32; Partners...again?!
"-WHAT DO YOU mean you two aren't together?"
Taslim shrugged, crossing her legs as she leaned back. "It's just as I said, we aren't a thing and we will never"
Aisha didn't know if she should trust Taslim. For all she knows, the woman can be one of those that tell you to not worry but turn out to be the biggest threats out there. "No but, Hamza said--"
"-Hamza said that because he has beef with Aslam. Actually, he has beef with everyone in the Abd Al-Rasheed family. It just turns out his with Aslam is, well, you know...the worse" Taslim waved it off like it's not a big deal because to her it isn't. Hamza will learn to accept things as they are and move on.
Aisha stopped herself from saying something again at that instant. She thought of what Taslim said, but only one thing struck out. "Wait, how do you people know Hamza?"
Taslim puckered her lips slightly, thinking of the best way to go about the description. "His father is, was, our family lawyer. He colluded with someone to change grandpa's will; making us think, well, you know...Aslam and I needed to get married before he can get the shares left for him"
"But it's not the case?"
Taslim shook her head, "No it's not" She took it upon herself to explain the situation to Aisha since Aslam told her what happened. She felt like she's partially responsible. And considering Aisha refused to listen to anyone else, it would better for her to hear from her. "Such condition never existed and so is the possibility of Aslam and I ever getting together"
Aisha kept quiet, letting the information sink in. So, Aslam is unmarried? Why does that make her feel relieved though? Wasn't she upset with him? Didn't she tell herself she wouldn't ever get with him? It's his fault for messing things up in the beginning, why should she keep up with it?
That's the thing. Though this misunderstanding has been cleared up, she still is furious at him for leaving her for two years with no word. She had thought of reasons why he did that, and all she could come up with that she's not worth it. She's not worth his time and he realized he's better off without her. All negative thoughts filled her head in the past years and now that she saw Taslim, she realized the kind of women he is used to.
Why would he want someone plain, simple, and with a baggage like hers? Why her when he could have anyone else?
Taslim stared at Aisha for a while, before she uncrossed her legs and leaned towards Aisha slightly, clasping her hands in front of her. "Look, Aisha. I won't lie to you. I spent my entire life, for as long as I can remember believing that I was in love with him and that one day, he will the one I'll complete half my deen with. How could I not? He was always there for me. He's the one person whom I know will always take my side no matter. He was constantly there, you know" She could tell she got Aisha's complete attention then, and for a brief moment, she saw the woman's insecurities show in her eyes but she didn't say a word about it.
Aisha understood how Taslim felt in a way. She understood how it feels like to have someone like that because she has Abdallah. He is just like that to her except not once had she seen him as someone to spend her life with. He was always a brother, a best friend and family.
"-The whole world could come crashing down and as long as I have Aslam, I was okay. I felt like I would be ready to face anyone...to face anything because he is there" She chuckled softly, looking down for a brief second as she swept her tongue over her lower lip before blowing out a breath. "Before we knew the whole marriage thing is fake, I was the one who called it off"
Aisha's brows drew in. From the way Taslim spoke of Aslam, she could tell the girl truly loves him, or loved him. Could she ever not love him though? Maybe not in the same light as before but Aisha knew a part of Taslim will forever love him. That kind of love is not just something you can get over.
But why did she call it off?
As if reading her mind, Taslim chuckled yet again-her amused expression returning. "Yeah I know; why did I call it off?" She winced slightly, though she didn't seem upset about the whole thing. If anything, she still has a grin on her face. "You know what I realized at the last minute, Aisha?"
Aisha silence was her answer. She didn't know what she realized, and there was no reason to voice it out.
"I remembered the first time I saw you, with him and our family. Aisha..." Taslim reached her hand out to hold Aisha's, enclosing it with her other hand. "...I have never, seen him look at anyone the way he looks at you" She admitted softly, her words coming out as nothing but a whisper. "I realized he will never look at me that way and I've accepted it. He wouldn't look at me in the way that shows he can scream to the whole world he adores you, and you alone"
Aisha could swear her heart skip a beat then. How could it not?
"Aslam is the kind of person who knows what he wants, and if he says he loves you, then he means it"
That's another thing. He never said he loved her so...
Taslim shook her head, her smile broadening into a small grin. "Actions speak louder than words, Aisha" There's something about the way Taslim pronounces her name. She doesn't say it the way everyone does. No, she says it with an accent that was impossible for Aisha to miss. And truth be told, she loved it. It's different, but the good type of different. "I'm sure by now you've realized he says what's on his mind with little hesitation, at least, when it comes to this type of things. But nonetheless, trust me, he adores you so much and I know I am in no place to tell you this, but don't let him go, please. Not everyone gets someone like that"
Aisha looked away. How can she stay mad at him when Taslim says stuff like that? She finds it funny that she refused to listen to him and Jannah-choosing to firmly remain furious but all it takes is a conversation with Taslim to change her perspective on him.
Who would've thought Taslim would be the one to help the AA ship sail?
"And if you're still worried about him confessing, don't worry. Knowing Ya Aslam, he can scream it to everyone even if it's in the ER..." She laughed, and Aisha couldn't help but join her.
But that is the truth. He can keep his serious man façade aside and scream it to anyone in the hospital, and beyond if he has to.
When their laughter died down, Taslim patted the back of Aisha's hand. "Now, promise me you won't stay mad at him. At least, not regarding this"
Aisha found herself smiling, genuinely this time. "I promise" She wasn't even thinking about it. Taslim single handedly erased all doubts she has regarding that.
Taslim grinned, her eyes gleaming. There was something about Taslim when she's happy. She's luminous-almost impossible to not stop and stare at in awe. "Oh and there's something else..." She let go of Aisha's hand and stood up, making her towards her table to pick up a picture she placed aside for Aisha. When she picked it up, she walked towards Aisha and handed it over. "...do you know her?" She asked, taking her earlier spot beside Aisha.
Aisha stared at the pictures, her brows drawing in. "Yes" She nodded, immediately recognizing the girl in the picture. "She's an intern here" It's the same girl Jannah claimed she didn't like simply because she wanted to be a wicked senior like the ones before her. Looking up, her lips tugged into a frown. "What...what is this?"
Taslim sighed, frowning. "That girl was the one who injected your patient with pentobarbital"
Aisha's lips parted, "She..."
Taslim nodded, confirming her thoughts. "Yes, she killed your patient" The issue was buried by her brother, but of course, since she is now his superior, she was able to recover the CCTV footage he had destroyed to frame Aisha. She has the footage with her. She looked into it when Aslam told her he has a feeling her brother did something to Aisha and she wanted to help.
After all, what kind of leader would she be if she didn't try to help others. Aslam handed her the position knowing she would make good decisions as this, and he was right.
"But, why?" Aisha shook her head, unable to understand why the girl would do something like that to her, to the patient. She swore an oath to save people's lives. So, why?
Taslim shrugged. "I don't know. I'm yet to summon her" She only found out the day before, and she wanted to speak to Aisha first. "I wanted to talk to you first, and make sure you're ready to continue your stressful days"
"I wat you to come back to work" Taslim offered her a warm smile, "Figured you'd missed it, despite it being stressful"
Aisha stared at her for a moment, not knowing what to say. What could she say? "Can I hug you?" That was all her brain could come up with.
Taslim chuckled, but opened her arms wide which Aisha took as an invite to give her a warm hug. She blinked the tears that made her eyes glossy, blowing out a low breath.
She knew Taslim only did what was right, but the girl has no idea what it meant to her. She could've been forced to resign from something that she actually loves. She knows she can apply somewhere else, but what if Hisham had ruined her chances of doing that? It's not like she could return earlier too; else he would've ruined her life.
So, Taslim...she saved her.
How could someone be that good? She honestly feels bad for being so cold towards the girl earlier. She wasn't anything like she expected her to be.
"I have a feeling you and I will be good sisters" Taslim murmured earnestly, patting Aisha's back slightly. "I've always wanted a sister" Yasmine and Huda are like sisters to her, but she feels like Aisha would be different.
"Me too" Aisha wasn't sure what will happen next, but she's sure of one thing-she has made another friend, and possibly sister in the Abd Al-Rasheed family.
Crossing his arms over his torso, Aslam's head tilted to the side as he listened to one of the residents explain the current case they have in hand. He arrived at work earlier and Chief Wali-who is elated the man is finally a full time worker in the hospital-decided to drag him to the CS meeting room where they discuss the patients they have, and what treatment to go for.
He saw a lot of familiar faces, and that includes the Professors from before whom were more welcoming to him than the last time-though some were still bitter. Nonetheless, they consider him more of a doctor now and as such, treated him with respect at the very least which he reciprocated.
One thing that did shock them was his striking resemblance to the man they were sucking up to then. Since he no longer bothers himself with the face mask-which he is starting to regret-they now know he is truly an Abd Al-Rasheed and that alone earned him respect; even though some weren't genuine.
Besides some knew that the late Chairman left his shares to his eldest grandson from Muhammad Abd Al-Rasheed and the man was rumored to have been a doctor in the hospital. For obvious reasons, they knew it wasn't Hisham and since Yazid wasn't exactly a doctor, that leaves their guess to be Aslam.
Who wouldn't want to be on the good side of the hospital's major shareholder?
But despite all that, Aslam was down to earth as if he isn't the one. To be honest, that is what earned some of their respects, especially the residents whom he is friendly towards.
His wire frame glasses remained perched up on his aquiline nose. Tilting his head down he looked at the chart that had been handed to them all as they reviewed the current case, which is extremely serious and in need of immediate surgery.
"Dr. Aslam" Chief Wali spoke up, making everyone's attention turn to him. "What do you think?" Despite Aslam having handled two surgeries before, he still wanted to show everyone that the man didn't get his position because his family owns the hospital as some think. He, better than anyone knows and believes in Aslam as a doctor and he sure does love to show off what the young man is capable of.
Aslam frowned, looking at the chart again as he shook his head. "Well, I--"
Before he could say a thing more, the door opened gaining everyone's attention. No one is allowed whenever there's an ongoing meeting so they weren't expecting anyone to show up. Tardiness wasn't appreciated either, so everyone is always on time. Someone arriving at the same had them all wanting to see who it could be, and that included Aslam.
Aisha stepped in, a wide grin etched on her face which she couldn't even wipe away. God knows the happiness she feels being back in the hospital. However, the sudden attention on her when she walked in dawned in her, making her bite her lower lip as she cringed slightly. "I'm sorry I'm late" Her eyes met Chief Wali's, whom she offered her best grin hoping that would get her off the hook.
After her meeting with Taslim, she stopped by her office to get her white coat and then headed to the meeting room when she heard there's an ongoing on. She could've stayed in her office and wait, but that will kill her and especially not when she could barely reign her happiness in.
Some of the Professors shook their heads in disappointment. They were the ones that hate tardiness the most, "Dr. Aisha you're late" Dr. Sherlock as Aisha thought of addressing him at the moment--the one whom couldn't keep his mouth shut--pointed out. "What kind of example are you trying to show your juniors?"
Aisha held herself back from rolling her eyes. No grumpy old man would ruin her happiness at the moment. "Sorry, Sir" She opted to apologize, her grin wavering slightly.
Chief Wali smiled, shaking his head slightly. "Take a seat, Dr. Aisha" He gestured to an empty seat beside Chris-a senior of hers. "And welcome back"
"Thank you" She stated lowly as she quietly made her way towards the empty chair. When she settled down, Chris leaned in and said something that made her laugh lightly.
Aslam, like the love-struck puppy he is was there quietly watching her with a smile on his face. Only Allah knows the happiness he feels whenever he sees her smile like that. His phone that was on the table pinged, signaling a message came in. He glanced at it, to read the message.
Jannatu-You're drooling, Doc.
He looked up, to playfully glare at Jannah who sat a couple of seats away from him. The girl simply shrugged, a grin taking over her features. He shook his head, unable to hold back his smile.
"Now back to the issue at hand" Chief Wali spoke up, gaining their attention. "We have a Type A Aortic Dissection patient who requires emergency open chest surgery" He pointed out, for the sake of Aisha who just arrived.
She nodded, taking a look at the chart Chris handed her. She already knew what it is after Chief Wali stated it. An aortic dissection begins abruptly when a tear occurs in the inner layer of a weakened area around an aorta. It is a life threatening condition that can cause sudden death if not recognized and treated quickly. And considering the patient is above fifty years, an emergency surgery surely is needed.
"-Considering all the doctors are currently occupied, I was hoping Dr. Aslam could do it"
Aslam looked up, his gaze meeting Chief Wali's as he nodded. "Okay" He wouldn't turn it down. It's a complicated surgery, but it's not the first time he is handling one. And besides, there's no reason to turn it down when there's a patient whose life is hanging by a thread. What kind of doctor will he be then?
"Firdausi, I want you to assist him"
"What? Me?" Jannah asked the Chief with eyes slightly wide, pointing a finger at herself as if there's someone else with the name aside from her. She has no problem helping him either on normal circumstance. But that wasn't a normal circumstance.
Chief Wali nodded, his expression blank. "Yes, you"
"Well, I would love to..." She stopped midway, faking a cough that will have her mistaken for a patient with tuberculosis. "I-I" She coughed again, though some pretty much figured it is fake. Blinking rapidly, she placed a hand on her chest as she squinted her eyes. "I would love to but I came down with a c-cold earlier" She sniffed for an unnecessary long time.
Chief Wali's eyes squinted at her. Everyone could pretty much tell she was faking it. "Firdausi--"
"Chief why don't you hand the position to someone else that's free. I'm really not feeling well" Yet again, she coughed and even went to the extent of feigning tears in her eyes. Sniffing again, she wiped her nose with her hand earning disgusted looks from the others. "We wouldn't want a sick doctor around a patient, yeah?"
Sighing, Chief Wali shook his head. "Well, in that case--"
"How about Aisha? She's free" Jannah pointed out enthusiastically, as if she wasn't the one faking sickness just a minute ago. "She is free and she did work with him before. I'm sure they would make a great team" She grinned widely.
"What?!" Aisha found herself exclaiming as she glared at Jannah. Sure, she was in a good mood but not anymore. She had cleared up the misunderstanding with Taslim, but she doesn't want to face Aslam either.
Chief thought about it, but turned to Aslam for the final decision. "What do you think, Dr. Aslam? After all, it's the person that will be assisting you"
Aslam moved his gaze from Jannah who wiggled her brows at him, to Aisha who was throwing daggers at him. He grinned, "I would love to have her as a partner"
"Great! It's settled. You two are partners again"
Aisha gritted her teeth, barely holding her anger in check. "You've got to be kidding me" She scoffed under her breath.
I know you love Taslim. It's impossible not to🌚
Oh and EID MUBARAK! Still isn't feeling the vibe but warreva🎊❤️.
Jannah the matchmaker, aikin ki na kyau. Kai kuma Aslam an sami abunda akeso. Su Aisha kuma sai haquri ko🤣🕺.
Toh ya maganar anko din mu? Ko mujira first?
On a random note, please tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with the summer I turned pretty😭 Jeremiah fineee but I'm defs team Conrad 😍💗
Abeg, good night I want to sleep. Double updates fa! I don try.
Hope you enjoy your Eid. Don't forget my meat. On that note seff, una are supposed to be sending authors rams for Eid fa. There should be an association for Wattpad affairs. We need one asap!😂😭
Oh and don't eat too much meat abeg.
Love, Jannah.
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