37; Seal The Deal.
With this, I'm ditching yall.
"I SWEAR TO ALLAH, Aisha, if you reject this man I will curse your entire generation"
"I can say the same to you for rejecting Abdallah. Like girl, what the hell is wrong with you?"
"You know it's not the same"
"It is so the same!"
"It's not" Jannah blew out a harsh breath. This wasn't supposed to be about her, or Abdallah but Aisha here is turning the table on her. "And don't say it is because we both know it's not"
Aisha narrowed her eyes at Jannah, and then hummed in a way that showed she hasn't believed her. "How can you even reject Abdallah dan Allah? Abdallah fa! Haba Jannah"
Jannah hissed under her breath, "I did not reject him!" Technically, what she did was stared at him for a while not saying anything. She was too shocked by what he said. Abdallah liking her? She didn't see it coming especially not after what he said before. She had shunned that thought out of her life long ago that to hear him say that came as a shock to her.
She can still remember what happened afterwards vividly.
When she finally got a hold of herself, she blinked repeatedly, her mouth hung open. "Abdallah..." She started, her voice barely above a whisper as she shook her head. "...you don't mean that"
No. There's no way that's true.
Abdallah tilted his head to the side slightly, "I mean every word I said, Firdaus" He stated, with no ounce of hesitation. "I know what I feel, and I'm sure of it"
"Nooo" She dragged emphatically, shaking her head vigorously as she looked away. Her head was screaming at her, telling her that this is all wrong and yet her heart, the treacherous thing was beating wildly due to his words. Why is she feeling this way? It's wrong. "You can't feel that way Abdallah, you just, can't" She said, still unable to meet his gaze as she looked away.
"Why not? There's nothing wrong with it" He was hoping she would turn around at least. He knew this wouldn't be easy, but still. "Jannah, I know you feel something for me"
"Abdallah please, stop saying that..."
"Why not?" He cut her off, "Do you want me to allow you to keep lying to yourself? No. I know you feel something for me, and I already told you how I feel. Jannah, we like, no we love--"
"I'm getting married, Abdallah!" She exclaimed, turning around to look at him. Her brow was raised, and her eyes widened, "Aure zanyi. The date has already been set, and I-I can't do this. This can't happen, don't you get it?"
Abdallah blew out a breath, "Didn't you hear a word I said, Jay? I said I won't allow this marriage to happen, no matter what I'll try to stop you from making such a mistake"
"No" She snapped sternly. "You have no right to interfere in my marriage" She doesn't care that he has feelings for her, or that she has feelings for him. He can't mess with her marriage because he feels like it. She won't allow that. And for him to even think such made her furious. "You have absolutely no right..." She warned through gritted teeth, "...to interfere with my marriage"
Abdallah stared at her for a while, gauging her reaction. After a while, he nodded slowly, "Okay then" His expression hardened slightly. "Then look me in the eyes and tell me you have absolutely zero feelings for me that makes you rethink your decision of getting married. Look me in the eyes and tell me to get out of your life forever. Tell me you don't ever want to see me again and I promise, I'll disappear from your life as if I was never here"
Her eyes widened slowly, lips parting. She didn't expect him to say that. Heck, she doesn't even know what she expected of him. Her mind is all jumbled up that she can barely think straight. It is all too much for her.
However, what he's asking her rang loud.
Did she want that? Does she want him out of her life completely? God no. But that will be the best thing to do right? She is getting married, and keeping someone like him is a big no.
But to actually part her lips and admit that. She couldn't bring herself to say it because her heart doesn't want that. She doesn't want that.
"You can't say it, can you?" It's not only matter of her not being able to do it. Even if she can do it, she doesn't want to. And it's obvious he knows that.
Jannah looked away, unable to meet his gaze anymore. She feels like crying all over again, because she doesn't know what to do. She doesn't know what to think. It is all too much, way too much to handle in a day.
Abdallah blinked, turning around to sit facing ahead. "It's been a long day. Do you want me to drop you off at home, or would you drive yourself?" He wasn't upset. He understood she needs time to think, and he won't pressure her. He cares about her too much to put her through that at the same time.
Jannah swallowed thickly, her tongue sweeping over her lower tongue. Normally, she would've asked him to take her home. "I can drive myself" She can't do that then. She can't ask him to take her home because she needs to be away from him to think rationally. She isn't thinking clearly in his presence.
"Thank you for everything" She said in a small voice, and without waiting for a word from him, she opened the door and got out. Luckily, she had her car keys and phone in her coat pocket so she didn't need to go back to the hospital and face anyone.
She didn't even look back again as she headed to her car. And once in, she rested her head on the steering wheel, blowing out deep breaths. The day certainly didn't turn out the way she expected.
"What you did was as good as telling him to stay away. Just because you didn't voice it didn't mean he hadn't gotten the memo" Aisha stated, as she made her way over the vanity table and settle on the stool there. Moving her phone from her left hand to the right, she narrowed her eyes at her best friend on the other end of the video call.
Jannah sighed loudly, shaking her head slightly. "My situation is complicated"
"Really now?"
"Yes, and you're supposed to be taking my side. For Allah's sake you're my best friend"
"And Abdallah is my brother so..." Aisha wasn't taking sides, or at least, not in the way that her best friend thinks. She would've taken Jannah side if the girl was marrying someone that deserves her, and with less drama than the man she chooses. Even if Abdallah isn't her relative, she still would've preferred him over Sadiq's father. At the very least, he won't come with as much drama and problems. And besides, he cares about her so in a way, she is taking Jannah's side by supporting Abdallah.
She just wants what's best for the girl. And in this case, it's Abdallah.
"Aisha, I am getting married--"
"Oh my God" Aisha groaned, she had heard enough of that already.
"-Bawai they're talking about my marriage bane. An fa sa rana. Everything has been set, how would you think I'll throw everything away for him?" She simply wanted them to see it from her perspective. It's not like anyone is forcing her into this. It's her decision and although Abdallah is making her rethink her decision, she can't change it just like that.
Aisha stared at her for a while, not saying anything during that moment. She then let out a sigh, deciding to just drop the topic. "Whatever sails your boat, Jay. I'm sure you and him will work this out" Even though he hadn't told her, she's sure Abdallah will find a way to get to Jannah. The only problem is the girl is one of the most stubborn person Aisha has ever met, so convincing her won't be easy thing.
Placing the phone on the vanity table, leaning it on the mirror to make sure it won't fall; Aisha got up from the stool and took a few steps back so the girl can see her from head to toe. "-What do you think? Does this look good?"
Jannah blinked repeatedly, her mouth hung open.
Aisha frowned, her lips parting. "It's bad, right? I knew it! I should've worn the other French lace" She then missed, "It's not too late sha, let me just change--"
"Hold up, hold up, hold up! Can you like, shut up for one minute I'm not done" Jannah cut her off, before she widened her eyes and hung her mouth open again.
Aisha tilted her head to the side, her lips puckering as she gave Jannah an unimpressed look. This isn't the time for the girl to have her dramatic session. She is running out of time here.
"Well dayyum! Bruh, Masha Allah! Da gaske it's not easy to be this fine, ah ah! Mrs. Aslam Muhammad in the block people! Give way because she's not here to joke" Leave it to Jannah to hype someone-especially Aisha. She hand fanned herself, "Damn girl, see as you fine like wine"
Aisha chuckled, making her way back to the stool. Settling on it, she crossed her legs with ease because luckily, the lace gown she had on isn't fitted. "You're not serious" She muttered, hissing lightly in amusement. "No, but seriously. This is okay, right? It's not too much or too little?"
Jannah gave her a wary look, "See this one. Since when have you ever cared how you look like when meeting Aslam?" She had never seen her that way before. She normally doesn't care how she meets the man at work, so why now? "Oh, is it because he now seeing you as a suitor?" She knew the answer, but she wants to take every chance she can get to tease Aisha.
Aisha glared at her playfully. "Abeg, shut up" She didn't deny it. How could she? Anyone would know it's a lie.
She had been like this since she came back from work earlier. It's Friday, and it was the day before that Abba told her everything and that Aslam would come to see her that day. She thought of how awkward it would be if she run into him at work, but for some weird reason, she hadn't seen him-not even when she went to check on their patient from the day before.
She's glad to see the man is doing well; the woman Aisha saw outside the OR, who turned out to be the man's daughter was by his side looking much better than she did yesterday. She looked relieved, and happy.
It gave Aisha joy to know she had a hand in making that expression possible.
Since it's Friday, she came back from work by twelve as Aslam is set to come after Jumu'ah prayer. The minute she was back, she took a shower and then called Jannah as she turned her closet upside down looking for something to wear. The closet is still a mess, which she will deal with after meeting the man.
Jannah is still at work. Truth be told, Aisha thought the girl will not show up because of what happened the day before. But, she proved her wrong when she showed her with her head held up high ignoring the looks she undoubtedly got. The murmurs were there too but she can't do anything about it so she pretended to not hear them.
It does affect her but showing it will hurt more.
"-And stop calling me Mrs. Aslam"
Jannah hummed, eyes instantly narrowed in slits. "Wallahi Aishatu you better not reject him" She doesn't know how many times she needs to say for it to sink in. If she has to say it a thousand times more, then so be it.
Aisha rolled her eyes. Parting her lips to speak, she was cut off when a knock came on the door, and then it opened and in came Mommy with a wide grin etched on her face. As usual, Hajiya Asiya was dressed to impress, rocking one of her laffayas that made her look more like the one whose suitor will be coming, and not her daughter.
Reaching where Aisha sat, Hajiya Asiya offered Jannah a small wave and a warm smile before she turned to Aisha, lightly tapping her shoulder. "Yalla Aisha, your husband has arrived"
Aisha felt her heart drop in her stomach; her eyes instantly widening. She doesn't know why but her feet suddenly felt cold, and she could feel her heart beating wildly. Darting her tongue out, she swiped it over her glossed lips-instantly making her regret the action. "Uhm...what?" Did Mommy have to call him her husband? She honestly hasn't even decided on what to do yet. It will depend on how her conversation with him goes.
"Yes, Aslam is here so hurry up. We don't want my son-in-law waiting, do we now?"
"Mommy" Aisha dragged the world, lips puckering. "Stop calling him that" She mumbled, though she couldn't hide the blush that coated her cheeks.
"Mommy kinajin yarinyar nan ko" Jannah piqued in, having heard what Aisha said which earned her a glare from the said woman. She only got bits of it, but she's sure of what Aisha said.
"Naji Firdausi. Barta, koma miye ne, we'll find out after this so yalla, Aishatu. Don't leave him waiting" And that was how Mommy practically made Aisha put on her veil, and pushed her out of the room. She didn't end the call with Jannah though, instead she took over the call.
Aisha knew the two women will start their gist session and she and Aslam would definitely be the topic of discussion.
Sometimes, she wonders if Jannah and Mommy are related, they are so much alike.
Slowly, Aisha took the steps holding onto the railing as if her life depended on it. Her flats softly clanked as she descended the stairs. At a point, she thought of running back upstairs and hiding in her room because to say she was nervous will be an understatement.
Much to her despair though, she reached the living room much sooner than she wanted to. Even then, she hesitated before eventually putting on her big girl pants and entered with a salaam-her head hung low. "Assalamu alaika"
"Wa alaikissalam" His deep voice reached her ears as he answered the salaam, making her feel the butterflies in her tummy make a grand appearance. She tried to keep the nervousness she felt aside, as she made her way further in the room and then settled on a sofa opposite him. Though she hasn't looked up to look him in the eyes, she is well aware of where he's sitting.
"Ina wuni?" She greeted, her voice low. A part of her, the one that was affected by the Jannah virus burst into fits of laughter. Since when has Aisha been that way around him?
Wait, can he even speak Hausa? She wondered in her head. Well, of course, you idiot. Both his parents are Nigerian. She and the voice in her head were having an argument.
Even he found it amusing, because the corner of his lips tilted upwards in amusement. "Lafiya qalau, Alhamdullilah" Maybe it's because she can't remember hearing him speak in the native language, but for a moment she wondered if she's actually speaking to Aslam.
Why does he sound so different? The good different?
On God. That part of her, the same annoying one exclaimed. God save your soul Aisha.
"-How are you? I'm sure you must've been exhausted because of yesterday's surgery"
She was relieved he decided to speak again, and even brought up a topic that will be comfortable for them both. "I'm fine, Alhamdullilah. It was exhausting but, nothing we can't handle" She still hasn't raised her head. If anything, she was fiddling with her fingers.
She was too scared to look up, and meet his eyes. An acrobatic show is already taking place in her tummy, and her heart was dancing to some tune, probably Buga, but bottom line, it was beating wildly. All because of him!
She felt awkward, and nervous. It feels awkward because this isn't like any other meeting they've had before. If this goes the way everyone wants, she would end up becoming Aslam's wife!
The thought had her biting her lower lip, and closing her eyes to steady her heart.
Is she even Aisha? Since when has been nervous around Aslam. Aslam, her partner at work!
Aslam thought the same thing, because he leaned back with his legs crossed. Reaching his hand up, his finger lightly tracing his bottom lip as he stared at her in amusement. If someone told him he would see the day Aisha would look this nervous him, especially after the way she had been treating him these days, then he would've considered the person a mentally unstable one. But, there she is, unable to even look him in the eyes.
"I just have one question..." He started, his amusement evident. He was finding it hard to hold back his laughter. Uncrossing his legs, he leaned forward slightly. "...have you always been this, diffident?"
Aisha shot her head up, her eyes narrowed at him as her lips were set into a tight line. His words annoyed her slightly, but she was more embarrassed. He is making fun of her situation, and she knew that. "Shut up" She mumbled, fighting to hold back her blush.
Who is she? Since when has Aisha been one to blush? Because of Aslam for that matter!
Wonders shall never end.
Aslam laughed, one that had her staring at him. Since she hadn't fully taken in his look earlier, she didn't realize how he looked until now. For the first time in her life, she is seeing him in natives and to say he looked good will be an understatement. He looked resplendent, pulchritudinous even!
He thought just as well. He was so used to seeing her in scrubs and white coat that seeing her in something different, a native attire for that matter had him losing his breath for a moment. "Ma shaa Allah" Was all he could find himself mumbling. When she walked into the living room, he knew at the moment that he was a goner. Allah knows he would do whatever it takes to wife her-no questions asked.
He is going to make this woman his wife. Even if she rejects him now, he will come back again and again. There's no way she's getting rid of him.
Is it even possible for a person to be that beautiful?
Ya Rahman.
Ma sha Allah indeed.
"Why didn't you tell me Abba was the one who asked you to stay away?" She suddenly asked, making his laughter die down.
Aslam shrugged, a small smile gracing his features. "Would you have believed me?" He asked, giving her a knowing look.
She folded her lips in. No, she wouldn't have. Heck, she doubts she would've even listened.
"That's why" He tipped his finger in her direction, before dropping it with a sigh. "I thought it would be better if he told you. I did my part, and if I still have to ask for your forgiveness, then I will do that. I'm sorry--"
"Don't" She cut him off, "It wasn't your fault" She added softly.
Aslam's smile widened, as his expression softened. "It was worth it just to hear you say that" God knows he thought she would still be upset with him.
Aisha looked down for a moment, clasping her hands together. "Aslam..." She called out, "...are you sure about this?" She asked, her eyes meeting his again.
His expression morphed into that of determination. "Of course" He said without any hesitation. "I'm back after all these years, am I not?"
She flickered her eyes close, taking in a deep breath as she shook her head. Doubts clouded her mind. "You don't understand. My life is way more complicated than it seems. Aslam I have a past that is catching up to me. I'm a mess, a complete and utter mess that you wouldn't want around you" She opened her eyes, her lips tugged downwards into a deep frown. "Trust me, I'm the last person you would want in your life" She added the last part, her voice growing lower.
If she has to convince him to get this marriage idea out of his head, then she would. He won't want her anymore after hearing what went on her past. No one would.
Aslam's larking expression disappeared, his thumb caressing his knuckles before he blew out a small breath. "Aisha, do I look like a coward to you?" He asked, his tone holding every bit of seriousness.
Her eyes widened slightly, her brows drawing in. "What? Of course not"
"Then do I seem like a bad person?"
Technically, all these men don't look like they are bad until you marry then. Aisha knows that. However, she feels like he's different so she shook her head. "No..."
"Do you think that badly of me?"
"What? What are---"
"Aisha, I know I'm not perfect. Trust me, I'm not. I have my own baggage too. And yes, I have so many imperfections that will make you not want to be with me, some of which you haven't seen yet but I'm at least trying to work this out. I want this, with you, and no one else"
Her expression softened. But, she still had her doubts and not regarding him, but her. "Aslam..."
"Aisha, I honestly don't care about your past. It doesn't define you, and it never will. If problems arise in the future because of it, then I want to be by your side through it all. I want to be with you" He was hoping she would hear the sincerity in his tone for he meant every word he uttered. He held her gaze, "Please, stop allowing your doubts and insecurities get to you. I'm here because I want to be with you regardless of everything, and I know you feel the same way too. Would you at least take the risk with me?"
Perhaps, it was his words. Or maybe, she knew she would have to face this someday even if she evades this. Can she ever find someone like Aslam if she lets him go? Heck, does she even want him to be someone else?
No. She answer is definitely no.
She still remembers the pain, jealousy and anger she felt when she thought of him being with Taslim. She can't imagine Aslam with any other woman, and her with anyone else.
She has been denying it, but she has feelings for Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed. She has feelings she doubts will ever fade away.
As if reading her mind, Aslam offered her a warm smile that made her insides churn in the good way. "Aisha, would you do me the honor of being Mrs. Aslam?" He asked, his smile widening into a small grin.
Aisha couldn't even fight it anymore. The smile she had been trying to hold back took over her features. How could she reject him now? She doesn't even want to. This can only end the one way it's supposed to.
It's time to become Mrs. Aslam Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed.
*Screams from the side*
I'm abandoning yall after this chapter because wedding chapters are hard to write. Don't expect me tomorrow or any time soon. Tam, I've said my own.
The next chapter is our wedding. Yes, our wedding dan wannan da mu akeyi.
At long last.
Oya oya our ship name? Are we going with #AAforever ko kuma? Do you have another one in mind? Abeg recommend.
Anko fa? Our aseobi ladies! Onion purple ko tomato orange? Kai we need to set a date and meet to discuss this matter. On top of that, our wedding playlist. Say we must dance BUGA O! Go low low low (No account balance, abeg I wasn't talking to you. No nex abeg, don't take things personally)
Shey we fit dance to Asake too gaskiya. Ololademi Asake. Dude, gaskiya munda biki party after party.
The money long cos I don buy jet, na everybody want to tear my shirt. I just blow but omo I know myself. Before dem use me I go use my sense, my sense.
The last time I wrote a wedding chapter was in 99 days so I'm SOOOO excited for this! Thank God at long last!
Shower me with comments for an early update, else I fit take my time wlh. I'm serious.
Okay I don start new kdrama so I'm disappearing like this because dudeee, I'm loving this!
Good night! This is also your Friday update btw, It's long enough.
Love, Jannah.
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