29; Love & Pepsi.

Literally cuz I watched Love and Gelato a few days ago😂🤷

Oh and I just realized I haven't showed off this cover yet😍


In silver and gold,

Like a scene in a movie

That every broken heart knows...

"Aisha found herself staring at the man she hasn't heard a thing from in a two long years. To say she was feeling furious would be an understatement. She was furious that he dares to show up, acting all cool and whatnot as if he hadn't done a thing to her.

On the other hand, she is furious with her best friend, because by the looks of it, the girl invited him. It must be why she was acting all laid back after Aisha set the dinner at he-who-must-not-be-named's restaurant. But at the same time, she knew her friend is also upset because she invited the latter mentioned man over.

It was obvious they both played each other. And silently, they were thinking of ways to kill each other. Well, Jannah, is because she did tell her she would kill her. However, she is worried the man currently seated opposite Aisha would have her sent to jail for killing his woman—Aisha, stop glaring at me—Anyways, the story continues as follows.

Aisha had been glaring at poor Aslam, whom albeit is uncomfortable with the glare, couldn't deny he was happy to see her in person. He just realized all the Snapchat streaks Jannah had been sending him over the past two years with Aisha in it did nothing--"

"Wait, what the..."

"—As I was saying; it did nothing to justify her beauty in person—I wonder how he ca say that when the girl looks like a banshee but, love things sha. Quick side note, ladies this is why you shouldn't fall in love, your mumu botton will just activate itself. No offense, Aslam"

"None taken"

"--On Jannah and he-who-will-be-ignored's side, she hasn't spared him a glance. Not because she hates him or holds a grudge towards him but because she doesn't want anything to do with him. He should know that clearly. Quite unfortunately for the group of four, the song played in the restaurant, which acted like a background song for the little no wanted reunion wasn't of any help. Meghan Trainor and John Legend's song, Like I'm gonna lose you played softly in the background, blending with the soft chatters of the guest.

We were walking on moonlight

And you pulled me close,

Split second and you disappeared

And then I was all alone.

I woke up in tears,

With you by my side,

A breath of relief

And I realized,

No, we're not promised tomorrow

--Exactly, as Meghan Trainor said, tomorrow isn't promised for our AA couple—hopefully. So, this would be a good time for them to reconcile, though it will be hard, but let's be honest, we want—no, need—a wedding soon--"

"Jannah can you stop with the soliloquy?" Abdallah asked, cutting the one woman show Jannah decided to start. She had been acting as a narrator, because the table of four had become tensely quiet since the two men said their salaams and took their respective chairs opposite the two women.

Aslam and Abdallah shook her hands, but we're unable to make further conversations to at least know each other considering the two women seated opposite them were either glaring at each other, or looking away, refusing to meet anyone's glare.

They were basically acting like two kids. And it to say the men weren't uncomfortable would be a lie.

So, to annoy Aisha, Jannah decided to randomly explain what has been going on like they do in movie intros—as per the dramatic person she is.

It was obvious they were tired of it, and luckily, only Abdallah was able to talk her out of it. But, not without a price.

She threw him a glare, making him release a sigh as he shook his head. He honestly doesn't know what to do with the girl anymore. She says she isn't mad at him, he gets that. But then what's the point of acting all cold towards him? "Well, I won't ask what you're doing here since it's your place" Jannah spoke again, knowing between she and Aisha, she at least will have to be the one to end the silence.

Abdallah stared at her, waiting for what she will add because knowing her, she will add something.

And she did. "But it's obvious Aisha invited you, else you wouldn't be seated here with us just like I invited him" She gestured to Aslam, offering him a smile that returned. "So, it's obvious we played each other and well, Aslam, meet the owner of this place and Aisha's brother slash cousin, and you, the owner, meet Aslam—Aisha's doctor and one true love. Oh and our future groom"

"Like hell that will happen" Aisha muttered under her breath. She had crossed her legs and folded her hands over her torso, staring at the door that she has no interest in simply to avoid paying any heed to the man seated opposite her, turned her head in her best friend's direction—eyes narrowed slightly. "You should've at least told me" She muttered, the anger in her tone showing.

Jannah hummed, turning around to fully face her friend as she mimicked her stance, "Well, you, should've told me that you-know-who is back but you didn't. Guess that makes us even, huh?" She whisper-yelled, and luckily, they were able to keep their little banter to themselves.

"At least, I don't keep contact with him behind your back. What the hell was that about you sending streaks with me?"

Jannah shrugged. "Would you rather I send him streaks of me, then?" Her lips curled upwards into a smug smile when Aisha threw her a glare. Chuckling lightly, she turned to face the two men whom had only heard tidbits of the two's argument. Clasping her hands together, she leaned forward a bit. "I don't know about you people but I'm certain of two things. One" She held a finger up, staring at Aslam, offering him a smile which he returned. "I'm hungry so I need food in my system. And two," She held another finger up, moving her gaze to Abdallah, her smile falling slightly. "I would much rather eat than sit here and argue with you two" She gestured to him and Aisha.

Aisha sighed, her eyes meeting Abdallah's who offered her a shrug. He came back a few days ago, and then gave her a surprise visit at home since he hadn't informed her of his return. After they had gotten over the surprise visit and all, she invited him to the dinner—which technically wasn't an invite since it's at his place—so Jannah would tell him of her impending wedding for she is sure the girl hasn't told him. And, Aisha would much rather she tell him herself.

She didn't plan on seeing Aslam though. Honestly, it was the last thing on her mind but then what? Jannah—who seems to have been in contact with him invites him over? She wasn't jealous that her best friend kept contact with him somehow because she knew the girl isn't interested in him, though she felt betrayed because the girl could at least have told her about it.

Now, staring at him—albeit discreetly, she couldn't lie to herself and say he didn't look better than before. Maybe it's because it's been so long since she last saw him, he now looks different...the good type.

He was currently donning a white dress shirt topped with a grey knit crew-neck sweater in case the temperature drops—and by the looks of it, it would. To complete the look, he had on navy chinos and grey suede Chelsea boots injecting a dose of elegance to the whole look and lastly, an Audemars Piguet wrist watch was strapped around his wrist.

Abdallah on the other hand donned a tan turtleneck top, paired with brown dress pants which he paired with a laid-back footwear, burgundy leather tassel loafers and to complete the look, the Vacheron Constantin wrist watch.

"How about we call it truce for tonight. You two can go back to hating us afterwards, what do you think?" Abdallah spoke, knowing there's no point of sitting there in silence.

"Fine" Jannah, whom he had pinned his gaze on gave in, shrugging her shoulders slightly.

He offered her a small smile, turning to Aisha who had her eyes narrowed at no one in particular. "Aisha" He called out, gaining her attention though she hadn't relented with her glare. "What do you say?"

She threw a glance at Aslam for a brief second, before looking back at Abdallah. "Whatever" She stated lowly, her shoulders slacking.

"I'll take that as a yes" Abdallah offered them a wide smile. And with that, he went on to ask them to all place their orders. After they had all done so, they quietly waited for the food to be brought which in that case, he decided to start up a little conversation with Aslam in the meantime. "So, Dr. Aslam..." He started, turning around to face the man.

"Just, Aslam"

He nodded slowly, "Well, Aslam. I heard you've been gone for quite a long time now, yeah?"

Aslam nodded, "Yes, I've been gone for two years"

"And if you don't mind me asking, why?"

"Stop playing detective, it doesn't suit you" Jannah spoke before Aslam could, or more like, snapped as she narrowed her eyes at Abdallah. "If you so badly want to know, then his grandfather recently passed away. Now please, quit it with the questions. It's not polite to prod into stuff you know nothing about" Personally, she felt like whatever is Aslam's reason should be between him and Aisha. They should figure it out themselves without self-proclaimed detective Abdallah Sudais prodding in.

Abdallah tilted his head to the side slightly, a single brow quirked slightly. "If you have something to say to me, just say it" He said with a frown. Somehow, he felt the last thing she said was personal. It was directed to him not in his case with Aslam, but his with hers.

Luckily, before she could answer, the waiters arrived with their food—placing it in front of them each respectively. Even they could tell the atmosphere surrounding the table is tense, it was hard to miss to be honest. Nonetheless, they did what they were there for quietly, and then left.

Something being placed beside Abdallah—something impossible for Jannah to miss—caught her attention almost instantly. Her eyes widened slightly, her anger slowly dissipating. "Wait, is that..."

Abdallah smirked slightly. He knew this is bound to gain her attention and by the looks of it, it's working. "Nitro Pepsi" He answered, picking the cans and placing it beside them since he asked for four. There were two types, the Vanilla Draft cola—which is the artificial flavor, and the Draft cola—which is the natural flavor. He placed the artificial one beside her, whose can is white colored instead of blue.

"I thought Nitro Pepsi is only available in the U.S" She inquired, her voice dropping as she picked it up delicately and cradling it as if it is a new born baby. Technically, to her it is.

"It is" He confirmed, "But I happen to have a good relationship with people in the brand here because I recommended someone who signed a five-years long contract with them"

She looked up, placing the can back in its place. She knew he was talking about her, and it's only then she realized she hadn't thanked him properly for getting her the spot. "Thank you" She said, for both the position and the exclusive Pepsi he got for her—them. He got for them.

Jannah sure is a stubborn and difficult person—Abdallah knew that well now. However, at the moment, he could tell she is being sincere so he offered her a warm smile, which although she denies with every fiber in her being, called out the little butterflies in her tummy and she certainly hated the feeling. "You're welcome" He said, "I can help you with that if you want" He said, gesturing to the hard pour Nitro Pepsi.

She nodded, though she wanted to claim otherwise. She extended it to him, before she leaned back and watched as he did his thing opening it up. Turning the can completely upside down, he poured it into the empty Collins glass placed beside her earlier.

Aisha smiled slightly watching the exchange, before she looked away. She knew there's no point waiting for Abdallah to do the same with her not because he wouldn't do it, but because he is already smitten without realizing it.

She will keep playing cupid between the two because it's obvious they like each other. No, they love each other because had it been they simply liked each other, that feeling would've dissipated over the two years but theirs is still there. It's that obvious but they are both here playing hard to get by denying the obvious.

Sighing, she flickered her gaze to the man seated opposite her, only to see him eying Abdallah's action, and her can. Before he could think of pulling the same stunt on her, she picked it up and placed it out of reach.

Quietly, with little conversations made here and there—none of which is between Aslam and Aisha, the four ate up their food. Abdallah even offered him condolence to Aslam, and much to Aisha's displeasure, the two seemed to be getting along.

Heck, she feels like the fourth wheel—if that is a thing. But truth be told, Aslam is getting along with both Jannah and Abdallah, whom happens to be acting cordial towards each other yet she can't bring herself to do so.

Only she knows the fury she feels internally.

Times without number, she saw him trying to start up conversations with her but all he got was an extremely cold shoulder and the never-ending silent treatment. She hadn't even smiled brightly, simply because he is there.

She didn't consider him a senior anymore—since they weren't at work and he stopped working in the hospital long ago. To her, he is simply someone who shows interest in her and then left her for two freaking years.

Nice one. That's definitely the right way to treat someone you love.

Aslam doesn't blame her though he didn't expect her to be this mad. He knows he is to blame though, and until he explains himself fully, he doubts she would even look at him the same way.

Once they were done with the dinner, and while waiting for their desserts, Jannah decided that would be the right time to break the news to the two men. Though she wasn't worried about Aslam's reaction, because she knows he will be happy for her, she is somewhat scared of Abdallah's reaction.

Nonetheless, she didn't let it get to her and instead slipped her hand into her bag and pulled out two invitation cards. She brought it with her because she planned on stopping by one of her relative's house but she had decided against it. She hesitated for a brief second, but blew out a breath and extended each card to the two men. "Here. Thought of letting you know from me that anyone else"

Abdallah gave her a look, but nevertheless, made a move to open it just like Aslam did. The latter was the first to open it, making his eyes widen before his lips slanted upwards into a smile.

"This is good news, Masha Allah" He felt happy for the girl, because he assumed that's what she wants too. "Alhamdullilah. Congratulations, Jannatu"

Jannah offered him a wide grin, "Jazakallah khairan" She darted her tongue out to wet her lower lip, fiddling with her fingers under the table as she moved her gaze to Abdallah—an action that didn't go unnoticed by Aisha who leaned back and watch the two.

Abdallah opened the card fully, his brow quirked upwards as the corner of his lips tilted up; anyone could tell it wasn't of amusement though. His eyes skimmed the paper again, and again. When he accepted the fact that rereading it won't change its content, he dropped, or more like tossed the card on the table and looked up—all trace of humor disappearing from his tone. "You're getting married?" He asked, his voice void of emotions though there was a storm brewing behind his eyes.

Jannah swallowed thickly, as she parted her lips to answer.

"Aisha, hey there" A voice reached their table, gaining the attention of everyone in the table as they looked back to see who it was.

A man who Aisha knows, but is the last person she wanted to see at the moment reached their table, offering her a wide grin. Turning around, he offered Abdallah a small nod which wasn't reciprocated because he was feeling a range of emotions that were all negative.

The man ignored it though, just as he ignored Jannah and Aslam and instead focused his attention on Aisha again, "It's been a while, I was hoping to meet you this soon"

On normal condition, Aisha would've ignored the man or turned down his advances this quick. But when she threw a glance at Aslam from the corner of her eyes, and saw him glaring at the man who was simply there to flirt with her, an idea formed in her head. Turning around to face him completely, she offered him her widest grin that didn't seem fake. "Hey, Hamza. It's been a while I was even thinking of calling you"

Aslam stared at her in disbelief, before he chuckled humorlessly.

The actual hell?


Came back from a trip today and because I'm allazi wattpad, I'm here updating. Bruh my tired is tired but sha I've tried.

Oh and PLEASE! Be reading ANs before you come asking for updates dan Allah. I try my best to update, and when I know I won't update, I always try to let you know in the author's note.

That aside, Aslam are you jealous? LEMAOOOOO. I want to laugh sha but all is well. Abdallah you too, stop hiding it I can see you're furious. Hehe. *laughs wickedly*

Me like this I don't know what will happen in the next chapter but I can tell you we're halfway done with the book—hopefully. My chapters are usually fifty and I hope this one will end there too.

Toh, bye I'm going to start a new Kdrama today in shaa Allah so I'll see you whenever Allah wills.


Love, Jannah Mia.

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