3; Dr. Aslam Muhammad.
Friday update came in early❤️
THROWING ON a white button up, his fingers worked fast to put the buttons in place. He then tucked it in the pants, leaning down slightly to put on his shoes. He made a quick move to spray his favorite cologne, and then extended his hand to pick up his white coat. However, before he could do so, his phone that he had kept on the bed earlier vibrated-the familiar IPhone ringtone instantly filling up the space of his refined bedroom.
Sighing, he made his way to the bed. His eyes took note of the ID, and subconsciously, a smile took over his features. He then tapped the answer button, and brought the phone to his ear.
"Aslam" She called out, her voice energetic. It instantly made his brows furrow, and his smile to disappear knowing she isn't exactly feeling that way but was rather feigning it so he won't worry about her.
"Mami" He called out, his tone laced with a warning edge.
Though he wasn't there, she could imagine him throwing a slight glare at her when he said that. The thought had her exaggerating a sigh-and Aslam could imagine her throwing her head back at the action. "Don't speak to me like that"
"Then don't speak to me like that either" He stated, remaining rooted in his position. His face now sported a frown, one that has been etched on his face for a long time now. It's an expression that he has become accustomed to because of her situation. "Stop pretending to be alright when I know you're not"
"Tell me, Mami. Are you in pain? Are they not treating you well there? Where's Danny? Is she attending to you? Wait...are you alone? I knew leaving you alone was a bad idea" He rambled, reaching his free hand out to massage his temples as he thought of ditching what he has at the moment and taking the first flight he could back to her.
Her loud sigh was the answer her was met with, before she decided to put an end to his worries. "Aslam, listen to me. I am doing well" Her words earned a sigh of relief from him, although that didn't dissipate his worries. "Just focus on what you are doing there; I'm well taken care of here"
"Are you sure?" Nothing she says will fully make his worries disappear, but he still wanted to ask.
"Yes, I am sure" She rolled her eyes, despite knowing he can't see her. Nonetheless, she couldn't stop the small smile that adorned her slightly place face. There's no denying the emotions she feels whenever Aslam acts like that-it shows he cares about her. "Now enough about me. Tell me, how are you? Ya gidan?"
He hummed lightly, settling on the edge of the bed before he answered. "Everything's fine, alhamdullilah"
"Ya Hajiya Babba and the others?"
Aslam found himself biting his lower lip. He doesn't need to ponder to know what she meant by her question. She wanted to know whether he had seen and exchanged pleasantries with Hajiya Raheema considering they live in the same house. But how was supposed to tell her that though he had spent the night in the house considering he had only arrived in Nigeria the evening before, he has made no move to enter the main house.
He simply stuck to his side, refusing to leave it or make an attempt to go in for the woman is the last person he wanted to see. There's no way he can avoid her if he goes in though, which is why he opted to not go.
He is well aware that she knows of his return. Who in the family doesn't? That was all the driver and the guard that picked him up the day before rambled all about on their way to the mansion from the airport. 'Everyone is looking forward to your return' They said, 'We only wished Hajiya Safiyya could return with you'.
If it was left to him, he would honestly choose to continue staying abroad with Mami. But he couldn't-since something important came up which required his attendance there.
Yasmin and Yazid were the ones who brought him dinner the night before-made by none other than the twins. He would've found it hard to believe that they actually cooked something edible, but it wasn't as bad as he had anticipated. "We made it with love" Yazid said, to which he earned himself a smack on the head from his twin and older sister-by two minutes. In response, she called him a 'brainless idiot' and that led to their never-ending bickering that kept Aslam company.
Huda on the other hand is back in Egypt with her mother-his Mami.
"They are fine" He answered, choosing to snap out of his train of thoughts.
Mami didn't miss the way he evaded saying anything about Hajiya Babba. Because of that, she let out a small breath. She parted her lips to ask him a question regarding the woman in particular that will show her whether he did visit and greet her or not. However, she stopped herself before she could do so already knowing the answer. "You should pay your respect at one point or another" She stated instead, "And stop worrying about me, they are all taking care of me well. Besides, Taslim is here too--"
As if on cue, Aslam heard the sound of the door being opened from her end, and then her voice came again, this time chirpier than earlier.
"-Oh she's here. Taslim yalla, come and say hi to Aslam. Nasan bakuyi magana ba tunda ya isa" The woman left no space for him to argue knowing he would've found a way to avoid doing just that.
And she was right. Because just as he parted his lips to tell her that he is late for work, he heard the voice of the woman who has the power of lifting his mother's mood like that.
"Assalamu alaika" Came her voice, low and soft. Aslam could picture her looking calm and collected as she took the phone given to her despite knowing Mami is watching her from the side with a mischievous grin on her face.
She couldn't help it. She has been bugging him for quite some time now, trying to set him up with the said girl that had already taken her heart without much of an effort. She never hid it from the two either, no matter the circumstance. "Aslam even if I die from this illness, do not let a woman like Taslim go. She will be a good wife to you, that I am sure of" She once said to him to which he simply told her that she won't die of the illness-choosing to ignore what she said about Taslim.
"Wa alaikissalam" He answered, "Kuna lafiya?"
"Lafiya qalau, alhamdullilah" Her tone never once wavered from that calm and low one. She has always been the quiet type for as long as he had known her.
"Masha Allah" He nodded, despite knowing she can't see him. "Thank you for taking care of Mami, even though you don't have to"
"It's nothing, don't mention it" She waved it off. "Mami is a mother to me too. It's only natural I take care of her for you"
"Still, thank you"
Her lips stretched into a smile, as she turned around to look at Mami who offered her a wide grin. She returned the gesture, before she turned around again, her grin morphing into a small smile. "Ya Aslam" She called out.
He hummed, a silent indication for her to continue.
She hesitated, knowing he wouldn't like what she would say since he will obviously pick up the meaning underneath her words. After a short while, she decided to just say it. "You know Mami is only worried about you, right?" She kept her voice low, so the woman wouldn't hear what she just said even if it's nothing wrong.
For the next couple of seconds, he said nothing at all. If not for the sound of him breathing, she would think he had ended the call. Just as she thought he wouldn't reply, he answered her. "I know" He replied, before bringing the phone down and ending the call.
His shoulders slumped as he carelessly placed the phone back. Resting his elbows on his thighs, he buried his face in his palms as he let out a loud breath. Taslim didn't have to tell him to know that Mami is only looking out for him-as she has always done unlike how others assumed it to be.
And yet, he couldn't bring himself to do what she wants. Anything but that.
A few minutes passed with him being in that position. He eventually decided to get up and finish getting ready for work since he decided to visit the hospital that day. On normal circumstances, he would've been asked to take the day off since he only returned to the country the day before-and he was asked to do so. However, he didn't want to stay in that house or in the country longer than necessary.
He would rather do what he was there for and go back to his Mami quickly.
He doesn't plan on staying at the hospital as full time worker, and as such, wanted to draw little attention to himself despite knowing it's close to impossible. As much as his father wanted to keep his surgery low, he has no doubt the news will travel around fast.
Still, he wanted to try to his luck. And that was why when he made his way to the vanity table to pick up his wrist watch that he had dropped earlier, he shook his head and decided to change his entire outfit.
If he goes there dressed that chic, there's no doubt it will gain the unwanted attention he doesn't want. He decided to change into something simple-something that will give the least impression of who he truly is.
Twenty minutes later, he stepped into his car after changing into a black chino and grey hoodie. If Mami saw him dressing like that in the name of heading to work, she will send him back to change despite all the protest that will undoubtedly come from him. In his defense though, he wanted a casual look on his first day.
Who will expect the new doctor to come dressed like that?
He had ditched the white coat too-knowing he will get one at the hospital nonetheless. That is, if he plans on wearing it. Revving the car to life, he plugged in one of his air pods while using the other hand to drive out of the parking lot. At the gate, he met the guards there-some of which weren't there the day before. Nonetheless, they exchanged pleasantries before he headed out of the house.
Using the GPS, he made his way to the hospital. However, he got stuck in traffic at one point, and decided to use the time to call his friend. A small smile adorned his face as he waited for the man to pick up, and he did, after four rings.
"Haroon speaking"
"Haba Haruna. Ya rayuwanka haka? Daga yin kudi ka maida sunanka Haroon. Haka kukayi da Inna?; Haruna why is your life like this? So because you are rich now you've changed your name to Haroon"
A hiss instantly came from the other side. "Aslam avoid me"
"Wallahi malam ka daina. Wannan halin mata ne. Su aka sani da wannan hali; Wallahi you should stop. This is something women are known for"
"Kaji dan rainin hanakali" Haroon muttered, and even though Aslam couldn't see him, he could picture the man narrowing his eyes at no one in particular. "Just because your parents gave you a nice name. Ni fa sunan mai ungwan mu aka samun"
"Ah ah!" Aslam exclaimed, trying to hide the amusement in his tone. "It's the name of a Prophet"
"Kai malam kar muje ga muslumcin nan fa. Nasan halinka" He was quick to dismiss the issue, not willing to go down that path with the man. "How are you enjoying Nigeria so far? NEPA sun yi halinsu?"
Aslam shook his head despite knowing Haroon can't see him. He noticed that the cars have started moving. So, he prepped himself to join them. "Not really. Well, none that I have noticed anyway"
"Oh I tend to forget kai dan General ne" Haroon said, his words holding no malicious intent or whatsoever. "You won't know what it's like to not have light"
"And you do?" Aslam threw the question, knowing the answer already. Despite their initial joke and whatnot, there's no denying that Haroon's family is well off too. So who is he to say something like that to Aslam?
Haroon must've wanted to say something, but Aslam heard someone calling him in the background. And then, the man's rushed voice came. "I have to go man, let's meet later"
"Alright. See you later Haruna dan Badaru" Aslam was quick to end the call before the man could rebuke, which he would've undoubtedly.
As he continued his drive to the hospital, he removed the air pod and focused on driving instead. It took longer than he expected, but soon enough he was pulling up in the parking lot of the hospital. He saw the designated parking area for doctors, but he didn't park there. It wouldn't exactly help with his 'lay low' image.
To complete the look, he pulled out a black nose mask along with wire frame glasses before donning it both. Once he was content with the way he looked, he took his phone along with his air pods which he tucked in his pocket. He made sure to lock his car and pull the hood to shield his face from the sun as he strolled casually into the hospital.
It was around ten in the morning, and yet, the hospital is still bustling with people. However, it seemed as his change of attire worked because there were barely any people that paid any heed to him unlike how it would've been if he had arrived dressed up in the manner he did earlier.
He made his way over to the elevator, and then stepped in-tapping the floor where he would meet the Deputy Director first. Luckily, there was no one else in there so after that, he took the corner and leaned on it, hands tucked in the pocket of his hoodie again.
Just as the door were about the close, a sneaker covered foot shot in making the doors slid open again. Instantly, a woman stepped in with ear plugs plugged in. She seemed to be on the call with someone, and her whole attention was there because she didn't notice the man in there.
Amidst her conversation, she reached her hand out and tapped a button that will stop where she will get off.
"Couldn't you wait until I arrive for you to hear everything?" She asked, her tone holding pseudo frustration and a hint of amusement.
"Keh I have a twelve-hour surgery right now. Yanxu ma scrubs dina nake sawa. I can't wait to hear it for that long please"
Aisha fixed her earplugs as she placed her phone in her coat pocket. She had forgotten to bring her earbuds and hence, she has to use that. She hates using the earplugs most times because the people close to her often hear whatever it is she is hearing.
And the same is happening at that point with the stranger she hasn't noticed standing in the corner of the elevator.
"Allah ya shirye ki da gulma Jannah" She hissed under her breath, shaking her head.
"Ba gulma bane labari ne hot hot"
Aisha hummed, choosing to ignore her friend's words. "It was just Hajiya being well, Hajiya. Kin san halinta"
Jannah released a huff of frustration. "Wannan tsohuwa" Aisha could imagine the girl rolling her eyes as she said that. "She has made it her life's mission to make you suffer"
"That, you're right" Aisha agreed without much of an argument. "You should see the way she was happy to announce that Humaira is getting married"
"Humaira? The one I know? Uban wa zai aure ta?" Jannah never liked the girl one bit, and she will probably never too.
Aisha shrugged, despite knowing the girl can't see her. "Dan gidan Lt. Gen. Abd Al-Rasheed zata aura" She repeated her grandmother's words, chuckling slightly. "Babban danshi"
This time around, it was Aslam's turn to look at her, a brow quirked up slightly. His brows drew in, trying to comprehend her words.
Did he hear her right?
"The one currently in our hospital?"
"The one and only" Aisha confirmed, before letting out a loud sigh. "Who would've thought?"
"Har na fara jin tausayin bawan Allah" Jannah tsked, "Amma are you sure he will marry her? Like, anya kuwa they are not just saying it to upset you?"
"Why will it upset me that she is getting married? If anything I am happy that I don't have to deal with her anymore. I deserve that much peace too" She has absolutely no reason to be jealous of Humaira--she doesn't have time for that to begin with. "And besides, da gaske ne fa. Har kayan lefe an kawo jiya"
The elevator chose to ding at that precise moment. The doors slid open, and without wasting a moment, Aisha stepped out whilst continuing her conversation with her friend totally unaware of the man that has just overheard her entire conversation.
Once she was out, Aslam who still had his brows drawn in chuckled slightly. "So, I'm getting married?" He pondered.
Aslam aure zakayi?? 😂
Ga Taslim kuma🌚
Oh wahala after wahala. He don arrive for hospital 😏
Jannah and gist again😂😂
What is this I'm hearing about ASUU calling off strike?? Kai if that happens I'm disappearing 😂😭
Anyways, I don try. Have a good night. Don't forget to read Suratul Kahf.
Love, Jannah and her Kdram🌚
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