4; Blabbermouth.
I was supposed to update Kamilah today but I ditched it because the comments the last chapter had was way more than that of Kamilah's last chapter in a week! Kamilah readers up your game o! It's like Aishatu's fans sun fi ku.
Anyways, enjoy!
HE ROSE HIS hand up, knocking on the door three times before he waited for an answer. It came only a couple of seconds later as he had anticipated.
"Come in," Answered a voice he had grown quite accustomed to.
He wasted no time in taking the door handle, twisting it and then pushing it open. "Assalamu alaika" He stated, shutting the door behind him.
The man behind the desk looked up, "Wa alaikassalam" He answered, a brow raised slightly. He then slid his chair closer to the desk, intertwining his fingers as he paused to examine the stranger. "Can I help you?"
Instead of replying, Aslam reached his hand up to remove the mask that hid away his features that without an iota of that resembles that of his old man. His lips were curled into a small smile, as he waited for the recognition that flashed the man's features instantly.
"Mr. Abd Al-Rasheed..." He pushed his chair back, rounding the table and making his way to the said man.
Aslam shook his head lightly. "Just Dr. Aslam would suffice"
The man nodded slightly, offering Aslam a smile that didn't go unnoticed by the said man as a fake one. "Dr. Aslam Abd Al-Rasheed" He extended his hand out for a handshake.
"Dr. Aslam Muhammad" He corrected again, taking the man's hand and giving it a firm shake. He dislikes it when people call him using his last name. It's nothing personal, he just likes to keep his connection to his father from the public as minimal as possible. It's been like that ever since he was a kid.
It didn't do much to hide their connection though, considering all it takes is a glimpse at the two and you'll know they are related.
"Same thing"
"Not really" Aslam discarded, and albeit both men held up a smile, they both knew they are simply faking it. "I would prefer to be addressed as it is on my papers, Deputy Director"
The Deputy Director pulled away from the handshake just in time Aslam released his hand. "Have a seat, please" He chose to ignore Aslam's words. His hand gestured to the two couches facing each other which were situated amidst the office.
Aslam took one of the couches, crossing his legs as he leaned back slightly.
"I thought you aren't supposed to turn in, today. Aren't you jetlagged?"
"Well, when you're a doctor, you'll get used to getting little rest. At this point, it's normal for me" He answered, his gaze following the man's as he searched for something on his table. "Besides, the earlier I get what I'm here for done, the earlier I return home"
The man hummed, one that sounded like a scoff. "You're getting ahead of yourself, Dr. Muhammad. You tend to forget this is your home" He found the folder he is looking for. Picking it up, he turned around and made his way back to where Aslam is waiting. He then placed the folder on the table in front of him, before taking his seat opposite him.
Aslam quirked a brow at the action, but picked up the papers nonetheless. "You seem to enjoy speaking so formally to me" He threw him a glance, before moving his gaze back to the folder he opened. "You tend to forget we're family"
"So we're family now, huh?" His tone held an unmistakable sarcasm and disbelief.
Aslam shrugged, choosing to not say a word. Replying will only lead to back and forward conversation that he doesn't have the energy for. "You ran tests on him" It wasn't a question, considering the papers he is going through is all the answer he need.
The man nodded, despite knowing it wasn't really a question. "Our doctors might not be the ones performing the surgery--"
"You mean they won't be the ones to do it" Aslam corrected, making the man clench his fist by his side. And yet, Aslam didn't even look up to notice the annoyance masking the man's features, although he already knew it would be there. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm his doctor. No one else"
"—but he is still a patient in our hospital, so it is our duty to run the tests and figure out what's wrong with him. Besides, you can't perform it alone so you'll need one of our doctors to assist you"
The minute those words were out of his mouth, Aslam shut the folder before discarding it on the table carelessly, earning a glare that he ignored yet again. "As for the tests, I need to run it all over myself," He didn't say it, but he doesn't trust what was written there.
The man quirked a brow, clenching his teeth. "Are you undermining our doctors' work?"
Aslam shrugged. "It's not about undermining them. I just can't trust any chart I see. Especially not when it comes to my patients"
"Our doctors are one of the best there is--"
"And yet, I'm the one doing the surgery" Aslam cut him off before he could go any further. "I'm doing the tests all over again. End of discussion" It doesn't matter what the man would tell him, it won't change his mind.
The Deputy Director stared at him for a while, eyes narrowed. "I see you're still as arrogant as ever" That's one of the things he hated about Aslam—his so called arrogance.
But it wasn't really that, it's just how he sees it from his lens.
Did Aslam make a move to correct it though? Nope.
It wouldn't change a thing. Besides, the man is not the first to say it and he won't be the last either.
"I'm good at what I do, that's what matters" He waved it off, "As for the one assisting me with the surgery, I'll pick the one I want"
"Listen to me, Aslam. You can't just do what you want here"
"Actually, I can" Aslam didn't seem fazed one bit by the man's brewing anger, laced with annoyance. If anything, he found it amusing. "It's part of the agreement we had when I agreed to work here for the part time"
"You're treating one patient--"
"Same thing" He shook his head, offering him a small smile that only riled up the Deputy Director more. "The point is, we agreed I'll run things regarding my patient my way. Not you, or anyone else can interfere, that's it. Am I right?"
The Deputy Director said nothing, but his glare remained prominent.
Aslam took that as an answer. "Now that we're over that. I'll take my leave. I presume my office is ready, since I'll drop by after visiting my patient" He pushed himself off the seat, sliding one of his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. He made a move to head to the door, but stopped when he held the handle. He turned around to look at the man that hasn't moved from his position. "Oh and if I were you, I'd watch my back"
His words had the man turning around instantly, and instead of the smile Aslam held throughout the meeting—which he did to get on the man's nerves—his face held every bit of seriousness which wasn't there earlier. "And why should I do that?"
The corner of Aslam's lips quirked up slightly. "Just..." He twisted the door knob, then turned around and stepped out, leaving the door to close on its own.
The minute he was out of sight though, his smirk disappeared as an indifferent expression took over his features. His eyes though were narrowed at nothing in particular as the elevator doors opened and he stepped in, tapping on the floor that would take him to the VIP ward.
His initial notion was to simply perform his father's surgery and overlook his recovery—at least until he is healthy enough to return home. However, after seeing that man and the chart, he is starting to think of other possibilities; ones that he didn't want to venture down the path of.
He shook his head, as if that would get rid of the thought. "It's just a scare, you won't really do anything" He muttered to himself, pushing the thoughts away.
Deep down he knew he didn't just spew out an empty threat though. However, he really doesn't want to get himself involved in things like that, so he would try to stay away from it as much as he can. That to say doesn't mean he wouldn't try to scare the Deputy Director every chance he gets.
There's something going on.
That he is certain of.
The elevator dinged again, signaling that he has arrived at his destination which is only a floor below the one he was just at. He sighed, stepping out of it. Almost as if he knew his way—which he does—he adroitly maneuvered his way to the VIP room where his father is.
Even if Aslam didn't know his way around the hospital, he would've known where his father's room is considering it's at a far end, secluded from the other rooms. Two guards were situated at the entrance of the hallway leading to his father's room, and another too at the door a couple of feet away from where they stood.
The men recognized Aslam, which instantly earned him a round of greeting. Aslam offered them a nod, not having it in him to flash anyone a smile. In all honestly, all the ones he directed towards the man he just met were all fake.
Since he arrived at the hospital, the only time he didn't fake his amusement was when he overheard that phone call earlier. One that had him wondering what in the love of Pepsi is going on.
"Good day, Sir"
"Welcome back, Sir"
The two guards by the door simultaneously greeted, as one of them pushed the door open to the man. This time around, like the ones before them, he only offered them a curt nod before he stepped into the spacious suite.
He didn't dwell on the looks of the place, already well accustomed to how lavish the VIP suites are. He instead made his way further into room where he stopped, spotting two people he didn't expect to see there.
The two offered him grins. "Ina Kwana, Yaya" Yasmine greeted from where she sat, on a chair beside their father's bed.
Yazid who occupied one of the chaise lounges, legs stretched in front of him waved at his elder brother. "Good morning"
"What are you both doing here?" Aslam asked, after answering their greeting.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" His father asked from where he is seated on the bed, eyes fixated on large TV situated opposite his bed. The expression on his face remained indifferent, and anyone who doesn't know him will be intimidated by his aura—especially with the lips set into a tight line and the slightly narrowed eyes.
Aslam shook his head, greeting the old man before he took the other chair on the side of his bed. "Baba, this early in the morning kana bin halin yarinyar nan" He tsked, choosing to not answer the old man's question.
They all know the answer to it.
"Wallahi Yaya it's not my fault. Baba was already watching it when I arrived" Yasmine tried to defend herself before her brother could pin the blame on her.
Baba came to her defense quickly, moving his gaze from the TV to stare at his oldest child. "This is very important. We cannot miss it. Stop attacking my daughter" He stated, with all seriousness.
Aslam threw a look at Yazid who shrugged, resisting the urge to laugh. Anyone who hasn't realized what the old man is talking about will think he is referring to something serious. One would even think he is referring to the news, or an educational show of some sort.
Aslam moved his gaze from her to his father, shaking his head in disbelief. "Who would've thought, the great Chief of Army staff will be doing this in his free time" His gaze moved back to the show his father and sister seemed to be so invested in.
A Korean Drama.
"Wonders shall never end, ko?" Yazid piqued, making Aslam nod as he shook his head again.
Leave it up to his family to threw the least you expect at you.
If Aslam didn't grow up to seeing how his father is when he is in Soldier Mode, he would've never understood how people fear the man. The same goofy, loving and carefree old man he and his siblings know as a father is the same man so many people are intimidated by.
"While we are talking about wonders, what is this I'm hearing that your eldest child is getting married?" He directed his question to the old man, earning an instant cackle from Yasmine who couldn't help herself.
"Why are you worried?"
"How can I not be?"
"Are you eldest child?" Baba asked, a look that Aslam didn't understand crossing his features.
He stared at the man as if he had grown two heads. Is he really asking him that?
"People don't know you, Yaya" Yasmine piqued in. Somehow, she had managed to stop cackling but her amused expression still overtook her features. "No one knows you as Baba's child to begin with. Instead, people know..." She trailed off, throwing a glance at the man that was glaring at her from the chaise lounge.
"Don't you dare, Yasmine" Yazid threatened, eyes narrowed in slits at his twin sister.
Instead of adhering to his threat, she ignored him and burst into fits of laughter. "You know Yazid and his playboy phase ba? He saw this girl on IG and went ahead to catch cruise with her. He even promised to marry her and she thought he was serious..." She paused, bursting to another fits of laughter, throwing her head back in the process.
"Blabbermouth" Yazid hissed under his breath, looking away.
Yasmine ignored him. "Mutumiyar ka kam harda zuwa gidan mu without telling him, and fortunately for her, she met Baba and Mama there" Her words came out a bit jumbled.
Aslam could already see where the story is headed to. And his thoughts were certified when Yazid threw his shoes at Yasmine who was fortunate enough to evade it—making it fall on the floor somewhere.
Baba decided to continue the story from where she stopped, seeing as Yazid wouldn't allow her to finish. The topic is still a sore one for him. "Ya kawo mana mata har gida, what's next?"
"Toh daman kai Yazid kazama ango and you didn't bother to tell me" Aslam jumped on the teasing train, making Yazid groan.
The twenty-six-year-old is still finding it hard to believe that his father is actually serious about the whole marriage thing. He thought it was all jokes until the day the bridal gifts were taken to the girl's house. The worse fact is that he doesn't like her one bit. In his words, she is annoying and everything in between.
Yasmine always teases him whenever he says that by saying 'When you were in her DM bakasan she's annoying ba?'. Of course he didn't take it lightly, and that lead to another arguing session between the twins.
"Wallahi Yaya I don't like that girl"
"You should've thought of that before bringing her home" Baba rebuked, eyes narrowed at the boy even though internally he wanted to laugh it out too. But in all honestly, he really is serious about marrying Yazid off to the girl.
He has warned the boy countless times about his playboy ways, but he never listens.
"Baba I didn't bring her, she brought herself" Yazid tried to defend himself, but it was pointless. He should've known that one of the girls he messes around with will one day show up in his father's house.
And luckily for him, he just landed himself a crazy woman that chased him home.
"Doesn't matter" Baba waved it off, "You're marrying her whether you like it or not. That should teach you a lesson about going around playing with women's emotions like that"
Yazid didn't complain after that, knowing his father's words were set to stone. It didn't help that Yasmine kept teasing him about it, and Aslam wasn't of any help either. Eventually, the twins left because they had something to do at home leaving the old man and his eldest child alone.
Once they were out, the old man turned to Aslam, all trace of lark disappearing from his expression. "Did you see the charts?"
Aslam let out a loud sigh, before he nodded. "Yes. But I'll still run the tests again. I can't trust charts just like that"
A small smile made its way on Baba's face. "I knew I made the right choice by making you my doctor" He stated lowly. "Even if I die, I know that at the very least, my son tried his best"
Aslam's expression turned grim, as he shook his head. "Don't say that, Baba"
"But why not? It's probably time for this old man to go to his final resting place" Despite knowing the gravity of his words, he still managed to maintain his smile. He seemed almost peaceful, for someone who knows that he probably has only little time left.
Aslam swallowed thickly. He doesn't show it, but he hated everything about his current situation. Both his parents are sick, and none of them has a sickness that's exactly easy to cure. He didn't want to leave his Mami's side, but he knew his father needed him just as much. "Please, stop saying that. Both you and Mami. You'll get through this in shaa Allah. I'll do whatever I can to make sure of that. Yes, your surgery will not be an easy one, but trust me and have faith in Allah. You'll both recover and see Yazid's wedding of the century"
Baba chuckled despite how much he doubted his son's words. He didn't want to add more to the man's worries though, so he chose to hold his silence.
Daman Malam Yazidu kai ne da aure?😂
Yazid and Humaira❤️. Abamu hastag please. It's like we have a wedding soon o💃.
Baba please, don't die sai ka ci rice din biki😂.
Ga su Malam Aslamu kuma, Allah sarki😢.
Toh, mudai our own is eyes🌚.
Two updates o! I don try. Oya oya drop comments and you might get anther update soon😁.
How are you liking the book so far?
Love, Jannah Mia ❤️.
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