28; And Then They Met.
Because I was bribed with comments😂😭
"HUMAIRA IS WHAT?!" Jannah exclaimed, hastily stepping out of the en suite with her toothbrush in her mouth. Thankfully, she hadn't applied the toothpaste on it yet. She didn't care about that though, as she left her room with her phone in hand and stormed into the room next to hers not bothering to knock.
She rolled her eyes, seeing the room dark. Hissing slightly, she flickered the lights on as she made her way further into the room, only to be met with a glare from the person seated on the bed, a laptop placed in front of her. Ignoring the glare, that followed her as she settled on the bed comfortably, she shoved her phone in front of her friend. "What is this I'm seeing?" She asked, as if the woman would confirm her thoughts.
Aisha sighed, shaking her head as she glanced at Jannah's phone to see what the girl is showing her. Her brows drew in, before she shrugged as she looked away. "What did your eyes see for you?" She asked, pulling her laptop close to her before the girl would do something to it.
Jannah scoffed, staring at the phone in disbelief. "Pregnant fa!" She exclaimed, blinking rapidly as if the post on the Instagram page will disappear. But it was still there. The picture Humaira posted on her account a couple of hours earlier, announcing that she and Yazid are expecting. "Did you know about it?"
Aisha shook her head, "How would I know? It's not like she and I are on good terms" She stated the obvious. She honestly doubts she and the woman will ever get along well. Since she got married, they had only spoken once and that was when the Chairman passed away.
"Amma still!" Jannah extended her hand out to remove the toothbrush, holding it in her hand which earned her a disgusted look from Aisha, which she ignored yet again. "How is she pregnant? I thought those two don't get along" That was what's bothering her. Everyone knows the two do not get along, so how did she end up being knocked up?
Aisha who had decided to simply turn off her computer, because she knows she can't and won't achieve anything with that girl being there. Looking up, she gave her best friend who was staring at her with the do-you-really-want-me-to-answer-that look.
Jannah understood what the look meant, before she rolled her eyes as she slumped on the bed. "Wonders shall never end" She muttered, "Wayaga Humaira as a mother" She couldn't even bring herself to imagine it.
When did the girl get the sense to have a kid of her own?
"Enough about her, why are you crashing in my house seff? And get your ass off my bed, you reek!"
Jannah scoffed, sitting up as she narrowed her eyes slightly at Aisha. "For your information, this is my house too" Since it's just her and her dad at her house, she tends to stay with Aisha and her family whenever he is away for she doesn't want to stay at home all alone. The Nasir family had no problem with it-at least Abba and Mommy didn't, which is what's important. They consider her a second child. "And I do not reek! I just took a shower because I'm heading to work"
"Then go back to your room, dress up and leave" She honestly just want some peace and quiet. But of course, with Jannah there, that will not be possible.
"Keep pushing me away, you won't see me around soon" Jannah hissed lightly. She then flickered her imaginary hair over her shoulder, "I'll be married before you know it"
Aisha's face scrunched up slightly, her mood dampening. "Are you seriously going to marry that man" She couldn't help but be worried. She had tried to knock some sense into the girl by telling her to not make a decision as stupid as this for revenge. It's just not right.
But of course, Jannah denied it.
"Aisha I've told you countless times before, it's not for revenge!" She honestly doesn't know how many times she needed to stress it for it to sink in. She met the man in the hospital about a year ago when he came to visit Chief Wali, and since she had never met or seen him before, she didn't realize he's Sadiq's father. They got along pretty normal, since he went there quite often-at least, that was what she noticed. And eventually, he showed his interest in her by meeting her father and only when she knew his name did she realize he's Sadiq's father.
Her father wasn't keen on the idea, but she didn't oppose to it-not because of Sadiq, but because she did get along with the man. He's a good man, despite the age difference, and for that, it didn't bother her. If he wasn't, then she wouldn't have agreed.
So, unlike what everyone assumes, she honestly didn't make the decision because of Sadiq. That just ended up being the icing on top which she likes admittedly.
She can't help it. He would be her step son and will have no choice but to respect her. She honestly couldn't ask for anything more.
"But why him of all people? He's old enough to be your father!" Aisha didn't mean to judge, but she doubts she can ever wrap her head around the whole thing.
"Is it haram? No."
"But he's too old. And besides, he's Sadiq's father. What would people think if they figure out you were in a five-year-long relationship with his son? What would he think?" Aisha voiced out her worries, her lips slanting downwards into a frown as a crease form in between her brows.
"I honestly don't care what people think" Jannah is one stubborn person; Aisha knows that well. The girl intentionally left out the part where she never told him of her relationship with his son. She did tell him that she was in a long term relationship that did not end well since the man got married behind her back, and even he agreed that is a bad thing to do. "And besides, why can't you just be happy for me, huh? This is what I want, no one is forcing me into this so please, just wish me the best, hmm?"
Aisha sighed, choosing to not say a word about it again. But that doesn't mean she will stop trying to change the girl's mind. She would do her possible best. She's trying to set the girl up with Abdallah, she can't let this get in the way. She will keep trying till the day the girl is married off to someone. "Alright"
Jannah offered her a wide smile. "Thank you" She reached her free hand out to offer her best friend's a small squeeze. "Now, about you. When will you come back to work?" She hasn't told Aisha of Aslam's return. She would much rather it be an element of surprise she will be there for.
The look on Aisha's face when she sees him again? Something she definitely won't miss.
Aisha shrugged, "I told you I'm on break" She on the other hand hadn't told Jannah, or anyone else in her family what happened that day which made her leave work. She found it hard to believe herself so how could she tell them?
Jannah parted her lips to say something, but decided against it. "Fine, but do return soon okay? There's so much work, and omo, I can't do it all alone"
Aisha chuckled lightly, and offered her a nod for she knew if she gave her an answer verbally, it will be a lie and she didn't want to lie. "Just go and get ready before you're late"
Jannah nodded, as she got up from the bed. "Okay, I'll see you later for our dinner out, right?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'll see you later" She offered her a small wave as she watched the girl leave the room, making sure to turn off the lights for Aisha again.
The two were having a dinner out later to celebrate Jannah's wedding-her plan, not Aisha's. The thing is though, the dinner is supposed to be them alone, a girl's only thing but both of them have another person in mind that they want to invite-without the other knowing though.
Bottom line, they will both be galvanized!
Once the girl was away, and Aisha was once again engulfed by the silence in her room, she found her thoughts drifting back to what happened a week ago when she met Hisham. To say she was shocked when she realized he knew of her past will be an understatement. He didn't say anything apart from what he told her, but she's sure he knows more if not everything.
But one question kept running through her mind, which she couldn't help but ask him.
"You seem scared there" Hisham chuckled lightly, taunting her. "Still think I can go ahead and do whatever I want?"
She didn't have an answer at that moment for she felt her whole life crashing on her. But she definitely knew that shit got real then.
She swallowed thickly, her fist clenching by her side as her eyes met his, "I just have one question" She managed to keep her voice stable, so he won't notice the fear in her tone though it was pretty much obvious.
He smirked, "Go ahead and ask" He waved his hand, "What do you want to know? How I found out your darkest secrets?"
"No" She said without an ounce of hesitation. Sure, she is curious about that too but she wouldn't ask him. She knew he wouldn't give her a straight answer so it would be a waste of breath. "Why?"
His brows drew in, though his smirk was still evident. "Why what?"
"Why are you doing this to me?" She believed that's more important. If she figures out why he's doing that to her, then she would understand, or at least, try to make sense of the situation. "You and I have never met before, that I'm sure of"
Hisham chuckled lowly, his shoulders shaking slightly. He didn't miss the glare she sent him, but he honestly didn't care either. "You seem so sure of your memory, when you've forgotten something, or someone, you shouldn't"
Her frown deepened, as her eyes narrowed even more if that was possible. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" With their current situation, it's obvious they are past the stage of showing respect to one another so she doesn't care what language she uses with him.
At that point, there were no longer the Deputy director and a doctor way below him. No, she wasn't stupid enough to not know this is personal. And she is still yet to figure out why.
He shrugged, "It means, you need to crack your memory a bit more and well, trust it less"
Riddles. Stupid riddles.
He realized from the look on her face that she was fed up with his stupid riddles, which made him chuckle. The sound annoyed her, and all she wanted to do was shut him up but what can she do? "Unless you want to lose this peaceful life you've built for yourself, I'd be waiting for your resignation letter"
She stared at him for a few moments longer, before she scoffed and turned around again, this time around making sure to leave the office. She allowed the door to close itself, and it just had to do so with a bang.
She still hasn't turned in her resignation letter, though she had stopped going to work. She had been cracking her brain, trying to make sense of what he told her but to no avail. She hasn't given up though, but at the same time, she hadn't really done much to help her situation.
She couldn't tell her parents or Jannah either because then she would risk exposing her past. Luckily, her parents hadn't realized anything, and if they did, they chose to ignore it and trust her. She could tell Jannah is curious too, but she hasn't said a word either so she's safe in that aspect too.
Much to her misfortune though, her nightmares have become a bit more vivid but she was still yet to recognize any familiar face.
What the hell did the man meant? She couldn't help but wonder.
Smoothening the non-existent crinkle on her Shereen wrap front maxi dress, Aisha let out a small sigh as she stepped out of her car, making sure to lock the door behind her. Her fingers then curled around the handle of her bag, as she stared at the entrance of the restaurant. The corners of her lips stretched into a small smile, as she imagined the look on Jannah's face when she sees her.
She already knew it would be priceless, for since she sent her the address, she dropped about five calls which Aisha ignored knowing fully well what would come after. Is it her fault the girl allowed her to book a restaurant of her choice? She should've known she would do something like that.
Shaking the thoughts out of her head, she made her way inside Abdallah's restaurant knowing fully well her friend is yet to arrive. She intentionally came in early so she would sit back and capture one of the numerous priceless expressions she would get from the girl.
She wasn't kidding about that; she even plans on snapping pictures to capture the moment.
She met one of the waiters by the entrance, whom she is well acquainted to considering she's a regular there despite being Abdallah's relative. The man then led her to the table she booked before asking her if she would like to order anything first to which she said no. She would order something later.
However, before he left she changed her mind and decided to order a mocktail first. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have something to sip on as the show unfolds. So, while the waiter is off to prepare what she asked for, she leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs. Tapping the screen of her phone, she took note of the time knowing Jannah would be there soon.
And she was right, for only about five minutes later, the entrance was swung open and she came in all adorned in a Checked Jumpsuit with tie waist belt. A matching veil was wrapped adroitly to cover her hair. These days Aisha noticed the girl has this obsession with jumpsuits. Well, according to her its more comfortable so...
Aisha's lips curled upwards into a smirk, sighting the glare her friend sent her from across the room. She didn't bother to wipe it as the girl approached her, or more like stormed towards her.
"What the hell, Aisha?" Jannah shrieked, as she pulled out a chair and settled on it. Her hands were instantly crossed in front of her, just as she did with her legs.
Aisha chuckled lightly, just in time the waiter came back with her mocktail. "Thank you" She said to the man, who turned towards Jannah and asked if she wanted anything. She simply told him she would do that later, since she has to deal with her friend now first. "Why are you glaring at me?" Aisha asked, feigning innocence after the waiter left.
"Why did you pick this restaurant of all places?"
Aisha shrugged, "Why not? You love the food here"
"I would believe you're innocent if I don't know you" Personally, she has no problem dinning there. However, she couldn't help but feel like there's something behind this whole thing. She should know, since she is planning something too. The thought eased up her anger slightly, making her frown morph into a slight smirk which didn't go unnoticed by Aisha. "But it's okay"
This time around, it was Aisha's turn to narrow her eyes at her best friend, not liking the turn of events. Why was the girl suddenly acting calm? "Why do you look like that?"
"Why not? I just love the food here" Jannah's lips curled upwards into a creepy grin.
Aisha's frown deepened. "I don't trust you"
Jannah chuckled lightly. "Don't worry sis, the feeling is mutual" She stated, her eyes darting to her phone which she had kept on the table. She checked the time, just as Aisha did earlier and for some reason, which Aisha is unaware of, her creepy smile widened.
Chills went down Aisha's spine, already hating whatever the girl has planned. Her only conciliation is what she has planned too, but that did nothing to her worries, and the same case was for her best friend.
Amidst their silence, an action caught the corner of Aisha's eyes making her turn in the direction. Jannah on the other hand looked around, trying to spot a waiter so she could order something to eat. However, both women weren't prepared for what their eyes fell on.
Aisha's eyes were wide as saucers as she spotted the man she least expected to see there coming into the restaurant. She blinked repeatedly, wanting to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her but when she saw him approaching their table, with a small smile on his face, she was sure she's seeing correctly.
Jannah who sat beside her had her mouth hung open when her eyes fell on someone she definitely didn't expect to see then. When did he return? She wondered as she stared at Abdallah with mouth ajar, exiting the kitchen and walking in their direction.
The girls snapped their gaze to meet each other, just in time murderous thoughts ran in their minds and they both uttered, simultaneously.
"The fucking hell?"
"I am so going to kill you!"
*Jannah Mia chuckling mischievously from the table beside them as I sip my Pepsi*
Hehe. This is giving me joy.
Aisha and Jannah how far now? Shey una like your surprise?
I have a feeling the next chapter will be so funny but lemme not say anything. I might end up not making it reach that expectation sha because you know...lazy writer things.
Anyways, like I said in the last chapter I am not promising an update tomorrow. If Allah wills and I find the strength to write again tonight, then I might drop one tomorrow. If not, we shall meet next week.
What do you think Aisha's reaction will be towards seeing Aslam again? And then Jannah and Abdallah now.
Wahala e no dey finish. Make u try dey enjoy.
Guznit then.
Love, Jannah.
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