27; Trust & Inquiries.


The woman offered him a small smile, as she safely tucked one of her hands in the pocket of her straight pant, careful with the coat on her shoulder. "Don't mention it, Doctor" She then waved it off, "I'm glad I could be of help. Personally, I know how annoying certain family members can be" She shook her head, rolling her eyes in the process. It's been years since everything that happened to her, but there is certain stuff that are still the same as ever.

Aslam's lips curled upwards into a smile, "We can talk everything over the next time we meet, yeah? I'm sure we would find more if we dig in now"

She nodded in agreement, "Him tampering with your inheritance isn't enough. From what I could tell, my instincts tell me there's more about that man. And my instincts are almost never wrong" She stated, eyes narrowed at no one in particular. Letting out an annoyed sigh, she continued. "Continue to dig more into the case, and I'll do the same. Once we have something concrete and big enough to throw his ass in jail, we'll do just that"

"Okay then" Only God knows how relieved he is to have her on his case. The woman clearly knows what she's doing. "You'll stop for a checkup here first though, right? I promised Aali you'd get one" The last thing he wants is the Prince all up in his business because he didn't fulfil his promise.

Aria instinctively rolled her eyes as she shook her head. "That man worries too much. There's still a couple of months left before the baby shows up" She muttered, though her voice was loud enough for him to head. Her free hand went to rub her small baby bump. She got an earful from him because apparently, she isn't supposed to wear pants when she's pregnant-according to Doctor Aali Bello II, who isn't an actual doctor and only knows stuff from the internet. She on the other hand insisted, because she wanted to wear them while she still can. "But yeah, I'll get the checkup" She still wonders why he's making a huge fuss of everything. She's already a mother of two, if anything she knows how to take care of herself well.

But of course, Aali being well, Aali, will blow things out of proportion.

Aslam called someone that will take her to meet one of the best OBGYN they have in the hospital. He would've done so himself, but he could tell when he saw Taslim approaching him that she wanted to talk about what just happened. So, he bid Aria farewell promising to meet soon and talk about the case further before waiting for Taslim to catch up.

Immediately she reached where he stood, she started with her strings of questions. "Ya Aslam, how could you do that? Why me of all people? You know I cannot handle this? These people now have all sorts of expectations from me and I'm sure I won't be able to meet up to them. Subhan Allah, what am I going to do now?" She went on to ramble, her hands thrown up as if that will make her point clear.

"Taslim, breathe okay?" He cut her off, his expression masked with amusement. He honestly couldn't help himself.

She did just as he said, her eyes meeting him for a couple of seconds before she looked away, blowing out another breath. Once she is visibly calm, he spoke again.

"I gave you the position-no, we actually voted for you-because we're sure you handle it"

She blinked, shaking her head lightly as her eyes met his again. "No, I can't" How can she handle a hospital as big as HGH? It honestly wasn't part of her wildest dreams. How could it be when all her life, her father and brother have been aiming for it? That's why she has never bothered, for there was no reason to do so.

"Yes, you can" His amusement died down, as a look of seriousness overtook his features. He believes in her, and he needed her to believe in herself too. "I chose you for a reason, Taslim. And that's because I know who you are as a person, and I know there's no one that deserves it other than you. I'm sure grandpa feels the same way too. You are the only person that can lead HGH in the right way, no one else"

"You can do it"

"Are you kidding me?" He asked, eyes slightly widened as he stared at her as if she had grown two heads. "You saw what happened back there, right?" He pointed a finger in the direction of the meeting room. "I feel asleep the minute you started your whole business talk. You seriously want someone like me, as the Chairman? I would sleep throughout everything"

Taslim narrowed her eyes at him slightly, lips puckered. "You're only saying that because you're not in the position" She knew Aslam, he can handle the hospital well, even better than she would only if he is in the position. Sure, he fell asleep during the meeting but that's because he knows there's no responsibility on his shoulder. If there's one though, he wouldn't have fallen asleep.

And it seemed she was right, before the corner of his lips quirked upwards into a small smile as he shrugged. "But I am not, and that's what matters" She was right, he can handle it but he doesn't want to. Why would he do that when she is there? If anything, he trusts she will do much better than he ever can. Besides, his dream is to be a doctor, not a business owner.

How can he a doctor, and the Chairman? He has to give one up and he wasn't willing to give up the first. Nope. No way. Not after the struggle he went through.

Taslim's slight glare didn't relent. She wasn't that angry at him. She was just scared because she doesn't believe in herself the way he does.

He noticed that from her silence, making him release a small sigh. "Taslim, trust yourself. Remember, I promised I would make things right for you? This is me doing that. Look at it this way, now with you being the Chairwoman, you can take care of your father because we both know Hisham won't do that. And, you can keep him in check because whether he likes it or not, you're his boss" Oh how he loved seeing Hisham's face when he heard she's the new Chairwoman of HGH.

He created a scene, then stormed out.

Aslam loved every minute of it though. Because when he met the man while they were still in Egypt, and asked him what he did to her when he said she won't marry him, the man said, and Aslam quote "I did nothing that bad to her. And besides, why the hell do you care? She is my sister, not yours! I have the right to do whatever the hell I want to her to set her right. She will always be below me, where she belongs" He left out the part where he slapped her because she said she doesn't want to marry Aslam.

In his eyes, it's a pretty normal thing to do.

Aslam knew he did something bad, and only God knows how much he wanted to do something to the man to vent some of his anger, but he held himself back and simply threatened him. He will eventually make him pay for everything.

And one of the ways he wants to do that was by making her have the position the man so badly wants.

"-Now stop doubting yourself and go out there to be the Chairwoman I know you are. Okay? Will you do that for us all? Or would you allow the hospital and all the hard work of our grandparents end up in the wrong hands?"

Taslim sighed, her shoulders slumping as her eyes meet his again. She hates how right he is in situations like that. "Okay"


Aslam rose his hand up and knocked on the door, waiting for a response that came a few seconds later. Blowing out a small breath, he held the doorknob and pushed the door open slowly with a Salaam. "Hello there" His lips stretched into a wide smile.

Jannah who was writing something on one of the numerous patient charts on her table looked up, her mouth hung open almost instantly at the sight of him. "Aslam!" She pushed the chart aside, getting up on her feet as gestured for him to take of the two chairs opposite her. "Come in please, sit"

Aslam chuckled lightly, as he took one of the chairs, his eyes throwing a curious look at the empty table on the other side of office. His head tilted to the side slightly, before he turned to look at Jannah who was giving him a knowing look. "Don't start with your teasing yet, Jannatu"

Jannah chuckled, as she settled on her chair. "Okay, well, I won't...yet" She offered him a small shrug, her grin widening. "I didn't know you were coming back" Despite the fact that he hasn't been in contact with Aisha, he was in contact with Jannah who kept him updated about the girl. He couldn't help it to be honest. It's not like he can completely disappear from her life.

He adhered to her father's request of staying away from her. But since he has a good relationship with her best friend, he kept contact with her though he made her promise not to tell Aisha.

"I wanted to surprise you"

"Surprise me, or your woman?"

Aslam shrugged instead of answering, but the grin on his face did speak volumes. He doesn't have to say it; the woman already knows the answer. But truth be told, he wanted to surprise her too, since she's become a good friend of his too. She reminds him of Yasmine in a way, except she's way more hyper.

"Ya haquri?" Jannah inquired, though she had already done that before.

"Haquri alhamdullilah"

"Allah jikan shi oh. Allah kuma yasa ya huta"

"Ameen ameen Jannatu, thank you"

She waved it off. "Mention not" Pushing her chair close to her table, she rested her hand on it, her fingers drumming it. "Oya now go ahead and ask, I know you're not here to just catch up with your old friend"

"You and I have nothing to catch up on now,"

She hummed, in a way that shows she doesn't believe him but she will let him go ahead with it. "I hear you"

Aslam chuckled, shaking his head. "Okay toh, where is she?"

Jannah stopped tapping her fingers, letting out a loud sigh. "Honestly dakta, I don't even know at this point"

His brows drew in, his smile morphing into a frown. "What do you mean you don't know where she is?"

"Technically, I know where she is, yeah? She's at home and she hasn't been here for a couple of days. However, I believe there's a reason for that, because that girl doesn't miss work for no reason"

The wheels in his head turned, as he blinked trying to make sense of what she said. "Didn't she tell you her reason? Maybe she decided to take a break or something?"

Jannah sighed, her frown deepening. "That's what she told me, that she's on 'break' but honestly, I'm not buying it. There's something going on, that I'm sure of"

If Aslam hadn't seen the expression on Jannah's face, then he would've believed Aisha is on a break as she claims to be. However, judging from her friend's worried expression, if she feels there's something else then there truly is. "Well, did something happen to her before then?" There's nothing that comes to his mind when he thinks of what could possibly happen to her. "Did she have a problem with someone, maybe a doctor or one of her patients?"

"No, she didn't...wait, no, there's something that was odd" She doesn't know why she didn't put it together then, perhaps it's because she didn't think much into it but now she's feeling like it must've meant something.

"What was odd?"

"She had this patient a week ago, yeah? He came in after getting in a hit and run accident--"

"Was the driver caught?" He couldn't help but ask.

She thought about it, before shaking her head. "Well, no. I don't think so"

He nodded, choosing to not say a word more as he waited for her to continue.

"Anyway, the patient died the same day I last saw her. I don't know the cause of the accident. She didn't tell me, and I don't think anyone knows too"

He blinked, his head tilting to the side slightly. "Anything else?"

"I think she met the Deputy Director that same day too"

Aslam's eyes widened, as realization dawned on him. He held back the scoff at the tip of his tongue, but he did let out a short humorless chuckle. "Oh she did?" He didn't have to think further to know much to his luck, Hisham must've done something.

That man just doesn't know where to stop.


A short one, I know. But sha, I still wanted to drop something because yall aren't getting a Friday update this week. If Allah wills, and I get the strength to write again tomorrow toh. If not we'll meet Monday, or Tuesday next week in shaa Allah.

Someone should come and take my phone away please! I'm here preparing wedding video, as if ance mun there's a wedding soon. Toh, Sannu Jannah ko.

Oh and we're nearing 10! Allriceeeee. Share share and share! Let's reach that 10k now.

Aslam knows Hisham has something to do with Aisha's disappearance. What will he do? Oho me shi sha, even I don't know rn.

Shas ha I don tire to be honest. And I have a show to catch up on so buh bye!

Love, Jannah.

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