39; Wedding Bells!

You owe me comments for this! 5800+ words is definitely worth it.

"ASLAM, I DON'T like that girl" Mami spoke, with finality. She had made up her mind, and there's nothing he would say that will change it. "I don't agree to this marriage. Sam!"

Aslam sighed, flickering his eyes close. Not this again. He was really hoping this wouldn't happen but it is, and it's upsetting him. Turning around to face the woman completely, he extended his hand out to hold hers, hoping to coax her. "Mami" He called out softly, making her look away. "Aisha and I are getting married. The date has already been set"

And that's the truth. After he and Aisha met up and he managed to convince her, the both of them told their parents the good news. How Aisha was able to tell Abba still came as a surprise to her because she was shy throughout. She couldn't even voice and could only nod when asked. The nod, and the grin that took over her features as she looked down was the answer they needed.

Aslam on the other hand wasted no time to tell his father the good news. Safe to say, everyone was overjoyed. Well, technically, not everyone. Mami had been voicing out her dislike towards the woman with passion. Aslam saw this coming in a way, because the woman genuinely loved Taslim and was hoping he'd end up with her. Even after Taslim called off their wedding, she was the only one upset aside from Hisham.

Now Aslam is here, wanting to marry this woman called Aisha, she simply didn't like the girl. She made sure he knows it too.

Mami blew out a harsh breath, heading shaking slightly. "But, Aslam does it have to be her. Why her?"

"Because she seems like a nice person" Someone interrupted before Aslam could get the chance to do so. Even without looking in the direction, they both know who it is.

Aslam looked away, hoping he could leave the place to avoid speaking to the woman. But when Mami held his hand back, he knew that was her silent order for him to remain seated in his position. She knows how he has been avoiding the woman and she didn't like it one bit.

Turning her head in the woman's direction, Mami offered Hajiya Babba a small smile for that's all she could mutter. "Hajiya Babba..." She called out, that being her form of greeting. The age difference between them wasn't much, but considering the woman is their husband's first wife, she respected her for that.

Hajiya Babba threw Aslam-who decided the wall he's facing is more interesting than her-a glance before her expression fell. Nonetheless, she shifted her usual blank expression to Mami, eyes narrowed slightly. "And besides, the girl is a doctor who comes from a respectable family-one that Yazid married from so that makes her the perfect wife for Aslam"

Aslam couldn't help his snicker. The perfect wife for him? It's honestly the woman's audacity to say that to him that got to him. He had always chosen to ignore her, for it would be better than to talk to her and be disrespectful. However, her current statement irked him to no ends.

She ignored it, her gaze never leaving Mami's. "You claim to not like her simply because he is not marrying Taslim. You need to get over that at one point or another"

Mami sighed, her lips curling downwards into a frown. "I just have bad feelings about the girl--"

"Well, Aslam likes her and the date has already been set so you can't do a thing about it" Hajiya Babba snapped, her expression stern as always. The woman has always been strict with everyone. The only one that gets away with it is her husband-whom she dares not act that way with, and Aslam.

It used to work on him, but a particular incident that occurred about a decade ago changed it. Now, she is the one that years for him in a way. At least, she hoped he will stop treating her with such contempt.

Mami looked away. Between the two of them, she had always been the soft and understanding one. The fact that she is yet to like Aisha while Hajiya Babba accepted the girl easily is something that took everyone by surprise.

Hajiya Babba tend to walk all over Mami, but the latter does retort from time to time. Now though, she didn't want to do in front of Aslam-not when the topic of discussion has to do with him. Which is why, she chose not say a thing back.

Aslam noticed this, and the action irritated him even more. Yet again, he didn't want to say anything to the woman at the moment because he's sure what he'll say won't be good and he'd much rather hold his silence. The older he gets, the more he understands he can't outright disrespect her no matter what. However, that doesn't change the hatred he feels towards her.

He got his hand out of Mami's, and without a glance spared at Hajiya Babba, he turned around and left the room. He's about to become the happiest man in the world by getting married to the woman he adores beyond words. He wouldn't let Hajiya Babba ruin it. She won't ruin this for him like she used to back then. He wouldn't allow her.

If anything, he looks forward to seeing the look on her face when she realizes the reality of the situation.

Things are about to change for her and he doubts it'll be on the good side. Still, he couldn't care less about her wellbeing.

Just she wait until Aisha becomes part of the Abd Al-Rasheed family. That's when will hit her in the face.


Wedding planning is stressful to say the least-something no one has told Aisha. Time seems to fly when you're preparing for one, and that's her current predicament.

At first, it was hard to adjust to the sudden changes that has to do with her getting married. She had seen how things were done during Humaira's wedding, but it's not like she was around to see everything. Now, happening to live through it first-hand was a struggle to say the least.

When the wedding date was set, things were still awkward between her and Aslam considering they still met at work every single day. She didn't know how to handle it because suddenly, he was no longer just a partner and senior at work, but someone she will be tied to forever. She was honestly still finding it hard to believe.

But well, Aslam being Aslam found a way to make her feel comfortable around him again. When they are at work, they behaved like professionals when needed and when he gets time to tease her, he did just that getting the exact reaction he wants from her.

They kept their marriage issue under the wraps in the beginning, especially at work under Aisha's request because she wanted to still live her normal doctor life before it changes for her. If it was up to Aslam, he would stop bye every department to announce he is getting married to her. In his defense, he isn't blind to see there are certain male doctors that seem interested in her and that didn't settle with him one bit.

So, the only ones that knew of the two's marriage at first were Chief Wali-who was amongst those that went to ask for Aisha's hand considering he's good friend of Lieutenant General Abd Al-Rasheed and the infamous Jannah; the president of the AA couple fan club.

Eventually though, as the wedding neared, news broke out in the hospital that another Abd Al-Rasheed in the name of Aslam is getting married. Since he became a shareholder, people had their eyes on him including some of the doctors and nurses-whom unfortunately were hoping to catch his eyes. Some were doing it because they found him attractive, someone because they genuinely like him due to how well he treats others and some because he is loaded.

Who wouldn't like a good-looking, kind, and rich doctor?

Safe to say, hearts were broken when the news of his marriage broke out. It was all considered rumors at first though since there were many misconceptions about the bride. A lot thought the wife is Taslim, and a few others rumored she's a daughter of some wealthy man in the country.

They weren't far off.

He didn't regard the rumors though at first, until a week to the wedding when the invitations card went viral. Considering Yazid and his wife, the almighty Humaira Al-Sayed are pretty popular, the ABd Al-Rasheed family are also known for that reason, and because they own HGH-which came into light after the late Chairman passed away and, because of the Chief of Army Staff who happens to be Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed.

Yes. The kind of family Instagram gossip, and wedding accounts live for.

What took people by surprise more was the fact that he is marrying Dr. Aisha Nasir Al-Sayed. The first people taken aback were those in the hospital because not much expected he will marry someone in the hospital, much less his junior!

The only ones that weren't that shocked were those in CS. Chris-Aisha's senior and one of the first people Aslam knew in the hospital in particular said, and the others quote "So this is what has been happening in the OR. Love has been blooming. No wonder Dr. Aslam always loved working with her. I've always had a feeling he had feelings for her" There were no malice in his tone. He was being genuine because he was truly happy for them both-almost everyone was.

Aisha felt like digging up a hole and burying herself in it, because they chose to talk about the matter during a CS meeting, with everyone present. If that isn't bad enough, Jannah decided to save her a seat that day which surprisingly, happens to be beside Aslam.

What a coincidence.

You got the sarcasm, right?

So, everyone simply assumed the two wanted to sit next to each other and deem it romantic. And what did Aslam do, he told them he and his wife wanted to be close to each other.

Aisha nearly got sent to jail for strangling him in her brain. But of course, everyone thought it was cute. Cute my foot. Was her exact thought as she fought the urge to get under the table and hide everyone's excited looks. Jannah wasn't of any help either, the girl told everyone to follow the IG page she created for the new couple, and went as far as handing the handle to them all-and that included the grumpy Professors that were genuinely happy for the two and Chief Wali, who doesn't even know how Instagram works.

And what did Jannah do? She took his phone and created one for him, giving him the handle 'SirWali_zaDoctor' and the description 'I am old with wife and children. Don't dm me. My wife will kill me'

The girl truly treats the man like her grandfather, probably because she grew up to see him as an important figure in her life. Truth be told, he's the reason she became a doctor. He's a role model to her.

Since the wedding news blew up on social media, her socials were blowing up as well. Reason being she had about ten thousand followers already on Instagram-another work of Jannah. At first, she really wasn't-and still isn't a fan of social media. Jannah however, created the account and managed it by uploading 'fine fine pictures'; Jannah's words, and hence, Aisha gained a lot of followers because she truly is a fine specimen.

She had taken down most of the pictures Jannah uploaded when she created the account though, leaving only a few that she actually likes.

Aside from the people at work that were shocked, it came as the biggest shock to her family; especially Hajiya who fainted twice upon hearing the news.

"Kikace me?" Hajiya asked, breathing heavily after she regained consciousness having fainted the first time. She looked like a chicken drenched with cold water by the way she was staring at nothing in particular, her body shaking as she heaved. One of her daughters held her from behind, trying to keep her seated without getting back on the floor sprawled again.

Abdallah's mother, Hajiya Maryam darted her tongue out to wet her lips. She honestly took the news better than her mother who is making it a big deal. "Um...Aishatu za tayi aure"

"Who will she marry again?" Hajiya asked, dreading the answer.

Maryam blinked, folding her lips in as she hesitated. She thought of not answering, but it's obvious Hajiya will freak out more if she does that. So, with a shaky breath released, she held her mother's hand and spoke. "Babban dan Lt. General Abd Al-Rasheed zata aura" She repeated the exact same words she told the old woman earlier.

"Na shiga uku ni Asabe!" Hajiya exclaimed, hands on her head as if she just lost someone she cares about. She brought down one of the hands, rubbing the spot where her heart is. "She's m-marrying...Eh God o! La haula wala quwatta illa billahi!" And then, she dramatically fainted again.

Hajiya found out during Humaira's wedding that Yazid isn't Lt. Gen. Abd Al-Rasheed's, however, she pretended to not all because she didn't want to look stupid after all that bragging. How is supposed to accept that Aisha, the girl she detested more than anything and tormented with marriage issue, telling her countless times she'll never marry into an influential family is now getting married to the man she bragged about.

Not to forget, news has spread round the family of how he has been trying to marry Aisha since two years ago. To have someone from that family chase after you for two years is something none of them could deny makes you an important person.

And if that isn't enough, the kayan lefe was brought. Jannah who was with Aisha in her room, peeping when they arrived exclaimed seeing the boxes, and the women that brought it. To begin with, the cars got her because even someone who has no interest in cars can't deny that those cars would have anyone obsessed with them drooling. Oh and was it mentioned that they came with soldier bodyguards too? It seemed reasonable since the wife of the Chief of Army staff is there.

Jannah couldn't help but scream "PEPPER THEM!" She's sure she was heard downstairs by the women that gathered to receive the gifts, but did she care, not one bit. If anything, she hoped they heard her because it will hurt more. Given, not all of them are against the wedding but still.

Considering the Al-Sayed family are well off too, they weren't that fazed by the bridal gifts. Well, except the haters that were expecting Aisha to marry some crippled old man who could barely afford three boxes. And yet there they were, with boxes double that of Humaira's. And an icing on the top, a car key as a gift from the entire family not just Aslam.

Aisha honestly thought it was too much but Jannah told her to shut up and keep it. She went as far as telling her that if she doesn't want it, then she will keep it no questions asked.

People were honestly oppressed that day, because jaws were hung open and that included Humaira who came to accept the lefe with her family because apparently, she is part of the Al-Sayed family too. Truth be told, she was hoping bridal gifts weren't up to hers, because she was finding it hard to accept Aisha will become part of her family. Isn't it enough the girl weaseled her way into the Al-Sayed family, and now she's getting into the Abd Al-Rasheed family?!

Aisha? Who was a nobody before joining the former family is now part of not one, but two influential ones?

It pained most of them. There's no denying they were jealous of her transition.

Since the Al-Sayed family mostly reside in Kano, considering that's their hometown, they decided to have the daurin aure along with the first few events there. The Abd Al-Rasheed family had no problem with it, since they hailed from there too. It'll be easier to hold the wedding in the state where the extended side of both families can attend.

Besides, despite all the hostilities, it is a very important wedding for both families. The eldest son of Lt. Gen. Abd Al-Rasheed is getting married to the only child of Nasir Al-Sayed. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity.

A week to the wedding, Aisha and her family flew to Kano and stayed in the Al-Sayed manse there. It's just as big as that in Abuja, and if one dares to say, bigger. So, it was big enough to contain all others that wanted to stay in the house-and that included a very downhearted Hajiya, who was still finding it hard to accept the wedding.

Jannah was also there, because according to her, there's no way the AA ship will sail in the slightest bit without her being there. So, she was with the bride throughout, and Aisha couldn't have been more thankful because God knows the girl is a great help. She doubts she could've gone through the whole outfit fittings-which thankfully, were able to get done despite how late it was, and the event planning.

Aisha didn't want any event, and yet again, Jannah claimed there's no way the two will get married without her dancing to her heart content and eating whatever she wants, of course. In her defense, after all the drama Aisha went through with that family, it's only fair to hold a wedding that will oppress them. Yes, she's that petty.

She thought it would be better since Humaira didn't get one. At least, they will now get a wedding to enjoy.

Aslam didn't mind, except the fact that dearest Hajiya Babba wanted events as well. Long story short, they settled with three. A Henna party-a small one which Aisha wanted, Kamu-which will be taken care of by the bride's side, and lastly, the dinner-which will be organized by the groom's side. That's all.

So, much bargaining later Aisha agreed to all three. What other choice does she have whens he has a very persuasive best friend that wouldn't take no for an answer.

The Henna was set to take place on Thursday, the Kamu on Friday and the nikah along with Dinner on Saturday. Aisha was already pre-stressed about the stress she'll undoubtedly go through-not to mention she'll already sick of the whole gyaran jiki she's forced to go through by Mommy whom of course, wouldn't take no for an answer either.

Aisha could barely think straight with everything going. She felt like it's all happening at once and there was barely enough time for her to gather her thoughts.

"Earth to matar Aslam" Jannah snapped her fingers in front of the woman, snapping her out of her thoughts. Blinking, Aisha shook her head off the thoughts and moved her gaze to Jannah.

"Huh? Did you say something?" She asked, genuinely lost.

"Oh Allah" Jannah exclaimed, "Indo this one you're lost in your thoughts like this, what are you thinking about ne?" She asked, a teasing look taking over her features.

"What, or should I say who else?" Came a voice belonging to someone Aisha knows well enough. "Mijin ta mana" Teased Rukayya, Aisha's best friend aside from Jannah. She met the girl before she met Jannah, and as such, has always been her best friend. However, since the girl resides in Kaduna and not Abuja, they weren't always together like with Jannah.

With Aisha's wedding here though, the girl didn't miss the chance to make an appearance.

Aisha's eyes narrowed at Rukayya when she said that, lips curled downwards into a frown as her cheeks coat with blush. Aisha adores the girl, she truly does. However, Rukayya and Jannah is one place is a recipe for disaster; especially since they've joined forces and decided to make her life a teasing hell. "Leave me alone" She mumbled. She wasn't thinking of just Aslam per se, but everything else.

Before the two could say anything more, a figure approached them as her voice came, rushed. "Guys I'm so sorry I'm late" Yasmine apologized, taking a spot beside Jannah after she'd exchanged pleasantries with everyone. She, as well as the others looks gorgeous-even for someone who is about to get Henna applied on her hands and is at a possible risk of getting her outfit ruined.

They are currently having the Henna party which was set at the backyard of the Al-Sayed residence in Kano. Despite the house being filled to the brim with people, the backyard was cleared for the young women and no one else.

Aisha loved the small amount of women there. She wasn't a fan of having too many people she barely knows at the event. It's enough she has to face a lot of people for the wedding entirely, she wanted the Henna to be something for her and her girls. Which is why, the only people there were her friends from university-including those she met about a month ago with Jannah-and her cousins whom she gets along with-with the exception of Humaira who refused to attend.

Aisha also invited Yasmine, because to her, the girl was her friend before becoming a sister in law. Huda was invited too, but by the looks of it, Yasmine only came alone.

The group of women were either having a conversation with their friends, snapping pictures and videos, or getting their henna done. After all, there were enough henna artists to do the job for them all and of course, the best, taking care of the bride's.

"Yasmine ina kika tsaya haka?" Jannah inquired, her left hand being in the hands of the henna artist currently designing some sort of flowers on it. Still, the girl went about her life with her right hand that's yet to be designed.

She and Yasmine got along because of Aisha, they hit off since the time their father was at their hospital.

Yasmine shook her head, placing her bag aside as she complimented the girl's henna. "In gaya miki Ya Aslam wouldn't let me go. Wai I must tell him why he can't reach his wife" She stated, shaking her head again as she huffed a breath. "Wallahi da akan Yaya za'a fara aure a gidan nan I'm sure nobody will rest. If you see the way he's disturbing everyone ba!"

Jannah snickered, which laid borderline cackle. She knew what Yasmine said is because of her. Aisha knew that well too, which is why she flashed her another one of her famous glares. "That's on me" Jannah admitted to Yasmine, "I took her phone away because there's no this girl will be on the phone with him all the time. He's already taking her away from us, the least he can do is let us have her for the few days left, right?"

Rukayya nodded, as if agreeing with Jannah's logic. "Exactly. Those two are always on the phone!"

"That's not true" Aisha denied, almost shifting her hand in the process which had the henna woman complain to which she apologized. Once she's sure she isn't about to ruin it, she turned to face the three women that are currently sitting beside her. "We aren't always on the phone"

Technically, they are.

Ever since the wedding as set, their relationship had been going better than before. Anyone who sees them know the two are in love, no double thoughts whatsoever. They were enjoying the fact that a couple in love and getting married.

That's why any small issue either of them have, they'll ring the others.

The girls were fed up because apparently it's too sweet, and they won't be oppressed. Hence, why they took Aisha's phone while she was asleep and hadn't returned it yet.

"You two kind of are" Yasmine stated, because even though she isn't with Aslam all the time, she knows that. Even her husband speaks of how Aslam is whipped. It's always 'my wife this, my wife that'. If Haroon wasn't married already, oppression would've killed him at the spot.

Yasmine was glad Haroon was able to get her away from Aslam else the man wouldn't have let her leave without telling him why he can't reach Aisha. He had tried to call Jannah, but it was of no use since the girl had decided for the first time, she's not on team Aslam-much to his despair.

The women decided to keep teasing Aisha, whom unfortunately had no one to defend her and she can't exactly win an argument against them. At one point, they decided to tease Aslam too which is why Jannah snapped Aisha's henna, the hand that was already covered with the red design and sent it to him.

Not even a minute later, his call came in making them laugh-except Aisha who felt like they are about to tease the life out of the poor man.

"Dakta ango" Jannah greeted, after answering the call and placing it on loud speaker, so the rest could hear-especially Aisha, whom had been deprived of hearing his voice the entire day.

"Jannatu where is my wife?" His voice came, as he feigned annoyance though it was impossible to not get the amusement lacing it. "Why are you guys doing this to me?"

Almost isnatntly, Rukayya and Yasmine, along with a few other ladies that Aisha gets along with started teasing Aisha since they were near, and could hear the whole thing unfold.

'Su his wife manya!'

'Iyye, see her blushing!'

'This love thing sweet o'

'Ah, wahala for us who are single'

Their voices came, making Aisha look down to hide her blush. She couldn't hide it even if she wants to. It's obvious these people enjoy teasing her.

"Ah ah, what did we do kuma?" Jannah feigned innocence, though it's obvious she's the mastermind behind it all.

"Why can't I reach her? Nasan it's your doing" He doesn't need anyone to tell him, he knows the girl well enough to know it has to be her doing.

"Eh toh gaskiya you can't be oppressing us like this ne saisa" This time she didn't bother to feign ignorance again, "Kuma kasan you can't speak to her, or see her henna free of charge" That's the reason to be precise. She wants to get as much as she can from the man.

No. Scratch that.

She and the girls wants to rob him of his money-simply without being armed. And that includes Yasmine, who had always loved spending her brothers' money.

Spending her money feels nice. But there's something about spending the men's money that she truly loves. Probably because she won't have to worry about her balance being low.

Aslam hummed. He saw this coming. Who doesn't? "Toh how much do you want exactly, because that henna looks really good"

"Ah toh, I trust my henna people" Jannah gave the women designing Aisha's hand a thumbs-up, which made the woman grin. Shifting her gaze to Aisha, she chuckled seeing the look she's giving her. "As for the price, I'll text you. Your wife is glaring at me like this"

Aslam chuckled, the sound reaching Aisha's ears. She could swear she could feel the butterflies in her tummy. With the amount of effect Aslam has on her, she hadn't even realized how much she missed hearing from him the entire day.

She internally face-palmed herself, knowing she too is whipped. Who would've thought?

"Alright then, I'll be waiting for it"

"Yawwa Dakta"

"Now can you please give her the phone, I deserve to hear her voice at the very least, yeah?"

Jannah pretended to think about it, but seeing the glare she keeps getting from Aisha, she knew rejecting is no longer an option. So, she chuckled lightly, and passed the phone to Aisha. However, because she can't really hold the phone considering she has henna on both hands, Jannah connected her phone to her air pods and then tucked both in Aisha's ears.

"Assalamu alaika" Aisha spoke, once she's sure the airpods are safely tucked in.

The girls stared at her in amusement, seeing how she sleekly changed her tone into a much softer one. She wasn't even looking at them, but instead looking down as if he would magically appear there. The action had them laughing, and throwing more jokes about how love makes a person act that way.

"Wa alaikissalam, Mrs. Aslam" Yet another name Aslam refused to let go of. He keeps using that name as if he couldn't believe it's actually happening.

Aisha being the whipped bride she is couldn't help but blush at his words too. She was even swooning over how his voice sounded.

This love thing...

"-How are you? I hope Jannah isn't disturbing you"

Aisha held back a scoff, as she threw the culprit a small glare; she seemed to be doing a lot of that recently. "Depends on your definition of disturbing" She answered, looking away from the group of girls that are acting like teenagers whom spot their crush.

Aslam chuckled lightly, "Don't worry. Her time is coming"

"That, you're right" Aisha isn't sure of what will happen, but one thing she's certain of is she will definitely tease Jannah to her heart's content once the girl's wedding comes. "Zan rama. She just waits and see" She's already plotting the things she will do in her head.

"Allah kaimu"


"Your henna looks really beautiful, Masha Allah" He only saw picture of one hand, and even then it isn't a complete view yet he's sure both hands look good. After all, it's her hand. It's bound to be beautiful.

"It looks better in person" She said softly, her voice dropping yet again which of course, made the girls tease her more.

"Oh, really?" There was amusement in his tone. Only God knows how elated he is to finally hear from her. And besides, he has a feeling he understands what she's implying. "Well, in that case I can't wait to see you tomorrow" All he wants is for the day to end and the next to come so he can see her at the Kamu.

That's what he's anticipating before the daurin aure on Saturday.

"Are you sure you can handle it though? Because I'm sure I'll look really good tomorrow" She fell in love with her outfit the minute she saw it, and truth be told, she had been fighting the urge to wear it over and over again before the day comes. She has this thing that whenever she had an outfit that looks good, she becomes tempted to wear it till she gets sick of it.

Mommy had to take the outfits with her because if it was up to Aisha, she would've worn all her wedding outfits before the actual day comes.

Yes, she's that kind of person. She can't help it when they look that good.

"Don't worry, I'll try not to faint"

Aslam's words had her chuckling lightly. Before she could reply though, she heard voices from his end. She couldn't exactly make any word out, "You must be busy" She muttered, when she heard him dismiss the people, or at least, try.

"Don't mind them. It's Haruna, my best friend, and Abdallah, amongst others"

"Abdallah?" She repeated, her brows drew in, "The one I know?"

"The one and only"

"Since when have you and Abdallah been close buddies?" The first, and only time she remembered them knowing each other was during that dinner, when he returned. So, when did they become close to be hanging out together?

"Since he believed I'm the only man he can trust you with considering I'm not intimidated by him" Aslam answered, with a slight chortle. Almost about the same time, Aisha overheard Abdallah saying something to Aslam, but she couldn't make out what he said again. Aslam however laughed, so what he said must've been comical. "But yeah, we're getting along really well"

Aisha hummed. She could never understand men's friendships. They bond over something she wouldn't exactly expect them to.

"-they're trying to get me to join them into whatever outing they want to have. And if that isn't enough, I'm going to pay. Not them. Shouldn't they spend their money since I am the groom?" He can't tell if they said that to tease him, or if they are actually serious. He wouldn't have minded if he wasn't the groom.

Now, he just feels it's unfair though. But what other choice does he have?

"I have a feeling you'll be bankrupt soon" She stated, shaking her head in amusement. She doesn't trust Jannah, since she knows how the girl is. Only God knows how much the girl will demand from him and now with his friends, he's definitely going bankrupt.

"I know, right?"

Chuckling, Aisha blew out a low breath. "You should get going through, before they drag you out"

"Wallahi kuma zasu iya" Despite being grown adults; Aslam doesn't trust his friends one bit. "I'll call you later in shaa Allah. Hopefully, you'll get your phone back because I'm sure Jannah has it"

"Don't worry, I'll be sure to get it back before then"

"Alright then. Talk to you later, Mrs. Aslam. Take care of yourself for me"

She nodded, despite knowing he can't see her. "Try not to get bankrupt, okay?" Her lips stretched into a wide grin before she bit her lower lip, awaiting his reply.

"Even if I go bankrupt, you'll stay with me, right?"

She shrugged. "I kind of like rich men, so..."

"Then I'll be sure to still have some money left"


"Take care"

"You too" The call ended then. Aisha gestured to the girl to help her with the airpords. And once it's off, they started yet another teasing session.

Safe to say, she never had anyone tease her as much as that day, and it was only the beginning!

She knew the wedding has only started.



This is by far the longest chapter I've written in SO LONG! Nearly 6k words people.

Your prayers are seriously being answered because dude, did I just give you an update yesterday and today too? Ah!

I love weddings like this!

Abeg recommend songs for us to dance to, because I need a wedding playlist.

Su Mrs. Aslam da mijinta. This one I'm feeling oppressed o. Ah, on God.

Again, drop comments else I fit take my time to write the next one fr. Even if I write it, I won't update unless I see comments so, drop ammmm.

Arice, I don tire and I want to read GTC update so byeeeeee.

Love, president of AA fanclub, Jannah.

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