25; Shit Got Real.

I know I'm your favorite author sha. No need to say it.

"JANNAH MIYE HAKA? What type of sick joke is this?!"

Jannah glanced at the phone she had kept on her table with a slight face scrunch. Aisha who had heard whoever the person on the other end—though she had a feeling she knows who it is by the voice—screamed winced slightly too. Is he planning to destroy their eardrums or what? "Wa alaiksaalam. Oh me, I'm fine Alhamdullilah. How have you been? It's been what? Two years?" Jannah asked, dismissing what he said as if he never said anything like that.

"Jannah banson iskanci. What is this I'm seeing?!" His enraged voice came yet again, ignoring her sarcastic remark. He honestly had no time for whatever nonsense she would pull on him at the moment. After all, she just pulled the biggest out there.

Jannah released a loud fed up sigh, not missing the questioning look Aisha gave her. Of course, the girl is wondering why the guy would look for Jannah after all the time that passed. "You know, Sadiq, this isn't how you talk to people you haven't heard from in twenty-four months" The man stopped pursuing her a while after he realized she won't ever be fooled by him again and since then, she hadn't heard a word from him till now.

"Have you started taking something, Firdausi?" He was beyond frustrated, and annoyed. Honestly, he thought the girl is out of his life but here she is, making an appearance in a way that demands attention. "Hauka kikeyi? How can you send me something this outrageous, iye?! I know I've hurt you but come on, GROW UP! It's been two years, and THIS IS HOW YOU WANT TO TAKE YOUR REVENGE? Jannah, wallahil azeem I won't allow this to happen!"

Aisha's eyes narrowed at Jannah, wondering what could be the reason the great and mighty Sadiq is acting like that. Jannah had just arrived at work, and told her that she wants to tell her something when she received a call before she could give more information. It seems as the girl knew who it is, because she answered the call with a sickly sweet smile. If Aisha didn't know any better, she would've been scared.

Actually, no. She feared for whoever was on the other end because the smile the girl has on her face showed that wicked part of her. Now that she heard Sadiq's name, she could only assume the worst.

"You know what, Sadiq, I honestly don't think you should be yelling at me like that" Jannah tsked, shaking her head though she knew the man can't see her. "And stop calling my name like that. That's Anty Jannah for you. Koh Mommy ma, I don't mind"

"Firdausi. This is utter bullshit"

"Well, shit just got real" She snapped. "Say hi to Antin tawa for me. You do realize I have things to do now, koh? I'll see you soon" She didn't wait for his answer, before she ended the call and pushed the phone aside carelessly. It was only after she did that did she realize her mistake, making her swivel her head in the direction the phone went, and luckily for her, it hadn't fallen off the table. She sighed in relief, her shoulders slumping slightly.

"Mind telling me what all that is about?" Aisha inquired, looking up from the report she was typing on her computer.

"Let's talk about that later" Jannah waved it off, rounding the table to walk towards Aisha's; taking the chair in front of her table. "Kinsan the Chairman passed away last week, ba?"

"Everyone knows that" That's the truth. The day he passed away, the news spread round the hospital and since it's been a week, there's hardly any worker there that doesn't know. So, how could she not know?

"Well, you know who he is, right?"

Aisha hummed, turning her attention back on her report. "Jamal Abd Al-Rasheed" She answered, avoiding Jannah's eyes because she knew what she would say. She was actually surprised the girl hasn't brought it up earlier. Well, with her trying to get on her good sides again, it took a while but she bribed her with food so they are all good now.

Jannah knew Aisha knows what she wants to say, nonetheless she wanted to point it out. "He's Aslam's grandfather, you know" She stated, watching her friend's expression closely to see her reaction.

Of course, Aisha told her of his identity. So, it doesn't take a genius to know the two are related even by just the last name. If that isn't enough, she had seen the deceased picture and he looks like his son, Muhammad, even though they don't look completely alike.

Aisha paused for a brief second, before she continued what she was doing. "I know" She realized that the minute she heard of the death. A part of her wondered whether this is the reason he left to begin with. She won't deny that she feels bad for him, but that doesn't mean she still forgives him. Heck, she doesn't think there's anything he'll tell that will justify the situation to her.

Jannah nodded slowly. She was hoping for more answers from her but from the short clipped one she got, she doubts she would add a thing more. "Well, have you spoken to any of them?" She is also aware that she doesn't talk to Aslam, well, according to her he hasn't reached out to her so she gets that one. But, she speaks to Yasmine apparently, since the two get along.

"I've spoken to Yasmine and Humaira" Even though she didn't exactly want to speak to the latter but she had to. It's a matter of death. It's not something she can chose to ignore.

To be honest, she hasn't spoken to the girl since she got married. Much to her, and Hajiya's dislike, they didn't have a big wedding. The Abd Al-Rasheed told them they didn't want a big wedding, considering the situation they found themselves in. But it wasn't just them, Yazid didn't want a big wedding since it's not like he likes her in the first place. Besides, he knew Humaira. She would just spread the whole thing on the web.

And she did, even though the only thing they had was the nikah. She pretty much still flaunted the wedding pics with the hashtag #becomingmrsyaziboo. It trended for a while, which was what she wanted.

Afterwards though, it's like she came down form whichever high she went to.

"Okay then" Jannah nodded, deciding to dismiss the topic. It's not like she can do a thing about it. All she can do is to sit and watch. That's all.

"Now that we're past that. Mind telling me what your call was all about?" Aisha asked, as she completed the report she was typing. Turning around to face the girl completely, she gave her undivided attention.

"Oh, yeah, that" Jannah stood up and headed to her table again. Opening her bag, she picked up a card and headed back to Aisha—handing it over to her. "I wanted you to be the first to know...but well, he found out before you"

Aisha stared at the girl skeptically, before she collected the card and opened it warily, already having a feeling she won't like what she would see. And she was right. "Jannah..." She called out slowly, "What...you...Sadiq?" She shook her head, trying to make sense of what she just read before she looked up. "Are you seriously..."

"Yup" Jannah nodded, her lips stretching into a grin. "Uban shi zan aura"


Aisha's legs were a bit cold as she strolled over to the office she was just summoned. She honestly couldn't help the way her heart was beating wildly against her ribcage and the slight shake in her hands. Deep down, she knew she did nothing wrong. But she was having a bad feeling about this whole thing for she had never done anything that would have her summoned there.

What's this about? She wondered for the nth time, as she quietly followed the man whom was sent to fetch her. She had asked him the same question, but all she got was silence. She wasn't that surprised, he doesn't seem like the friendly type with the way his lips were set into a tight line, and his eyes slightly narrowed at no one in particular.

The man stopped, turning around to look at her. "You can go in now" He stated gruffly, as he stood by the door stiffly.

She nodded, "Okay" She extended her hand out to the handle, turning it open. Muttering a small bismillah under her breath, she entered with a salaam after knocking on it. She stepped in, her eyes falling on the office that did little to justify how she imagined it to be. It was way more grandeur, and truth be told, she didn't think it would be that opulent.

It says more about the owner by the looks of it.

"Welcome, please, take a seat" The man from behind the desk offered her a smile that made chills run down her spine, and definitely not the good type. He stood up, and gestured for her to take one of the sofas amidst the room, where the guests he had usually sit to chat.

She offered him a small smile, "Thank you" She cautiously made her way towards the sofa, and took a spot on one as he rounded the table and made his way towards her, the corner of his lips tugged into a small smirk.

Who would've thought she would take the same place Aslam did when he was there the other time. Must be fate. He thought, sarcastically as he fought the urge to cackle at the thought of what he has planned for her.

Nonetheless, he didn't allow her to see his true expression and took the sofa facing her. His eyes didn't once leave hers, while she refused to stare at him in the eyes. Instead, she focused her gaze on the table in front of her, hoping to get this over and done with.

"Dr. Aisha Nasir Al-Sayed, right?" He called out, leaning back as he crossed his legs, his unwavering gaze never leaving hers.

She looked up for a brief second, her eyes still not meeting his. "Yes, sir"

He hummed, fighting the urge to show his amusement. He doesn't know why but he actually expected the woman Aslam took interest in to be well, arrogant, and cocky like him. But Aisha seems to be more on the calm and reserved side. Could that be her true color or was she feigning it? Oh well, he is about to find out. "Well, Dr. Aisha. I've been looking into your file and I've realized you've been a good doctor here..."

She waited for him to say something more. When he didn't, she looked up, her gaze meeting his. Judging from his expression, she could tell he expects her to say something so she thought of what the best response would be. "I try my best..." What was she supposed to say to the Deputy Director when he says something like that? Honestly, she never thought she would ever cross paths with him since she has nothing to do with him. At least, not directly.

"...I heard you had a new patient, last week, yeah?"

"I had a lot of patients" And that was the truth, so which patient could he be talking about?

"You had patient that came in for..." He paused, pretending to think of the condition when it was there at the tip of his tongue. "...ah, yes. Myocardial contusion?"

She recognized whom she is talking about instantly, making her nod. "Yes, he came in after getting in a car accident" The man's condition was beyond that, considering he was pretty injured after being hit by a car but the myocardial contusion—-a bruise of the heart muscle—- is one of it.

Hisham nodded slowly, his finger trailing his lower lip as his head tilted to the side slightly. "He was involved in a hit and run accident, am I right?"

"Yes..." That's what the paramedics said when they brought him. "Yes, he was"

Hisham hummed, creating unnecessary suspense as his hawk like eyes remained fixated on her. To say it made her uncomfortable will be an understatement, for she felt like he was scrutinizing her for some reason. He then paused the action of his fingers, choosing to clench the fist instead. "He was injected with a high dose of pentobarbital earlier"

Her brows drew in as she thought of his words. Pentobarbital is a short-acting barbiturate that acts as a depressant, sedative, and preanesthetic. A high dose of it though cause...

The realization had her eyes widening as she shot her eyes to meet his for the first time unwaveringly.

He nodded, as if confirming her thoughts. "Yes, Dr. Aisha. He was murdered"

What? She thought. That's impossible because no one told her of it. She is his doctor so if something that horrendous happened to her patient then why wasn't she informed of this earlier? Why does she have to be called upon by the Deputy Director himself? All sorts of questions ran in her mind as she tried to make sense of the situation.

"I'm sure you know there's a team that deals with situations like this. They find the person responsible, and make sure he, or she, gets punished accordingly because a murder cannot go freely like this"

She nodded, "Yes, yes, I understand but..." She paused, blinking rapidly as if that will clear her mind. But then something dawned on her, making her to raise her head and meet his eyes again. "Wait, you don't think---"

"It's just the two of us here, Dr. Aisha" He cut her off. "And like I said before, you've been a doctor to us but this cannot be left to go unpunished"

"What..." She blew out a breath, "What do you mean by that?"

He shrugged slightly, uncrossing his legs as he leaned forward slightly. "Tell me, Dr...." His eyes never once left hers, as his voice dropped. "Why did you kill him?"

Aisha didn't know whether she should scoff or laugh at his face. She killed him? That's the most absurd thing she has ever heard. "What the hell are you talking about?" She asked, her words coming out slowly. "I did not kill that man"

"Yes, you did" She didn't. He knew that well. But the truth is, Aslam upset him when he dares to threaten him again last week when he was in Egypt. The man even threatened him to not touch Taslim ever again—as if he'll hurt his sister badly. But well, since he can't do anything to Taslim, and since Aslam is proving to be a thorn in his life, he wanted to give him a little gift for when he returns to HGH. "We both know you did"

Aisha's fist clenched by her side, as she gritted her teeth. With eyes narrowed, and nose slightly flaring, she spat, "I did not!"

"I have evidence" He was too calm for her liking. And he way he spoke shows as if he's so sure of something she isn't.

"I don't care" She wouldn't allow herself to be framed for murder. No way. She's a doctor for Allah's sake. How can anyone think she would kill someone? "I did not kill him. I can never!"

"The CCTV footage clearly shows you visiting his room earlier today. And just fifteen minutes after you went in, he died. No one else was there before, or after you during the time he was estimated to be injected. Do you have an explanation for that?"

"Maybe the footage was tampered"

He chuckled humorlessly as he looked down for a brief second. Looking up again, he released a small sigh. "See, I'm not your enemy here. I'm trying to offer you a solution"

She said nothing, but her glare spoke volumes.

"If this case goes to the committee, I assure you there's nothing you can do to save your job and well, I wonder how you'll deal with being in court for killing someone. How would that end for your family? I know your father is a respectable man so imagine his daughter killing someone. That doesn't sound like something he can recover from"

Aisha clenched her jaw, her eyes narrowing even more if that's possible.

"The solution is simple. You can submit your resignation letter quietly leave the hospital and I promise, I'll handle the case for you. Don't get me wrong, I'm only offering you this because you've been a good doctor here for years" He parted his hands open, offering her a shrug again. "The choice is yours. Stay here and lose everything in a matter of days, or quietly leave and pretend none of this ever happened"

Aisha stared at him for a while, gauging his reaction. He truly meant every word he said, and she didn't have to think deeply to know she's screwed. The thought had her chuckling humorlessly, as she unclenched her fists. She pushed herself off the sofa, her eyes never leaving him. "Do whatever the hell you want. I have done nothing wrong so I have absolutely nothing to be scared of. The truth won't stay hidden for long so let's see what will happen then" Throwing him a small glare, she walked around the small table that separated them with the intention of storming out.

"You're right. The truth won't stay hidden forever." His words had her stopping, just as she extended her hand out to take a hold of the doorknob. He turned around in his position to stare at her, though she had her back facing him. When Hisham spoke again, his words held little amusement that will be labelled as menacing. His voice was low too, so only she could hear. "Are you sure you haven't killed anyone, Aisha Mukhtar?"

She whipped her head around to stare at him with eyes wide as saucers. She hadn't heard that name in nearly a decade for no one in her life knows it. Not her parents, not Jannah. So how the hell does he know her true name, and possibly, her past?

"You seem scared there" Hisham chuckled lightly, taunting her. "Still think I can go ahead and do whatever I want?"

She didn't have an answer at that moment for she felt her whole life crashing on her. But she definitely knew that shit got real then.


Double update? Clap for me!

Guyyyyy but what the hell?! Hisham, what do you know and what are you after? Dudeee, WTF?!😑

*Sighs* I don't think Aisha can get out of this easily.

Would she leave HGH? Or would she...bro. I don't even think there's an 'OR' in this case.

But this past of hers, what am I hearing about someone being murdered? Kai, too many questions!

And then there's Jannah, marrying Sadiq's faza. Wawu, how did this happen abeg. Wayaga su Anty Jannah😂😂. Amma Sadiq I feel for you. Wonders shall never end.

Abdallah where are you dan Allah? Your girl is doing something crazy.

Kai kuma Aslam your cousin don put Aisha for front fa. Wayyo. *sighs again*

How are you liking this book so far?

Share, share, shareee. Oh and comment obvi.

Toh, gudunit.

Love, Jannah.

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