking his features. "You know everything, don't you?"
Aslam blew out a small breath, looking away from the scrutinizing gaze of the police officer. He knew the man is smart, and it wouldn't take him long to realize what Aslam has been hiding away from everyone. That is the reason why he had kept Haroon away from the hospital, in fear that he and Aisha will meet one day because even if she doesn't recognize him, he knew Haroon will recognize her.
And all it took now was a picture for that to happen.
Haroon blew a harsh blew, his hands dropping by his side as her stared at his friend in utter disbelief. "Kasan me kakeyi kuwa, Aslam?" He asked, his voice oddly calm. "Does she even know?"
Aslam shook his head, "No, she doesn't" He doesn't see the point in lying to Haroon. The truth will soon come out anyway. Nothing ever stays hidden forever.
Haroon scoffed lightly, wondering if his friend had grown two heads. He took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself down before he says something he'll regret. Clasping his hands together in front of him, he tries to make sense of the reason why Aslam would make such a decision. "Aslam I get that you pity her, but dragging her into your life is not a good decision"
"Should I just sit and watch her live her entire life, believing she doesn't deserve to be loved then? Should I move on with my life and forget that nothing happen? Should we keep on living our lives to the fullest despite knowing someone's live got ruined because of us" Aslam snapped, though he didn't raise his voice.
Haroon sighed, reaching his hand up to massage his temple. "Aslam, I have nothing to do with this" Truthfully, he has nothing that has to do with it. However, the fact that he knows, and is choosing to hide it makes it wrong. Isn't he a police officer? Isn't he supposed to help people get justice that they deserve?
"Yes you have nothing to do with this, but I do" He doesn't care if Haroon wouldn't take the blame because he truly is innocent. However, he will take the blame completely. At least, until the real culprit takes it.
Haroon looked away for a brief moment, shaking his head slightly, "You have nothing to do with this either. You've done what you could--"
"And it wasn't enough, it never was" Aslam cut him. He understands where Haroon is coming from—he is simply looking out for Aslam, and for Aisha in a way but that to say doesn't mean he's not upset though. He's furious that Haroon can even say that after everything. "Pity you say?" He scoffed in disbelief. "I don't pity her, how dare I?" What will his pity do? Nothing. Swallowing thickly, he darted his tongue out to swipe across his lower lip as he looked away to gather his thoughts. A few seconds passed before he blew out a low breath and looked at Haroon again. "Haroon, I love Aisha" He stated, sincerely. "I love her beyond words. I have loved her before, and I still do. I'll be damned if I sit back and watch her continue living the way she is right now"
"Aslam she has a new life, a new family that loves her. She doesn't need to be reminded of the past" Haroon wished Aslam could see from his perspective. He's trying to look out for them all. He's looking at what will be better for them both, and for everyone involved.
Would bringing the past up do good for anyone?
Aslam shook his head, refusing to accept whatever logic Haroon is trying to make sink in his head. He wouldn't accept it—not when he has already made up his mind. "Haroon I can't live with guilt for the rest of my life, and I cannot allow her to keep living with the pain in her for the rest of her life either" He had been trying, he honestly has been trying his absolute best to move on but he can't bring himself to do so.
Haroon's expression softened. He knows Aslam is a good person, everyone does and if the man sets his mind to do something, then he would do it till the very end—for absolutely nothing can and will change his mind. So, he released a deep sigh, "Aslam I can't stop you if this is what you want. But marriage is sacred--"
"One week" Aslam cut him off, "All I want is a week with no problems whatsoever. The world can flip around afterwards but just give me a week, give us a week to be happy at the very least. Don't we deserve that?"
Aslam's lips stretched into a warm smile as he pulled up the duvet to cover Aisha completely. The dinner had ended earlier and they have all retired to their various rooms and accommodations. This time around, Aisha didn't stay in the room she got ready earlier. Instead, Aslam took her to his room where they changed and then prayed. While he went downstairs to check on the others to make sure they are all fully settled, she remained in their room.
By the time he returned, she was already fast asleep on the bed. He could tell from the odd angle she was in that she didn't plan to doze off then. But it happened and he understood she must've been so exhausted considering the past few days have been hectic for them all. So, with a soft smile masking his features, he helped her get in a position that would be comfortable for her, and pulled the duvet to cover.
Taking the spot beside her, he ran the back of his face on her soft cheeks, loving that he could see her up close like this. She didn't move even when he did that, which showed she truly is fast asleep and weirdly enough, he loved seeing her that way.
She looks peaceful. What he would give to see her look that way.
After a while, he heard his phone ping. He already knows what it's about, considering he has been expecting a message from someone. So, with one last look at his wife's face, he leaned down to peck her forehead before he got up and left the bed. On his way out of the room, he turned off the lights and picked up his phone before he headed straight to his father's study room knowing no one would wander off there at that time.
Considering it wasn't far, he reached there in no time. Not bothering to knock or anything, he stepped in with a salaam. His gaze then instantly fell on a figure of someone seated on one of the sofas. The lights in the room were dimmed, however, he already who the person is without much efforts.
He walked towards the figure and took the spot beside him. The two shared a look, before the person tapped the call button on the Macbook he had in front of him. The call went through, and seconds later, another familiar face came into view. The three exchanged greetings for a few seconds, before they went down to business.
"I've found out your man" Irfan announced from the other end, his voice knows because the information is supposed to stay between him, and the others in the room for that moment at least—until they decided on what to do.
"The one the Late Chairman spoke to back then?" Haroon—who was the one Aslam met in the room asked, for clarification.
Irfan nodded, "Yes" He confirmed, "Had to ask for help from a certain Aman Wambai who works in the embassy but yes, I found your man"
"Who is it?" Aslam inquired, a part of him dreading the answer. He hated how everything had to come down at this moment—now that he simply wanted a few days of peace and quiet. Seems like it won't happen though.
Irfan sighed, "No first, or real name. But alias, Alex" He had tried to get the man's real name, but even with the help of the man Aman, they weren't able to get his real name other than what everyone knows him with. "A notorious and wanted drug lord"
"Drug lord?" Haroon repeated, as if he couldn't believe his ears. Truthfully though, of all the things he expected, a drug dealer isn't one of it. "What would Chairman have to do with a drug lord?" It just doesn't seem right.
Aslam kept silent, his thoughts farfetched as the wheels in his head turn. He tried to put the pieces together but it was proving to be difficult. He couldn't even bring himself to come up with a rational explanation that would justify the situation but there was nothing.
Irfan shook his head in regards to Haroon's questions. "That, is something I do not know" He shrugged. It was already a struggle to find the man, because it's been so long and he had to dig into matters for that long.
Silence engulfed the room, as the three men were all lost in their thoughts. None could seem to come up with anything, up until Aslam decided to point out a fact that they seem to have forgotten.
He blinked, his head tilting to the side as he shifted his gaze to meet Irfan's. "He met the man because of Hisham" He stated slowly, as if that is supposed to ring any bell. This had both men focusing their gazes on him.
"Hisham is using the hospital to export drugs" Came a soft, almost inaudible voice from behind them, somewhere near the book shelf. The sound of something—probably a book being placed back in place, reached their ears before footsteps approached them, and she came into sight.
"What?" Haroon asked in disbelief.
Taslim nodded, standing behind them as she folded her hands over her torso so she could see, and is visible to all three. They all knew she was in the room; however, she chose to keep silent throughout until it was time to get answers. "That's the only explanation" She had racked her brain for any other possible answer, but this is the only conclusion she could come up with. "If grandpa met this man, a wanted drug lord because of Hisham and chose to keep it a secret and at the same time, transfer his shares to Aslam, what do you think could be the reason?" She would've thought differently had it been the one didn't get a heart attack. Whatever is it must've got to him for the thing to have disturbed him for two years, and ultimately resulted to his death.
It's obvious he did nothing wrong. But, someone did and he had to keep it to himself with the hopes that his grandson, Aslam, could try and make things right—for whatever reason.
"He tried to protect Hisham" Aslam said, finally putting the puzzles together. He had anticipated before that the old man was protecting someone. He was protecting his grandson.
Taslim bit her lower lip, shaking her head slightly. "Yes....and no" She wanted them to look at the bigger picture. Using her hands to make gestures, she explained. "Yes, he tried to protect Hisham in a way but we all know grandpa was an honest, and upright man. If he tried to protect Hisham for two years, it must've been because he hoped the man would confess and pay for his crimes. But he didn't and if you look carefully, this goes beyond Hisham. HGH is on the line here. It gets exposed that our hospital is dealing with illegal drugs behind the scenes, we're done for. That's the end of HGH, and our family's legacy"
She was right. It dawned on the three men the gravity of the situation. Hisham's greed and love for money has put them on in a difficult situation that will hard for them to get out of.
The fact that Taslim was able to crack the mystery made Aslam know he truly made the right choice by making her the Chairlady of HGH. She has the wits, and literally every other thing it takes. They also made the right choice by getting her involved in this.
But that aside. Horizon General Hospital is on the line here.
One wrong move and it is game over.
"This is messed up" Haroon mumbled, massaging his temples. "What are we going to do now?"
"Hisham would never confess" Taslim stated the obvious. She knows her brother well. If he didn't confess despite their grandfather, the Late Chairman, knowing. Then why would he now that she is in charge? If anything, he takes her as a joke. He will take this as his chance to expand his business. "Not until we pressure him that is" She added, with a slight shrug.
"That's going to be hard" Haroon deadpanned.
"Is it even possible to pressure your brother?" Irfan asked, his brows drawn in. He was worried about them all, but especially about her. Taslim had always have a soft spot in his heart. She isn't showing it but he knows this is taking a toll on her as the Chairlady of HGH, as Hisham's sister, and as a member of the Abd Al-Rasheed family.
Taslim's eyes met his, and her expression instantly softened. Irfan always had this thing of making her walls drop. She shrugged, blowing out a low breath. "We can always try...it won't hurt to try whatever"
Aslam shook his head, "No" His eyes met hers, "Trying to pressure him is useless. He won't budge" Hisham is one stubborn son of a beautiful woman. They'd be wasting their time trying to do anything to him. "Instead..." He shifted his gaze. "...we need to find that Alex guy"
"You want to find a wanted notorious drug lord?" Haroon asked, staring at Aslam as if he had grown ten heads. No but in his defense, had Aslam realized what he's saying? Does it even make sense to him?
Aslam nodded, ignoring the looks he's getting from all three of them. "With Hisham, we already know who we are dealing with. If we get this man to confess, Hisham can't deny it any further" It seems like the only possible way to save both the hospital, and make Hisham pay.
"You think a drug lord will suddenly testify and admit to his wrong doings because you ask?" This time around it was Irfan that spoke. He had always been a carefree person but even he knew this is stupid.
How is it that all of them realize how stupid it sounds, apart from Aslam?
"Yeah that's not going to happen" Taslim agreed. She doesn't even know why Aslam bothers.
"We can't know if we don't try" Deep down, Aslam isn't certain of it either. Heck, even he knows how it sounds but he wants to held unto the tinniest bit of hope. If his grandfather thinks he can save them in a way, then he must know something he doesn't. He would try everything possible even if it looks highly ridiculous.
The three exchanged looks, before shrugging. If Aslam wants to try, then who are they to stop him?
"I have a picture of his, but I'm not sure if it truly is him" Irfan stated. He had forgotten to mention that before, and truly he isn't certain if it truly is the man's picture. He wasn't an expert in this, but even he knows you can't easily get a picture of someone whose wanted, and has been hiding for God knows how long.
That's the reason why he hasn't been caught, because no one truly knows what he looks like.
So, he isn't sure if the picture he has is truly the man or not.
"—Wait, I'll forward it to you three" And true to his words, only a minute later, their phones pinged and the picture came in.
Almost immediately, they all pulled it out to look at the picture. Haroon froze, while Aslam tensed, fingers stopping mid action. He blinked repeatedly, his head tilted to the side. Almost at the same time, he and Haroon looked at each other and shared a knowing look—leaving Taslim and Irfan to stare at them in confusion.
But the two knew what they realized.
This just got a whole lot more complicated. But they are certain of one thing, shit is definitely about to go down soon.
You didn't think I'd allow Aisha and Aslam to live happily, right? Hehe.
I don't think you're prepared for the upcoming chapters, but anyways! All is well.
There was another scene I wanted to add in this chapter but I was so tired, so Imma leave it for the next maybe. Bring your tissues though...just, fyi.
Moving on! So, you're telling me Aslam knows of Aisha's past? Iye? Is that what he means or what? Me I'm not understanding this o.
And then HGH issues. Will we lose our hosifital like this? Ah, what about our jobs there? And Hisham! Pass me my slippers please I'll beat someone's child.
And then whose is this Alex like this? Can Aslam convince him? Sha I don't think so but namu ido. We shall wait and see.
Toh, I've been spoiling yall with updates and we have just eight chapters left to round up. Ah, I will missssssss youuuuuu fiful fr.
Oh and in case you didn't realize it, I'm taking this book down once I'm done. Yes, it wasn't even supposed to be here but I've missed writing on Wattpad and Aishatu kind of convinced me to upload it here first. So, if you know someone that has started then let them know so they can catch up.
Na so I dey move am to okadabooks because I will not be sapanized. Tam, I've given you a headsup.
Goodnight. And hope you enjoyed your Friday. Don't forget to read Suratul Kahf.
Love, Jannah Mia.
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