41; Love In Cairo.

Hope you brought your tissues because it's an emotional one.

Oh and in case you didn't see it on IG, our wedding card is out.

No but let's be fair, 7500+ words, da gaske you owe me lots of comments.

AS THE CLOCK NEARED 11am, the Al-Sayed Kano residence was bustling with people trooping in and out. The men had left for the Bashir Uthman Tofa Masjid, where the knot will be tied leaving the women and some of the young kids that preferred to stay home, going up and about.

The women in the house were all doing one thing or another. Some focused on making sure people get food, some gossiping with their friends, and some genuinely having a good time.

The living room upstairs was completely sealed away from people. The only ones in there was the bride and her makeup artist along with her assistants. Then, the new from Nate Genius films whom they hired instead of Galleria. According to Aisha, almost everyone is picking Galleria so she wanted someone for a change. And besides, Nate's videos are good so why not?

Aside from then, Jannah was there too. She has to be considering she's the assistant bride. She already had her makeup done in a light manner, and was donning her first outfit for the day looking a little less than the bride.

Aisha is yet to wear her outfit. She wanted to be done with the makeup first before then. They are almost done though, and the video crew were already on their jobs, capturing the moments so they could make a good edit for it. They captured Aisha's makeup being done, her interactions with others and with Jannah of course.

"Ma shaa Allah, Indo, kinyi kyau" Jannah teased at one point, watching as Aisha's makeup artist is about to round it up which made Aisha grin and thank her. The little gesture between the two, as well as the compliment was captured in a recording and is guaranteed to be used in the wedding video as part of the intro.

The crew already captured moment from the groom's side before he left for the nikah, and that included his little speech.

"Aisha, your presence makes my dopamine and serotonin levels surge, and my tegmental areas glow. My ECG shows tachycardia. You are the hemoglobin in my blood, the oxygen curing my hypoxia. I hope your endocrine system reacts the same way to me as mine does to you. I will love you in health and when you are in the ICU. I would love you with a stent, a cath, or a tube. My heart registers an arrhythmia at the thought that our kids would have your genes. Every time I see you, my cardiovascular system gets all worked up. My eyes stick to you like histones on DNA. I still remember coming down with a sudden case of dyspnea when I first met you. I have a feeling I'd be going through the same thing the next time I see you, as my wedded wife, my work and lifetime partner in shaa Allah. I can't wait to see you, Mrs. Aslam"

Aslam said he didn't want her to hear it for the first time after the video has been released. So, he recalled a time when she mentioned how she would love to get letters. She said it didn't matter if it seems old fashioned, she likes it. And as such, he wrote the little confession in letter form, and had it sent to her while she gets her makeup done.

Everyone witnessed the grin and blush that took over her features when she opened the letter and her eyes skimmed through it-reading the confession in doctors' language. Just like all the other precious moments, it was captured as well.

She decided to do the same thing. Except instead of sending him a letter, she decided to do a voiceover for the video like it would be done on his part.

"Aslam, I am certain you are a cardiothoracic surgeon because you must've done cardiectomy on me. When I see you, my PQR waves normalizes as seen from the electrocardiogram, even if I'm in rigors' mortis. My heart sound 1 & 2 becomes audible and regular. When I'm with you, my liver works the most perfect in bilirubin conjugation which in turn elicits my sphincter of Oddi to execute its functions. I adore you from the bundles rung and purkinje tissues of my myocardia. I wish I were a DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes. I yearn for you like an ischemic heart miss its blood supply. I'll care for you like the way IV Taxim and Metrogyl care for a postoperative patient. Please don't be the etiology of my heart failure. Do take care of your vitals though"

Albeit it sounded sweet and all, the people there with the exception of Jannah ahd no idea what she meant. Who would understand this language if not healthcare professionals? Nonetheless, it sounded really interesting and the videographer was certain it would gain the attention of the viewers.

Once he was done with Aisha for that moment, they left and allowed her to get dressed up since she was done with her makeup. In the meantime, they decided to go to the Hajiya Asiya and get clips from her too which led to them asking her to give a speech. Since Aisha is getting dressed in her room, they decided to film Hajiya Asiya-Mommy giving a speech in the living room. They couldn't use the one downstairs because there are guests there. There's another one, but it was reserved for when the groom and his friends would arrive after the nikah. So, they had to make sue with that.

"Umm...what am I to say?" Mommy blew out a low breath, blinking as she swallowed thickly. "Alhamdullilah for being able to witness this day. It's truly a momentous day for me, my husband and the entire Al-Sayed family" Technically, she wasn't wrong. It's momentous because they can never forget Aisha's wedding. "Aisha is a responsible, caring, and hardworking young woman. I have no ounce in me that my daughter will be a good representative of the Al-Sayed family. She had always been my shoulder to lean on, she gave me strength and to say goodbye to her like this is beautiful, yet sad at the same time. It's hard to believe my beautiful daughter is now married and will no longer live with us. It's hard to accept that a day has come where I'll wake up and Aisha won't be in the house anymore..." She paused, looking down as tears streamed down her face. She has been trying to hold it in, however, now that she is admitting her feelings, it's all reigning down on her.

She reached her hand out to wipe the tears. Clearing her throat slightly, she continued. "...however, I have complete trust in my daughter, and I pray to Allah that her marriage will be amongst the best. I trust, and hope that Aslam will take care of my daughter because she is the most important person in the life of I, and my husband. Aisha is our world, and as such we wish absolutely nothing but the best for her. Allah basu zaman lafiya, da kuma zuri'a mai albarka"

They had to end Mommy's session there because the woman broke down, and had to be consoled by Jannah whom had given Aisha some alone space and heard half of what Mommy said. She embraced the woman, and pacified her even though she had tears in her eyes too. She has always loved, and in a way envied the relationship Mommy had with Aisha. She had no ill intent towards them though. She loved Mommy for the way the woman treats her as her own mother.

Eventually, Mommy decided to go back downstairs and continue welcoming the guests that arrived. In the meantime, she had food served to the crew that had been working since they were doing nothing at the moment. Aisha is still not yet out, and as such, were on a break.

Jannah went back to help Aisha who was done wearing her gown. She then called the makeup artist to come and tie Aisha's headgear in her room. It took a while, but soon enough the woman had maneuvered it and Aisha stood there looking like a bride indeed. Before Jannah could gush about her beautiful her best friend looks though, the door swung open and then Rukayya came in with the announcement that had Aisha sitting back on her bed without realizing it.

"An daura auren Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed da Aishatu Nasir Al-Sayed!"

That was it. Aisha realized. It's a done deal. She's finally married to Aslam.

She's Mrs. Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed, and there's no going back.


The camera clicked repeatedly, making Aisha blink as her smile wavered for a moment. She truly is happy, however the flashes were starting to get to her and she is slowly starting to get tired of all the smiles and whatnot. At that moment though, one of her friends said something that made them all crack up and the beautiful moment of the bride and her friends laughing was captured on the camera yet again.

That was when the cameraman announced he is done-for the moment at least. They thanked him, and almost immediately the bride was taken by her mother to her father's study room where he's waiting for her. She had spoken to him a few nights before, where he gave her the usual nasiha that had her in tears. Now though, considering she will soon be conveyed to her new family house, she has a feeling he wanted to say goodbye for the last time and the thought alone had tears welling up in her eyes.

Aisha held Mommy's hand tight as they reached the room. Knocking on the door, the two stepped in after he asked them to enter. The minute they stepped in, Aisha's glossy eyes fell on his figure that stood by the desk, facing the door. By the looks of it, he had taken off the babbar riga he had on, and was in his white kaftan that made him look like the bride's father indeed.

"Aishatu, amaryar mu" He teased, a wide grin masking his features. "Masha Allah my daughter, you look so beautiful. Alhamdullilah"

Aisha let go of Mommy's hand and covered the distance between them, wrapping her arms around her father in a tight embrace. At the moment she really doesn't care what others would think of her, all she knows is that at that precise moment, she is a girl about to leave her parent's house forever. She will no longer have breakfast or dinners with her parents, and will not be around to laugh with them. She will never live under their roof again and the realization had her sobbing ugly tears.

Abba embraced her back, patting her back lightly. "Haba Aishatu, ba kuka yakamata kiyi ba" He tried to pacify her, even though his voice sounded thick. It was obvious he felt emotional at the moment too.

"Abba..." Aisha mumbled, her tears now streaming down her face. Oh how she'll miss her Abba. "Abba, I don't want to leave you"

He chuckled lightly, "Haba Aisha, na riga na aurar da ke yanxu ai" He said, his tone laced with humor.

"But I don't want to leave"

"Don't think of it as leaving, kinji? You're not leaving us. You are simply moving away, and it's okay. Everyone goes through that" He pulled away, reaching his hands out to wipe away her tears. It's impossible though because more kept streaming. He swallowed thickly; the sight of his daughter crying is making the corner of his eyes tear up too. "You will always be part of the Al-Sayed family. Your mother and I will always be your parents and we'll keep loving you unconditionally. Your family just got a bit bigger. You now have a husband, and another parents whom will love you too in shaa Allah. Aisha I want you to be patient. Ki zama me haquri. Aisha, ki riqa yin haquri saboda marriage is not something that's easy don haka haquri ya zama dole. However, I trust you, I trust that your mother and I raised you well kuma I have no doubt, you'll be a good wife to your husband in shaa Allah"

For that moment, Aisha hated Aslam because she is leaving her family because of him. She was honestly thinking of locking herself up in her room so she wouldn't have to leave. But deep down she knew it's inevitable.

"Always remember that your mother and I will forever be proud of you, okay?" Abba added, making Aisha nod as another sob had her hanging her head low.

Mommy wiped her tears from where she stood. When her husband looked up and gestured for her to join them, she walked towards the duo. Abba placed an arm around her, and the other around Aisha.

"-I have the two most beautiful women in the world who matters the most to me. I'll forever be grateful to have you both as my family" He leaned down to peck his wife's forehead, and then Aisha's-his daughter.

Mommy blew out a shaky breath as she reached her hand out and held Aisha's. "Aisha, you know we love you, right?"

Aisha was sure her face is red at the moment. She looked up, and through her blurry gaze she nodded. "Of course, Mommy. I know that well" Her lower lip wobbled, her breath shaky and her voice, raspy.

"You are the greatest gift given to us by Allah. Aisha I want you to know something. Not once did your father or I see you as our adopted child. So what if we don't share the same blood? Wallahi Aisha we love you beyond words and only Allah can bless you for the immense happiness you've brought us. You've made us proud on more than one case. Aishatu Allah ya miki albarka, ya'ta. Aishatu, Allah miki albarka. Aisha, Allah ya miki albarka. Allah baki zaman lafiya. Allah raba ki da duniya lafiya. Allah ya kare ki daga sharrin mahassada da duk wani abu da zai cuce ki a rayuwa. Allah baki zuri'a dayyiba. May Allah bless you with kids that will be the coolness of your eyes. I wish you nothing but absolute happiness. May your marriage be amongst the best. May your first marriage be your only one. My dream has become a reality, Allah ya nuna mini auren Aisha ta"

Aisha wasn't sure how much tears she has in her, but she sure was shedding a lot. Biting her lower lip hard, she didn't try to hold back her sob as she embraced Mommy, well, as much as she could with Abba. "I love you so much Mommy. I love you both so much and wallahi I'm so lucky to have you both in my life" She wasn't sure if she ever thanked them for being there for her.

Abba and Mommy changed her life for the better. They are indeed family to her despite what others will say and she loves immensely them for it.

"We love you too, Aisha. Allah baki zaman lafiya"


The family of three remained in their embrace, relishing the one moment before they send off their daughter to her new, and forever family in shaa Allah. It was truly a bittersweet moment for them three.


Ane mana liqi..

"Mamaa mama. Mama yau burinki ya cika"

Amarya zataje dakinta...amarya, dakinta, dakinta.

"Mama mama. Mama yau burinki ya cika"

Amarya zataje dakinta...amarya, dakinta, dakinta.

"Daurin aure eh eh. Aure muka zo. Aure auren soyayya..."

Aisha shook her head, as she let out a small chuckle hearing her friends mime Aure ba Ahmerdy. It was Jannah's genius idea after Aisha came back from meeting Abba in tears. The girls decided to play wedding songs and sing it in voices that would make anyone run, but they were having fun-and they managed to uplift her mood that's all that matters.

Technically, they called it their own version of karaoke. Well, if you call playing the song on a small speaker and using their phones as microphone karaoke, then yes, karaoke indeed.

Once they were done with that song, they switched it up to Aure by Namenj. At that point, Aisha is certain the girls have a playlist titled 'Aure' because what is this? She's also certain the people outside can hear them. They were all currently in the living room alone and with the way the girl raised their voices, others definitely can hear them. Besides it's obvious they're doing it intentionally.


Yup. They were definitely doing it intentionally.

Ko sunqi ko sun so...


Murna muke daga fuska har zuqatan mu.


Hajiya and her people would obviously be offended, but there's nothing they can do because it's true. The knot has already been tied and there's nothing they can do regarding it. And technically, the girls didn't mention anyone's name. So, if they felt attacked, then it's their fault no one else's.

The girls continued their singing session as Aisha changed into another outfit and got her makeup retouched. Not long later, one of Aisha's aunts came and told the girls the groom and his friends have arrived and are waiting in the living room. So, the girls went down first leaving Aisha, Jannah and Rukayya to be the ones to escort the bride.

Aisha's feet felt cold, and there was this tingling feeling in her tummy that made her want to stay in her spot and not leave. However, there's no way she can do so, the girls wouldn't leave her to begin with so after a few motivational speeches here and there, they finally got their bride and escorted her downstairs with Jannah on the right, and Rukayya on the left.

The people they've passed by all showered blessings on the bride, praising and complimenting her. Sooner than Aisha would've wanted, they were away from the people and have reached the living room where her friends, her husband's friends and the man himself were waiting. She tightened her hold around Jannah's hand, as she blew out a shaky breath.

"Hey, it's okay" Jannah mumbled, giving her an encouraging smile.

Aisha's eyes met hers, before she moved it to Rukayya who nodded, a silent encouragement that she truly needed. Offering them a warm smile, she took in a deep breath and with a bismillah, they stepped into the living room. Instantly, her gaze fell on his figure as he was speaking to his friends. The groomsmen sat on one side, some standing and interacting while the bridesmaids sat on the other. The videography crew were there too, fully ready to capture the moment. Their soft chatters filled up the room, which was why they didn't realize the bride has arrived.

Jannah and Rukayya let go of Aisha's hands, allowing her to walk towards her groom alone as they walked to the side. Slowly, as Aisha made her way towards him, the others realized her presence and as such, their chatters died down slightly. Phone were pulled out, as they began recording the moment as no one wanted to miss it. It was when Aisha reached where he stood did the friend Aslam was talking to, gestured for him to look behind him with a teasing look masking his features.

Aslam's brows drew in slightly, since he hadn't realized her presence. However, he could tell from the look on his friends faces that she truly is there. So, taking in a deep breath, he turned around to look at his wife for the very first time since the knot was tied. He was completely speechless.

"Hello, husband" Aisha offered him a wide grin, which if possible, became even wider seeing the awestruck look that took over his features.

The minute she said that, Aslam looked away; covering his face with his hand as he muttered, "Ya ilahi" All over again making the others laugh. It took a few seconds for him to gather his thoughts before he looked at her again, and this time around, his eyes were glossy. "Fa tabarak Allahu ahsanul khaliqeen" He muttered, blinking back the tears. Not being bothered by the fact that there's countless cameras recording the moment, he covered the distance between them by pulling her into his arms, his face buried in the crook of her neck as his arms wrapped securely around her figure.

Instantly, there was a chorus of 'aww' and whatnot from the friends. The newlyweds were too caught up in their moment to care though.

Aisha chuckled, wrapping her arms around him too as she felt tears sting her eyes. Yet again, his cologne reached her olfactory lobes, making her take in a deep inhale as she buried her face in his torso. His embrace felt warm, and secure at the same time.

To be honest, it was at that moment that it truly dawned on her that she and Aslam are married. That he is her halal, and she, his. Who would've thought?

She never thought she would have someone love and appreciate her again in her life. She had condoned the thought of marriage but all it took was Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed to make his presence in her life and there she is, in his arms as his wife; his alone and no one else.

"You look so beautiful Mrs. Aslam" He muttered in her ear, still refusing to pull away from the embrace. He has a feeling it would actually be a struggle to separate him from her now that she is finally his. All through their relationship, he had always tried his possible best to keep it halal. Now that they are married though, keeping him away from her would be hard. Extremely hard.

She is now truly Mrs. Aslam.

"You look really good too, husband" She felt like teasing him with the title, especially after seeing the reaction she got out of him the last time.

"Husband" He repeated, as if he couldn't believe it. "Subhan Allah I don't think I would ever get used to hearing that"

Aisha chuckled lightly, pulling away from the embrace slowly. Her lips parted slightly seeing the tears in his eyes. She didn't know whether to be moved, or if she should laugh. Reaching her hand out, she wiped the few that streamed down his face. "Why are you crying?"

Aslam shook his head, wiping the remaining tears though he could still feel more coming. God he feels like he's the one leaving his house and not the other way round. "You have absolutely no idea how long I've waited for this" And he was right, she has absolutely zero idea.

Aisha had been his prayer for years. Only God knows the amount of times he prayed to have her as his wife, and now, it's finally a reality.

He has this beautiful woman as his wife. How could he not cry?

Aisha blinked back her own tears, her hand dropping to rest on his arm. She stared at the place for a moment, her smile falling before she looked up to meet his eyes again. "Is this real?" She muttered, scared that she would suddenly wake up to find out it's all a dream.

Aslam offered her a warm smile, wrapping one arm around her as he pulled her in for another embrace. The other hand held hers, intertwining their fingers. "It's as real as it gets, baby" He whispered softly, leaning down to peck her forehead while she flickered her eyes close, relishing the moment.

Jannah sniffed from the side, wiping the tear that slid down her face but more came like waterfalls. She couldn't help herself. The happiness she feels seeing Aisha with someone that obviously loves and will treasure her is immeasurable. She was glad Aisha found someone like Aslam, because it's obvious their love will go a long way.

A handkerchief obstructed her view from the couple, making her blink and look towards the person that caused it. Her teary eyes fell on Abdallah who somehow made his way to stand beside her, offering her a warm smile.

She offered him a small one back, as she collected the handkerchief from him and wiped her tears.

The newlyweds stayed in each other's embrace before they were pulled back into reality and the photo sessions began. The snapped countless pictures alone before they took multiple ones with their friends and family. Time seemed to fly at that moment, because they were surrounded by loved ones-laughing and creating memories.

Aisha was genuinely happy at that moment. As Aisha tilted her head up to look at Aslam, with their friends surrounding them as they laughed over some joke someone cracked, she wished she could freeze time so she could stay in that precise time. She wished she could stay in Aslam's arms, surrounded by people that bring them happiness because for that moment, she wasn't thinking of her past.

She felt like a normal woman whom had a normal upbringing in a family with loving parents whom is now married to the man that she couldn't imagine being without.

Aslam made her feel normal. He made her feel things she hasn't felt in so long. He stirred up feelings she thought she no longer has in her, and weirdly enough, she didn't hate it. It felt natural...familiar.

Is this how it feels like to be normal like everyone else?

If only...

After the photo session, Aslam and his friends left as he promised to see her at the dinner. He wanted to say more but he already made a promise to Jannah, leaving her to break the news so with another peck on her forehead, he left his wife.

Aisha and her friends headed back upstairs and almost immediately, the hassle about the bride's conveyance started. The way everything went on pretty fast made Aisha wonder what's the rush for. It seemed as though they were all on fire with the way they were acting.

"For God's sake Jannah, calm down. See the way you're rushing kaman ana koran mu" She shook her head, from where she sat on her bed. Her aunts were already trooping in and out of her room and in only a few minutes, they would come to take her out for the conveyance.

Jannah is here acting like them, because she keeps talking about being late and whatnot.

Jannah stopped what she was doing, hands akimbo. "We're going to be late idan nabi taki"

Aisha rolled her eyes, "Which kind late again? How far is it from this house to the Abd Al-Rasheed residence here" She hadn't been there before, but from what she heard, it couldn't be more than twenty minutes' drive.

So, what's it about being late again?

"Yeah, about that..." Jannah's lips slowly stretched into a smile that creeped Aisha out. It's obvious the girl knows something she doesn't.

So, she eyed her warily. "What about it?" She asked slowly, wondering if she would dread the answer.

Jannah grinned widely. "We're flying to Cairo, baby!"


Separating Aisha from Mommy was a struggle, a real one. Aisha knew if she had seen Abba around that time and she got to say goodbye to him again, it would've been another struggle. Nonetheless, they managed to do it and then, they were on their way to the airport. Of all the guesses Aisha had of where she will be conveyed to, she didn't think of Cairo. Given, she knows they won't exactly live there, but still.

Apparently, she will be conveyed there because Aslam's paternal grandmother is there and she wants to have them all with her. The dinner will also take place there which means a lot of people won't get to attend.

Aisha wasn't even sure of all the people that will take her there. The ones she saw were a few aunts of her, from both Mommy and Abba's side-luckily, they picked out the good ones so she didn't have to deal with their negatively on the plane and all.

Oh and was it mentioned that Hajiya's blood shot up earlier? She was taken to the hospital because it was apparently too high. How could it not? If it wasn't enough that Aisha is getting married into the Abd Al-Rasheed family, the girl will be conveyed to their house not in Kano, or Abuja but in Cairo. In a private jet! Given, Aisha is well aware that the jet does not belong to the family. But rich people do know other rich people and such, getting one is easy.

Besides, the same rich families have been offering the Abd Al-Rasheed their own gift for the wedding and it was another thing entirely. People claim there's no money in Nigeria but there honestly is. It just belongs to the rich ones.

It only makes sense though for the Abd Al-Rasheeds to get people sending expensive gifts since they have connections. The family do own the number hospital in the North.

Nonetheless, Hajiya is still and would probably be in the hospital for a few days since she took the matter to heart.

Aside from the aunts that were with Aisha, Jannah and Rukayya were there too along with a few, close friends and that was all. Soon enough, they were on the plane and off to Cairo.

Aisha understood why they were all rushing the whole thing earlier. They needed to get on the plane early, so they could reach Cairo and still have time to prepare for the dinner that will still take place that same day at night.

Knowing they have about five hours' flight to deal with, Aisha and everyone else pretty much got comfortable and kicked back to relax. It's better to relax on the plane because once they reach there, they would hardly get the time for that. They chatted, ate, and some even slept-and that included Aisha because God knows she's exhausted.



Their plane landed in Cairo around 6pm considering they left Nigeria around 12pm and there's an hour difference between. It was the first time that Aisha is stepping foot in Cairo, and she didn't really get time to look around considering there were three cars waiting to take them to the Abd Al-Rasheed residence there.

The drive there took a while, but when they reached there, the house didn't look the way Aisha expected it to be honest. She was expecting some modern house with glass walls and whatnot, but instead, it looked mediaeval. It certainly was different, but it definitely is a sight considering the complex architecture that made it look beautiful.

As they drove further into the house though, she realized there's another part aside from that one. This time around, the building they came to stop by is much different from the other one because that one looked modern-yet still had the same complex architecture.

She couldn't really see much considering they have already parked the cars in front of the building, and there were people outside waiting to welcome them. Everything from there passed by pretty fast for Aisha. From being welcome into the house and meeting Aslam's grandmother who teased her about being her co-wife and gave her advises. The aunts all teased her too before they too gave her advises and then with a prayer for the newlyweds, the Al-Sayeds finally handed over Aisha to the Abd Al-Rasheeds.

She was escorted to some room upstairs along with the others whom were given rooms to stay. True to Aslam's grandmother's words, there are enough rooms in the house to accommodate them all.

Food was taken to them all, as everyone crashed in their rooms to rest after the long flight and all.

They prayed afterwards when the time came before they started preparing for the dinner. Apparently, the dinner is set to take place in the residence, but by the part they first passed by. Aisha did see earlier that the place was being decorated it must be why. What she didn't know was that they've on it since morning and everything was set already.

Parents also weren't invited to the dinner. According to Aslam's grandmother, she said she prepared it for the newlyweds and their friends to have fun. The cousins were invited too, but there would be no parents to crash. Besides, the old people are all too exhausted for it anyways. Only the younger ones could keep up with a dinner again after everything.

Aisha got her makeup done lightly and then put on her outfit. A beautiful organza ball gown featuring beaded Schiffli lace applique on bodice, scoop neckline, illusion and lace long sleeves with modest cap sleeve lining. Then, there's the tulle A-line skirt with the same Schiffli lace applique, covered buttons along zipper back to hem and a small train. Her hair was tied into a low bun, and covered with a veil that was made in a way that fit the outfit. Her feet covered with Tom Ford patent iconic T pumps.

Truth be told, the dinner outfit is her favorite.

After she had gotten ready, the girls all disappeared and left her alone, claiming her husband will come and get her himself. And they were right, because only a few minutes later, there was a nod on the door. Aisha already knew who it was, so after blowing out a shaky breath, she managed to muster out a 'come in' that reached his ears.

The door opened slowly, and then he came in sight. Aslam donned a Brunello Cucielli two piece, which he discarded the jacket and simply kept the white dress shirt. He wouldn't stress himself with that, not that he wants to begin with.

With a salaam, he stepped foot into the room he was told Aisha is waiting for him. When he was past the small corridor, his gaze fell on the woman that has always been on his mind and for the second time that day, he was rendered speechless. Aslam was certain Aisha is after his life because being that beautiful should be illegal.

"Ma shaa Allah" He muttered, for the nth time that day. Closing the distance between them, he spoke. "I think I must be falling for you all over again because you are giving me a protracted cardiac arrhythmia"

Aisha chuckled at his pickup line. "Well, it's a good thing you are a cardiothoracic surgeon" She shrugged.

"Yeah I know, and I married one" He wiggled his brows slightly, taking her hands in his. "But seriously, you look absolutely breathtaking" He brought the hand to his lips, placing a kiss there, "You always do"

Aisha blushed, tightening her hold on his. "Thank you. You look good too"

He offered her a smile, tugging her hand slightly. "Now let's head out to the dinner before we spend the night here"

Aisha quirked a brow, giving him the are-you-for-real look.

Aslam shrugged, eying her warily. "What are you thinking of?"

"What are you thinking of?"

"I don't know" He shrugged feigning innocence, "I was thinking we could spend the night complimenting each other or throwing cheesy medical pickup lines"

Aisha hummed, not believing him because she knows that isn't what he meant. "I don't trust you" She deadpanned.

Aslam offered her a cheeky grin, pulling her hand as he led her out. "Too bad. You'll have to learn to do so now"

Together, with jokes thrown here and there, the two casually strolled to where the dinner is being held. Even before they reached the place, they could hear the soft music being played and the lights that adorned the place. Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran began to play the minute they arrived, and almost immediately, everyone's eyes were on them.

Aisha and Aslam shared a look before they walked further into the place together, and then started to interact with their friends. Jokes were made, laughter filled the air, and soon enough, the bride and groom were seated in their respective seats as their friends gave speeches about them.

"...I've known Aisha for such a long time now, and she is one of the most annoying people I've ever met" Yes, that was Jannah and her speech. "Like this girl ba, she can look for trouble, and everyone would assume I'm the one that did it because I'm the one everyone knows as a troublemaker, and she, the saint. Can you imagine! She wouldn't even defend me, instead this girl will throw me under the bus" Jannah sighed, taking a sip of the Pepsi she had poured into some champagne flute. She was giving her speech straight from the heart, and as such held no phone that contains the speech whatsoever. "Aslam, you know I've been on team AA from the beginning right? I want you to know it's still not too late to run away and save your life because this wife of yours is handful, do not let her gentle nature fool you, not one bit. Yes, I said it and Aisha, stop glaring at me"

Everyone laughed as they threw looks between the two.

Jannah then smiled, a warm one. "However, at the same time, I'd like to ask you, Aslam, to cherish Aisha because she truly is a gem. Aisha is loved, and deserves to be loved by more people. I've never met anyone in my life that's selfless, and cares so much about the people around her like Aisha. She may not see, and realize it, but she is one of the best people I've ever met in my entire life. She has been there, with me thought very tough stages in my life with no questions asked. She's that kind of person and you should know that too. Aslam, please love and take care of Aisha. I trust you, however, I don't think there will ever be a man good enough to love her the way she deserves to be loved. However, I know you'll try your absolute best, because the love you have for her is pure and that's something no one can deny. You were made for Aisha, and she, for you. You two are match made in heaven, and I hope you'll continue to stay that way" She paused, to blow out a small breath.

Across her, Aisha wiped the corner of her eyes because she had never heard Jannah say such sweet things about her. The girl isn't one to express her feelings. However, when she does, she always gets to people.

"-Aisha, I've never said this before but wallahi I am so lucky to have someone like you in my life. I'm glad to have someone who understands me, despite her mood swings that gets on your nerves on more occasions than one, yes, I know I can be annoying too. Still, you still understood and stick with me and that means so much to me. I wish you nothing but the absolute happiness this world can offers because you deserve it, you hear me? You deserve happiness and never should you think otherwise. I'll deny this any other day, but I love you so much. You are the best friend anyone could ever have" By the end of her speech, she too was wiping her tears and so was Aisha.

The two shared a hug, a very emotional one that ended when Jannah cracked some joke about how Aslam is glaring at her for hugging his wife for that long which made them all laugh.

Aslam's best friend gave a speech afterwards, and when he was done, the couple were invited to the dance floor. First Times by Ed Sheeran was played for them as they swayed in each other's arms, enjoying the moment without a care. They would occasionally crack jokes and laugh at it.

From the side, Jannah told Rukayya as they watched the two that "Allah yayi Aisha ta shiga hayakin soyayya" She said, referring to the effect that surrounded them. "Muma dai one day we will enter this smoke thing like this"

Immediately the song was over, Cross Your Mind by Sabrina Claudio was played, and of course, the dance changed as others joined them on the dance floor. The couple were still in each other's arms, following the beat and enjoying the moment.

It took them all by surprise though when the song changed to Holy Father by by Mayorkun ft. Victony. That was when the Nigerian madness in them all unleashed and the dinner truly started.

Ya know.

Of Lagos (original)

Ge ge

"HOLY FATHER!" They screamed the lyric at that moment, "HOLY FATHER I'M SCREAMING MY LADY GAGA!"

She got me in my feelings,


For this garden of Eden


Holy father, holy father I'm screaming my lady gaga.

The dance floor was filled with people, and even those that were in their seats, eating still vibed to the song. It was different from the Kamu because this time there are no parents around unlike the Kamu. It was simply the friends and cousins vibing as they had all been anticipating. To be honest, they were looking forward to the dinner more.

The song didn't finish though before it was changed to High bu Adekunle Gold and Davido.

Luckily o, mo lowo ti mo fe na o ah ahh

The minute they heard that, they knew what comes next. "ME I JUST WANT TO BE HIGH!" Their voices collectively could be heard from the main side without a doubt. But they were having fun and no one cares.

Be aight, be high


For-for, for this party, let's get naughty


Watimagbo, watimagbo, the sky is falling


Come be my oga. I can't get away from this thing, I love the way you gat me feeling


Ma lo...

Not that they were doing anything out of place, but the event was truly better without the elders. Else, they would've gotten stink eyes for the way they were feeling the vibes.

Just like the other songs, this one didn't reach the end, and then again, it was switched up to Champion Sound by Davido and Focalistic.

Take me away (take me away)

"WAY FAR AWAY...go far"

Ko se fara way (light me up o Faraday)


Some don't even know the lyrics, because it truly is confusing. But as the songs gets changed, they knew some, and some they were just making up their own versions to go along with. There was one song though that almost all of them knew, they instantly recognized it from back then when everyone was obsessing over it.

Toyin tomato causing gobe o

Lepa jo pe pe re pe jo wo ma se me le se ye


The way your body rotate,


I don't wanna hear say.


The way your body rotate,


Don't wanna see you...

After that, the night went on and on with pure vibes. Like the night before, stomachs were filled to the brim, hearts were content, and legs were sore from dancing. But they had fun, and that's what matters.

They enjoyed the night in Cairo and the love was thick in the air.



I've been typing since yesterday and this is by far the longest! I have a feeling we'll have more long chapters along the way. Shey you've been happy for the past few chapters? It's now time for me to be wicked!

Hehe, wait and see. Well, you can't do anything else.

Did you see the video i included? Na our wedding video o (I do not own any of the clips, they were all gotten from pintrest since it fits the scene)

Kai but I don tire o! the wedding that has drained the life out of me. We've been dancing up and down and omo, I don enjoy.

Like I said before I've been anticipating this wedding for months now fr, and I've done justice to it...or so I believe.

Oh and, thank yall so much for the support, especially those that kept reposting the wedding stuff on IG. A lot of people were in my dm asking if it's a real wedding lol but tbh, it was real for us. So yeah, thank youuuu.

Our wedding don end unfortunately. She, we've enjoyed and dazzal that matters.

Now make I go and nurse my sore feet, it's not east with the way I've been dancing haka. I'm still feeling the beat like this.

Oshey, oshey, oshey...JANNAH STOP DANCING!

Ah, wahala.

Goodnight abeg. We're returning to Naija soon so make I at least enjoy this place like this. Byeeeeeeeeee *In Schwoz's voice* Yes, hayyam still a kid, sue meee.

Love, Jannah.

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